The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 46 – The Golden Lion


Passing through the peaceful scenery, they soon reached the town. From a distance, there didn't seem to be any signs of conflict, but many of the residents were injured. There were no women or children in sight, only men of working age. As they approached the town, the residents noticed them and walked towards them with weapons in hand.

"Hey, hey, who are you guys? This is one of the bases of the Golden Lion Pirates. You're not someone a small-time pirate crew should mess with."

"A base, huh? Since when have you been using it?"

"Do you think you're in a position to ask questions? We're following the orders of Boss Shiki to track down the 'Dragon-Slaying Witch'... track down..." The man's voice trailed off as he stared at Kanata's face.

It seemed the recently updated wanted poster had left a strong impression on him, as he didn't make the mistake of misidentifying her.

"Y-You! The 'Dragon-Slaying Witch'!? Why are you here!! What happened to the guys at the port!?"

"What do you mean, 'what happened'? Kuro, give them back."

"Aye aye, 'Liberation'."

The darkness emanating from Kuro's body rose into the air and began to spit out what it had swallowed.

The pirates who had been swallowed earlier were also released from the "Darkness," dumped unceremoniously, still covered in blood.

"You guys!"

"Th-The darkness... We were dragged into the darkness..."

As if they had witnessed something truly terrifying, the swallowed pirates were all trembling uncontrollably.

The townspeople gasped at their unusual state and glared at Kuro, who had used his ability without hesitation.

"A Devil Fruit user...! With a total bounty of over 2 billion Berries, it makes sense that they have several Devil Fruit users!"

"What should we do? Boss Shiki told us to inform him immediately if we found them."

"Of course we're going to contact him immediately! They're not pirates we can handle at our level...!"

They appeared to be a small crew of only about thirty people, but each of them was exceptionally strong.

They knew of other pirate crews like that, small in number but incredibly powerful.

"Are they like the Roger Pirates, a bunch of monsters...? No wonder Boss Shiki wants them under his command...!"

They could sense firsthand that even if they weren't as overwhelmingly strong as the Roger Pirates, they were still more than powerful enough for Shiki to desire them.

At the same time, they understood why Shiki had told them to "contact me" instead of capturing them if they found them.

Kanata and her crew paid no attention to the pirates' state and noticed the residents watching them with fear. She decided to make one thing clear.

"Don't harm the residents. Our target is only the pirates."


"We're not that barbaric."

"Good. Let's subdue them quickly."

Everyone readied their weapons and moved as one.

Even among the pirates based in the "New World," their strength varied greatly. These pirates, who were merely underlings, were no match for Kanata and her crew – and it didn't take long for them all to be subdued.

"Now then."

Kanata took a breather in the plaza, facing the pirates who had been defeated and tied up.

There were many things she wanted to ask, but where should she start? As she was thinking, one of the tied-up pirates roared.

"You guys, by defeating us, you've become enemies of the 'Golden Lion'. Ha, ha... You must be clueless about his power to do something so reckless."

"...How pathetic. You're going to cry to your boss after losing?"

How would the Golden Lion react if they did?

If he got angry and sought revenge for his underlings, he would be considered soft on his own people.

If he abandoned them, saying he didn't need losers who cried after losing a fight, he would be considered cold-hearted.

Kanata had never met the Golden Lion, so she could only speculate about his temperament, but judging from the rumors she had heard, it was likely the latter.

Either way, considering his underlings had been defeated, he would probably attack at least once to save face.

"In the first place, why did the Golden Lion come to 'this side' of the sea?"

"...Boss Shiki said he wanted to capture you and make you his subordinate."

Once they formed a parent-child bond, there would be no way to disobey.

The pirates had doubts about bringing so many subordinates to the first half of the Grand Line – "Paradise" – just for that reason, but their parent's orders were absolute.

The subordinate pirates were each assigned to different islands in "Paradise" to gather information.

"I see. So I've been targeted by quite the troublesome person."

"The 'Golden Lion' is a great pirate, so why does he want Kanata as his subordinate so badly?"

"We don't know the reason either. He only started making moves recently, but he's been gathering information for a while."

Even though she had surprised the world, Kanata was still just a young girl in the first half of the Grand Line. They couldn't imagine why the Golden Lion would target her and come all the way from the "New World." Considering the timing of his actions, it was unlikely he had gauged her strength.

However, if he had been interested in her since her first wanted poster, it made some sense.

"Did he like the fact that you killed a Celestial Dragon that much? But even so..."

"We were told to contact Boss Shiki if we found you. If you're curious, why don't you ask him directly?"

"...You're right. It wouldn't hurt to ask him directly."

"Hey, are you serious!? It's too early to go head-to-head with the 'Golden Lion'!"

"Kuhaha, it doesn't matter. He's targeting us. It's not in my nature to keep running away." Junshi grinned ferociously, in stark contrast to the bewildered George.

Using the Den Den Mushi they had taken from the Golden Lion's subordinate pirates, they contacted the "Golden Lion" directly.

Leaving the preparations to Scotch, Kanata entered the building that had been used as the base, along with George and the others.

As it was their base, there were several nautical charts along with supplies, each with the names of islands used as bases by different pirate crews.

Similarly, there were several Eternal Poses lined up, presumably for moving between bases.

If they wanted to throw off the Golden Lion, taking down his bases one by one could be a good strategy.

"It would be advantageous to take the initiative if we're going to oppose him... What do you think?"

"He'll definitely come after us... If we can somehow pit him against the Marines, we might be able to weaken him."

Judging from the islands they were using as bases, it seemed they weren't targeting World Government affiliated nations. Perhaps they believed it was too early to clash with the Marines and the World Government.

In terms of plundering supplies, it would be a good idea to attack the islands they were using as bases.

If they could talk to the Golden Lion and he decided to give up on pursuing them, there would be no need for that. But that was unlikely.

As George and Kanata sighed together, Scotch came to call them, saying the Den Den Mushi was ready.

When they returned to the plaza, he was already on the phone, trying to connect with the Golden Lion.

Soon, a clear voice could be heard.

"...It's me."

"Are you the Golden Lion?"

"Yeah... You're the 'Witch', huh? It seems you took down my crew. You've got guts to contact me directly."

"I heard you were after me. I was wondering why, since I have no idea why you would target me."

"What? ...Hmm. But your face is the spitting image of your mother. You can't be someone else."

"My mother again," Kanata sighed inwardly. Just like with Kureha, it seemed her mother was quite well-known. And she seemed to have made enemies in various places.

"...So, what does my mother have to do with me? Don't tell me you're claiming to be my father?"

"As if──Octavia is one of the few individuals whose strength I acknowledge. If you're her daughter, then you have potential."

"In other words, you're scouting for talent. You're quite impatient, considering I haven't even reached the 'New World' yet."

"Jihahahaha! Octavia has made enemies in various places! I thought it would be interesting to secure you before someone else kills you."

For example, the Golden Lion mentioned one name.

"Charlotte Linlin. She's currently waiting for you at the Sabaody Archipelago. Considering she's waiting at a place you have to pass through to get to Fishman Island, she seems serious."

"Sabaody Archipelago?"

Tiger said, "It's an archipelago near the Red Line. To get to Fishman Island, you need to have your ship coated there."

"That's right. It seems you have someone who knows the details." Said Golden Lion.

Tiger explained to Kanata, who didn't know about coating, "They cover the ship in bubbles. It allows the ship to travel underwater."

"Is it absolutely necessary to go there?"

"The only other route besides Fishman Island is through Mary Geoise, the Holy Land. It costs a lot of money, and you have to abandon your ship. Besides, you wouldn't be granted permission."

Tiger, who was from Fishman Island and had traveled to various places, was knowledgeable about that area.

The Sabaody Archipelago was a place where Fishmen and Merfolk were often captured and turned into slaves, so it wasn't a place they could approach easily. However, with Tiger's strength, it was probably possible for him to procure a ship and other necessities.

Regardless of Tiger, Kanata and her crew needed to have their ship coated to get to Fishman Island.

In the first place, their goal was to take Tiger to Fishman Island, so they had no choice but to head there.

"So our route is limited..."

"But I have another route." Shiki was a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit user who had eaten the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.

With his ability to levitate anything he touched, he could travel between the "New World" and "Paradise" by passing over Mary Geoise without going through Fishman Island.

Shiki said that if she became his subordinate right now, he would safely transport them to the "New World."

"I have no intention of becoming your subordinate. No matter the reason, if there's an enemy in my way, I'll crush them."

"Jihahahaha!! Your strong will is just like your mother's. Do you have the strength to back up your big talk?"

"Who knows. If 'Big Mom' is stronger than Zephyr and Sengoku, that's a different story, but otherwise, I can handle anything."

"──Oh? You've got guts, I'll give you that."

Kanata could tell that Shiki was grinning through the Den Den Mushi.

The man, likened to a lion, revealed his ferocious nature.

"You're her daughter. Ah, I had a feeling you would be strong. If you won't become my subordinate – I guess it would be better to kill you."

"It's the same no matter who comes. I'll crush anyone who stands in my way."

That's how it had always been. She had fought against Celestial Dragons and Marine Admirals if they opposed her. Even if her next opponent was a great pirate, Kanata wouldn't back down.

"You've got spirit. Wash your neck and wait – I'll come kill you soon."

Click, the call ended.

George once again placed a hand on his forehead, trying to endure a headache, while Scotch turned away, as if to say "I'm done with this."

In contrast, Junshi grinned ferociously, and Kuro was still smiling as if he had nothing on his mind.

"Well, that's how it is. After the Marine Admiral, now the 'Golden Lion' and 'Big Mom' are our enemies."

"You... never mind. I knew you were like that."

"Let's take care of these guys first, then prepare to set sail. We'll discuss the details with everyone once we're back on the ship."

There was no reason to keep the pirates alive any longer. They had taken all their supplies and funds, so they might as well take their lives as well. Especially since they were underlings of their enemy.

"We'll take down the Golden Lion's bases one by one. It would be a pain if he gathered a large force."


Later, after returning to the ship, Kanata was called by Dragon and they were alone in her private quarters. He said it was an important matter, so they had taken precautions to ensure no one else could hear them.

"...So, what do you need?"

"It's about our next destination. Is it alright if we go to one of the islands currently used as a base by the Golden Lion?"

"Yeah. We have an Eternal Pose. We'll head to Banaro Island first, since it's close by."

After saying that much, Dragon hesitated for a moment, then spoke as if he had made up his mind. "There's someone I want you to meet."

"...Someone you want me to meet? Who?"

"Marine Vice Admiral Garp – and the Celestial Dragon he's escorting."


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