The Strongest Demon Front

Chapter 8 - Deciduous ball

Earned it!

Sure enough, it is more reliable to spend money.

Chu Ge thought.

Then, the system gave a prompt again.

“The item can be recycled, the current recycling price of the system: 425 points. The recycling operation cannot be canceled, please choose carefully.”

Elementary free kick skills, the current selling price in the system is 850 points, just half of it is 425 points.

50 points to draw, you can sell 425 points, one entry and one out can earn nearly nine times.

However, Chu Ge did not intend to recycle it.


He quickly chose to use it.

After using elementary free kick skills, Chu Gemeng was dizzy for a while, as if he had a lot of knowledge about free kick in his brain.

Many details that were unclear in the past, the details of the free kick taken, slowly became clear in his mind.

Chu Ge rubbed his eyes and looked at him again.

In the interface in the middle of the system, Chu Ge’s free kick attribute has changed from C + to B.

This is his first attribute to reach the professional level.

However, the overall evaluation of his ability in the system has not changed, and he still maintains C +.

Is the ability of free kick enhanced?

Hope to have a chance to verify in the second half …

Chu Ge thought silently.

With his personal skills, if the opponent can’t resist, the possibility of choosing to foul is not small.

Especially when the game enters the second half, when everyone’s physical fitness has declined.

Therefore, the chance of a free kick in the second half is not small.

Even if there is no chance, Chu Ge is confident to make a few with his own personal ability.

After using the free kick primary skills, Chu Ge glanced at the roulette again.

Sure enough, after a burst of white light, the system has a new prompt

“Lucky Roulette has been upgraded, the next draw requires appreciation points: 500.”

This appreciation point is growing a bit faster …

The system is still a profiteer.

Chu Ge maintains his judgment of the system.

Meditation in mind, the system interface disappeared, Chu Ge took the mineral water bottle in his hand and took a few sips.

He hasn’t spoken much before. He likes to be alone, and all his friends know.

Therefore, although he was left alone for a long time, he did not speak for a long time, and no one found anything abnormal.

After a while, two more girls came, and took a drink and said that they asked Chu Ge to drink water.

Pei Xiaowei They were envious and jealous again.

Chu Ge shook the water bottle in his hand and refused.

Soon, the intermission ended, and at the urging of Liu Guobang’s whistle, the teenagers on both sides returned to the venue.

The game resumed.

As Chu Ge predicted, the physical fitness of both teams declined in different degrees in the second half.

After all, they are not professional players.

High school students playing the whole game will have some physical problems.

The result of the decline in physical fitness is that the second shift was not a very threatening pass, and some of them suddenly penetrated the defense of the sixth shift.

Football was once again passed to Chu Ge’s feet.

Before the big penalty area, facing the same defender, Chu Ge almost did the same extraordinary action as when scoring a goal.

Outstanding in the crotch!

Football once again penetrated the guard’s wicket.

However, this time, maybe it was criticized during the intermission, and the defender is no longer unresponsive.

He turned around and reached down and dragged Chu Ge.

There is no doubt that this is a foul.

“Crotch again, this buddy is really unlucky today!”

Everyone watching the ball was happy.

“In fact, he can’t blame him all, Chu Ge’s fake moves are too realistic!”

“Yeah, not only is it realistic, but the key is fast! If you don’t pay attention, he slips past, just like loach.”

“Yeah. Not to mention the defender, I didn’t understand too much here.”

“Little technology really slips!”


With this clever passing, Chu Ge once again harvested a wave of appreciation.

However, despite the praise, he did not think it was remarkable.

As Pei Xiaowei said, this is just his daily operation.

The system judges his superior as C +, which is very reasonable as the king of the field.

Chu Ge is more concerned about his free kick skill improvement during the halftime break, and he will come in handy immediately.

Liu Guobang whistled to suspend the game, verbally declared a yellow card to the foul defender, and then signaled Chu Ge to wait for his whistle before kicking the ball.

Chu Ge nodded.

They got a direct free kick outside the penalty area, about 25 meters from the goal, the position is not bad.

Chu Ge is present, there is no doubt that he is responsible for the ball.

Class 6 students began to line up the wall.

Bai Shaoxian also came back.

He walked to the fouled central defender.

“What’s the matter with you? It’s not shameful to be worn twice,” he asked politely.

“I think I can’t do it, you come!” The defender was uncomfortable.

At halftime, he was counted by Bai Shao first, and now he is complaining again, and he is also a bit angry.

He is not hard, he has done his best.

Although he was passed, he still put Chu Ge out of the penalty area. If Chu Ge is allowed to enter the penalty zone, there is a high probability of losing the ball.

Gives a free kick, that is also something that cannot be done.


Bai Shao was choked back first, and he was even more upset.

But when it is not time to turn his face, he can only “hum” and depress his grievances.

But not to mention, this defender really reminded Bai Shaoxian.

In addition to the current striker, in fact, the midfielder’s midfielder and even the midfielder position, Bai Shaoxian can also play.

Students play football. Most of the positions are not so fixed. Bai Shao plays the striker first, but he likes to shoot. If you change to play in the midfield, even the central defender, according to his physical condition, it is not difficult.

“Why don’t I come back to defend. Chu Ge is so thin, don’t they know they use their body to defend? Really a waste!”

As he was thinking, he lined up with his teammates.


Liu Guobang blew his whistle, indicating that Chu Ge could take a free throw.

Chu Ge padd his feet and glanced at the wall.

In this position, his brain has already come up with five or six different free throw methods in a while, and the success rate is not bad.

Before, he had no such skill.

Used to take free kicks before, he all played instinctively. Although the quality of the free kicks given is good, and occasionally goals can be scored, they basically rely on heaven to eat and are not stable enough.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ge chose the most confident and the most gorgeous free kick.

He started running.


Chu Ge’s running distance was very short. After only two steps, he suddenly swayed his leg and kicked it under the side of the football.


The football flew into the air.

Bai Shao jumped up quickly and wanted to stop the football in the air.

But the football flies very high ~ ~ He passed directly over his head, he couldn’t stop it at all.

“The arc is so high, it must have kicked off.”

Bai Shaoxian had a record in his heart.

He looked back.


In his sight, the football began to fall rapidly with a very strong spin.

“nice shot!”

There were many viewers who watched the ball. When they saw this free kick, they shouted subconsciously.

“I depend! Fallen leaves!”

Also knows the goods, at a glance recognized this free kick routine.


Football draws a beautiful arc in the air, crosses the wall of people, and falls to the goal quickly.

The goalkeeper of Class 6 only had time to make a jump, and I saw that the football had already crossed from his side.


The football hit the net.



The audience on the sidelines were hooked.

If there is also art on the court, then there is no doubt that a free kick is the most valuable art.

Not to mention, this is still a deciduous ball!

2: 2!

The score equalized.

Chu Ge scored twice!

Bai Shaoxian’s face became more and more ugly.

The little girls on the sidelines were happy.

Who says you ca n’t “reserve another bottle” on the football field?

Didn’t play very long in the second half, Chu Ge has already entered two.

Originally, when they were betting, the second class fell behind by two goals. Those boys who knew the ball thought they had lost.

But now?


“Chu Ge one more time! If we enter another one, we will overtake wow!”

No matter how you don’t understand the ball, the addition and subtraction of the score will still be possible.

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