The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 65 – Detour


They had decided to head for Zou, but there was one thing Kanata needed to do beforehand.

There was an island near Hachinosu, and that was their first destination.

They had left Hachinosu before their Log Pose could record the magnetic field, so it still held the readings for the three islands they could reach from Fishman Island.

This meant they simply had to sail along the direct route between Mystoria Island and Hachinosu until they found the island.

“It’s about time we resupplied. We should stock up on the next island,” George said.

“Agreed. We need to be prepared for anything,” Scotch replied.

George and Scotch were checking their supplies in the warehouse. It took them less than half a day to reach the island. They anchored their three ships in the harbor and disembarked onto the massive island.

Even with Kanata's Observation Haki, she couldn’t scan the entire island. The largest island she had visited was Sandy Island, where the Alabasta Kingdom was located, but this island was even larger.

Alabasta was mostly desert, but this island was warm and humid, its abundant resources likely unmatched in the Grand Line.

Kanata summoned all her crew members, including those on the accompanying ships, and made an announcement.

“The journey ahead will be even harsher. Those who boarded my ship in Sabaody Archipelago because they had no other choice are free to leave here.”

They would have to find their own way, but at least they wouldn’t be dragged into Kanata’s battles. The Big Mom Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates were specifically targeting Kanata.

Of course, there were still risks in the New World, but they wouldn’t be as dangerous as staying on her ship.

Fortunately, this island was large and populous. They wouldn’t have trouble finding work.

“Are you sure? We finally have more crew members,” George said.

“I understand the importance of support personnel, but there’s no value in increasing the number of non-combatants. I respect those who choose to stay, but I can’t guarantee their safety,” Kanata replied.

“True. If we’re going to war, we need a crew that’s ready to fight,” Scotch agreed.

It was best to have a crew with high morale. Their current ratio of combatants to non-combatants was far too unbalanced.

They had three days to decide. They hadn’t been able to resupply properly since Fishman Island, so they could make their decision by the time they finished restocking.

It was a sudden announcement, but they were essentially a group of people with nowhere to go. Some might prefer to settle down in a safe place.

“I’m going into town. As usual, stock up on food, water, and medical supplies,” Kanata instructed.

“Scotch, George, and Sukura, you’re on baggage duty. Got it.”

Dragon headed off with George, Scotch, and Sukura to discuss supplies, and Kanata decided to explore the city with Kaie and Gloriosa.

They had left Hachinosu early in the morning, but the journey had taken almost half a day. It was already late afternoon.

Exploring a new island and experiencing its culture was one of the joys of traveling.

She asked a passerby for the island’s name. “This is Rommel Kingdom, on Larken Island,” he replied.

“It’s a large island. They have a strong military presence near the harbor. It must be a powerful World Government affiliated nation,” Kanata observed.

“I’ve never seen so many people in one place. Even Sabaody Archipelago wasn’t this crowded,” Gloriosa remarked.

“It’s a testament to this country’s prosperity,” Kanata said.

Kaie, overwhelmed by the crowds, clung to Gloriosa’s side. They couldn't afford to lose her in this throng. Gloriosa picked Kaie up, keeping her close to Kanata.

The streets were bustling with people, especially near the taverns, filled with workers enjoying a drink after their shifts.

The lively atmosphere was good, but it also meant there was a higher chance of trouble. Drunken brawls were common, and several people were being dragged away by the authorities.

Kanata planned to eat dinner back on the ship, but she was browsing the street stalls, hoping to find something interesting to bring back, when she spotted an imposing figure.

He was a giant of a man, his physique rivaling that of the Giant Tribe. He had horns on his head and a dragon tattoo covering his body.

The man turned, their eyes met, and he let out a deafening roar.



A kanabo, a spiked club, swung down towards Kanata. She instinctively blocked it with an ice spear.


The clash of their Armament Haki sent shockwaves through the surrounding area, but neither of them seemed to notice.

Gloriosa and Kaie, who had been sitting near Kanata, watched in surprise.

“…Who are you?” Kanata asked.

“What?! You don’t remember me?! After you beat me to a pulp… I’ll kill you with my own hands!”

His face was flushed, and he held a gourd of sake in his free hand.

This man – he was drunk.

“Kaido?! What are you doing here… No, I guess it’s not surprising for a pirate to be anywhere…” Gloriosa was in disgust.

“You know him?”

“We met a long time ago. I’d rather not remember,” Gloriosa replied.

Kanata, sensing her reluctance, guessed what had happened.

She had heard about Gloriosa’s time in that “terrible pirate crew.”

This drunkard must have been a member of the same crew as Linlin and Octavia. He seemed like a troublemaker.

“Need a hand?”

“No, you two head back to the ship! This could get messy…”

Gloriosa stepped back after her offer for assistance was declined. It was one thing if it was just Kanata and Gloriosa, but Kaie was here too. She couldn't fight with a child present.

Gloriosa quickly left for the ship, leaving Kanata to deal with the drunkard.

“Kaido… I see, you’re Kaido of the Beasts Pirates.”

His bounty was over 800 million. Junshi and Zen wouldn't stand a chance.

She didn’t have her usual spear, but she could create weapons with her ability. The problem was the number of civilians nearby.

This wasn’t an ordinary brawl between drunkards.

It was a clash between high-bounty pirates.


Kaido swung his kanabo with a roar. Kanata blocked it, parried it, and countered with a kick to his face. He was incredibly tough, his Haki was far from ordinary.

Fighting here would endanger the civilians. She called out to a nearby man, “Is there a spacious, deserted area nearby?”

“Huh? Ah, yes… there’s a military training ground northeast of here. It’s quite large, and no one should be there at this hour,” the man replied.

“I’ll borrow it for a bit.”

Kanata confirmed the direction, then kicked Kaido in the face again.


She grabbed his horns and hurled him towards the northeast, heading towards the training ground.

Kaido crashed headfirst into the ground, but he rose with a grunt, seemingly unharmed.

They stood facing each other in the wide, empty training ground with their weapons ready.

“You’re annoying, constantly shouting ‘Octavia, Octavia’. I’ll kill you here,” Kanata declared.

“Don’t underestimate me! You’re the one who’s going to die!” Kaido roared.

Boom! Boom!

The two weapons imbued with Conqueror's Haki collided, causing the island to shake. Thunder cracked, the air rippled as their Haki collided.

Kaido swung his kanabo repeatedly, trying to crush her. Kanata deflected his attacks, landing blows on his body.

(…He’s tough. Incredibly resilient.)

Ordinary weapons wouldn’t work on him. Simple Haki-infused attacks were useless.

Kanata adjusted her strategy. She dodged his kanabo, then landed a powerful uppercut.

She froze his feet to the ground and unleashed a burst of Haki into his abdomen. Kaido’s stomach ruptured, blood gushing from the wound.

“Seems like that worked,” Kanata said.

She could only damage him with internal destruction. Perhaps he was unconsciously coating his body with Haki, or maybe it was a Devil Fruit ability… She didn’t know the details, but as long as she could damage him, it didn't matter.

Once she had inflicted internal damage, she could attack him externally as well. His exterior was simply incredibly tough.

“Don’t underestimate me! You think you can defeat me with this?!”

Kaido’s attacks intensified. Kanata, parrying his blows, prepared to attack again, but Kaido had learned his lesson.

He dodged her attacks, fighting defensively… then, as if he had grown tired of this, he transformed into a dragon.

It was larger than Feiyun’s maximum size.

The massive dragon turned towards Kanata, opening its jaws, preparing to incinerate her with a blast of fire.

“Heat Breath!”

The city was behind Kanata. Dodging carelessly would send her flying into it. Thus she created a Haki-infused ice shield to absorb Kaido’s attack.

It was powerful, but Linlin’s Heavenly Fire had been more destructive.

“Weak flames.”

The flames spread, engulfing the training ground, setting the surrounding area ablaze.

Kanata laughed as powerful Haki broiled over in her arms.

The battle intensified as their destructive powers were reshaping the landscape, neither of them yielding.


Scotch and Zen had just finished placing a large order for food and water, instructing the shop to deliver it to their ship by the next day, when they noticed the commotion. The main street was in chaos, several shops damaged.

“What’s going on? A fight?”

“It seems a bit large for a simple brawl. Even the military is involved,” Zen observed.

Soldiers were questioning people, trying to understand the situation, but the commotion showed no signs of subsiding.

Suddenly, they spotted a woman running through the crowd with a young girl in her arms. It was Gloriosa, carrying Kaie.

“Hey, Gloriosa! What’s the rush?” Scotch called out to her.

“Scotch? And Zen! Kanata was attacked by a drunken idiot… They’re fighting as they move,” Gloriosa explained, panting.

“A drunkard?”

They couldn't imagine a mere drunkard posing a threat to Kanata. Their doubts were answered when a voice shouted from the other side of the street.

“Kaido-san’s fighting?!”

“Y-Yes! He suddenly attacked someone… a beautiful woman,” a man replied.

“What?! I’d love to see that… But if he attacked her, she’s probably dead,” another man commented.

“No, she blocked his kanabo,” the first man said.


Scotch spotted a man with a similar build, similar hair, and a similar face, puffing on a cigar. He was reacting dramatically to his subordinate’s report.

Zen turned to Scotch. “…Are you… separated at birth or something?”

“No way! We’re just look-alikes!” Scotch shouted.

Suddenly, the man who looked like Scotch’s subordinate noticed them. He stared at them for a moment, then spoke.

“…Are you… Queen-sama’s brother or something?”

“No way! We’re just look-alikes!” Scotch shouted again.

He had said the exact same thing.

Maybe they were brothers after all? Zen tilted his head, but then another figure appeared – a large man with black wings.

He was dressed in black, wearing a mask, and his most striking feature was the flames engulfing his back.


“Stop messing around, you idiots. We found out who Kaido-san’s fighting – the ‘Witch’.”

“Huh?! I’m not messing around, you pervert! …So, what? The ‘Witch’?”

The man, called Queen, glanced at the wanted poster handed to him. “She’s a beauty, that’s for sure,” he commented.

What caught his attention was her bounty. Queen was shocked to see a number almost double Kaido’s.

“Whaaat?! He’s fighting her?!”

“Yes. Get ready. Her crew must be nearby,” King said.

If their captains were clashing, it was only natural for their subordinates to fight as well. It was a matter of pride for pirates.

Queen turned to Scotch, comparing him to the wanted poster to Zen who was beside him..

“It’s him!!”


King also turned, spotting Zen.

He drew his sword, charging towards Zen before Queen could react, swinging his blade. Zen blocked it with his Haki-infused spear.

Their weapons collided with a loud clang and the two of them locked blades.

“I have no grudge against you, but Kaido-san ordered me to kill you. Die…!”

“Heehin! I’ll have to refuse! You’re an unusual species… human?”

“You have no right to say that!!”

King and Zen engaged in a fierce sword fight, while Queen turned his attention to Scotch.

He was annoyed that his prey had been taken, but there were other bounty hunters. Scotch wasn’t his target, but he was a member of the enemy crew. Queen raised his Haki-infused fist, ready to strike.

Scotch couldn’t use Haki. He was in trouble. Suddenly, Gloriosa thrust Kaie into Scotch’s arms and stepped forward.

“Die, you look-alike!” Queen roared.

“I won’t let you!”

Gloriosa crossed her arms, blocking Queen’s attack with a burst of Haki.

They collided with a loud boom, both staggering back. Scotch quickly turned and shielded Kaie from the shockwaves.

Even wrapped with Haki, he could feel the impact. Kaido’s right-hand man, huh? He was incredibly strong, Gloriosa realized. Her fighting spirit, rusty from years of inactivity, was reignited. This was a good opportunity to get back in shape.

“Take Kaie to the ship! I’ll handle this guy!” Gloriosa shouted.

“Thanks! I’ll be counting on you!” Scotch yelled, rushing towards the ship with Kaie.

The Beasts Pirates were notorious for their ruthlessness. Kaido’s high bounty placed him amongst the most powerful pirates in the New World.

They needed Junshi and Dragon’s help if they were going to fight a large-scale battle against the Beasts Pirates.

Kanata wouldn’t lose, but… facing such a ferocious opponent, even Gloriosa felt a tinge of worry.

She focused on Queen, landing a kick to his side. He blocked it easily, but that was fine. As long as he wasn’t targeting Scotch.

Queen’s subordinates chased after Scotch, but he couldn't spare the attention to deal with them.

“Get out of my way, old hag…!”

“Don’t underestimate me, brat! I’m still strong!”

Unlike Zen, she didn't have a weapon, but Gloriosa was no pushover. She imbued her body with Armament Haki, standing firm against Queen’s relentless attacks. Queen, using his own ability, tried to break through her defenses.

And so, the unexpected clash between the ‘Witch’s Crew’ and the Beasts Pirates began.


The battle lasted for five days with violent clashes continuing every day.

The harbor was the most intense battleground, the port town was reduced to ruins. The Beasts Pirates, with their superior numbers, relentlessly attacked, but the ‘Witch’s Crew’, though outnumbered, defended their position with their strength and Devil Fruit abilities, eventually pushing the Beasts Pirates to the brink of annihilation.

The most anticipated clash, of course, was between Kanata and Kaido.

Kaido, a force of pure violence, sought to crush everything in his path.

Kanata, with her calm and calculated skills, aimed to dismantle him piece by piece.

The scales tipped in Kanata’s favor.

“Kaido of the Beasts… Quite a name. You were strong.”

But that was all he was. He wasn’t strong enough to defeat Kanata. He was undoubtedly a powerful pirate, but… compared to Shiki and Linlin, he was an easier opponent.

The training ground was scarred with the remnants of their clash – scorched earth, frozen wastelands. The intensity of their battle was undeniable.

Yet, Kanata remained unscathed. Or rather, the wounds she had sustained earlier had already healed.

She had been injured at the beginning of the fight, but the wounds were minor. They had healed completely while she was battling Kaido.

“But… you’re not strong enough to fight me.”

Kaido collapsed, covered in blood and one of his horns had been crushed and broken.


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