The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 1 – The First Things to Do

(I wiped out the crew of kidnappers entirely. While people like them may serve some necessary evil purpose in certain cases, for a young girl like me they were indisputably evil. I froze them into shattered pieces and took all their belongings. Some may have even been wanted criminals, but that was inconsequential at this point.)


(I had killed people. Well, what's done is done. At least there wasn't the stench of blood since I shattered them while frozen solid - small mercies.)

(Although I had decimated them, I couldn't rule out the possibility of survivors hiding somewhere.)

Considering this, the loli girl decided to search the cabins thoroughly. If she was going to do this, she would be thorough about it.

Since she had the opportunity, she thought to take the whole ship for herself, first searching for the captain's quarters. Given the nature of their work, they were likely already being monitored by—no, the Navy probably wouldn't get involved without an exceptional reason.

The Celestial Dragons were the highest authority in this world. Providing them slaves meant the World Government and Navy would look the other way unless there were extenuating circumstances.

What a crappy world. Carelessly joining the Navy could get me noticed by those Celestial Dragon scumbags, where I'd be outmatched. I'd rather live a quiet life somewhere, the girl grumbled to herself as she continued searching.


In what seemed to be the captain's quarters, she discovered a list of slaves as well as what was likely a ship's log.

Of course, there were other potential slaves aboard this vessel besides her.

She couldn't tell before since they were kept separately, but there were around 20 others in total it seemed. Mostly women, for obvious purposes, while the men were for labor.

Setting the log aside to review later, she decided to first check on the other captives and began walking.

After finding the slaves segregated into two large rooms - 14 women in one, 6 men in another - she easily unlocked the doors by trying random keys she had already collected.

"...A-Are you...?"

A woman spoke up timidly, questioning the unexpected arrival.

The girl could understand her trepidation. With her appearance, she didn't exactly look like she belonged on a slave trading ship. If seen by Celestial Dragons, she might be the one made a slave instead.

Considering the woman's question briefly, the girl made a decision.

(Well, I was abandoned on that island too. Might as well discard the name someone else gave me...)

She had no desire to cling to such loathsome connections anymore. She wasn't the sentimental type.

And to avoid being looked down on as just a little girl, her manner of speech needed an edge too.

"I'm Kanata. I've taken control of this ship. I'll decide the details tomorrow, but for now, you should all obediently get some rest."

Even coming from a loli like her, she brushed off how unbelievable it sounded. At this stage, breaking the shackles and chains could endanger her, so she left those but shattered her own collar at least.

She repeated this process two more times, returning to the captain's quarters. It was a small enough ship that it didn't take long.

Right, she exhaled wearily.

What to do from here? To operate the ship, she would need a navigator and crew to follow their sailing directions. The existing captives might cooperate as crew if ordered, but there was no guarantee those seized as slaves could handle such work. And carelessly freeing the men risked potential retaliation, which would be troublesome.

Gathering trustworthy allies was no simple task. Perhaps she should hire mercenaries? But could they truly be trusted either? Her head was spinning at the considerations.

"...This is quite the predicament."

She collapsed onto the bed in the corner of the captain's quarters, slightly musty but she couldn't be picky.

Maybe she should just sell the whole ship and use the money to find passage elsewhere, wandering free as she pleased.

She had no intention of returning to that island. Going back to where she was essentially sold out wouldn't change anything.

Drifting aimlessly could be an appealing alternative. But as she realized she lacked the connections to even sell the ship, she sighed and opened the ship's log - hoping to glean some insight into her own journey from the crew's travels until now.

After thoroughly reading through the log, Kanata closed it with a thump.

Lost in her reading on the bed, she had let night fall without realizing. Since she had slept during the day after eating, she felt no drowsiness now. Best to think through what she could in the meantime.

From the log, she learned that this crew had come from the Grand Line down to the West Blue to gather slaves. They planned to transport Kanata and the others up to the Red Line and the Holy Land of Mariejois to auction them off.

More specifically, to the auction house on the Sabaody Archipelago, it seemed. The Hie Hie no Mi Kanata had eaten was apparently genuine and meant to be sold off too, but they carelessly left it out, skeptical if it was the real thing.

In the end, that oversight changed Kanata's fate, so she couldn't really complain about her luck.

That aside...

"None of this is any real help..." she muttered.

Obviously if she tried the same thing, one wrong step could catch the Navy's attention. And dealing in slaves wasn't exactly appealing for Kanata either. Yet she couldn't picture outright asking the Navy for protection and fully trusting them.

Truthfully, her experience in this world so far gave her no reason to trust anyone. She decided against using the would-be slaves as hired hands.

But that just left her back at square one, stewing over her situation until sunrise while slightly sleep-deprived. She gathered everyone up on the deck; the others seemed to have been up talking all night too, with bags under their eyes.

"—Now then, let me hear your choices. What do you all want to do?"

They exchanged glances with each other, all appearing apprehensive as they expressed their wish to disembark.

"...I see. Then I shall respect that choice."

After providing them a modest amount of the retrieved money and valuables, Kanata watched as they practically fled from the ship, scurrying away from her as if she were some kind of monster.

Outwardly, nothing had changed. But inwardly, Kanata felt tremendously dejected.

Not that she was relying on them, but being regarded with such visceral fear stung nonetheless.

(I haven't done anything to them...I even saved them...)

Sighing, she returned to the captain's quarters for a short rest. Food and water were already well-stocked from the previous crew's resupply. After preparing a simple breakfast and eating, she disembarked into town - only to realize with further dismay that she lacked anyone to watch over the ship.

Whether operating or selling the ship, she needed to gather information around town.

Fortunately she had learned reading and math basics at the orphanage. While inexperienced at negotiating, she figured getting swindled a bit was a risk she'd have to take as she set out into the streets.

Worse case, she could just freeze them. Bodily force was the most primal form of communication, after all.

First, she bought new clothes to make herself presentable.

She had showered before disembarking, so odor wasn't an issue. But for a girl her age, appearance still mattered.

(Though I was standing out already just getting off that ship, I feel even more conspicuous now...)

Just changing from tattered rags to ordinary clothes made her feel like she was drawing more overt stares, Kanata narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

If it was merely an unfamiliar face garnering attention in this town, so be it, she decided to ignore it and continue walking.

No need for food or water provisions. She could buy extra clothes later if needed. Surveying the town, she wondered where to head next.

The ship already had sea charts, a compass, and other sailing necessities in the captain's quarters. What she needed now were people - or at least connections. Not that she could fully trust anyone, but she had to compromise on that front.

She would likely have to find some merchant group to work for, earn some capital.

Spotting a nearby man who looked sketchy enough, Kanata approached to inquire.

"Excuse me, may I have a moment?"

"Eh? What's up, little missy?"

With a distinctly shady look about him, the type you could instantly peg as being involved in the underworld. The same kind of rough-looking crew that tried abducting Kanata earlier - she was already numb to such appearances.

Being addressed by an unfamiliar young girl, the man regarded her with puzzled suspicion as their eyes met.

"I have a ship but no crew to operate it. Might you know if any merchant outfits are hiring hands?"

"Hah? You got a ship but no one to run it? What's the deal, you didn't sail here yourself?"

Clearly identifying her as an outsider based on her looks, the man furrowed his brow at the bizarre scenario of arriving by ship without a crew to sail it.

Kanata exhaled and explained, "The crew fled, you see."

"Ah...well that's a tough break, ain't it?"

The man gave a sympathetic wince, while Kanata just shrugged.

As he crossed his arms with a troubled expression, seemingly at a loss for any hiring connections, Kanata began resigning herself that this wasn't going to pan out. That's when another voice came from behind.

"Pardon the intrusion, if I may?"

Turning, she saw an affable-looking blond man with a courteous smile.

"I couldn't help overhearing - are you in need of hiring sailors?"

"Yes, I wish to get a ship operational. At minimum, I need a navigator and helmsman."

"If that's the case, might I suggest my merchant company?"

"Oi, missy—"

The previous man was silenced by a stern glare, his face paling with a cold sweat as if intimidated. Not that Kanata particularly noticed or cared about his reaction.

"If you have crew available, then I'll take you up on that offer. I'd rather not waste any more time."

"Please, right this way then."

Bidding farewell to the first man, Kanata followed as the blond led her onwards.

By the time they arrived at their destination and Kanata realized she had been deceived by the local mafia, she couldn't help but sigh at her rotten luck.

Though, if she was being honest, she had an inkling this might happen. For a young girl to have a ship without crew, she was practically a self-advertising easy mark. It was only a matter of time before catching the eyes of criminal organizations. She just didn't expect it to escalate this rapidly.

With the mafia having no intention of letting her leave, and Kanata having no intention to flee, conflict was inevitable in that enclosed space.

Predictably, it ended with half the men frozen as icy statues, groveling for mercy.

"—Just what is this situation?"

"B-Boss! This brat is the one who did it!"

A man who appeared to be the mafia's hired muscle emerged.

A half-naked, chiseled figure with crimson hair, wearing an unusual Chinese-styled attire for these parts. Seeing the frozen men, the redhead turned his gaze towards Kanata.

"An Ability user, huh? That's rare."

"There were certain circumstances. So then, what will you do?"

"The answer's obvious—let's settle this."

Kanata couldn't even follow his first step, such was his blinding speed closing the distance.


An impactful punch, likely pulled somewhat to avoid killing her, slammed squarely into her gut - the devastating blow sending her flying dramatically.

Yet as the crimson-haired man maintained a wary stance, he noticed the area where his fist struck had instantly frozen over.

"My my, a tad excessive, wasn't it?"

Though sent flying, Kanata had redirected the full brunt of the impacting force. Visually showy, but no actual damage.

Watching the shattered ice reform and restructure itself, the man muttered in seeming disbelief,

"A Logia...of the natural elemental type!"

One of the rarest classes among Devil Fruit Abilities, a natural elemental Logia left the man outmatched unless he resorted to extreme force.

Determining she was out of his weight class for the moment, the redhead unclenched his fists. He plopped down cross-legged as the Mafiosi, taking cues that their enforcer was standing down, settled into stillness too.

Now at eye level with Kanata, the man seemed to ponder her for a moment. " seem pretty strong, kid."

"Strong enough that I judged staying on my home island would stunt my growth."

"Oh? I see..." A faint grin crept across his face. "Then how about joining under me instead?"

Kanata's brow flinched ever so slightly at the offer.

Informing him of her intention to absorb this entire mafia outfit into her own, the man readily agreed - if it meant opportunities to test his mettle, he was amenable as long as he was paid enough to get by. Letting out a hearty laugh, he introduced himself.

"—The name's Junshi. Let's work together for now, little lady."



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