The story of the Elf Queen

After the ball of Elf Queen

After the ball of Elf Queen

* * *

The enchanted box on the bedside table made a melodious clinking sound, and Sivila opened her eyes reluctantly. She didn't want to get up at all. She wanted to stay in the soft bed, in the warm embrace of her lover. Turiel, who was nestled comfortably on the queen's shoulder and had her leg thrown over her, seemed to be in complete agreement with her. But who cares what we want? With a doomed groan, Sivila twisted out of her friend and lovers' embrace, sat up in bed, and stretched, yawning loudly. She tossed her platinum hair behind her back and turned to her friend, who was pulling the blanket over her and stroked her silky dark hair.

"Turi, get up. Turi! Wake up!"

Her friend grumbled unhappily and ducked her face into the pillow.

"Sivi, can't we get another hour of sleep? Oh, please."

The queen glanced at the curtained windows, the sky just beginning to lighten behind them. She took a few seconds to calculate the time left, then turned her gaze to the lover lying next to her, who was almost asleep again. She wanted to send everything to the demons and lie down next to her, burying her face in her hair... Alas, even the queen could not afford such luxury. Sighing sadly, Sivila tossed aside the blanket to the indignant mooing of Turiel and piled on top of her. Biting her friend's long ear firmly with her lips, she began to lick and tickle it, working the tip of her tongue vigorously. The queen's mistress immediately jerked, shrieked, and tried to get out from under Sivila, but she didn't let her, pushing down harder.

"Oh, stop it, stop it, Sivi, it tickles! Stop it, stop it, I'm getting up!"

Ensuring that Turi was finally awake, the queen climbed off her kicking and giggling friend. She slapped her lover on the lower back and rolled her over onto her back, then gave her a quick peck on the lips and said sternly:

"Come on, we don't have as much time as we think!"

She got out of bed and walked toward her private bath. Turiel groaned doomed behind her as she followed. Pulling her crumpled white silk nightgown over her head and tossing it aside, Sivila walked barefoot across the white marble floor to her huge bronze bathtub. Next to it stood a small table of the same bronze, with various salts, oils, tonic herbal extracts, and body and hair care products. After a moment's thought, the queen turned to Turi, who had also gotten rid of her shirt and was stretching, yawning at the top of her lungs.

"Any requests?"

"Mmm... Let's do "Breath of Spring" and "Pink Pleasure."


Taking a small white porcelain pot with a tight-fitting lid from the table, the queen scooped a handful of fine pink salt and threw it into the tub. Turning the handle of the faucet made in the shape of a sea serpent's head, she adjusted the temperature of the water, making it hot but not scalding. A tight jet of water quickly filled the tub, turning it a soft pink color. Without waiting, the queen climbed in and sat on the bottom of the tub, leaning back against the rim. Turiel followed suit, sitting down across from Sivila. Immediately, she reached forward with her right leg, resting her foot on the queen's crotch. She gave a little pressure and grumbled unhappily:

"Why are we up so early?"

Covering her eyes, Sivila responded to her friend's caress by tucking her fingertips between her legs.

"I have to be ready in time to see your husband off properly. And my girls won't be with me tonight, so I'll have to do everything myself."

With a snort, her friend began to move her foot more vigorously in the gradually filling tub.

"Pfft, there was no rush. Everyone will only start to come to their senses by lunchtime. Especially August."

"Speaking of which."

Feeling her arousal gradually growing, Sivila decided to keep up and began to work her fingers more actively as well.

"Who do you think he spent the night with?"

"Most likely with one of the maids who had done a good enough job of impersonating an elf. Maybe even two. Or maybe some "pervert," but that seemed unlikely."

Mentally, the queen exhaled tiredly. When it was fashionable to have human lovers in the Forest, it was much easier for agents like Turi to work. However, there were some challenges. In particular, the seriously increased number of half-blood children, who were always a known problem.

"Wasn't that a little careless of you?"

"We're in your palace, aren't we? Do you think he's in any danger?"

For a moment, Turiel became utterly serious, even stopping to tease Sivila.

"Not on the part of the palace inhabitants, no. But on the part of his escort, it could be."

"There are no random ones among them. Everyone in August's inner circle has taken the Blood Oath and the Pledge of Allegiance. The others have all been thoroughly checked out. Can we talk about something other than work just a little, Sivi?"

Smiling softly, the queen purred:

"We can a little bit."

She leaned forward and pulled her friend to her. She gave in willingly and pressed her back against the queen. The bathtub was almost full by this time, and it was a pleasure to lie in it. Wrapping her arms and legs around her lover, Sivila pulled her tightly against her and kissed her neck. Her friend giggled and shivered:

"Don't give me a hickey!"

Squinting slyly, the queen moved her hands from her waist to Turi's breasts, squeezed them affectionately, and murmured in her friend's long ear:

"I have the special cream."

"Then okay."

For a few minutes, they lay in the hot bath, enjoying each other's closeness and the scent of rose salt, which cost a lot of money but was very good for the skin. Then, the queen pulled away regretfully and took one of the vials from the table. She poured its contents into her palm and began to rub it into her friend's hair, soaping it up. It was almost as long and thick as the queen's hair, so it took half the bottle. Soon, the whole bathhouse was filled with the scent of meadow herbs in addition to the aroma of salt. More precisely, spring flowers. Sivila asked playfully, soaping her friend's head properly and washing it thoroughly:

"Do you want a back rub?"

The latter responded by pressing her back against the queen's chest in an equally playful manner and inquired:

"Only back?"

Sliding her palm between Turi's legs, the queen ran the pads of her fingers caressingly over her pussy.

"I can do more than that..."

As a result, the joint bathing was prolonged and lasted a bit longer than originally planned. The two elves got out of the bathtub exhilarated and hot, and not only with water, which was splashed on the floor. Having put on a pair of snow-white terry robes from the far south, and having wrapped their hair with the same snow-white towels, they went to the queen's dressing table in the next room. Seating herself in front of it, Sivila lit the magical lights with a snap of her fingers and began opening the drawers of the table. Taking one of the stools used by the maids, Turiel settled down next to Sivila, who was arranging vials and jars of creams, oils, and cosmetics on the table, mostly custom-made by the court's artisans. At the sight of this wealth, Turieal said wistfully:

"I've missed this! Still, human craftsmen are a long way from ours."

"I made you everything you ordered. You'll have enough for a couple of years. And a separate set for your daughters. Just be careful. You know how much damage an enemy can do if they have access to cosmetic alchemy. And don't confuse the special formulas with the regular ones!"

"I know, I know."

Taking one of the jars offered by the queen, Turiel scooped some of the white cream onto her fingertip and, pulling up one of the mirrors, began to carefully apply it to her face by the light of the magic lamp. Next to her, the queen opened her robe and poured a few drops of aromatic oil into her palm, rubbing it on her breasts.

"Speaking of your daughters. How was their trip?"

"They're both thrilled. I'm even thinking maybe we shouldn't have brought them along. What if they want to stay in the Forest?"

"Leaving them alone in Morgrave wouldn't be the smartest idea either...."

As they talked, the two elves leisurely finished the procedures necessary to maintain the legendary beauty of their folk. It took only two hours. Dawn was already breaking outside the window, and the palace began to wake up little by little. Very slowly. The queen looked at herself in the huge mirror, dressed in one snow-white shirt, and was pleased with what she saw. Standing next to her, Turiel, also dressed in a single shirt, appeared to be pleased with herself as well. She hugged her friend's lower back and pulled her close to her, and Sivila said sadly:

"It's time to say goodbye, Turi. Soon, the whole Palace will be awake."

"I know, I know. As for your errands, I'll try to do them as soon as possible. Most of them won't be a problem, most likely. But about the "last one." I'll tell you right away. It won't be easy, and will take a couple of years at best."

"That was expected. Keep me in the loop on the standard pattern."

"You betcha. And don't forget!"

With those words, Turi clenched the queen's buttocks with force and made a serious face.

"I'm waiting for your list of candidates to be my husband!"

"I told you I'd have it ready in the next two years."

"I'm just reminding you."

Sivila giggled and kissed her friend once more, then helped her gather her things into a pile. After ensuring she hadn't forgotten anything, she and the queen checked that there was no one outside the chambers. Turi activated her invisibility and silent step amulets. When she was gone, the queen closed the doors, made sure her friend was really gone (just in case), and only then allowed herself to sigh tiredly. Who should she marry, given that she had three half-blood children? And she should start thinking about it now. Or better yet, yesterday. Which, by the standards of elves, means about fifteen years ago. All the nephews are either married or engaged. Maybe we could give her one of the grandchildren. But it will have to be coordinated with her husband and parents, and if the first should not be a problem, the latter will be very difficult to convince. Again, for each of them, there is already a list of potential brides without such "trailers." How difficult it all is. But what won't you do for the good of the Forest?

With another sigh of longing, Sivila looked at the wall clock. There was still time, and the queen returned to the dressing table, slowly and carefully brushing her luxurious hair. After almost an hour, the queen had tidied them up, combing them thoroughly and gathering them into a luxurious ponytail. It was a rather simple hairstyle for a crown princess, but it would do for today. Then the queen gathered her scattered clothes in one pile on the floor (she would have to wash them anyway), carefully put away all her special accessories with which she had gone to the ball, took a small hand mirror from the study, and sat down with it on the sofa in the reception room, putting her foot on the leg. Touching the small crystal embedded in the base of the handle with her fingertip, she activated the artifact. The reflection rippled, and a moment later, the queen's face changed to the reflection of one of the palace's guest bedrooms. Despite the curtained windows, the reflection was clear enough to see without the slightest difficulty.

The floor was strewn with a mix of male and female masquerade costumes, and a naked Mistrael was sitting on the edge of the wide double bed, her arms leaning back, her head tilted back, and her back arched. The agentess' legs were bent at the knees and spread wide. Christian was kneeling in front of her, supporting her with his hands under her knees and pressing his face into her crotch, where he was diligently working his tongue. The elfess, covering her eyes and biting her lip, breathed heavily and moaned, her breasts heaving up and down excitedly and her entire body glistening with sweat. Such a lovely thing. She'd tamed the boy quickly since he'd agreed to work his tongue for her. I wonder if she was using love alchemy or just simple charm. More likely the latter, the former would be too risky, after all, the heir to the Duke de Mont Ros is checked and guarded very carefully. Well, she could use some of the weakest compositions that had minimal effect and were quickly eliminated from the body. After watching the couple in love for a while, the queen touched the control crystal again.

The reflections changed one after the other, but there was nothing particularly interesting. Most of the inhabitants of the palace were still asleep. Sivila lay on the couch for a while, changing reflections, and was about to turn off the mirror when another picture made her raise her eyebrows in surprise and whistle in delight. Oh! The mirror reflected one of the back rooms of the palace. To be more precise, it was a storage room where everything needed to maintain the palace garden and the labyrinth was kept. Tools of all kinds, bags of seeds and fertilizer, spare pots, vases, garden furniture, and other stuff. Elves rarely came here, mostly human palace servants. But right now, there were as many as three Firstborns and a few humans. Touching the control crystal a few more times, Sivila zoomed in and amplified the sound transmission.

In the farthest corner of the warehouse, lit by a couple of candles and safely hidden from the entrance by high shelves, a couple of blankets were spread out on the floor. On one of them lay a naked elf, blindfolded, breathing heavily with his mouth open and glistening with sweat. His arms were stretched above his head and tied by the wrists to the rack of one of the racks. On top of him sat a naked young human girl, one of the palace maids. She, too, was soaking wet, her brown hair in a ponytail, slicked back and partially disheveled. Her head was thrown back, and she was moving her hips vigorously, clamping her eyes shut in pleasure and biting her lip almost to the point of bleeding. She caressed her breasts with one hand and slipped the other between her legs. Her partner moved as well, trying to adjust to her.

On the blanket next to them lay a naked elfess, also bound by the wrists to the base of the rack. Her eyes were also tightly blindfolded, and she was breathing heavily, her mouth open and her tongue almost sticking out. A human teenager was nestled between her spread legs, moving his hips slowly but rhythmically. His face was leaning over the elf's breasts, occasionally biting her nipple with his lips and pulling it back. The young man's short brown hair was slicked back, and his entire body glistened with sweat, just like the elf's. She was also moving her hips vigorously, wiggling her hips at the boy. Several sets of black-and-white uniforms of palace servants were stacked neatly on two chairs beside them.

There was a small table and a couple of chairs not far from the copulating couples. There were numerous appetizers on the table, obviously taken from the tables of the masquerade ball, as well as a couple of bottles of wine and a few ordinary mugs. Two persons were sitting at the table, watching the couples copulating. On one of the chairs sat a human woman dressed in the black and white robes of a palace maid leaning back and putting her leg over her leg. She looked to be in her forties, slender and shapely, with shoulder-length brown hair and a very pretty face. However, there were no ugly people among the palace servants. Aesthetics, after all. Sivila recognized her as one of the Senior Gardeners with an impeccable service record. The young man and girl copulating with the elves were her youngest son and eldest daughter, who had also been fully trained and certified to work in the palace.

Next to the gardener, an elf with shoulder-length blond hair, light green eyes, and a pretty face sat in the chair next to her, spreading her long, slender legs wide. She wore only a pair of high-heeled black patent leather shoes and a hooded cloak of black silk. On the chair beside her lay the rest of her costume, which was stylized to resemble the black and red ritual robes of a once very powerful cult dedicated to a not-so-good deity. In one hand, she held a simple mug of wine, and in the other, she twirled her mask. She looked with vindictive satisfaction at her fellow kin being molested while at the same time having a quiet conversation with the gardener. In front of the elf knelt the middle daughter of her interlocutor, also naked, with her brown hair gathered in a bundle at the back of her head. She stuck out her tongue and ran the tip of it over the elf's pussy, barely touching and barely breathing.

Such a beautiful sight. She immediately recognized the tied-up and fucked couple as the lovebirds left in the park. And the elf watching them was the previous girlfriend of the unfortunate lover. They had parted ways with a little over seventy years ago. Oh, female jealousy, how sweet! She had once looked at her husband's lovers the same way. Three thousand-plus years ago. At that moment, the girl riding the bound elf arched up, froze, and then smoothly lowered herself onto her bound partner with a blissful face. After panting a bit, she kissed her unwilling lover with her tongue, after which she carefully got off him and started wiping the love juices and drops of semen running down her thighs. Her sister stopped licking the blonde elf, gently pulled away, and got to her feet. Without stopping her quiet conversation with her mother, she pulled two small vials from the folds of her robes and held them out to the girl without looking. With a bow, the gardener's daughter poured the contents of one of them into her palm and began to rub it between her legs. After rubbing it in, she sat on top of the bound elf, whose fighter was still on full alert. She took the contents of the second vial into her mouth but didn't swallow it. She leaned forward and kissed her unwilling lover, sharing the liquid with him. Then she began to move her hips, gradually quickening her pace. The bound elf, after a while, also began to move his hips in time with her.

Her sister, meanwhile, came to the table, took a few sips of wine from her mug, and snacked on a couple of slices of cut fruit. After a quick snack, she carefully wiped her hands and wet face with the handkerchief her mother had given her, tidied up her hair, took the vacant place in front of the blonde elf, and began to lick her gently with the very tip of her tongue. Wow, this was interesting. From what Sivila heard from their conversation and saw, it was easy to understand that the couple she had tied up had been found by the gardener, who knew the labyrinth well and had decided to "hunt" there tonight, hoping to stumble upon some careless couple, to see and/or overhear something piquant. Which could then be told to someone in return for return favors or a dime. It's not unusual. All human palace servants do this sort of thing. It's part of their duties. Every one of them is explicitly or implicitly affiliated with one of the elves.

So the gardener's actions were quite ordinary, though quite risky if you got caught. But tonight, she had been very lucky. When she found the bound lovebirds, who probably hadn't even woken up yet, she had no trouble identifying them. And such luck that she was tied up with just the former mistress of the misbehaving elf. Of course, as a real loving mother, she did not miss the chance to provide her children with a bright future. So she quickly contacted her patroness and ex-lover's ex-girlfriend. Luckily, they had paired amulets of communication just in case the gardener needed to report something urgent.

It is necessary to say that having received such a message, she immediately slipped away from the ball and, together with the gardener's children, dragged the unconscious and bound lovebirds to the very warehouse, where they are all together having fun until now. At the same time, she took some food and drink, as well as love alchemy, from the elf's personal supplies. From what she's seen and heard, the lovebirds have been drugged with Basic Instinct. A potion is quite powerful but simple and safe. It didn't bewitch, it didn't have any serious negative effects, and it wasn't addictive. It only, as it was easy to guess, sharpened and intensified the basic (in Sivila's opinion, only one of the basic) instincts, preventing one from thinking about anything but copulation. The gardener's daughters, on the other hand, had clearly taken the cheaper and simpler analogs of Gaia's Grace, which were more than enough for human women, though. There was little doubt that they would become pregnant. In addition, both daughters also dabbled in Basic Instinct, albeit in much smaller doses. The gardener's son, who had once again poured himself inside the heavily breathing and moaning elf, was limited to stimulating potions only. But his unwilling partner, in addition to the Basic Instinct, was treated to another very specific potion with a name not quite suitable, in the queen's opinion, for it. "False Hope" had an almost one hundred percent guarantee of preventing a woman from carrying a child, but instead caused a false pregnancy with the same almost one hundred percent guarantee. The potion only worked in combination with male seed, and the more the better.

The cherry on the cake was the magical seal imposed on the elf, for the sake of which the jealous woman sacrificed a very expensive, rare, and disposable amulet. It, on the one hand, did not allow to determine the exact sex of the child and its paternity, and on the other hand, it reduced the term of pregnancy threefold. It is very difficult and very expensive to remove such a seal. And, judging by the fact that the gardener's son was tumbling with the elf who had been drugged with "False Hope" all night, she would soon show all the signs of pregnancy - vomiting, growing belly, enlarging breasts, milk, changing taste preferences and other delights accompanying the emergence of a new life. It will eventually come to naught, but until then, the mom will have to experience all the delights of an unplanned pregnancy from whom it is unclear. Quite cruel, but within the limits of acceptable for a very unceremonious and impudent, by the standards of elves, stolen lover. Still, it's not a full-blown pregnancy from a human, which would be a clear overkill for such a thing. The queen, watching this scene of jealousy and revenge, clucked her tongue and thought. Two more half-breeds in the palace. You get rid of one before they spawned quarterons, and someone would have another. It was to be expected, though. In her memory, no such masquerade ball had ever been without such consequences. She knew it was worth organizing such rooms when she had placed secret tracking crystals around the palace, which cost a lot of money and were very difficult to make

Meanwhile, the avenger and her accomplices began to finish their fun. The exhausted teenager reluctantly climbed off the still-breathing elf, who continued to try to move her hips and crotch, which were flooded with love juices and semen. He did not forget to lick and caress her breasts. His sister rode her unwilling lover for a minute, squeezing the rest of his seed out of him, and then got off, too, with an extremely satisfied look on her face. The jealous avenger, who had been watching, rose to her feet with a satisfied smile and leisurely walked over to the bound lovebirds while the gardener and her babes dressed. She took off the shoe from her right foot and stepped on the face of her humiliated rival, literally putting her fingers in her mouth. The latter, not thinking anything under the influence of love alchemy, began to lick and suck them immediately. Giving her to work properly with her tongue, jealousy with a satisfied and contemptuous expression on her face, diligently wiping her foot on her rival's tits. After that, she approached her former suitor and lover and, standing over him a little, with a vengeful pleasure, began to stroke his cock. He, under the influence of love alchemy, immediately began to actively help her and move his hips, trying to achieve discharge. But the former mistress, having calculated the moment perfectly, removed her foot at the last moment, causing a desperate moan.

By that time, the gardener and her children were fully dressed and relatively tidy. They gathered the food and drink they had brought and lined up in a line, waiting for the fair-haired woman. She moved away from the bound lovebirds, took two more vials and handed them to the teenager, then began to dress herself. He carefully poured their contents into the open mouths of the bound elves, and they soon calmed down and fell asleep. After making sure they were really asleep, the boy carefully untied them and laid them on top of each other. He did not forget to caress the elf's breasts once more. By that time, the blonde was fully dressed in her masquerade costume and headed for the exit. The gardener and her children hurried after them. After waiting for them to leave, Sivila touched the mirror's control crystal with her finger, saving a recording of the reflection. Wow, what an unexpected and interesting development her little prank had gotten. This could and should be put to good use. Touching the control crystal once more, she waited. After a minute, her reflection rippled again, changing to that of an older man with short gray hair, perfectly shaven and with correct facial features. He looked to be in his late fifties but was actually almost twice that. Impeccable service at court had great advantages. One of them is being able to use expensive rejuvenating alchemy. At the sight of the queen, he bowed his head and said:

"I listen, Your Majesty."

"William, we have situation number three at the garden warehouse. Take two sets of clothing, male number four and female number two, and one set of healing alchemy number six. The casualties are in the far right corner of the entrance. Follow the standard pattern. When they regain consciousness, tell them not to panic and that I expect them to have an audience with me in three days, just after lunch."

The man bowed once more and mouthed.

"It will be done, Your Majesty."

Turning out the mirror, the queen glanced at her clock. It was about time. She put the mirror back in the study, took the signaling amulet, and activated it. In just a few seconds, all three responses came almost simultaneously. That's good. Moving back to the couch, the queen began to wait. Soon, there was an agreed-upon knock on the door of her chambers. The mirror hanging by the front doors reflected three blurred female figures, indicating the masking amulets were at work. With a snap of her fingers, the queen deactivated the defenses, opening the locks. The doors immediately opened and closed again a few moments later. Inside the chambers, three of the queen's maids appeared out of nowhere, having disabled their amulets of invisibility and silent stride. All three girls looked by the standards of palace etiquette completely inappropriate. They were unbrushed, dressed in their underwear, and barefoot. It was evident that they had awakened relatively recently and were getting ready in a great hurry. At the same time, each of them was holding in a pile a dress, a mask, shoes, and other trifles with which they had gone to the ball yesterday. Well, today, it is not considered a violation. It was all expected and agreed upon beforehand.

Smiling contentedly, Sivila said in a stern voice:

"You have half an hour."

The maids bowed synchronously, carefully piled their clothes on the floor, and rushed to tidy up. The queen took her place in front of the dressing table, brushing her hair once more. Three minutes before the deadline, her girls lined up behind their mistress, dressed in clean, ironed togas, brushed and washed. Smiling contentedly, the queen beckoned to them, and they helped her into another dress, the same one the four of them had left for the ball yesterday. By the time Sivila was fully ready, Astra and Fiorel were waiting for her at the door of her chambers. The bodyguard was in her white and silver armor, and the page was dressed in immaculate white and gold robes. Nodding to them, the queen made her way to the Palace Dining Room with a determined look. It was time to see off her dear guest...

* * *

The farewell to August began well past noon and dragged on for more than two hours. The exchange of courtesies and parting gifts could not be quick. Turi's daughters received beautiful dresses, sewn for them during the visit, and a set of jewelry. Christian, to his great joy, received a real elven battle bow and three sets of white-feathered arrows. The young man held himself with dignity and accepted the gifts as befitting the son of a powerful duke. But it was clear that he was delighted, and now and then, he cast admiring glances at Mistrael, who was standing next to him. But all good things come to an end sooner or later. Having exchanged all possible courtesies with the Duke and having separately said goodbye to Turi and Mistra, about whom August's entourage was already whispering. The Queen waited until the last wagon loaded with return gifts disappeared in the portal arch. And only then, together with her entourage, she headed back to her chambers, announcing that she had finished all her business for the day and would rest. If that were true...

As soon as the doors of the queen's chamber closed behind them and the protection was activated, Sivila changed into a home robe of dark green-gold silk with the help of her girls, threw off her high-heeled shoes with pleasure, and collapsed into a chair with her feet on the ottoman. One of the maids immediately sat down beside her, took the foot cream, and began to massage her mistress. Smiling contentedly, the queen closed her eyes. But instead of relaxing and resting, she took the wooden tablet held out by Fiorel with a scroll and an enchanted quill. After which, they all began to compile a very complicated list together. Who was at the ball, and who wasn't? Who was wearing what mask, who was identified, who was not, who could only be guessed at, who left when and with whom. Who was at the Duke's farewell, and who was not? A laborious and difficult but necessary task that took almost three hours, with one small break for a snack. When the list was as finished as it could be, the queen set it aside and looked at her small entourage carefully. Now for the most important part.


The bodyguard, imperturbable as ever, minted:

"Covered your departure like you told me to. I ensured no one was following you, and then I returned to the ball. I stayed until the last dance, then left, returning to my chambers. I was asked to dance a few times, and I recognized three of them, as I said. Two more I'm not sure, but I can say for sure one of them was a woman who was extremely skillful at impersonating a man. I received three veiled offers to consider a potential suitor and one business proposal. As usual."

Expectedly. Nodding, the queen turned to her henchman:


He smiled contentedly and began the report:

"I danced until the first salute and was able to identify the two partners with certainty. After the salute, I was asked to dance by one of your sister's maids of honor, the new girl who had joined the entourage ten years ago. I recognized her almost immediately. She was very insistent, though veiled, in offering me patronage and various benefits in exchange for information about you. She tried to use love alchemy in the form of perfume. Hidden protective amulets and antidotes worked properly, but I pretended to give in and let myself be led away from the dance, not to her chambers, but to one of the guest rooms you had provided. I managed to apply my love alchemy, combined with counter-antidotes and a mild version of Truth Serum. Afterward, I interrogated her in bed, learned some interesting things, and wrote it. Left her deep into the night, sedated with special drugs."

After listening to Fiorel with a nonchalant face, Sivila sighed wistfully to herself. Boy, how can you do this? Well, one learns from one's mistakes, after all. She didn't learn the intricacies of court intrigue right away, either. This would be a valuable lesson for him, even if it wasn't the most pleasant.


The queen's maids sitting in a row on the couch looked at each other, smiling slyly, and then the one called by her name rose to her feet and began her report. Well, well, well, this is interesting.

"Danced at the ball until the second salute. I received three offers of cooperation as your maid in exchange for material aid and patronage, one even with the prospect of becoming a mother with subsequent recognition of the child. I received two more offers of assistance as a queen in return for favors in return. I confidently identified two of the suitors I had previously reported. I'm not entirely sure about the others."

"Finished speaking, she sat back on the couch with the queen's permission."


The second of the maids rose to her feet and reported:

"Danced twice at the ball until the first fireworks, during breaks stood at the table with drinks and red roses. I recognized both gentlemen but did not receive any proposals from them. After the salute, I was invited to dance by the "sheikh" of the South in the agreed manner. I checked. All passwords and responses were correct. I left the ball with him and moved to your designated room. I received a sealed tube from him and handed him your message. Waited half an hour and then left the room through different exits."

She was a clever girl. It was not for nothing that so much effort had been invested in her upbringing and education. With a satisfied nod, the queen shifted her gaze to the third.


Ta got to her feet with a wide grin and reported back:

"Before the first salute, I danced with a couple of gentlemen and managed to recognize one of them. The disguise of the second could not be overcome. Almost certainly, both of them also recognized me, as no offers were made. After the first salute, I was invited to dance. I recognized the cavalier quite quickly. It was Gilraen, the youngest of your aunt's sons."

Oh, my goodness. It's the catcher and the hunter. Well, well, well, I guess I can see why all three girls are so happy.

"During the dance, he veiled his willingness to serve you in exchange for patronage. He was even ready to officially join your retinue, but only on the guarantee of protection from the displeasure of his parents and your sister. I let him know who I was and hinted that I could bring his aspirations to you, but not for free. We bargained for a while, and then we came to an agreement and left the ball, moving to one of your special chambers, the ones on the first floor in the west wing. For further negotiations."

At the last words, Mariana couldn't hold back a satisfied smile. Squinting, the queen asked:

"And how did the negotiations go?"

"Very difficult, Your Majesty. Especially the first stage. But I managed to get through it, paving the way for further negotiations. Which I've called Katrina and Anetta. For moral and physical support."

Unable to bear it, Sivila laughed softly, her laughter picked up a moment later by the maids and Fiorel. Even Astra allowed herself a smile. After laughing, the queen asked:

"And what was the outcome of the negotiations?"

"A complete success, Your Majesty! In confirmation, we record the entire negotiation process, except for the very first part."

With these words, the literally radiant Mariana held out a small crystal glowing with white light to the queen. Already knowing what she would see, the queen inserted it into the special notch on the handle of her hand mirror. The reflection rippled, and a moment later, the queen saw Mariana staring intently into the queen's eyes. Or, rather, into the memory crystal. Then the image shifted a little, and when the maid stepped back, one of the rooms of the palace, which few people knew existed and could not be entered without Sivila's permission, became visible. She had originally arranged it as a safe place for secret meetings with her lovers. This was back in those infinitely distant times when she was still hiding them from her husband. So, it was a very intimate setting. The walls, ceiling, and floor were made in dark red colors. In the center stood a luxurious double bed tucked in bright red linens. In the corner behind a screen was made a small bath where you could rinse and freshen up after bedtime. The lamps installed in special niches created a romantic twilight. On the walls hung several paintings of famous elven and human heroes and heroines of the past, unencumbered by excessive clothing. Some of them the queen knew personally and was sure that for such a picture, they could do something very unpleasant to the owner and the artist.

But those in the room paid no attention to the paintings, being occupied with something far more interesting and pleasant than contemplating works of art. On the bed lay a slender young elf with short platinum hair tied by his arms and legs to the headboard and footboard. He had a thick cloth blindfold over his eyes and a gag in his mouth. His entire body glistened with sweat and the scented oil that had been rubbed on him by the naked Anetta and Katrina lying on either side of him. Their bodies were also glistening from the oil, which must have been laced with love alchemy, some kind of arousal agent. At least several distinctively shaped vials were clearly visible on the bedside table. As well as a couple of very high-quality protective amulets and an enchanted stiletto dagger. Apparently, they belonged to the queen's hapless cousin. On the floor were scattered women's clothes mixed with Gilraen's masquerade costume. Having finished setting the crystal, Mariana joined her friends, who were rubbing one single part of the bound elf's body with two hands.

Once the three of them were in bed, the girls each took a small vial of alchemy in their hands, clinked their glasses, drank it down, and got down to business, taking turns saddling the hapless careerist, who had little sense of reason because of the love alchemy. With a satisfied smile, the queen extinguished the mirror and set it aside. Activating one of her amulets, she examined her maids with magical vision. Each of the three had a tiny but already bright enough spark burning in their lower abdomen, and their aura showed signs of love alchemy to increase arousal and the likelihood of conception. Sliding her gaze over Fiorel, she saw nothing strange and was convinced of her suspicions. Oh well, not everything always went smoothly. Slowly rising to her feet, she walked over to her girls and smiled affectionately at them.

"Congratulations, my lovelies. You did a wonderful job. I'm very proud of you. Go get Titty she hasn't been milked yet today. I'll prepare everything you need. And Fiorel, give my cousin an audience the day after tomorrow, tonight, after dinner."

The maids rose to their feet in synchrony and, after a full bow, scurried off to a separate room in the queen's chambers where her new living toy was kept. Sivila went to her study and took a small wooden chest from one of the cabinets, locked and sealed with a magic seal. Opening it, she took out six small vials, three jars of white powder, and three disposable amulets, specially pre-molded and charged with the blessing of the goddess of fertility. She also placed on the table one scanning amulet, two "defusing" amulets, and a couple of compositions that were suppressors of magic of varying degrees of strength and concentration. And a couple of other compounds that were markers. Leaving them and the chest on the table, she took everything she needed for her girls and returned to the main part of the chambers.

Titty was waiting for her there, sitting on one of the stools by the dressing table, surrounded by maids. The dark elf looked exhausted, which was understandable. The last days of pregnancy are always a trial for elves, no matter what kind. The dark one's belly was huge as if she had swallowed a watermelon whole. On the anthracite-black skin of her abdomen, the seals of protection and reinforcement were clearly glowing. Of her clothing, the dark one wore only a pair of white leather shoes, a collar, and a currently pulled-up shirt of thin white cloth. Her outfit of white leather strips connected by silver rings had become too tight and uncomfortable for her. Anetta sat directly behind the dark one, pressed tightly against her, and methodically massaged Titty's breasts, who moaned quietly in pleasure, not even trying to pretend as she had at first. There was a pair of flexible tubes with suction cups connected to the dark elf's nipples and led into a small sealed vessel, which was a custom-made artifact for just such purposes.

The queen approached her pet and stroked her snow-white hair affectionately, then handed the amulets to the girls. As soon as they touched them, they flashed with golden light and were extinguished. But the girls' bellies lit up through their togas in almost the same glowing pattern as the dark one's belly. Placing the vials and jars on the table, the queen said sternly:

"Drink it every day. The dosage is the same as Titty's. When you run out, tell me, and I will prepare a new batch."

Almost glowing with happiness, the girls performed full bows. The queen smiled to herself. Well, they had received a worthy reward for their service. This would further strengthen their loyalty. After all, it is not enough to give birth to children. They still need to raise them. And it's time to start thinking about where to put the three half-breeds who grow up very quickly. Before you know it, they'll have kids of their own.

"That's all for now. When you're done with Titty, wash her properly, and you can freshen up yourself. Then take her back to her room and make sure she eats properly. We'll be up as usual tomorrow. Astra!"


Holding out to her the tube she had received from Katrina, the Queen pronounced:

"You know what to do. Afterward, you're free to go. And you, Fiorel, I'll ask you to stay a little longer."

The entourage bowed and dispersed, and the queen and her page headed for the study. When the doors closed behind them, and the protection was activated, Sivila pointed to the visitor's chair and said in a tired voice:

"Have a seat, Fiorel. And you can take off your pants right away."

The queen's henchman opened his mouth in astonishment, but he came to his senses almost immediately and began to undress with a nonchalant look. In the meantime, the queen began to prepare everything necessary. On her head, Sivila put a thin silver hoop with three large gems, a yellow topaz, a blue sapphire, and a red ruby. On her hands, a pair of elbow-length gloves made of enchanted leather. Taking a couple of small vials, she mixed their contents in equal proportions into one glass. Fiorel, who had already managed to strip down to his waist at the sight of this, began to realize something was wrong. And he was generally right. After putting on two more protective amulets and taking a scanning amulet in the form of a small wand, the queen turned to her henchman with a tired expression.

"My boy, I instructed you. How could you do that?"

"Mistress, I don't quite understand you..."

Gesturing for him to stop, Sivila handed him a glass and ordered:


He obeyed without complaint. The queen then extinguished all the magical lights in the study, plunging it into darkness. At the same time, the sapphire and ruby in the hoop on the queen's head glowed brightly. Their combination gave it a violet hue. And in that light, Fiorel's groin was colored a light green, standing out brightly against the rest of his body. At the sight of this, the elf opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth, and the queen spoke in a mentor-like tone:

"One of the most important rules of court life is you can't fuck anyone you're not sure about. I've told you that many times, and you know it yourself."

Fiorel, who had been sitting there with his mouth open, came to his senses and squeezed out some words:

"But... but... but... I checked her out! Twice! She was clean!"

Rolling her eyes, the queen clucked her tongue:

"As you can see, your inspection was not thorough enough. Well, let's see what my lovely sister's maid of honor gave you."

Taking another chair, the queen sat across from a blushing Fiorel and activated the scanning amulet.

"Should we go to a healer? Or do you not trust the Elder Enchantress Healer?"

"Oh, no, I trust her completely. But her young lover and main assistant, not so much. He's from my aunt and sister's husband's house. Now shut up."

Fiorel stammered and averted his eyes with an unhappy expression as the queen scrutinized his erect penis in the light of her hoop. Reaching out, she gently touched the tip of the scanning amulet to the head of his penis and began to move it gently from head to root. Almost immediately, the erection grew noticeably stronger, and Sivila frowned. Reaching out with her left hand, she squeezed her assistant's scrotum and began massaging it, causing him to sigh involuntarily. The light green color that surrounded Fiorel's groin visibly intensified. All the vessels and both testicles became clearly visible through the skin. I see. Holding the scanning rod at the ready, the queen placed her left palm around her page's cock and began to slowly move her hand up and down. Fiorel visibly tensed and bit his lip, breathing heavily. Without distracting herself, the queen briefly threw:

"Don't hold back."

Almost immediately, he poured out a thick stream of glowing green semen that shot straight into Sivila's face. But instead of splashing the queen's face and décolletage, Fiorel's seed froze halfway in midair and began to clump into a single lump, around which a translucent sphere immediately appeared. The protective amulets worked properly. With a nonchalant expression on her face, Sivila let go of her henchman's tense and visibly trembling penis, which had a completely unhappy look. Leaving him to recover, the queen carefully picked up the sphere floating in the air and moved it to the table in a specially prepared container in the form of a deep dish. Then, taking another vial, she dripped a few drops that calmly passed through the sphere. As soon as they touched the seed, it naturally hissed and bubbled, and its glow changed from green to red-brown. For a few minutes, the queen scrutinized it in the light of the various stones while gently wielding the scanning wand next to it. Then, without turning around, she asked:

"You're thinking about pulling up my dress and fucking me right now, aren't you?"

Fiorel, sitting behind, jumped up and down and opened his mouth. He sat there with his mouth open for a few seconds, then he got it out:

"I'd really like to do it. Mistress, what have they done to me?! I'm itching and burning, it's unbearable!"

"Naturally. That's the way it's supposed to be."

Sighing tiredly, the queen ignited the seed sample with a snap of her fingers, carefully removed her gloves, and tossed them into the same container, where they also immediately burst into flames and turned to ashes. Turning to Fiorel, who looked absolutely miserable and stupid at the same time, she turned on the light in the office and said:

"This is a rather tricky version of one of the variants of the love spells. More specifically, it's a variation of a spell curse. It's pretty well calculated, and it's tailored to you. And me. It's supposed to gradually increase your desire while making you think of me. And through your semen, it was to be transmitted to me. In skin contact, the effect would be minimal and completely negated. For me. But if you had poured into my cunt or my mouth, even my defenses would have been overwhelmed. As soon as that happened, you and I would both feel the itching in the affected areas of our bodies and the desire to have intercourse because that would be the only way to relieve it. But each subsequent intercourse would only increase the effect. I recognize dear Auntie."

Grinning crookedly, the queen tossed a small jar to Fiorel, which he deftly caught on the fly.

"There's a special ointment. It'll lessen the effect for a while. Rub it in very carefully. Your sensitivity is very heightened right now. Then, we'll figure out how to remove it completely. Just wash and dry your fighter thoroughly first. The jug and towel are over there."

"Thank you, Mistress!" Fiorel exhaled with great relief.

Watching her henchman tidy himself up and carefully smear cream on his staked fighter, the queen folded her arms across her chest and said in a patronizing tone:

"Well, my boy, I can congratulate you."

He paused for a moment.

"With what, Mistress?"

"With the baptism of fire, of course."

Seeing Fiorel's incomprehension, the queen smiled weakly.

"There isn't a single courtier of any importance in this palace who hasn't been fucked over at one of these festivities in one way or another. In your case, it was still relatively harmless, believe me. Some people have had it much worse."

For example, one couple who decided to spend the night in the park.

"So don't get too upset. The main thing is to learn the right lesson for the future."

"Was it all a setup?"

"Of course. What do you think your mistake was?"

"I was too inattentive. I should have checked her out more thoroughly....."

"No, my boy."

"Then what is it?"

"Your biggest mistake was letting yourself get dragged away from the ball in the first place. You shouldn't have let her do that. Even though you were sure you were taking her. Because she found you, not you finding her. So she's prepared for what comes after. Or rather, she was prepared. Just because you brought her into what you were sure was your territory doesn't mean anything. That was premeditated, too. Just like the possibility that you'd notice the attempted influence of love alchemy and spirits and counterattack. It was all about getting you into bed with her. Most likely, the spell was tied to sexual contact and only activated when you penetrated her. It's not easy to detect something like that with an external scan. You have to check it from the inside, so to speak. And I'm guessing she didn't know it herself. It's almost for sure her sister was using her. Oh, by the way. Why did you want to fuck her in the first place?

"Uh... What do you mean? I don't quite understand."

"You launched a successful counterattack, bringing her into what you thought was your territory. All you had to do was interrogate her with a truth serum and then retreat. Why did you sleep with her, Fiorel?"

Still sitting with his bare ass and cock, the henchman looked down at the queen, eyes and mouth wide open.

"I didn't even seemed so natural...I mean, I....."

"I told you, didn't I," the queen said with pressure and a furrowed brow, "that you were not to share a bed with anyone without my permission?"

Fiorel turned visibly pale, then twitched and opened his eyes even wider. Smart boy, he figured it out quickly.

"She got me after all!"

The queen nodded her head sadly.

"But how?! I used blockers! And amulets!"

"That's what we're gonna find out now. By the way, you can get dressed."

Fiorel, twitching again, jumped up from his chair and hastily pulled on his pants and underpants. After waiting until he was fully dressed, the queen took a small rod and needle of dark metal from the table.

"Give me your arm."

Fiorel didn't even flinch when the needle pierced the skin on his finger. His face was completely unperturbed. Oh, boy, I don't even have to read your mind to know what you're thinking. To herself, the queen chuckled understandingly. A long time ago, she'd had the same face for a week after her first masquerade ball when she'd realized she hadn't been rocking all night with her crowned consort. There was a time.

"All right, well, let's see what you've been hooked on."

* * *

It took another two hours to thoroughly check Fiorel, during which time Sivila examined him from all sides. She found traces of a contact aphrodisiac in his blood, but couldn't figure out what kind of aphrodisiac. She was also able to understand the structure of the curse and the methods of weakening and breaking it. The most effective of which, with minimal risk, was abstinence. Total abstinence. For at least a month. The problem was that hypersensitivity and excitability were not going anywhere. And suppressing them artificially with alchemy or magic would only make things worse. As a result, the queen gave Fiorel a simple cooling amulet but advised him not to abuse it. Finally, she cheered him up, telling him honestly that it hadn't gone so badly the first time. He thanked her and left the office and the queen's chambers with a nonchalant look. He would probably spend the next few days plotting his insidious revenge. Maybe he would even fulfill them. Eh, youth.

As Fiorel left, the queen glanced at her clock. It was well past midnight. Tomorrow would be a long day, and she would have to get up early. But what one does not do for the loyalty of one's retinue. Well, everything else can wait until tomorrow.....

The personal communication amulet emitted a quiet tune, announcing that a message had arrived from Luaval. With a groan of doom, Sivila turned around in the doorway and returned to her workstation. Sleep would have to wait.

* * *

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