The Story of a Boy Who Was Reincarnated in a Harem Romcom Manga

CH 3 – Are these my final moments?

"We've stopped at an abandoned warehouse. Around ****** Prefecture." I whispered.
[Got it. Dispatch, we need officers at this location now!]

Tied up in the center of the site was Shimizu-san. She was blindfolded and had a rag tied between her mouth. Her ankles and wrists were tied with zip ties and was forced to sit on the cold floor. I scanned the area. The men loitered around her, as they continued bickering something on the phone and at each other, something about a ransom and selling her off instead. Above their heads was an aluminum saw tooth roof, with a small skylight that punctured into the warehouse, emitting a small blue light that shone on top of Mei. Her silver hair glimmered as the moonlight softly reflected of it. It would of been a picturesque scene if it wasn't for the situation she was in right now. 

I was hiding behind a pile of dirty old wood boxes, making sure I did not peek at them for very long. I didn't want my presence known, especially since I knew I would be useless against them. A murky smell of dust filled the room. I didn't know what to do. My heart rate rose sharply, now that the reality of the situation had slapped me across the face. I couldn't think properly. This was real. This wasn't a world of a novel right now; this was real life. I was breathing. Shimizu was breathing. The situation was real. Sure, I could of ignored her back at the alleyway, but that would surely make me regret that decision and follow me until my last breath. I started biting my nails. 

'Think, Isamu, think!'

I definitely wasn't going to confront them face-on; there was three of them, and I sure as hell wasn't confident in my martial arts. It's not like I could ambush them either; they were sitting in the middle of the warehouse, I wouldn't be able to sneak up on them either. Sure, maybe if I had a gun I could disable them in quick succession, but its not like I had a gun with me anyways. 


The smartest thing I could do right now, was just wait. They weren't doing anything to her anyways, and the police was going to arrive soon. 

"I keep telling you, send 100 million yen to my account, and then I'll let your daughter go! Isn't that quite a simple task? I mean of course, if you don't do it, then I'll just send her ten feet deep under cement, since you don't seem to care about her!"
The blond man sneered and laughed.
"...Thats more like it!!!!"

My thumbnail was bleeding. Why were the police taking so long?

"Boss, isn't it fine if we taste her a little bit before we send her off?"
One of the subordinates grinned with a revolting expression.
"Haha... Of course, I mean I never said anything about not touching her when giving her back alive..."
The three men started chuckling as they all stared at Shimizu, almost as if they were licking her entire body with their eyes.

Fuck. Now I had to do something. They took off the blindfold, revealing Shimizu's desperate wet crimson eyes. They slowly started to reach her body. 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck shit fuck-

I grinded my teeth. Something, there had to be something I could use. 

They gradually started to strip her clothes off. From her blazer, to her skirt, revealing her pale smooth skin and slim figure.

A rusty crowbar entered my vision. My heart was pulsating, and I felt my vision getting blurry, the corner of my eyes getting darker and darker. Sweat rolled down my face as I clenched the crowbar to the point where I felt like my hands would burn. 

The muffled sound of Shimizu screaming for her life, screaming to be saved, cursing at the three men.
Then her bra came off, as the three men sneered and started cackling.

A lurched feeling dug in my gut. This was my chance. They were looking away from me, focused only on her delicate figure. But, my feet wouldn't move. It felt like my feet were chained to the floor. 


'Move, you fucking bitch.'


It took only one step. I felt as if my feet broke from the chains. Punching into the ground with my feet, I propelled myself towards the first man. 

"Huh? What was t-"


The sound of metal driving into the man's ribs reverbed in the warehouse. The man twisted and rolled onto the cold hard stone. 

"You fucking bra-"

The next person was of swinging range. Driving my feet into the ground, I engaged my hips and core as I twisted my upper body and extended my arms in one motion. 


Right into the man's knee. 


The man dropped to the floor, curling into a ball while clutching his knee.

Urghhh- *hah* ahhhhhhhh....

Last person. One more swing. Or so I thought-


(Huh...?) I slowly looked at my thigh. Bright red coloured hole, a pathway straight from the front to the back. And then, the shock hit. 


I dropped onto one knee. My vision was gradually growing dull. I felt like my heart would explode. I felt like puking. The pain felt like pricking needles into my thigh.

"I didn't want to use this on a fucking bitch ass kid... But you fucking made me do it!"

I tilted my head upwards. The sizzling touch of a HK SFP9 muzzle burnt my forehead. The smell of gunpower entered my nostrils. Where did he even get a handgun in Japan?

"You could of lived on naive and ignorant for many years. But you chose to be a hero, so lament on your choices in the afterlife you fucking brat."

Ah. This was it. This was my last moment of my life. How pathetic my two lives were. An indoor introvert with no ambitions reading novels his entire first life, and a loner reincarnated in a manga only to die for one of the heroines. 


I widened my eyes, as the man's body fell towards me. He lost grip on the handgun which flew in the air, almost like it was in slow motion. 

Clank! Thud!

Shimizu tackled the man with her body. I didn't miss this chance. I desperately stumbled across the ground as I crawled on my feet and hands. I yanked the handgun and pointed it at the man.

"G-get off me you fucking bitch!!!"


My hands were shaking. I aimed the ironsights on the man's figure.

I blinked once.


Then thrice.

I squeezed the trigger and-


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