The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 5 – The Destination in Mind

The ship that had conducted trade with two islands returned safely to Marx Island. The return trip was uneventful, save for Junshi's training leaving a bump on Kuro's head.

Scotch calculated the trade expenditures aboard the ship, and with only the cargo as initial capital, the results indicated a successful start.

Scotch smiled, knowing George, who had remained behind on the island to watch over things, would be pleased with these results.

"I wonder about that," Junshi muttered, glancing at Kuro.

Unfortunately, Junshi's prediction proved correct.


George's face contorted as if he had seen a ghost.

Kuro cheerfully greeted him, unperturbed. "Yo! I'm Kuro. The young lady invited me to join her crew, so pleasure to meet you!"

George's gaze shifted pleadingly to Junshi, who shrugged nonchalantly. "It's the truth. I took my eye off her for a bit and she brought him from somewhere on Tija Island."

Finally, George turned to Kanata, his expression saying 'make it stop' as plainly as words could.

Kanata puffed out her chest proudly. "Kuro is also an Ability user."

"I knew it!!" George flopped over backwards in dismay. He was still the timid man as ever.

It seemed he had a bad feeling from the start. When they set sail, this strange man wasn't aboard, so when Kanata got involved, George became convinced it could only spell trouble for him.

Even Kanata was amazed at his premonition abilities.

Kuro laughed and poked at the fallen George while Junshi sighed deeply. "I had a feeling this would happen."

"Will the old man be okay? He really took a spill there."

"He's just timid. We don't often encounter Ability users outside the Grand Line, after all."

While powerful Devil Fruit users may be more common on the Grand Line, they were rarely seen elsewhere. Having two users of the exceptionally rare Logia-class abilities made this group quite unusual already.

"I see, so that's how it is."


With Kuro understanding, Junshi instructed the men to unload their trade goods into the island's warehouse. As George was incapacitated despite being the nominal leader, the well-informed Junshi naturally took charge.

Scotch remained aboard checking the unloaded cargo - a process that would still take some time.

"Looks like we have some free time now," Kanata noted.

"I've never been to this island before. Mind showing me around?" Kuro asked.

"Well, I was only here briefly myself before we were abducted for supplies," Kanata replied.

She was only familiar with the port, town, and beaches from their short stopover. Even in town, she only knew the mafia's office location, not much else.

Including the abduction, she had been on the island less than a month. So much turbulence had upended her life in such a short span, she mused distantly.

The day was still bright, the sky a brilliant blue that seemed at odds with the gloomy memories that surfaced.

"Why don't we all explore the island together then?" Junshi suggested.

"...I do like 'exploring,'" Kanata agreed.

"Of course you do. That's what 'freedom' is all about, isn't it?" Kuro laughed heartily as they began walking into town, Kanata following.

He had discovered the 'freedom' of being able to wander the open world, no longer confined to a cage.

After enduring every unjust torment imaginable on that island, he had survived. Understandably, he harbored resentment, anger, hatred toward its inhabitants.

Yet having escaped that narrow existence, he now appreciated the simple joys of an ordinary life he had been denied.

For giving him that chance, he felt gratitude and indebtedness toward Kanata - enough to want to fulfill her wishes.

"Freedom, huh?" Kanata murmured.

"Don't you have any dreams or goals yourself?" Kuro asked.

"Not particularly. This business venture itself only arose from needing money to survive."

"I see, I see. Money is necessary to live. But that feels more like an obligation than a want, doesn't it?"

Kanata regarded him quizzically. He made a fair point - money was just one means to an end when it came to survival. If pressed, she could likely find a way to live without it, though that path would put her at odds with many. As an Ability user, she would at least have options.

"...You know..."

"What, you suspect me of something?" Kuro laughed. "I didn't spend my whole life trapped in that cage, you know."

Kanata nodded in realization. Until eating a Devil Fruit, he had been an ordinary islander living a normal life. He wasn't completely ignorant of the world.

"Boredom is the worst. Not being able to do anything at all. So I want to see all kinds of places and if something fun comes up, I'll try it. Don't you have any dreams like that?"

"I..." Kanata paused, considering.

She had never contemplated wanting anything before. Never allowed herself to wish or desire. Her existence had always been treated as a commodity - beholden to nations, families, working solely for others' benefit rather than her own.

Having walked that path, if she could choose...

"...I wonder."

She had no need for honor, status or titles. Money was necessary to live, but existing just for that seemed unfulfilling. If she was truly free to live as she wished, perhaps seeking out the unknown wouldn't be so bad.

"Not something that'll come to you right away, I'd wager," Kuro noted. "But you don't seem the type concerned with power or the like."

As they neared town and passed more people, Kuro's full-body tattoos drew many stares, though he paid them no mind with an easy smile.

"For now, at least. Lack of stimulation gets dull, but a peaceful life isn't bad either. I'm of two minds, since the world rarely goes so smoothly."

"True, you could suddenly end up as a human sacrifice one day, I guess."

"Harsh example, coming from you."

"Hey, it could really happen though, right? An environment dependent on others can easily be undone by others. Has to be an environment you create yourself."

Coming from a man who had been imprisoned and tortured without cause, the words rang all too plausible.

But crafting one's own environment was difficult. Even a king could see his realm upended by foreign threats or natural disasters.

With enough money and power, most obstacles could likely be overcome, however.

"Create my own environment... Maybe I'll make my own country?"

"Ooh, now there's an idea! I'd love a place where everyone can live and laugh every day."

"A nation of laughter... Yes, I rather like that."

A land where all could live in joy and merriment - that did sound appealing. As her organization grew larger, with money, power and territory... Perhaps fashioning such a place could be possible.

Not a bad aspiration, Kanata mused. Being feared and reviled was inescapable at this point, so why not embrace it? If those became accepted norms, daily life might ironically prove easier.

"So for now, shall we work toward that ideal?"

"Yeah, why not? Aim high with your dreams."

The two shared a laugh as they continued on their way.


Five years passed in this manner.

The "George Family" led by George slowly expanded its commercial reach, becoming one of the foremost merchant powers in the West Blue.

Having upgraded from their initial small ship to a formidable galleon with armed escorts that even pirates rarely dared provoke, their cargo volumes steadily increased.

The five great families of the West Blue took notice, drawing them into black market dealings as well.

---And then, a peculiar young girl and a beast appeared in the West Blue.

This heralded the beginning of upheaval throughout the entire West Blue, whether the inhabitants were ready or not.



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