The story of the Elf Queen

The patriarch of the Elf Queen

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Sivila stretched, slipped her house robe over her shoulders, yawned loudly, and glanced toward the corner of her bedroom. Titty had just finished feeding her son and handed him over to Mariana. The queen's maid immediately began changing the baby's diaper. The dark elf lowered her chin-length nightgown and, as sleepy as Sivila, headed back to the bed to continue sleeping. At this point, the queen experienced an involuntary prick of jealousy. She didn't have the luxury of spending an extra couple of hours in bed. At least, in the near future she could only dream about it. However, it was unlikely that Titty would be able to sleep tonight because any minute now...

With a loud bang, the doors of the royal bedroom opened and a tall and dark elf of sturdy build in an expensive robe of black silk embroidered with gold on the edges literally burst in. His violet eyes sparkled and he took a decisive step toward the surprised Titty:

"There she is, my beauty, who gave birth to my son and heir! Oh, how I've missed you, my darling! Come here!"

Luaval grabbed the stunned dark elf in his arms and kissed her mouth with a demanding kiss, spinning her in the air and lifting her off the ground. As if by accident, one of the dark elf's palms was on her naked and firm buttocks, pulling up her nightgown. Titty squeaked inarticulately and wriggled her legs and arms, but could not break free from the embrace of Luaval, who was circling her. He suddenly released the dark elf from his embrace, and she collapsed on Sivila's bed. He went to Mariane, who was frozen by the changing table and bowed her head politely to him:

"There he is, my boy! Come here!"

He picked up the baby in his arms and held it up to his face. He stared into his deep violet eyes like his own for a few seconds, then said solemnly:

"Such a big boy! Just like me! By my authority, like your father, I name you Diarwal of the House of Travil!"

There was silence in the queen's bedroom. And then...


The loud shriek turned into a scream, and the baby immediately cried and floundered in his father's arms. A pillow from the queen's bed flew into his back at the same moment. followed by another. With her face twisted with rage and her ruby eyes glittering, Siera lunged toward Luaval on all fours, tangling in the crumpled sheets and blankets. Rolling her eyes, Sivila folded her arms across her chest as she watched this family reunion. The dark elf laughingly handed the crying child to a tense Mariana. And in the next moment, with unexpected speed and grace, he rushed over to Titty. He threw the elf yelling something inarticulate and profane back on the bed. She struggled and fought back, trying to break free from the grinning Luaval's embrace. Gesturing to the maid, the queen left the dark elves to their amusement and went into the next room.

Sivila sat down on the couch there, unbuttoned her robe, and unbuttoned the collar of her nightgown, exposing her breasts. She took the screaming infant from Mariane's arms and pressed it to her left nipple. The baby immediately wrapped his mouth around it and began to suck vigorously, despite the fact that he had just been fed by Titty. Such an insatiable swallower! But he's cute. She cuddled him tighter covered him with the robe, and sighed sadly. If only you had slept at night...

A few minutes later, when the baby had calmed down, the bedroom door opened again, and a smiling Luaval appeared on the threshold. He was wearing an open robe with nothing on underneath. On the dark elf's shoulder was a naked Titty, mooing unhappily, with her hands tied behind her back by the robe's belt. Luaval slapped her naked buttock with a resounding slap and said cheerfully:

"I'm going to the bath and then rest, and I'll ask not to be disturbed until tomorrow."

Frowning Sivila uttered:

"Actually, it's prepared for me..."

Not stopping smiling contentedly and groping Titty's ass, Luaval shrugged:

"I don't mind your presence at all, Sivila, there's plenty of room for three. Join us. Oh, and have breakfast brought to us there, too."

With these words, he headed for the bathing room, where her girls were already waiting for the queen. Rolling her eyes, Sivila handed the calmed baby to Mariana and followed him. Today he could be allowed such cavalierness and insolence. After entering the bathing room, the queen hung her robe and nightgown next to Luaval's robe. He had already climbed into the water with a subdued Siera, who had been freed from her restraints and gag. The dark elf was no longer kicking or cursing, but her ruby eyes glittered with unconcealed anger. She was going to take a long time to train. But that was not her concern. Or rather, not only and not so much hers.

Nodding to the girls who looked at the dark elves in surprise, Sivila climbed into the bathing area on the opposite side from Luaval and Titty. There was really quite a lot of room in it. But as soon as she was seated on the bottom, leaning back against the edge, the dark elf stretched out her right leg and rested his foot on her crotch, pushing down lightly. With a mental sigh, Sivila spread her legs a little wider, allowing Luaval to tease herself. He's allowed today, she reminded herself as her girls began soaping up the queen's hair. The dark elf did the same. Only it was not his own hair he was soaping, but Sierra's breasts, pouring almost a third of a bottle of very expensive liquid soap on them. Or rather, not so much soaping, but frankly groping, squeezing and stroking. Thankfully, the dark elf's tits had grown significantly because of the lactation-stimulating alchemy. Sierra didn't react to it outwardly, but her breathing became heavier. The first attack of rage had passed, and now she was back to playing the submissive slave. She must be cursing herself for her breakdown. Let Luaval deal with her.

Sivila didn't have time to lounge around in the bath, so soon, refreshed and invigorated, she climbed out of the water. She had a lot to do and she was already a little late. Luaval had also teased her and there wasn't enough time to relieve her excitement. Maybe she could make quick use of Fiorel's mouth and skillful tongue. She supposes so. Luaval stayed in the bath with Titty, leaving her tits alone and rubbing her back. At that moment Mariane had just brought them a tray of food and an enchanted jug of fruit wine, placing it on a table by the bath. On it were a couple of vials of healing and restorative alchemy that the queen's agent had been prescribed by the healers after his ordeal. After draining one of them, Luaval took a bite of the apple and continued to soap Titty, who did not seem to react, sitting motionless in the water. Leaving the dark elf to rest, the queen left the bath, heading for the dressing table, where Fiorel was already waiting with a stack of letters. Who would have doubted it? The henchman understood her at a glance, and when she sat down at the table, he was already waiting for the queen beneath it, kneeling. Such a good boy after all...

* * *

When the doors closed behind Sivila and her maids, Luaval reached out and squeezed Siera's breast, pressing her nipple with his thumb. She didn't react, and he asked mockingly:

"How long are you going to keep quiet?"

The dark elf's ears twitched, but once again she did not react to his words. Rolling his eyes, Luaval pulled her to him, pulling her tightly against him. He leaned forward and kissed Sierra's neck, then whispered languidly in her ear:

"Did I get every man's dream, the perfect wife who has no voice and won't say a word against him?"

The word “wife” made Titty's whole body twitch, but she couldn't stand it and turned half-turned toward him, her lips clenched together:

"Who the hell are you, Darkness Eternal, anyway?"

With a grin, Luaval said with feigned annoyance:

"She's talking. I am so happy."

Laughing quietly, he took a glass of fruit wine from the table and took a few sips. A good variety, his favorite. Lifting the glass, he turned to Sierra and said solemnly:

"My name is Luaval, First Hunter and part-time Patriarch of House Travil."

There was silence in the bathing room. Sierra stared into his eyes for a few seconds, a stony expression on her face. Then she said a single word:


Grinning once more, Luaval continued:

"I know it's not easy to realize this the first time, so I'll say it again. My name is Luaval, and I'm..."

"What Patriarch in the name of Eternal Darkness?! What House of Travil are you talking about?! There is no House that carries..."

Suddenly, the newly risen dark elfess froze half-heartedly with her mouth open. Then she stared intently into Luaval's face and said slowly:

"Wait... No, this can't be. House Travil was destroyed almost seven centuries ago, now I remember it! All that remains of it is its name on the list of the Fallen Houses."

Taking another sip, Luaval smiled widely and recited:

"As long as there is one who bears the name of the House, it will stand."

There was silence in the bathing room. For a few seconds, Luaval and Sierra stared into each other's eyes without averting their gaze. Then a shadow of doubt and distrust crept over the dark elf's face:

"Are you serious now?"


There was silence for a few seconds, and then Sierra laughed loudly, a little hysterically. Luaval did not disturb her, pouring himself more wine. When she had calmed down a little, he said in a polite voice:

"I see that I managed to impress you."

"Ha ha ha, really? The Patriarch of House Travil? Why not the Father of the Council of Mothers of Rean na Kharan? That would have sounded even better, ha ha ha ha! Where is your House, Patriarch? I don't see anyone near you!"

Smiling again, Luaval shrugged:

Well, not all at once, my dear. For now, I admit the House of Travil is in a very poor state. But I'm working on it. Not so long ago, it was just me. Now there are three of us. We may even consider your proposal. Some of the Matriarchs of the Mothers' Council in my hometown I'd love to see them dressed like you are.

Considering that the only clothing Titty was wearing was a magic-suppressing slave collar, the hint was pretty transparent.

"I was never joking about the Patriarch. I am the only one who still bears the name of my House without hiding it. All the others still alive gave it up long ago, and their children bear the names of other Houses. Which means I am now the head of House Travil."

Taking another sip of wine, Luaval sent a fruit slice into his mouth and continued:

"And as head of the House, I have decided to make some changes to the internal rules and regulations. First of all, there is no longer any female supremacy in House Travil. Since it was my predecessor, and my beloved mother, together with her friends and relatives, who led the House of Travil to almost total destruction. I've also decided to rethink some other things. Like the status of women and their rights and responsibilities. And speaking of which."

Luaval put the glass aside and pulled Siera to him, kissing her hard on the lips, his tongue penetrating her mouth. She twitched but didn't resist. When he had fully enjoyed the dark elf's lips and tongue, Luaval pulled away and said solemnly:

"From this day forward, you are officially considered the eldest wife of the Patriarch of House Travil. That would be me. And if you behave yourself, you will remain so."

Pulling back slightly, Sierra flashed her ruby eyes and hissed:

"You want to mock me? You got tired of the old way of mocking me, so you came up with a new way, Lulu?!"

Grinning, the dark elf pulled her to him again, pinching her nipple with his left hand:

First of all, Luaval. Only one woman can call me Lulu, and only in bed. For now, at least. Secondly, I'm completely serious. So listen to me very carefully.

He picked Sierra up and sat her facing him so she was almost right against him. He took her by the chin and forced her to look straight into his eyes, then said in a calm but firm voice:

I could easily turn you into an obedient, mindless bed toy. Or not quite brainless, but completely submissive. Sivila has her masters, and she would not refuse me. But I want my son to have what I never had and never could have. A loving and caring mother and a normal, peaceful childhood. So here's what I'm offering you.

If you are a good mother to Diarval, you will live in comfort and luxury, as the first wife of the Patriarch should. No one will ever mock you again, as you said. I'll tell you more. After our third child grows up, I'll agree to let you go if you want to. But be warned, if you agree, and then start plotting, turning my son against me or something else, I'll get rid of you without a second thought. I won't kill you, but I'll turn you into a mindless doll for bedtime entertainment. Diarwal will probably be upset, but I'll explain it to him. Do you understand me?

Sierra looked into his eyes for a few moments, then pulled away a little and folded her hands on her chest, narrowing her eyes suspiciously:

"What’s stopping you from making me a weak-willed slave and simply ordering me to take care and cooze with your son?"

"Firstly, our son. Secondly, the slave, no matter the shackles on her body or her mind, will not receive the blessing of Manara and will not become a real Guardian of the Hearth."

"Even a free person will not become one against her will."

"This is true. That's why I offered you a choice."

Narrowing her eyes even more, the dark elf asked incredulously:

"And will you really let me go free if I give birth to three children for you?"

"After the last one grows up and becomes independent. And not just give birth, but take proper care of them. With everything they need for the journey, of course. If you want to be gone by then, of course."

Sierra's eyes flashed fire again, but her face remained almost emotionless:

"Why would I want to stay with someone who kidnapped and raped me?"

Sighing heavily, Luaval leaned back on the side of the bathhouse and took a glass of wine. After taking a few sips, he asked:

"How did you sleep today? Fine?"

Titty raised her eyebrows in surprise at this question:


"I'm asking how did you sleep today? Fine?"

The dark elf's face contorted and she grumbled:

"I wish! The last time I slept properly was before I gave birth! He's like clockwork, every few hours he starts screaming and demanding food, I'm with mist...."

Stopping short, she cast a glance at Luaval squinted slyly, and corrected herself:

"...queen fed him in turns. He hasn't let us get a good night's sleep even once."

Lost in thought, the dark elf slowly said:

"It's strange, it doesn't look like me as a child. Probably passed on through your line. But I meant something else."

Leaning towards Sierra, he looked deeply into her eyes and asked:

"When you went to bed last night, were you not afraid for your life? Didn't you feel an underlying fear? When was the last time you asked yourself such familiar questions as: Are the defenses of my chambers in order? Are all my belongings in the same place I left them? Why is this slave so nervous in my presence? Have the perfumes and ointments in my cosmetics increased? Or, on the contrary, have I diminished them? Should I eat this dish, so tasty, made of ground delicacies? Or should I limit myself to the simplest mohlum porridge and water, as it is much harder to hide poison or spell potion in them?"

As he asked questions, the dark elfess grew more and more somber and clearly began to feel out of place. Toward the end, she couldn't take it anymore and looked away. Luaval grinned leaned back against the side of the bath and said:

"I see you've lost touch with your native Underworld. You get used to a good thing, don't you?"

Twitching, Sierra turned to him again, her eyes flashing angrily:

"What good is being repeatedly raped and humiliated?!"

"Absolutely nothing, I agree. But I would like to remind you that you were captured thanks to your younger sister, who gave you away to the Secret Forest Guard. In other words, according to our homeland, you are to blame for your current situation because you were too naive, careless, and foolish. Otherwise, it would be your little sister who would be in your place right now. And considering what you've been doing, if you had fallen into the hands of humans instead of the Secret Forest Guard, you would have been treated much worse. I don't know if they would have kept you alive at all."

"Oh, it turns out that you did me a favor?"

"I didn't say that. I just asked how you slept. And by the way, you didn't answer."

Pursing her lips, Sierra looked away and reluctantly replied:

"In this sense, I slept well. But not too good either."

Turning back to Luaval, she muttered:

"I really didn't fear death or look everywhere for a threat. But instead, I lived in fear of constant ignorance! What other fun the queen would come up with, how else would she choose to humiliate me, what would happen to me when she got fed up with me? This fear was little better than the fear I had at home. Even worse, because there I could decide my own fate!"

"Yes. You made excellent decisions, I really liked the results, especially our first time."

Smirking at the sight of Siera's twitching face, Luaval continued:

"But, as I said, you can forget about this fear if you agree to my proposal. No one else will or can humiliate you, and you will not be sent to any goblins for fun, and you will live in complete comfort. And with relative freedom everywhere except the bed."

The last phrase made Siera's ears twitch noticeably. She crossed her arms over her chest, squinted her eyes, and asked:

"You'd think I'd have the option to refuse, given my situation?"

At the last phrase, she touched the collar around her neck with her fingertip.

"Tomorrow we'll replace it with a wedding ring, but first you'll have to take the Blood Oath and reinforce it on the altar of Damokar."

The dark elf's eyes flashed with disgruntled fire once more:

"I didn't say I agreed to your proposal."

"You've already agreed, and now you're just haggling. I don't even need to read your mind, it's obvious what you're thinking. Accept my offer, have two more kids as soon as possible, and wait until the youngest is out of diapers while trying to play the caring mommy. And then come home and pay back your little sister to the fullest, to make her experience everything that you experienced, only a hundred times worse. And not just her, but everyone involved in your shame. After all, by that time everyone will have forgotten about you and revenge will be cold, as it should be. And then you can continue your ascent to the coveted throne of the House Matriarch, to power and might. Am I right?"

"With an extremely serious face, Sierra nodded and said in a thoughtful voice:"

"Indeed, a very good plan."

After being silent for a few seconds, she suddenly asked:

"Were you kidding when you said you were the First Hunter of your House?"

Instead of answering, Luaval held up his right palm with the back of his hand facing forward. A small effort and an intricate symbol glowed white. A stylized numeral “one” in a ring of intricate patterns formed the name of Luaval's hometown. Sierra's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of it:

"Seriously?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! Argh, fuck you!"

Seeing the expression on her face, Luaval couldn't help but smile:

"Is this so important to you?"

"Don't you get it?! It's one thing to be fucked like a bitch by a miserable slave who's been turned into a dog by the woodsmen! It's another thing to be fucked by the First Hunter. And of the Great House, as far as I can tell. Albeit in the past."

She especially emphasized the last phrase, looking meaningfully at Luaval. He smiled bitterly in response and barely noticeably shook his head:

"House Travil was very close to being recognized as Great. Mother strived for this with all her might. Because of this, my House fell. Almost fell."

"And yet, I know that on your hand is not just the mark of the First Hunter, but the mark of the Best in the City. It can only be received by those who have done something truly outstanding, which was unanimously recognized by the Council of Mothers of the city, not just the Matriarch of the House."

Looking at Luaval with a completely different look, Sierra said thoughtfully:

"You know, if you had told me who you are from the beginning, I might have voluntarily agreed to share a bed with you, even in this position. What was the point of all this performance under the guise of a weak-willed slave? Just to make fun of me?"

"First of all, it was Sivila's idea and her fun. Secondly, I quite liked it. I like strong women completely at my mercy. And you, after all, you were a second initiation in your House and a Huntress. And a close relative of the Matriarch."

Pouting her lips, the dark elf was silent for several seconds, and then suddenly asked:

"Can you kidnap my little sister?"

Well, we started bargaining openly. And this is good.

"Would you like your dear sister to keep you company?"

Sierra's lips stretched into a carnivorous grin.

"Of course."

"Aren’t you afraid that I’ll like her and decide to make her the senior wife instead of you?"

"I will try very hard to convince you not to do such a stupid thing."

Scratching his chin, Luaval said with the most serious look:

"I'll think about this idea. But I can’t promise in the coming years, I have a lot of work to do. Although I can offer you something else..."

Luaval drew Sierra to him and brought his lips close to her ear. The dark elf twitched her ears and licked her lips ravenously at his suggestion. Then, like a cat, she snuggled up to him and purred:

"I agree."

"Smart girl. Now, please your husband..."

* * *

After watching for a few minutes as Sierra soaped her enlarged tits again and rubbed Luaval's cock between them, Sivila extinguished the artifact mirror on her desk. It wasn't hard to guess what he offered his new older wife. Now another care would be with her. How much easier it would have been to leave her as a slave, but no, Lulu decided to have some fun and play family. Okay, that problem could and should be dealt with later, but for now, it was time to get back to work. But almost immediately, the artifact mirror came to life again, and the queen, putting aside the unread document, accepted the challenge. A moment later, the Third reflected in the mirror. With a brief nod, he got straight to the point, omitting the formal greetings:

"We have problems."

And why wasn't she surprised? When was the last time she'd been told that everything was fine and dandy and better than she'd expected? She can't remember. But outwardly, of course, the queen's face did not change in any way, remaining businesslike and impassive:

"I'm listening."

"I was looking through the images we received from Zitrael during her captivity at Ashuir, and I noticed something. Or rather, someone."

"The reflection of the mirror began to ripple, and instead of Third, it reflected a fragment of what Zitrael had seen in the Ashuir mansion. Sivila peered into the face of the human youth for several seconds, then asked:"

"Who is this?"

"Daddy of the future child of our dear Ashuir. Reminds you of anyone?"

The queen tensed sharply, gazing intently at the young man's facial features. Third never joked when it came to work, and would not alarm her over nothing. So it was important, then. But who is this boy? She's definitely never seen him before. Although... If you look closely, there's something vaguely familiar about him.

"I'll give you a hint. Imagine him twenty years older and with shorter hair."

Sivila followed the advice of Third, trying to imagine the young man as he said. And she groaned out loud in doom, realizing who he looked like.

“I see that you found out,” stated Third.

"Oh, not this... Where did they find him and when?!"

The queen began to think feverishly about what to do. Send Luaval back with the Secret Guard reinforcements? But he would be needed in Iyastar. And the witches will be on guard now, so it will be hard to get close to them. And we don't need another war with them right now.

"My agents will try to figure it out, but it doesn't really matter anymore."

"What? Why?!"

"Luaval handled our improvisation all too well, as it turned out. Ayar left Sakhib-Nere two days after Zitrael's rescue, taking Ashuir to the Heart of the Desert. They left through an almost direct and extremely secure portal straight to the Great Desert using a monstrous amount of energy. We can't get to them there."

"Damn it, in the name of the First Tree, why is it like this!"

With a doomed groan, the queen leaned back in her chair. She was silent for a few seconds, then whispered:

"You should've finished her off."

"Then we'd lose Zitrael and her relatives would cause us a lot of trouble. They're already very unhappy about what happened to her."

"In the face of future problems, it's not so big a price to pay. I guess. Oh... Do you have any ideas?"

"How do we stop them from getting to the Dark Tower? No. At least not any realistic and credible ideas."

There was silence again in the queen's office. Then Sivila said wistfully:

"I warned you. I told you we should have done something about Raistar when he first started building his damn Tower! Come on, you're exaggerating, he won't last long, he can't hold a source this big! He's just another upstart, we can't waste time and energy on every one of them!"

The queen uttered the last sentences, clearly mocking someone else. A shadow ran across Third's face, and he nodded faintly:

"I was in complete agreement with you at the time, as you remember. But we had other things to worry about, and then we relied too much on our agentess....."

"They'd be fine if it weren't for those brainless bitches! At least a couple more years and Melody had finally turned on Reistar, she was already holding his cock tightly with both hands..."

More accurately, more like alternately lips and feet, thought Third, remembering long-ago reports.

"...and her son by him was hardly Daddy's favorite. And by far the most talented of all the children Raistar had spawned! But no, the bloody witches had to ruin everything, the greedy, evil creatures! What did they accomplish with their scheming, lustful fools?! It still stings to this day for everyone!"

"They've gotten to the point where they now have a real chance to take control of the entire Great Desert."

Here Third was right, and Sivila again said doomed:

"Tell the analysts to think of countermeasures. If the Coven takes over the Dark Tower, it will change the entire balance of power in the South."

"It's already done."

"Fine. Anything else?"

"Nothing urgent yet."

After saying goodbye to the Head of the Secret Guard, the queen leaned back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest, staring at the ceiling. It would never end. Once one problem is solved, two new ones arise in its place. They solved the Great Horde in the East and got the Island Empire in the West. They dealt with the Island Empire, even if not completely, and got several Small Hordes in the East and the Sun-worshiping Theocracy in the North. Well, at least the good news is that there's now one desert smug bitch who will think more with her tits and less with her head. A small thing against the backdrop of the Dark Tower problem, but nice. It's even a bit of a shame that Whisper did such a poor job with her. If they'd known she was going to be a mommy soon, they could have done a lot more tit work on her. Though, knowing who was going to be a daddy would have probably sacrificed Zitrael. Where the hell did they find that boy?! It's been so long, all the descendants of Raistar should have died out by now. The lustful whore had produced so many children that even the divine curse hadn't completely eradicated them after centuries!

Sivila sat back down and went back to her work, continuing to curse the Lord of the Dark Tower and his harem with an unkind word. There was enough routine as always, and tomorrow would be another day off, which would mean she would have to change her schedule again. But the upcoming undertaking was worth it, her long-held idea had taken the first step towards realization. And it was especially nice that she had prepared the budget and all the arrangements for it a long ago. So neither the Supreme Emissary nor the Supreme Treasurer will be outraged. Which is especially important in the case of the latter.

* * *

Whistling, Luaval put his hands on his hips and smiled contentedly, looking around:

"Fabulous! I love it!"

The huge underground hall was strikingly different from the ones through which the dark elf had recently led the fugitives rescued from the Islands. Unlike the Wild or Neutral Territories of the Underworld, the hand of the elves was visible everywhere. There were no scatterings of rocks, protruding cliffs, gaps, cracks, stalactites, or stalagmites. The entire floor and walls of the underground hall had been carefully worked, reinforced where necessary, and leveled as much as possible. The same was true of the ceiling, where powerful magical crystal lights were installed, powered directly from the flow of natural magic coming into the hall from the bowels of the earth. All the entrances to it were blocked by powerful walls, turning it into a separate and very well-protected part of the Underworld.

The small rivulet that came from the spring in the same hall was enclosed in a neat man-made channel, its waters clear and clean. Along its banks were several small fields and beds, where underground herbs and mushrooms grew in rows. A little farther away were several greenhouses, with the most valuable and fastidious plants that did not sprout on the surface. In the same hall were several dozen buildings, mostly for household purposes. Warehouses, workshops, a magical laboratory, and an arsenal. There were also barracks for a separate corps of Underworld Guards.

But that was not what Luaval admired and marveled at. Separated from the rest of the buildings on a bend in the local stream, stood a huge three-story mansion surrounded by a symbolic wall. It had its own garden and several outbuildings. It was built in the classical style of light elves but with elements of dark elven architecture. The front facade of the building depicted a stylized letter “T” framed by branches of the Tree of Life. Standing next to a satisfied Luaval, Sivila said:

"It's just as we discussed. A separate line from the local source of natural magic is connected to the house, powering the storage unit on the lower floors. The altar of the House is ready and awaits its owner."

"Fine, in that case, let's not delay!"

Dressed in a loose vest and sleeveless jacket of dark cloth, that allowed them to fully appreciate his trained body, and gold-embroidered pants Luaval made his way inside with a determined stride. He was followed by Sivila in a flawless white and green dress. Astra, in her standard armor, and Sierra The dark elf were wearing a bandage made of a wide strip of snow-white cloth instead of the usual white leather and silver rings, which hid nothing. It covered her breasts at least a little, leaving her arms and torso completely free. Around her waist was a thin belt of white leather, with a large silver buckle engraved with the letter “T”. There were strips of the same snow-white fabric attached to it front and back, covering her crotch. On her feet were white leather sandals with high heels.

That wasn't the only change in her appearance. The collar was gone from her neck, replaced by a massive gold ring on the ring finger of her right hand. The ring was infused with the same powerful magic and could perform almost the same functions. Diarval, wrapped in clean diapers, was sniffling in Sierra's arms, freshly fed.

When they entered the new mansion, all four elves immediately went to the central room on the second floor, in the heart of the house. There was an altar of snow-white marble, to which all the weaves of the still-empty mansion were tied. As they approached it, Sivila and Luaval placed two identical scrolls on it, bearing the symbols of Damocar. After a moment, they flashed brightly and disappeared, but the text written on them glowed on the surface of the altar. Both elves placed the palms of their right hands on it at the same time, facing each other. A moment later, the altar began to glow brightly and a wave of coldness swept over their bodies. Both of them twitched their ears faintly at the not-so-pleasant sensation, but their faces held. The dark elf was the first to speak:

"I, Luaval, son of Shelasa, of House Travil, by birthright and by right of last bearing the name of my House, recognize the Queen of the Forest, Sivila of House Heaven Tree, as my suzerain. I swear to serve her faithfully. I swear not to turn my weapons against her or allow anyone else to do so. I swear to honor the treaty I made with her. Let my words be heard!"

After a moment, the queen spoke:

"I, Sivila, daughter of Feanar, of the House of the Heavenly Tree, by my power as Queen of the Forest, recognize Luaval, son of Shelasa, of the House of Travil, as my vassal. I swear to be his protector in the face of his enemies and not to allow harm to come to him. I swear to honor the treaty I made with him. Let my words be heard."

The altar flashed brightly and then went out. A wave of light came from it in all directions, sweeping along all the walls of the house, reaching the lowest floors and the roof. Exhaling at once, the elves removed their palms from him, breathing heavily. Words were spoken and heard. Closing his eyes, Luaval froze in place, folding his hands behind his back. He stood motionless for several seconds, then said slowly and thoughtfully:

"Who would've thought..."

Frowning, Sivila asked cautiously:

"Did something happen?"

Opening his eyes, the dark elf nodded:

"In a manner. The ritual was carried out, and now I am the Patriarch of the House of Travil by Right. I feel the few remaining contracts of the House of Travil and my right to claim them. But not all. Since I did not become Patriarch by Blood."

The queen's eyebrows shot up in amazement:

"You want to say…"

"Yes. There is no other explanation. My mother is still alive. Who would have thought."

For a moment, there was silence in the altar room. Then Luaval clapped his hands and said in a satisfied voice, looking at Sivila thoughtfully:

"But we'll think about that later. In the meantime, I suggest we celebrate my housewarming party!"

A faint smile touched the queen's lips:

"I agree."

Letting go of Astra, she went with Luaval and Ciera to the third floor, where the master suite was located. At that moment, Diarval opened her violet eyes again and yelled loudly. Pressing her lips together, Ciera sniffed and uttered:

"He needs a diaper change!"

Shrugging, Luaval uttered:

"The servants won't arrive until tomorrow, so you take care of him yourself. The children's room is over there. When you're done, come to the bedroom."

He left the frowning dark elf to deal with the child, put his arm around Sivila's waist, and went into the master suite. They were furnished in classic elven style but with dark-colored wood. As the doors closed, Luaval hugged the queen from behind and spoke with anticipation:

"I propose to further cement our treaty, Your Majesty."

"I agree."

Turning to the dark elf, she kissed him on the lips and purred contentedly:

"Especially since you did a great job and deserve a royal reward."

Once again, Luaval turned her back to him and began to unlace her dress. Once the queen was free of her clothes, he took the rope of fine silk he had prepared beforehand and carefully placed her hands behind her back, beginning to tie a complex love knot. Mentally, Sivila sighed tiredly. All dark men are the same in this respect, they can't do without such things if they manage to get out from under the heel of dark elven women. And what would you do for the good of the forest?

The preparation took Luaval some time. In the end, the queen was securely but safely bound. Not just tied, but tied in such a way that the rope was wrapped around her body so that she could not move. To top it off, the dark elf, smiling predatorily, put a special gag on her, preventing her from closing her mouth, and a blindfold over her eyes. When Luaval assessed the result of his work, he stroked his palm over the queen's body. A worthy reward for all his labors indeed! Throwing the rope over a special beam in the ceiling, he hooked it into a knot at Sivila's ankles and pulled it toward him. After a few seconds of muffled mooing, the queen was suspended in the air, parallel to the floor. Satisfied with the result, Luaval walked around her, stroking her with the palm of his hand. Standing behind her, he tugged on the necessary knots, leaving Sivila with her legs wide apart, bent at the knees.

After running his palm over her pussy a couple of times, he wrapped his hands around her hips and pulled her to him, slowly entering her. Holding the queen by the waist with one hand and the ropes with the other, Luaval began to move his hips, gradually quickening his pace. It was a pity she had already given birth to all her children so that he could have demanded a son as a reward. However, she wouldn't have agreed for one saved one tribeswoman. But on the other hand... The image of Sivila, first naked and pregnant, and then naked and with a half-breed baby in her arms was so arousing and seductive that Luaval couldn't stand it and poured copiously into the queen's pussy. She moaned and jerked her legs as far as the restraints would allow.

The dark elf cursed and stared at the queen's pussy, which was dripping seed on the floor. What the hell?! He hadn't spent much time without a woman's attention. At that moment, his cock was squeezed for a moment by a hot hand, causing him to exhale in surprise and pleasure. Oh, of course, he'd received the Life-Giver's small blessing when he'd found Tiantrel. It had worked, overlaid with fantasies of a pregnant woman. When he realized, Luaval paused and quickly baptized himself with the sacred sign, whispering a prayer of thanks to Gaia. It would be rash to think ill of the goddess of fertility at a time like this. Breathing hard, he bent to the helpless and not-too-pleased Sivila, whispering in her ear:

"I beg your pardon, Your Majesty, I imagined you pregnant from me and could not resist, thanks to the blessing of Gaia. Let's repeat it."

With a less exasperated groan, Luaval entered the queen again. This time choosing a smoother pace. The idea of being inbred with her is tempting, though. It really is a shame that she has already given birth to all the children. Should he ask for the hand of one of her granddaughters for Diarwal as his next reward? No, let him get his own wife. He'll help him if he needs it. Although, as a younger wife and to cement the treaty, why not? We'll have to think about it. Later. For now...

With a tight grip on Sivila's thighs, Luaval sped up and soon came again, this time eliciting a moan of pleasure rather than outrage from the queen. Exhaling, the dark elf stepped out of her and walked around. After fiddling with the ropes and ensuring nothing was tight or taut, Luaval turned the queen's belly up. Standing at her head, he leaned forward and squeezed Sivila's roped breasts. A thin trickle of milk shot upward, splashing the queen and part of Luaval himself. Licking, he brought the queen's tits together and put his lips around them, squeezing them hard. Streams of breast milk hit his mouth, and the dark elf licked Sivila's nipples with pleasure. Luaval straightened, wiped his lips, and said:

"Tasty. Perhaps now I should treat you, Your Majesty."

He pulled her up under her head and inserted his cock into her mouth, which was open with a special gag. Luaval exhaled loudly in pleasure as he felt Sivila's tongue sliding into it. It wasn't often that he could get oral pleasure from the queen. At that moment, the door to the room opened and Sierra stepped inside. She smiled predatorily and said in a languid voice:

"I see you've already started celebrating."

"As you see. Will you join?"

"Of course."

After shedding her scarce clothes, the dark elf took a double-sided female savior with special straps from a small table near the wall. Strapping it on so that one part entered her pussy, she approached the suspended queen and in one smooth motion inserted the second part into her. After waiting a few seconds, the dark elfess began to move her hips smoothly while simultaneously reaching forward with her right hand and squeezing Sivila's breasts, causing her to muffle a muffled mooing sound. After a few minutes, Luaval finished again, pouring into the queen's mouth while Ciera continued to move her hips. Exhaling, the dark elf stepped away from the helpless queen and made his way to the table where several jugs of wine and appetizers had been prepared. We should take a little break.

Meanwhile, the dark elf brought the queen to the finish, making her moan loudly and shower the floor with her love juices. Satisfied with the result, Sierra leisurely stepped out of her and began to conjure up the ropes. A minute later, Sivila stood on her left leg, while her right leg was still bent at the knee and raised. The dark elf removed the gag from her back, turned her to face her, and kissed her demandingly, penetrating her mouth with her tongue. At the same time, she used one hand to caress Sivila's breasts, which were streaming milk, and the other slid between her legs, pulling her lower lips apart with her fingers and penetrating inside. As Luaval watched the two elves from his chair, he felt the desire rising again. His father was right after all, light and dark at the same time was the best combination!

Waiting until Sierra, who had switched to the queen's ear, made her finish again with a loud groan, splashing the already wet floor of the chambers even more, he walked over to them, taking the second silk rope. He began to tie it quickly and expertly at his senior wife's surprised and not-too-pleased exclamation. After a while, the masterpiece of lovemaking was hanging in the master's chambers. Two elves, one dark, and one light, were tied tightly to each other, face to face. The legs of both were bent at the knees and secured by knots in their arms. The silk rope ran across their pusses so that any movement of one made it slide across the pussy of the other. A real masterpiece! It was a pity that one couldn't capture this image with an artifact crystal. No, in principle, he could, but for such a thing you would have to go to the same Islands again, and not come back without news about the sinking of the Conqueror of the Seas.

Sighing sadly, Luaval approached the elves tightly and securely tied to each other, loudly slapping both of them below the back, which caused synchronized groans:

"Well, let's continue the celebration..."

At that moment, the amulet lying on the bedside table came to life and emitted a loud childish cry. The source of which was in the next room and demanded attention. And food. Freezing, the dark elf turned to it. And then to both elves, who were tightly attached to each other. Literally squeezing their tits into each other so that you couldn’t really put your hand between them. Not to mention bringing up a baby. Having mentally promised to remember this to his son when he grows up, the displeasedly grumbling Luaval began to quickly untie Sivila and Sierra.

* * *

Author's Note:

Well, Luaval got a well-deserved reward for his hard work and is very happy about it. The Queen, who once again had most of her screen time squeezed away, not so much, but what can you do? And yes, Avada has pretty much guessed Sivila's plan for the future of Luaval, Titty, and their child in past comments.

Now the queen has her vassal in the Underworld. It's still very weak, but it's a start, as they say.

T.N. Luaval's call sign is First because he is the First Hunter of the House. 

Another elf with the call sign Third is mentioned. Third is the third head of the Elven Secret Service.

There will also be another elf mentioned, with the call sign First. He is literally the first elf to set foot in this world. Just in case. If anyone gets confused.

* * *

An uneasy morning of the Elf Queen.


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