The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 42 – The Last One Standing



The shockwave from the massive explosion sent Samuel tumbling head over heels. Ivankov, who had also been caught off guard with his face still enlarged, ended up face-planting into the snow blown up by the blast.

"Ugh! Wh-What the heck just happened!?"

Confused and disoriented, Ivankov waited for the blast wave to subside. Samuel, having clung to a nearby tree to weather the storm, pulled Ivankov up, wincing at the ringing in his ears.

"That wasn't a normal cannonball. An invisible one? But we don't have anyone on our ship with the power to turn things invisible..."

"...Maybe it wasn't the cannonball that was turned invisible, but the cannonball itself was invisible to begin with?"

Judging from Lonz and Saul's reactions just moments ago, Ivankov's assessment seemed likely. And if there was anyone on their side capable of creating such a massive explosion, they could only think of one person.

"Could it be... David?"

"Probably. But he was knocked out by Sengoku. Did someone wake him up?"

"Ah, that makes sense."

In this dire situation, they couldn't afford to let anyone just sleep it off. If that was the case, then the recent explosion had to be David's doing.

"That explosion was way bigger than the previous cannonballs, though... Vanata, any idea how he did it?"

"No way. I didn't even know he could create an explosion that big."

The thought of David causing such a massive explosion on Little Garden sent shivers down their spines. However, considering his comrades had been nearby back then, they reconsidered. It wouldn't have been possible.

Still, they wished he had mentioned his ability to create an explosion powerful enough to send giants flying.

As the snow dust settled, they could see their surroundings more clearly.

The two fallen giants and the exposed ground where the snow had been blown away came into view.

"Did he... take them down?"

"Don't let your guard down, Jaguar boy. You know how tough those two are."

Those two had remained unfazed despite their relentless attacks. It was best not to assume they were defeated so easily. The title of Vice Admiral wasn't just for show.

"...A-Ah, that surprised me..."

"Ugh... Even for me, taking an explosion that big head-on is rough..."

"No way... They're still getting up after that bombing...?" Samuel was stunned seeing both giants rising.

"But this is our chance. Give me a moment." Ivankov watched Saul and Lonz slowly rise to their feet before disappearing somewhere.

Even if Ivankov was buying time, Samuel alone couldn't handle two giant Vice Admirals. "What am I supposed to do..." he muttered as he scanned his surroundings and noticed something stuck in the snow.

His eyes were drawn to the unnatural sight, and he rubbed them, looking again.


He immediately rushed over, grabbed David's legs, and pulled him out of the snow.

David, pulled out with a pop, was blue in the face from lack of oxygen but gave a thumbs up and said, "Mission... complete..." before collapsing.


As Samuel cradled the limp David, who was bleeding from his nose, Saul and Lonz turned their attention towards him.

"...So it was you!"

"You little punk, you're gonna pay!!"


Samuel and David both scrambled to avoid the thrown rocks. They slid headfirst on the snow, crashing into the rocks and raising large bumps on their heads as they stood up.

"What are we supposed to do about that!?"

"What do you mean what are we supposed to do!? Even my suicide attack didn't take them down, so what else can we do!?"

"I don't know, but there's gotta be some way to attack them! My claws can't even scratch them!"

Due to the size difference, Samuel's claws were practically useless. They might have caused some bleeding, but they were taking more damage.

Having David do the same thing again wouldn't work either. Now that they had seen it once, they would be able to react more easily.

They had to find another way.

"How did they do it when they fought Feiyun...?"

"They have a significant size difference too, but as Vice Admirals, they must have some tricks up their sleeves."

They would love to ask for advice, but there was no guarantee they could replicate it.

David drew the pistol from his waist and fired a few shots at Saul, even though it was probably futile. The bullets exploded on impact, but it seemed like they weren't very effective against someone of his size.

"How are you doing that?"

"My breath explodes. So if I blow into the barrel like this..." He blew into the barrel and pulled the trigger again, aiming at Saul.


The bullet exploded on impact, leaving a small wound.

"...I see. That thing earlier was a bigger version of that?"

"Yes, I used it as a cannonball."

The strength of an ability was proportional to the strength of the user. Since David himself wasn't that strong, even with a powerful ability, its impact was limited.

Still, the recent explosion seemed to have had some effect, as Saul and Lonz were staggering.

"By the way, where did Ivankov go?"

"Who knows? He just told us to buy him some time and disappeared."

They had no idea how much time they needed to buy, but they were doing their best to follow his instructions. As they braced themselves to attract attention, they saw another giant rise to their feet.

Ivankov was riding on her shoulder.


"...Come on, I don't have the energy to fight her again..."

"She's standing up after taking so much damage, she's pretty tough..."

Feiyun's body was covered in burns from the cannon fire, as well as bruises and lacerations from Saul and Lonz's attacks.

She had managed to hold her own against the two Vice Admirals due to her size alone, but the difference in their fundamental strength was significant.


"Big girl, I hate to say it, but if you fall again, you won't be getting up. 'Emporio Tension Hormones' are just a powerful drug that tricks your body. They don't actually erase pain or fatigue."

"...Yes. I won't lose again!"

Ivankov jumped down from Feiyun's shoulder and took a detour to reach Samuel and David.

Feiyun transformed back into her gigantic form, towering over Saul and Lonz as she prepared for a rematch.

This time, she wasn't facing two Vice Admirals alone.

They were four against two.


Back on Little Garden, Dorry and Brogy had demonstrated a single technique just once.

The Elbaf Spear, a technique of the giants, was said to pierce through anything. It required the immense size and strength of a giant, but with enough power, it wasn't impossible for a human to use it.

The spearhead pulled back, like drawing a bowstring taut. Kanata channeled her Haki with even greater intensity, taking her time to aim.


"Aye aye! Here we go – Black Vortex!"

Sengoku, who had been fighting Dragon, was pulled slightly into the air by Kuro's power, drawn straight towards him.

There was only one chance. If they didn't take him down with this attack, even Dragon wouldn't be able to hold him back much longer.

"Behold the spear of the giants – 'Kokoku'!!"

Even Sengoku couldn't avoid death if he took this attack head-on.

Sensing this, he shifted his body mid-air, trying to dodge. With Geppo, he could move freely even without solid footing.


"Too eager."

That would only work if he could outmaneuver Kanata's Observation Haki.

The slash, tearing through the ice platform, carved into Sengoku's side, causing him to bleed profusely.


But he wasn't the type to give up so easily.

Despite taking significant damage mid-air, his momentum towards Kuro remained unchanged. Taking advantage of this, he launched a shockwave from his palm, aiming to finish off Kanata.

Kanata, with a single exhale, raised her spear and sliced through the attack vertically.

"I'll take that heart of yours."

With the momentum from the upward swing, she spun once and then thrust upwards again – this time aiming for Sengoku's heart.

The spear, blackened with Haki, flew towards Sengoku, intent on piercing his heart. Sengoku, at the last moment, reverted to his human form to avoid a fatal blow, the spear grazing his left arm instead.

And then –

"──Don't forget about me."

As Sengoku was pulled closer, Dragon caught up from behind and grabbed the spear Kanata had thrown mid-air.

Simultaneously, Kanata leaped towards Sengoku, creating a pincer attack.

There was no escape.

This was their final, and greatest, opportunity.

"This is the end──!!"

"Finish him──!!"

Sengoku, struck by powerful blows from both front and back, finally lost consciousness.


Thunder roared.

With every movement, every swing of his spear, red lightning followed.

Zephyr, realizing that Zen's power had increased significantly since their previous clash, concluded that he must be a Devil Fruit user.

"So you were holding back before!?"

"Not at all! I always fight with all my might, neigh!"

If he wasn't holding back, then this power-up must have some kind of condition. A power boost strong enough to fight Zephyr head-on was a nightmare, but the rate of exhaustion seemed to be even greater. His claim of always fighting at full strength might not be entirely wrong.

Zen's pumped-up muscles were strong enough to clash with Zephyr without yielding, and the trailing lightning made the fight even more difficult.



Neither of them gave an inch as their spear and fist clashed repeatedly, the intensity of the battle increasing with each exchange. The air filled with the unpleasant smell of burning flesh as Zen's lightning scorched Zephyr's body.

The pain was bearable, but if he were paralyzed even for a moment, he would be pummeled relentlessly.

"A lightning Devil Fruit user, how troublesome!"

"Unfortunately, I'm not a Devil Fruit user!"


Zephyr was surprised to learn that Zen, who seemed to possess the power of the Goro Goro no Mi, one of the strongest Logia-type Devil Fruits, wasn't actually a Devil Fruit user. He then quickly accepted this as fact.

"This power is something our entire tribe can use. It's different from the power of Devil Fruits!"

"The entire tribe can use this kind of power... that's quite a threat in itself."

"We are a warrior tribe, from the youngest child to the oldest elder, we are all capable of fighting. Don't underestimate us."

The Mink tribe was a rare sight to begin with. Zephyr's surprise was understandable.

"I wouldn't dare underestimate you. But to think the 'Witch' had connections with such a rare tribe..."

"It's a long story."

They continued their fierce battle, spear and fist clashing relentlessly.

And nearby – Sengoku finally fell.

Yet, Zephyr remained unfazed.

"──Your comrade is down, yet you show no sign of distress."

"He and I have known each other for a long time. We've fought together, stepping over the bodies of fallen comrades."

Even the most trusted allies would eventually fall. That was the "resolve" he carried as a Marine. He might feel anger or regret, but he wouldn't let it shake his resolve.


"...This isn't looking good."

Kanata and Dragon were battered, but Zephyr was also exhausted. Kuro, with his unknown ability, seemed unharmed.

Tiger, the Fishman who had been fighting earlier, was now lurking beneath the surface, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Two of the four warships had sunk, and overall, the situation was extremely disadvantageous for Zephyr.

He pushed Zen back, creating some distance.

As the battle reached a stalemate, Kanata spoke.

"Take Sengoku and leave, Zephyr."


"I said leave. I'll fight if you pursue us, but is there any point in fighting to the death with those injuries?"

Sengoku's side had been deeply gouged. If he didn't receive treatment soon, it could be fatal.

For Kanata, who was being pursued, letting him go would be disadvantageous, yet she casually tossed Sengoku towards Zephyr.

Even for the injured, she showed no mercy.

"I'm tired too. Have your Marines retreat as well."

"...What if I said I would fight you to the death?"

"Then I'll gladly take your head. But I value order. I don't want to see more pirates emerge because you're dead."

It was true that more pirates would benefit Kanata and her crew in many ways. However, the weakening of a force that could suppress the movements of the great pirates in the New World wasn't something they could ignore.

"If you chase me, I'll fight you again. And next time, I'll defeat you one-on-one."

"...I see. But I won't be pursuing you for a while. If things don't work out here, I have to deal with the 'Golden Lion' next."

"That's good to hear. I'll be glad to avoid seeing your face for a while." Kanata smiled confidently.

Zephyr hesitated for a moment but eventually decided that he couldn't break through their defenses. He used his Den Den Mushi to order a retreat.

"I will capture you, mark my words... The 'Golden Lion' is currently based in Water Seven. If you don't want to get involved, stay away." With those words, Zephyr returned to his warship. That was his way of telling her to stay alive until he could capture her.

Kanata let out a sigh and shrugged. Dragon, observing her, also exhaled in exasperation.

"...You were bluffing, weren't you? You're at your limit."

"You saw through me. To be honest, I can barely stand."

If they had continued fighting, it was unclear who would have emerged victorious. Her casual threat to take Zephyr's head was just bravado. In their current state, defeat was a real possibility.

Even after defeating Sengoku, the situation hadn't improved. Kanata had exhausted her Haki, Dragon was severely depleted, and Kuro would likely be taken down in one hit if he engaged in close combat.

Tiger, who was now underwater, wouldn't be much help either.

If someone on their side were to die, letting Sengoku go would be the better option.

The ice beneath their feet cracked, and Tiger emerged from the sea.

"Is it over?"

"Yeah, let's head back to the ship. I'm too tired to walk. Dragon, lend me a shoulder."

"Hmm? Ah." Dragon scooped Kanata up in his arms, holding her in a princess carry.

"...I said lend me a shoulder."

"With the difference in our sizes, it would be more tiring for me to lend you a shoulder. This is easier for you too."

"That's true, but... never mind. Do as you please."

Realizing it was pointless to argue, Kanata resigned herself to being carried by Dragon. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Zen reverted from his Sulong form, also staggering as he returned to the ship.

They walked across the ice platform, watching the warships disappear over the horizon.

Tiger carried Kuro, and Dragon carried Kanata as they jumped onto the ship.

Every crew member was battered and exhausted, but no one had died.

In Dragon's arms, Kanata looked at her crewmates and raised her fist.

"──We won this fight!"

Despite their fatigue, everyone cheered loudly.

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