The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 57 – The Florian Triangle


Kanata felt no particular attachment to Water Seven, certainly not enough to make her departure bittersweet.

Her livelihood had always involved moving from island to island, preventing her from forming strong attachments to any one place.

The shipwright Tom had crafted a magnificent vessel, surpassing all expectations. New recruits, both those who had joined willingly and those forced into submission, swelled their ranks. They were well-equipped and well-staffed.

Their logbook was overflowing with records, and there was no reason to linger any longer.

While their departure might have seemed hasty to some, Kanata believed in seizing the moment.

Having deemed all preparations complete, she announced their departure for the following day.

"Thank you for everything, Tom," Kanata said.

“Tahahahaha! The pleasure was all mine. You gave me some good work.”

The pirates who arrived on the island were either crushed by Kanata or forced into submission, their arrogance quelled by her strength. While there had been some unavoidable incidents, it was safe to say that this had been the most peaceful period in Water Seven’s recent history.

The procurement of lumber, iron, and food had been effortless with Kanata’s support.

“Iceburg and Kokoro are grateful for building such a great ship.”

"Ngahahahaha… It’s nothing. It was a good deal for us too.”

"I built the best ship I could!" Iceburg declared pridefully.

“That’s reassuring,” Kanata smiled at the enthusiastic boy, before turning back to Tom.

“I heard the next destination is ‘Fishman Island’?”

“Aye. It’s our homeland. It’s ten thousand meters below the surface, deep under the sea. A fine place, it is. You should ask the Fishman over there about the best route. All I can tell you is… beware of the Florian Triangle.”

The Florian Triangle.

A sea shrouded in mist, where the unpredictable reigned.

It was said that over a hundred ships vanished within its depths every year. To reach Fishman Island or cross the Red Line, this treacherous sea was unavoidable.

It was easy to dismiss such tales as mere urban legends or superstitions, but… everything had a reason.

Even if some unknown creature inhabited those waters, it wouldn’t be surprising in the Grand Line.

“We’ll be careful, but… unforeseen circumstances are part of any voyage. Sometimes, it’s all down to luck, whether we live or die.”

“Tahahaha…! …! You’re a bold one! That’s the spirit a sailor needs!”

“It’s not funny, honestly…”

They had stocked the ship with ample supplies. Even if they were lost at sea, they wouldn’t starve anytime soon.

She had instructed the two pirate crews under her command to bring plenty of provisions as well. Hopefully, they had listened.

“We started with about thirty people, and now we’ve increased tenfold,” George remarked.

There were two pirate crews under Kanata’s command and three more that had joined as direct subordinates. In total, their numbers had swelled by about one hundred and fifty.

About a hundred of them would be sailing on the new ship, the ‘Sombrero’. Some of their original ships were too old and weathered to sail the Grand Line, while others had been crushed by Feiyun with a single blow.

They had no choice but to bring the remaining pirates on board the ‘Sombrero’.

Fortunately, their new ship was comparable in size to a Marine warship. It could easily accommodate eight hundred people. An extra hundred or two wouldn’t be a problem.

In fact, the extra manpower was a welcome addition.

“It was quite a hassle to operate that ship with only thirty people. It’s good to have more hands on deck.”

It would take some time for the new recruits to learn the ropes, but most of them had experience with large ships. They could operate the ‘Sombrero’ even with their original crew.

The troublesome ones had been dealt with swiftly. Those who couldn’t follow orders were left to fend for themselves. Without a ship, they were desperate enough to learn.

“I hope you reach Fishman Island safely. Ngahahahaha.”

“Kanata-san, will you come back here?” Iceburg asked.

“Hmm… We’re wanted criminals, you know. We’re always on the move. If we need a new ship, we might return.”

“Nma, I see… then I’ll work hard and improve my skills!”

Tom ruffled Iceburg’s hair, chuckling. “That’s the spirit.”

They were heading to the New World, but they had no plans to settle down. If they continued their journey, they were bound to cross paths again.

As they chatted, the preparations for departure were complete. Kanata and her crew boarded the ship.

Exchanging farewells, they set sail for Fishman Island.


The waves were calm, and the wind gentle – ideal conditions for sailing.

However, the thick fog that shrouded the sea severely limited their visibility. Worried that their new ship might run aground, Kanata had increased the number of lookouts.

“It’s a pretty thick fog… Hopefully, we won’t encounter anything strange.”


George puffed on his cigarette, a worried expression on his face, while Scotch scanned the horizon with his binoculars.

Even though it was daytime, the fog was so dense that it felt like night.

The two ships following them maintained a safe distance. They were heading to the same destination, but if they lost sight of each other, it would take time to regroup.

“Don’t you know? The Florian Triangle is infamous for swallowing dozens of ships every year. There are constant rumors of ghost ships.”

“Ghost ships… I doubt it.”

Unlike George, Scotch was skeptical about the existence of ghost ships.

While the Grand Line was a sea that defied all common sense, he believed ghosts were a bit too far-fetched. Or so he thought.

“Scotch-san! George-san! Report!”

“What is it?”

“There’s a ship, about half our size, approaching! What should we do?”

“Ah, it’s probably just some pirates.”

“Well… about that…”

The young recruit hesitated, and the two men sighed. “Just spit it out,” they said.

The recruit mumbled nervously, “It’s easier to just see for yourselves,” and started walking towards the other side of the ship.

They followed him, and their eyes widened in shock as they saw a dilapidated ship drifting towards them, barely afloat.

“That ship’s a wreck… It’s a pirate ship, though.”

“Probably lost a battle. Even if the crew was wiped out, the ship itself might remain afloat, drifting through these waters… I see, that’s how ghost ship rumors start.”

“The weather seems calm enough.”

How long had it been drifting through the misty sea? They could only imagine the battle that had led to this state.

Scotch raised his binoculars, spotting skeletons scattered across the deck–


“What is it?”

“No… No way, that’s impossible.”

Scotch rubbed his eyes, then raised his binoculars again.

George, frowning, took the binoculars from the recruit, trying to see what was causing such a reaction.

“H-Hey… That…”


They had been gradually approaching, their paths converging.

The dilapidated vessel was now close enough to see with the naked eye, its eerie appearance undeniable.

And then they heard a voice, a voice that didn’t belong in this desolate scene, echoing through the misty sea.

“Yohohoho~… ♪”

A chilling voice emanated from a wrecked, abandoned ship.

Kanata’s crew gathered while staring at the strange vessel – and then they saw him.

“A g-g-ghost ship~~!?”

A moving skeleton. Sporting an afro, for some reason.

The sheer absurdity of it left them speechless.

“H-H-How is that even possible?! A skeleton, moving?! And singing?!”

“Ah, ah, ah…”

“George, pull yourself together! Someone get Kanata!”

The crew panicked at the sight of the ghost ship. George, paralyzed by fear, was barely conscious. Scotch, slapping his own cheeks, ordered a nearby crew member to fetch Kanata.

Only Kanata could handle something this bizarre, he thought, clinging to that belief.

“Steer the ship away! We don’t know what will happen if we get closer!”

“A-Aye, sir!”

The helmsman quickly changed course, the two ships behind them following suit.

As they gradually distanced themselves, Kanata, alerted by the commotion, arrived.

“What happened?” she asked.

“A moving skeleton! Look, over there! That’s gotta be a ghost ship!”

Scotch pointed towards the skeleton, who was reaching out towards them.

He seemed to be shouting something, but the wind and waves drowned out his words.

Kanata used her Observation Haki, sensing that he wasn’t particularly strong, but… the fact that she could sense him meant he had a will, a consciousness.

She could try to communicate with him, but… the ship was already too far away.

“Wait, I recognize that pirate flag…”

She had seen it somewhere before.

Where was it…? A moving skeleton… And then it hit her.

(The Straw Hats had someone like that. This means he’s a survivor of the Rumbar Pirates.)

After speaking with Crocus at the Twin Capes, she had investigated the Rumbar Pirates, their Jolly Roger, and their captain, ‘Calico’ Yorki.

Their trail had gone cold, but… if they had perished here, it would explain the lack of information. They weren’t a particularly powerful crew, and if they were unlucky, they might have encountered the Rocks Pirates and been wiped out.

The ship was now far in the distance, but the skeleton – Brook – was looking at Kanata with a mournful expression. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment.

They couldn’t turn back. It would mean sailing through the misty sea again. Considering Crocus’s message, capturing Brook here would be the best course of action, but they had already drifted too far apart.

“…A moving skeleton. We could have captured him,” Kanata said.

“Don’t even joke about it!!”

Even George, who was barely conscious, managed to retort.


Sabaody Archipelago.

An archipelago of massive Yarukiman Mangrove trees, located near the Red Line, beyond the Florian Triangle.

It wasn’t technically an island, but rather a collection of trees. As a result, Log Poses couldn’t be used to reach it.

Since the only ways to reach the New World were to cross through Mariejois or Fishman Island, outlaws inevitably gathered here to prepare for the journey to Fishman Island.

The magnetic currents, split into seven paths at the Twin Capes, converged here once again.

Naturally, the pirates who reached this point were quite powerful. And where there were powerful pirates, there were bounty hunters.

“Everyone, especially the new recruits, be careful,” Kanata warned.

The crew nodded, except for Kuro, who was staring at the island with wide-eyed curiosity, oblivious to her words.

Bubbles rose from the ground, creating a mesmerizing, fantastical sight.

“It’s the sap from the Yarukiman Mangrove trees and the unique climate here that create the bubbles. They sell bubble-based tools and gadgets on the island, but don’t buy them. They only work here and in Fishman Island.”

“R-Right. Don’t forget.”

“That’s good to know, but… we need to coat our ships here, right? How long will it take?”

“It’s best to ask my coating specialist friend for the exact time, but… considering the size of your ships and the fact that you have three of them, I’d say you should expect a week or two.”

They had no choice but to stay on this island for that period.

They would probably secure a location and set up camp. This island was a haven for bounty hunters… and human traffickers. It was best to be cautious.

Being kidnapped would be a major hassle.

“Those who lack confidence in their strength, stick together. The rest of you, do as you please.”

It was their responsibility to take care of themselves. While there were many young, impressionable youths who joined the pirates seeking adventure, they had chosen this path of their own free will. They should be prepared for the consequences.

She needed to make this clear, or they might start causing trouble, using her name as a shield.

With over a hundred crew members, she couldn’t keep an eye on everyone.

Moreover, this was an archipelago. If something happened, it would be difficult to track them down.

“Tiger and I will go to the coating specialist. We also need to stock up on supplies…”

“We’ll handle that. Leave it to us.”

“Then I’ll leave it to Scotch. Make sure to leave a minimum number of people on the ships.”

The crew acknowledged her instructions. She trusted them to handle things in her absence, and left for the coating specialist with Tiger.


After finalizing the business deal – the coating would indeed take a little over a week – she returned to the ship, wondering what to do in the meantime.

George greeted her with a panicked expression.

“Kanata! We have a problem! It seems Kuro has been kidnapped by human traffickers!”

Kanata could only look up at the sky.



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