The story of the Elf Queen

The diplomacy of the Elf Queen.

* * *

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The slow tapping of his index finger on the edge of his desk was the only detail that gave away the mood of the King of the Isles, outwardly completely unperturbed. A very lousy mood after a sleepless night. Sitting in his luxurious chair in the work area of his captain's quarters on the Conquerors of the Seas, Alekhar stared intently at the man standing before him. Dark curly shoulder-length hair barely touched with gray, distinctive facial features, and luxurious robes of red and blue, heavily adorned with gold. One did not need to be a very observant person to notice their family resemblance and guess that the king was facing his close relative. That was the reason why the King of the Isles, who was not known for his mild temper, did not reveal his rage in the least. Almost.

"Tell me, Darleh, what do you do? What the devil is going on in the capital?" The monarch said slowly, staring intently into his interlocutor's eyes.

His relative, who was his paternal uncle and thirty years older than him, had not changed his face. Only the dark eyes were darker. When he spoke, his voice was polite, but his speech was straightforward to the point of rudeness.

"Alekhar. Do you want to vent your lousy mood on me? If so, go ahead and make you feel better, and I'll put up with it. Or do you want to know what my men have found out and what's going on in Kuordemar?"

The Conqueror of the Seas' captain's eyes flashed for a brief moment, but he pulled himself together almost immediately. With a short nod, the king spoke and pointed to the guest chair in front of the table:

"I'm listening to you."

Seated in the chair opposite, Darlekh placed a pair of scrolls and a small amulet with a bright, glittering crystal in front of the king. And a small box of dark polished wood. It contained three metal throwing needles, as well as three small amulets. The commander of the Invisible Guard, as the special services of the Islands were called, began his report by unrolling the scrolls:

"Let me begin with the tragedy of the day you returned. Kiara de Vermeille, our prime suspect, could not have done such a thing. My men in the adventurer's guild have her file, as well as a description of the last few contracts she has completed. She is an experienced and quite strong spellcaster, with an emphasis on fire mastery, and the commander of the silver team. But she, even with her apprentices, could not accomplish such a thing. Not the right specialization. Not at all. At best, she could burn the entire ship, crew, and the gawkers on the dock. If she was at full strength, prepared, and with apprentices. But there's no way she could have organized the horror that happened there. On top of that, there was no pure magic, which every gifted person has its peculiarities and therefore can be recognized. There were some pretty high-quality amulets used. Very powerful amulets. This could be done by experienced Hunters of Dark or equally experienced Shadows of Light elves. Perhaps the Caliph's Silent Ones could do it. Several small and close-knit teams of diamond-ranked adventurers could pull this off. But for obvious reasons, they are under increased scrutiny and are being kept under the radar. As far as my men have been able to find out, they have been kept to themselves by their regular employers lately.

Frowning his eyebrows, Alekhar said in a grim voice:


His uncle nodded with an equally grim expression:

"It's certain. Kiara and the other fugitives had accomplices. Very well-equipped and experienced accomplices. Who made elaborate preparations for their escape. How they infiltrated the ships, I do not yet know. Perhaps, just perhaps, they had accomplices among the crew. If so, they probably got rid of them during their escape. My bloodhounds were able to trace their path through the rooftops. On the outskirts of the capital, the fugitives had several horses prepared in advance. And quite cleverly at that. On the eve of the fleet's return, one of the horse breeders received a messenger from a wealthy merchant from the Imperial City. He said his master wanted to buy himself a horse, and urgently. He had no time to go to the breeder himself, so he asked him to bring some horses to an inn on the outskirts of the city. The messenger left a generous deposit and agreed with the breeder on a specific time and place of the meeting. There the merchant had to choose a horse he liked and pay the rest. Of course, no one was there. And the merchant, whose alleged representative had arranged it all, knew nothing about it at all, as well as his assistants. All of them were checked in the main temple, on the altars of the Lady of the Seas.

After getting the horses, the fugitives headed towards the hills. There they let the horses go, leaving amulets with their blood on them. Not ordinary ones, but ones that soon self-destructed so they could not be traced. This confused the chase for several hours. The fugitives themselves escaped during that time. My guess is they left through one of the secret passageways into the Underworld. There's nowhere else to go. And as I said, a well-coordinated and skillful squad of Dungeon Hunters could have pulled this off."

"You think the dark elves did this?"

"That's what it looks like. And the kidnapping of the boy tonight is an indirect confirmation of that."

The head of the Invisible Guardian pointed at the contents of the box:

"The throwing needles that dark elves love so much. Quality metal, no traces of enchantments, but covered with a very good poison, damaging also the subtle body. Our Death Masters had to work hard to extract at least the last two minutes of life from the dead. The images are in the amulet, but they're useless. None of them had seen or heard anything unless you counted the black cat in the bushes that drew their attention. It was almost certainly a trick illusion. The amulets were also the work of dark elves. An excellent set, designed to conceal a small area of terrain. It prevented the guards' deaths from being detected at once. Though their amulets embedded in the armor had worked at once."

"I see... I heard you, Darlekh. You may go."

After saying goodbye to his uncle, Alekhar waited for him to leave before touching the communication amulet set on the table:

"I listen, Your Majesty!"

"Have Lady Melisara come aboard my ship. Tell her I'd be glad to see her as soon as possible."

"At once, Your Majesty."

The king took his hand away from the amulet as it gave a melodious trill of its own. Alekhar reactivated it and waited until the reflection of the caller appeared on the artifact mirror before he spoke in a polite voice:

"Good morning to you, my dear Amalia....."

"Your... Alekhar, we have an incident!" Alekhar was interrupted by a highly agitated High Priestess of Gaia, causing the king to tense.

"What happened?! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine! Elenora is missing... I mean, that elf slave girl! She disappeared tonight!"

"How did this happen? Is anyone else missing? Or anything?"

"No... I don't think so... All of my followers are fine. Elenora spent the night in the cell with Nayrina, my assistant, she took her into her care. Last night they went to bed together, and today..."

"I'll send my men from the Invisible Guard to you immediately, Amalia! They'll take a look around. And more guards. I'll also reiterate my offer. I realize you don't want to leave your charges behind, but given what's happened, you'll be safer on my ship. At least at night."

"I... okay. I'll accept your invitation if you think it's best."

"Thank you, Amalia, it makes me feel much better about you. By the way, what do you think of the cuisine of the Islands?"

"Оh! Please forgive me, I completely forgot to thank you for such great treats! They are marvelous, we all enjoyed them very much! I... if I may, I would like to thank those of your subjects who grew these wonderful fruits."

"I will, but later, when we've sorted everything out. They'll certainly be very happy about that. If you need anything else, let me or my assistants know immediately."

"Thank you, Alekhar."

"See you tonight, Amalia."

When he finished the call, the king leaned back in his chair. A faint smile appeared on the monarch's face, and his mood lightened a little. What a lovely creature! And what a lovely blush she has when she's embarrassed! She's just adorable! Maybe he should pardon Aldamar for such an expensive, but extremely nice gift? Hmm... Later. To celebrate the birth of their daughter. With such a beauty, one could conceive a son and heir, if the heredity is good. But then mother would have a stroke. And so half the night lectured on how many good girls crave his attention, and he found a strange person in the sea! Pfft! What are sea wives for, anyway? Not to mention the fact that Amalia is a pleasure to court. She's so sweetly embarrassed. No, if he decided to have an heir with her, Faona and her mother would be devastated. Not to mention the possible displeasure of the Lady of the Seas. Women, they're a lot of trouble. But there's plenty of joy, too.

Touching the communication amulet again, the monarch waited for a response and spoke:

"Darlekh! Send your men to the temple of Gaia. And another detachment of the King's guards. The elven slave I told you about disappeared from there tonight. Yes. Well, keep me informed."

Finishing the call, Alekhar immediately started a new one. After a few moments, the king's chief intendant answered:

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"This afternoon, bring me aboard ten bottom pinchers and four portions of mussels. And three red-fleshed sea bass. And two baskets of fruit..."

Alekhar had barely finished dictating his dinner list before he extinguished the amulet when there was a knock at the outer door of his captain's quarters. Focusing, he saw the guests waiting at the entrance, wrapped in dark gray cloaks, accompanied by an officer and sailors of the Conqueror of the Seas. Grinning, the king opened the doors with an effort of will. A female figure wrapped in a dark gray cloak stepped inside, the others remaining outside. She'd gotten there fast, hadn't she? Nothing surprising, though. She must have expected his audience the day before, but the tragedy had delayed it. Having removed everything unnecessary from his table, leaving only a box with needles and amulets, the king waited, listening to the approaching clatter of high heels. When the guest, who had taken off her cloak of weightless enchanted cloth that wrapped around her right forearm in a thin bandage, knocked on the door of his study, he opened it for her by an effort of will.

On the threshold stood a tall dark elf, with dark gray perfectly smooth skin, long light gray hair to the tailbone, gathered in a luxurious ponytail, and bright red eyes. Long slender legs, a slim waist, and very large breasts, almost a D-size, which involuntarily attracted the gaze. Largely because the guest's clothes, if they could be called such, hid almost nothing. A pair of high-heeled sandals made of black patent leather with silver buckles. A wide belt of the same black leather with a large silver buckle in the shape of a coiled snake. It was attached at the front and back with not-so-wide strips of dark purple silky fabric that barely covered her crotch. It was not difficult to see the guest's black underwear as she moved. As well as to fully appreciate the beauty of her slender legs. The huge breasts of the dark elf barely covered only a narrow strip of the same dark purple silky fabric, going cross to cross from the neck and tied between the shoulder blades. So the flat stomach and the entire back of the guest remained completely exposed. And the nipple tubercles were also easily visible. On her wrists and ankles, she wore wide bracelets of silver, decorated with precious stones, mostly rubies. Also on her index fingers were rings, one with a ruby, the other with a large black pearl. Around his neck hung a silver pendant on a chain, in the shape of the same ringed snake. On her head was a thin silver hoop with a large dark purple stone exactly in the center of her forehead. There was no jewelry in her ears.

Somewhere outside the harem or the marital bedroom, a woman dressed like this would be considered, at best, a very expensive courtesan. And they'd probably be right. But not when it came to the pointy-eared women of the Underworld. Among them, it was the norm to dress more openly and frankly, the more power and strength a dark elf possessed. As Alekhar had been told by his mentors as a child, it was a declaration of sorts for them. Look at me! Admire and marvel at my beauty! Fall at my feet, hoping to graze your lips on the ground I have walked on! Or, if you are brave or foolish enough, venture to try to encroach upon this beauty. Regularly, such daredevils and/or fools were found. As a rule, their lives were cut short, often not quickly and very painfully. But not always. The same Serene Caliph has in his harem representatives of literally all races that live on earth and under the earth. Including those whose beauty is beyond the power of time.

Alekhar himself had no plans to get a lover or a slave from among the ever-younger inhabitants of the Underworld. Though, if he wanted to, he could afford it. The good thing was that many of the dark-elven slaves had been put in chains by their kin, not by the Slavers. But Alekhar approved of their fashion and did not hide it, openly admiring the beauty of the dark elf standing before him. He gestured to the guest chair, nodded, and said politely:

"It's good to see you on Conquerors of the Seas, charming Melisara! You are as beautiful as you were when we last met."

The second daughter of the matriarch of House Senrass, formerly the largest house of dark elves in Antak na Shar'Dan, smiled faintly and performed a graceful bow in return, causing her breasts to jiggle quite seductively:

"It's always nice to hear such words, and doubly so from the King of the Isles."

With a seductive sway of her hips and clacking of her heels, the official representative of her House on the surface walked slowly to the guest chair and gracefully lowered herself into it. At once, she put her leg over her leg in a seductively provocative pose.

"But I suppose you didn't invite me here just to praise my incomparable beauty, Your Majesty?"

"Alas, it is so, fair Melisara. As you already know, my triumphant return with rich booty was marred by the escape of several prisoners from the ship. And tonight, another tragedy occurred. Unknown assailants helped another prisoner escape from the House of the Dear Guests. And they did it with admirable daring and skill. In the middle of the night, the captive boy caused a commotion by saying that he was not feeling well and suspected that it was because he was about to be abdicated. He was rushed to the palace to take countermeasures. But on the way, right in the palace garden, the guards accompanying him were killed and he disappeared."

The dark one listened attentively to Alekhar, not averting her gaze, but not saying a word. The king reached forward and opened the box, sliding it toward her.

"This was found at the scene of the prisoner's abduction, next to the bodies of the dead guards. I suppose you're familiar with this sort of thing?"

For a few seconds, Melisara scrutinized the throwing needles and amulets. The violet stone and her eyes glowed for a few moments. Then, the dark elf reached out and took one of the needles with two fingers, bringing it to her eyes. Then, with the same charming smile, she said:

"It's a very good poison. I've used it, though I wouldn't say it's my favorite. It renders the victim unable to move almost immediately and kills very quickly. If you get a needle in the neck, it's a matter of moments. But the needles themselves are extremely simple, in terms of material and shape. You wouldn't want to leave one of these in your victim's body. Although they're well-made, they're the work of a master craftsman."

Carefully returning the throwing needle to its place, Melisara made a deceptively smooth gesture with her hand, and another throwing needle appeared in her hand as if out of nowhere, which she showed to Alekhar with the same charming smile.

"I personally prefer slightly thicker needles made of a heavier alloy. This makes them easier to throw, by hand with a needle thrower. And they hold enchantments better."

Returning his guest's equally enchanting smile, the king uttered:

"Once again, the daughters of the Underworld are as beautiful as they are dangerous. But as you said, I didn't invite you here to shower you with well-deserved compliments. I'd like to know what you think about what happened."

Smiling even wider, the dark elfess tucked the throwing needle into an inconspicuous recess on her bracelet and replied:

"Before answering your question, Your Majesty, I would like to ask mine. Are you interested in the opinion of the Envoy of the House of Senrass, who has the Right of Voice, or are you interested in the opinion of Melisara de Senrass?"

"I'm interested in your personal opinion, charming Melisara. Consider it a personal request."

"I heard you, Your Majesty. Well, if you want to know what I think about what happened, here's my word. The escape of your prisoners was organized by skilled masters. I'd bet on a small band of skillful and well-equipped Dungeon Hunters, all of whom have passed the Second Initiation. Or it could have been one or two hunters who had passed the Third Initiation, along with their apprentices, for whom the last one had been an Initiation. The first prisoners were freed from the ship, as it was easier than dragging them out of the House of Tears, and again, you weren't expecting an attack. The boy, on the other hand, was kidnapped from the House of Dear Guests because it was almost impossible to get him off the Conqueror of the Seas."

"Why these prisoners were released, or kidnapped, which I can't rule out, I can't say for sure. Perhaps one was needed, and the others were just a cover. Maybe all of them were needed. Maybe no one was needed at all, and the kidnapping itself was needed as a show of force. Or as a message."

After being silent for a few moments, Alekhar asked:

"What makes you think it was the Dungeon Hunters, charming Melisara?"

"Because few others would dare to go through the Underworld, Your Majesty. And your prisoners were taken through it, for they have no other way. Of course, there are those among my land kin and humans who know how to survive in the lands of the Eternal Darkness. But they are few. And there are even fewer who can bring along with them those who have never been to the Underworld before. Such companions are a serious burden and an even more serious threat to the guides. The lands of the Eternal Darkness are full of dangers. Have I answered your question, Your Majesty?"

Nodding, Alekhar said slowly:

"More than that, beautiful Melisara. And now I will address you as a messenger of the House of Senrass."

Opening a desk drawer he pulled out several scrolls and a large milky white crystal that glowed faintly.

There are some pretty detailed descriptions and images of the captives here. As you rightly said, the Underworld is full of danger. It's unlikely they and their rescuers have traveled far. If the House of Senrass is interested, the Isles will pay handsomely for each of them. And even more generously for those who helped them escape. We're talking about the alive, of course. I'm not interested in the dead.

A smile touched the dark elf's lips again. This time it was openly predatory:

"That is a very interesting offer, Your Majesty. And how generous are the islands willing to pay for the fugitives and their liberators?"

* * *


Instead of the melodious trill of an enchanted music box, Sivila's sleep was interrupted by a child's cry. The queen sighed tiredly, glancing at the morning sun shining through the curtains. She could have slept for another hour. The dark elf who lay next to her in bed rolled over onto her other side, wrapped herself in the blanket, and mumbled sleepily:

"Your turn, mistress."

As if I didn't know. With a stretch, the queen reluctantly climbed out of her wide bed and walked over to the white wood cradle next to it, covered with a protective carving. Unbuttoning her nightgown and exposing her breasts, Sivila gently took the screaming infant wrapped in white diapers in her arms. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she brought him to her chest. The son of Luaval immediately took her nipple with his toothless mouth and sucked on it. Closing her eyes, the queen smiled faintly. What one would not do for the good of the Forest. Though, admittedly, being a nursemaid to a baby for a couple of years was a small price to pay for the loyalty of a useful agent like Lulu. If that baby could sleep at night...

In that respect, Sivila had been lucky in her day. All of her children didn't wake up at night, crying out loudly for attention and breasts. Luaval's son was like a dwarf's chronometer, demanding both every few hours. It was good that after that he fell asleep again almost immediately. The queen opened her eyes and looked into the violet eyes of the infant, who was sucking her breast, smacking loudly. A handsome baby, though it couldn't be any other with such parents. Ooh. If only you slept through the night like my babies.

She could have given him some sleepy potion, but Lulu was adamantly opposed to that. It was probably on purpose so she would have to nurse and feed the baby more often. She wonders what name he'll decide to give him. And how would Sierra react to the fact that Luaval wasn't the queen's dog? Glancing at the sleeping dark one, Sivila grinned. It would definitely be amusing. She'll even have to capture it in detail.

At that moment the baby sucked all the milk from the right breast, and the queen carefully moved it to the left breast. Meanwhile, Mariane, who had also woken up, had already laid out clean diapers on the changing table, prepared a pot of baby powder, and was now waiting for the feeding to finish. And soon she would have a daughter herself. Where would she put them?

"It's fun."

Sivila turned and looked at her dark pet. She was awake, lying on her side and looking at the queen. Her anthracite black skin contrasted vividly with the snow-white sheets and equally snow-white nightgown. Ciera had recovered rather quickly after giving birth, which was not surprising considering how well she had been cared for.

"What exactly?"

"When I was a child, my mother hardly breastfed me, Mistress. She had better things to do. Power struggles, intrigue, and lovers. My siblings and I were breastfed by an elven slave my mother had inherited from my grandmother. She valued her very much and used her only as a nurse and lover. She also fed my first children. And now, in spite of everything, my third child also has a light elf nurse."

With a hum, the queen uttered:

"It's not your fault, believe me, girl. Rianelia got where she is through her fault. She thinking too much of herself. She had some talent, though, or she wouldn't have made it to the Forest Ranger trials."

Titty's eyebrows flew upward in surprise:

"Do you know about her?"

"Of course. The forest is tracking, to the best of its ability, the fate of each of its captive children."

At this moment, Luaval's son emptied the queen's left breast and released the nipple from his mouth, yelling demandingly. What a little swallower! Although, the fact that the queen didn't have too much milk also played a role.

"I'm done. You can finish it yourself."

"As you wish, Mistress."

She pulled off her nightgown and left herself completely naked, and gently took her son in her arms and brought him to her noticeably enlarged breasts. He instantly sucked on it and continued eating his breakfast, slurping loudly. Sivila left Titty with Mariane in her bedroom and went to the bathing room. After washing and beautifying herself in the company of her two other girls, the queen started breakfast. To save time, she ate in her study while checking the reports and messages she had accumulated overnight. When she reached the artifact diary through which she communicated with Luaval, Sivila froze before she could take a slice of apple to her mouth. The queen's green eyes widened and her eyebrows flew upward. After rereading the lines of the report several times, she forgot about breakfast and grabbed the binding amulet, activating it. A few moments later, Fiorel answered the call. Good boy, never once overslept or was late.

"I hear you, Your Majesty?"

"Fiorel, all my morning appointments are canceled. No, cancel all of your appointments for today. Allocate them to other days this week. You can sacrifice my personal time."

"It will be done, Your Majesty, but I dare say. There's not enough time in the day to do everything."

"Lunchtime, too."

"It will be done."

Finishing the conversation, the queen summoned Astra. The bodyguard was also awake and answered instantly:

"I hear you, Your Majesty."

"We need to visit Third. Now."

Hearing the Secret Guard Head's call sign, the bodyguard didn't show the slightest bit of surprise:

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Half an hour later, the queen entered the office of the Head of the Secret Guard. Astra remained in the vestibule, in the company of the agentess-secretary. Despite the early hour, Third was already at his desk and work. Several scrolls in different handwritings were neatly laid out in front of him, which he was scrutinizing. When the doors of his office closed behind Sivila's back and the defenses went on high alert, he said in a steady voice without taking his eyes off the scrolls:

"Did something happen?"

"Yes. I'd like to discuss it with you in private."

Third broke from his reading and looked up at the queen. The queen wiggled her eyebrows in response, pointing toward the door leading to the next office. Without a word, the Head of the Secret Guard touched a discreet activator under the desk, bringing the office's defenses to a maximum. After that, he rolled up all the scrolls and put them in the desk drawer. Locking it shut, he headed with the queen to the next room. But barely had he opened the doors when a melodious trill sounded from the desk drawer. Briefly apologizing, Third returned to the desk, while the Queen went inside the room where all the materials for operation "Trappers" were collected and stored which began as a difficult, but still routine neutralization of the next team of professional raiders in the Forest.

There were more scrolls and sheets of paper on the wall opposite the entrance and threads between them since the last visit. On the table in the center of the room, there were more scrolls and sheets of paper, arranged in separate stacks. Next to each stack was an amulet with imprinted images or a small portrait of an elf or human. There were also several books lying on the table, some of which were open on different pages. Sivila sat at the table and pulled the nearest huge handwritten folio bound in thick black leather, open at the very first page. There in gold ink, was a single phrase written in calligraphic handwriting. When she read it, Sivila raised her eyebrows in surprise and closed the book. On the cover was written in the same calligraphic letters, but in silver color:++ "Instructions for those who have chosen to serve the Forest by remaining in the shadows. Instead of the author's signature a stylized number "1" at the top of the cover. Interesting...

"If you'll excuse me, an urgent call."

After closing the doors, Third sat down at the table opposite the queen. She tapped her finger on a folio written in the handwriting of the founder and first Head of the Secret Guard and said:

"Do you think it's possible?"

"I consider it as one of the versions," Third nodded faintly.

"It's never happened before."

"On this scale, no, it hasn't happened before. But I can't rule out the possibility. Nor can I rule out the Meyer option."

At the mention of a very famous former human mage who decided he was clever enough to use the abilities of a captive Illithid to control the minds of his opponents, the queen raised her eyebrows.

"Did the controller become a slave?"

"That's one theory," Third nodded. "So what happened?"

"Tell me, how's Operation "Noon" coming along?"

"Slowly, but that's to be expected. Although there are some successes, and I have reported them to you and your husband. Working in sun worshippers' territory, because of their fanaticism, is a little easier than in the South or the Islands. Is there a particular reason you're interested in this operation?"

Instead of answering, the queen took out her artifact diary, opened it to the page with the latest entries, and handed it to the Head of the Secret Guard. He quickly ran his eyes over them. After that, a shadow of emotion flickered across his face. It was only for a moment, but it was a rare event. After returning the journal to the queen, he looked into her eyes. Then, with a stony face and the same stony voice, he said:

"This is very unexpected news."

Leaning back in her chair, the queen said in a somber voice:

I agree. It's not every day that an experienced Secret Guard agent is accidentally discovered as a branded slave, devoid of reason and will. Especially an agent is active, successfully infiltrated, and sends regular reports and checks.

A shadow of emotion flashed across Third's face again. For a fraction of an instant. It was a pity there was no suitable crystal to capture this event. Leaning forward, Sivila asked:

"Who supervises Tiantrel?"

* * *

"Please, Your Majesty," a relatively young elven woman in the white and blue robes of an Emissary Corps servant opened the door of her superior's office before Sivila.

With a polite nod, the queen entered the office of one of the Senior Emissaries. Its owner, a young-looking elf with short dark hair and light gray eyes, immediately rose from his desk and made a perfect Full Bow.

"Your Majesty."

Sivila responded with an equally flawless curtsy. Behind her back, the elf's assistant closed the office door staying in the company of Astra and Fiorel.

"Messenger Arendal, thank you for your time."

"How could I refuse an audience with the Queen, Your Majesty?"

"Come on, Arendal, we both know how much work the Emissaries of the Forest have to do and how little free time they have. Especially now, after the events that have transpired. You've been forced to cut short your vacation, and you'll be returning to Iyastar soon, won't you?"

With a barely noticeable smile, the elf dressed in immaculate white and blue robes nodded briefly.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. So what can I do for you?"

"Seating herself in the guest chair across from Arendal's desk, the queen spoke:"

"I think you have a pretty good idea what I came to see you about."

Also seated back at the table, the Senior Emissary sighed sadly:

"It's not hard to guess. All eyes are now on the devastated Morgrave. I've already written a detailed report to the Supreme Emissary on the matter."

"I know, honorable Arendal, I've read it."

With those words, the queen placed a small scroll on the table in front of him, written in impeccable handwriting with Arendal's personal seal.

"But I'd still like to discuss it with you in person. Are you sure the Priest King won't take more drastic steps?"

Leaning back in his chair, Arendal interlocked his fingers in front of him and answered confidently, shaking his head:

"In the current situation, definitely not. I can vouch for that. If Morgrave didn't have the support of the Forest, then yes, they might risk forcing him down. Or force their help on him. But in the current situation, it's not the Sun-Face's war paladins we should fear, but his preachers. Most likely led by one of the archbishops. And he will not arrive empty-handed but with a rich caravan. Many people in Morgrave are now homeless and destitute. And the preachers of the Sun-Face will offer them food, clothing, comfort, and healing without charge. Along with their sermons. And those who listen will be offered shelter and protection. It will not be possible to prevent them openly without provoking the anger of the impoverished people and direct conflict with the sun worshippers. Especially since they can preach outside the city. And if they are not prevented, the Sun-worshipper will have a flock in Morgrave. It may not be many, but as we know, the beginning of trouble is the beginning. Where there's a flock, there's a sanctuary. And sanctuaries will eventually become temples. And don't we eternalists know how deceptively slow its flow is? Before we know it, Morgrave will be sitting viceroy-bishop. As I said, I have described all this in detail in my report," The senior Emissary nodded at his own report.

"I heard you, honorable Arendal. Indeed, the passage of time is deceptively slow. Tell me, do you think there is any way to persuade the Priest King against such a move? I have no desire to start an open feud with the Sun's fanatics right now, but I can't afford to cede Morgrave to them either. But maybe a sufficiently generous gift will be able to change the Priest-King's mind?"

The Senior Emissary raised his eyebrows in surprise, then spread his hands:

"Depends on what we offer him. I'm sure even for one temple in the Forest, he'll refuse any expansion into the Free Cities."

"And the Lesser Sun will shine over the Royal Palace, as it did over Iyastar, to the great joy of the Lord of the Forests."

Both Arendal and Sivila allowed themselves weak chuckles. After that, the Senior Emissary became deadly serious:

"On a more serious note, I suppose it's entirely possible. The Sun-worshippers have enough problems in the North and East. But for a concrete conversation, I will need to understand what exactly the Forest is willing to offer to the Priest-King and on what terms."

"You will have that information in the next two days, honorable Arendal. Do your best to keep the sun-worshippers from sending their preachers south."

"I will do my best, Your Majesty."

After bidding farewell to the Senior Emissary, the Queen left his office.

* * *

Leaning back in his chair, Third stopped the recording of the conversation between the Queen and the diplomat. Then he turned to the subordinate agents from Twilight team sitting next to him. The eldest of them, who was analyzing Sivila's recording of the conversation, shook his head negatively:

"He didn't lie. He acted natural. No suspicious reactions."

The Head of the Secret Guard nonchalantly replied:

Which is saying nothing. A positive result would be indisputable. A negative result can only speak to the skill level of the actor. Arendal was trained in the Secret Guard like most emissaries. Put him under surveillance while he's here. As discreet as possible. He must not see or suspect anything. And send the Shadow that was watching Vinatir to Iyastar. For now, keep him hidden, awaiting instructions.

"It will be done."


Releasing his subordinates, the Third was left alone in the office. Closing the doors and setting the defenses to maximum, he went into a separate office. There he pinned a small piece of paper to the wall with a picture of an elven woman with long silver hair and azure eyes, wearing the uniform of the Secret Guard. He stared at her portrait for several minutes. Where were you taken? Where did you slip up? How long ago did it happen? And who is now operating in your place in the Sun Worshipers' capital?

A lot of questions. Which so far have been unanswered.

* * *

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