The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 40 – Beyond the Twilight


The giant girl crumbled.

Zen was the most shaken by the sight of her collapsing, her body riddled with burns and bleeding profusely. He had been like a parent to Feiyun, traveling together until they joined Kanata's crew. Even with his resilient spirit as a warrior, he couldn't help but be disturbed by her defeat.


He was about to rush to her aid but then glared at the Marine Admiral before him.

Zephyr, sensing his momentary lapse in concentration, seized the opportunity and slammed his fist into Zen's face.


Caught between the ice platform and Zephyr's fist, Zen coughed up blood as his body absorbed the impact.

"Caring for your comrades is admirable, but you're still naive."

Observation Haki required a calm mind to activate.

Distractions and emotional turmoil made it impossible to predict an opponent's movements. And against a superior foe, such a lapse in focus inevitably led to this outcome.

Zen's Armament Haki was exceptionally strong, but it wasn't enough to surpass Zephyr's.


"You have the luxury to look away!?"

Kanata's attention momentarily shifted towards the fallen Zen. Sengoku, noticing this fleeting distraction, swung his massive fist down, forcing Kanata to her knees as she blocked the blow.

Her Observation Haki hadn't been completely disrupted, so she avoided a fatal injury, but Sengoku's full-powered punch was heavy.

The worst part was that with Zen down, Kanata now had to face both Sengoku and Zephyr.

"She's faltering –"

Ignoring the unconscious Zen, Zephyr turned his gaze towards Kanata.

Fighting Sengoku alone was already a challenge, but adding Zephyr to the mix made victory seem near impossible.

Even so, "As long as I don't fall, we haven't lost yet...!"

"Let's see how long you can keep up that bravado. I don't underestimate you. I'm going to crush you with everything I've got –!"

Kanata evaded Sengoku's fist and deflected Zephyr's oncoming punch with a kick. She slipped into close range, delivering an elbow strike to Zephyr's abdomen as she stepped in, sending him flying.

While Kanata's preferred fighting range was wider due to her spear, she was no slouch in close-quarters combat. Trained under the philosophy that "the spear is an extension of one's limbs," she was more than capable of fighting with her bare hands.

Besides, Zephyr wasn't unscathed. The damage inflicted by Zen was taking its toll.

"Even two against one, you won't break me so easily... The moment you show an opening, I'll snap your neck," shouted Kanata.

"...You're a terrifying woman," Zyphyr remarked.

"Indeed... We have to finish you here, otherwise you'll become a major threat in the future." Sengoku became more serious.

Even if she wasn't a significant problem now, there was no guarantee she wouldn't harm civilians in the future. Her current strength alone posed a considerable threat. Therefore, they couldn't afford to hold back.

Both Sengoku and Zephyr knew that a prolonged battle was disadvantageous for Kanata. They would steadily chip away at her strength, like a boa constrictor slowly suffocating its prey.

(Will my strength give out first, or will reinforcements arrive...? I can't count on the latter.)

There was no one else who could fight Sengoku and Zephyr head-on.

Zen was already unconscious, and Junshi was busy defending the ship. They couldn't rely on Dragon and Tiger, who were guests.

Kanata had to overcome this challenge alone. She had to face these monsters by herself.

──Who initiated the exchange was unclear.

Three figures intersected almost simultaneously, and the ice platform groaned under the impact.

By the time he realized things were going south, it was already too late.

As Dragon fought his way through a horde of Commanders and Captains, he used Feiyun and Kanata as distractions to create an opportunity to approach Ivankov.

"Iva! I'm going to assist Kanata. You go help Feiyun!"

"Got it, chable! But Dragon, is it okay for Vanata to attract so much attention here?"

"It's too late for that. Besides, isn't it our duty as comrades to help each other when they're in danger?"

"Fufu, you're right! I wish you luck!"

"You too, be careful."

Ivankov disembarked and ran towards Feiyun along the island's coast.

Dragon descended onto the ice platform created by Kanata and headed towards her.

"I would like to go as well, but..."

"I'll be your opponent. The other Captains are no match for me."

A handsome man with silver hair and glasses stood before Junshi, a sword in his hand. Several daggers hung from his belt, and Junshi raised his spear, wary of him. His Haki was on a different level compared to the other officers, so Junshi judged him to be the most dangerous among them. And that judgment was spot on.

"Our battle formations are complete. Come."

"Then allow me to make the first move – Ha!"

Berg effortlessly dodged a series of rapid thrusts and closed the distance with Junshi, seemingly unaffected by the difference in their weapon's reach. His Haki was formidable, but more importantly, his raw strength was immense.

Junshi blocked a sword strike with his spear, but the force pushed him back several meters.

"What strength... And he's just a Captain...!"

"In the Marines, promotions aren't always based on age or other factors. Even against an Admiral, I have no intention of losing."

"That's quite a confident statement."

But it was likely true. He was able to fight on equal footing with Junshi, who had managed to hold his own against an Admiral defensively.

Berg still seemed to have some leeway, reminding Junshi that underestimating him would lead to defeat.

The situation was dire. With Feiyun down, the two giant Marines who had been fighting her would likely head their way.

(Ivankov is currently with Feiyun, but... I doubt he can handle them alone. If only we had one more person...)

Zen was also unconscious, and Dragon had gone to assist Kanata. With their forces divided to defend the ship, they had no one to spare. Samuel was likely on his way, but it was doubtful he would be much help. Moreover, they were surrounded, with no escape route. They didn't even know how long they would have to fight before this ended.

Even though they had declared they wouldn't back down against Zephyr and Sengoku, they didn't actually believe they could win. They had to find a way to escape.

"Lost in thought? That's a fatal mistake when facing me." Berg tossed several daggers into the air, then struck their hilts as they fell, sending them flying towards Junshi.

Junshi blocked and dodged the daggers while creating distance, then parried Berg's incoming slash. "Ku...!! I don't even have time to think!"

He could feel the pressure closing in. He had to turn the tide somehow, or defeat was inevitable.

Feiyun's gigantification wore off, shrinking her back to the size of a normal giant. Her body was covered in burns from cannon fire, and she had bruises and lacerations from Saul and Lonz's attacks.

She had managed to hold her own against the two Vice Admirals due to her size alone, but the difference in their fundamental strength was significant.


"This is the first time I've had to look up at someone," remarked Feiyun.

"Indeed. The sea is vast." They took a breather, relatively unscathed, before the fallen Feiyun.

She was still conscious but severely injured and unable to move. However, she was a significant threat if she were to recover, so they needed to prepare Seastone handcuffs. Since both of them were still needed to restrain her, they remained there.

"Do you have Seastone?"

"It's on the ship. I've sent my subordinates to fetch it."

"I see. We've taken down the 'Giant Shadow.' Now... the 'Witch' is being handled by Admiral Zephyr and Vice Admiral Sengoku. Let's head towards the ship."

"Aye... that sounds good."

They judged that with the addition of the two giant Vice Admirals, they could defeat their current opponents. As they looked towards Kanata's ship, a gigantic face appeared in their view.


"What the...?"

"Nn~ GANMEN Residual Spectrum!!!" Ivankov leaped into the air, moving his face at high speed, creating afterimages. His wide-open eyes locked onto Lonz.

"Galaxy Wink!!"

A barrage of shockwaves, generated by rapid blinking, bombarded Lonz, who was caught off guard and sent flying.

Ivankov then turned his attention to Saul, unleashing another powerful blink with his enlarged face.

Saul, unfazed, glared back at Ivankov. "'Witch's' crew member, huh? You seem pretty strong, but I can't hold back."

"Nn~ Fufufu. There's no need for that! Vatashee isn't here to play around either, nashhible!!"

However, Ivankov wasn't reckless enough to think he could defeat two giant Vice Admirals. His goal was to create an opening and get close to Feiyun so he could use his "Horm-Horm Fruit" powers to revive her.

It might be a bit of a gamble, but it was better than getting captured and thrown into Impel Down.

As if sensing his intentions, Saul positioned himself between Ivankov and Feiyun.

Lonz, who had been sent flying, also stood up, dusting off his clothes and readjusting his iron mask as he gripped his axe.

"That hurt. But it won't work twice."

These two weren't arrogant or careless. They were fatigued, and they understood the risks of facing those under the command of the "Witch" whom even Zephyr was wary of.

Saul took a stance and was about to step towards Ivankov when Samuel suddenly leaped at him from the side, attempting to bite him. Saul instinctively blocked the attack with his arm.


"This one's... a Devil Fruit user, huh."

Samuel's fangs were sharp enough to pierce the thick skin of a giant, but the size difference was simply too great. Saul brushed him off like a pesky insect and swung his fist down.


Samuel narrowly dodged, rolling across the ground before transforming into his beast-human hybrid form next to Ivankov.

Ivankov, without turning to look at Samuel, spoke to him. "Vanata, how much can you do?"

"I'm at full stamina. But as for winning..."

"Vatashee too. But we have a chance. Can you help me get close to that girl?"

"Feiyun? Leave it to me!" Before Ivankov could explain further, Samuel charged towards Saul.

Ivankov, with a pained expression, followed suit, standing before the axe-wielding Lonz.


The heavens split open, the ice platform cracked, and amidst the freezing air, Kanata fought against Zephyr and Sengoku. She had been able to hold her own against Sengoku alone, but with Zephyr joining the fray, it was inevitable that she would be overwhelmed.

Although she avoided direct hits, her body was groaning under the relentless assault of the two powerhouses, each blow inflicting damage.

"Hah... Hah...!"

The sun began to set. Her limit was approaching, her Haki reserves nearly depleted from overuse.

Zen had been unconscious for some time now, showing no signs of waking up. Even with all her options exhausted, Kanata's eyes remained defiant. Sengoku, refusing to let his guard down, prepared to deliver the final blow, swinging his fist with all his might.

──At that very moment,

"Dragon Claw Fist – Dragon's Breath!"

A thunderous roar echoed as Sengoku's fist was stopped. Standing before Kanata, blocking the attack, was none other than Dragon.

"Are you alright, Kanata?"

"Somehow... but I didn't expect you to come to my rescue."

"This is the best way to earn your trust, isn't it? Sharing meals, sailing together, fighting side by side – these experiences can reveal a lot about a person."

"...Fufu, you're right."

Although Dragon's gaze remained fixed on Sengoku, he sensed Kanata's smile. Her body was so exhausted from overexerting her Haki that she could barely move, but she couldn't afford to retreat.

Zephyr appeared from the side, his fist aimed at Kanata. Just before it connected, someone emerged from beneath the ice.

"──I'm here too!" Tiger, who had traveled through the water, intercepted Zephyr's punch head-on.

Dragon and Tiger stood before Sengoku and Zephyr, protecting Kanata.

"How long until your Haki recovers?"

"...About thirty minutes to regain enough to fight those two, at least. But can you do it?"

"We can handle that much. Right, Tiger?"

"Yeah. We're not completely helpless, you know."

Dragon and Tiger, who seemed to have bonded during their time on the ship, grinned at each other. They didn't know if they could win, but they still had some cards left to play.

Therefore – there was no reason to give up.

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