The Storm Pirate Luffy

Chapter 63: Aokiji

Hello, Drinor here. I'm happy to publish a new Chapter of The Storm Pirates.

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The following 9 chapters are already available to Patrons.

Chapter 64 (Ice Admiral V Storm Pirate), Chapter 65 (A New Ship?), Chapter 66 (Water 7), Chapter 67 (An Emperor's Anger), Chapter 68 (Where Lightning Strikes Twice), Chapter 69 (No More Storms to Weather), Chapter 70 (When Friends Become Strangers), Chapter 71 (The Captain's Burden), and Chapter 72 (The Scarlet Puppeteer) are already available for Patrons.


After spending three months on that island, the crew felt much stronger, but Nami knew that Luffy wasn't yet satisfied with his own strength. She couldn't really blame him; she had heard him say that as long as he wasn't at least as strong as an admiral, then he wouldn't be able to protect them.

'I know there are people stronger than Admirals, but being as strong as one is my goal right now, when it comes to strength, then I will surpass them. I will become stronger. My dreams and strong will are not enough to become the Pirate King. I need strength, and that can only be achieved with training and fighting stronger and stronger opponents.'

After leaving the island, the problems arose once again for them in the form of Going Marry. They knew even before going to Skypeia that their ship wasn't in good condition, but now, it was clear the ship had seen better days.

As they were sailing, water trickled inside through a small crack in the storage room, which needed to be sealed immediately. The second problem came when a part of the wooden railings around the deck started cracking, followed by a chunk of it falling into the sea below. Usopp had even reported that the crow's nest had started falling apart, with the floor creaking loudly every time he climbed it.

Nami wasn't sure if Luffy wanted to fix the ship or get a new one. The ship wasn't sailing as fast as it used to, and the one who seemed the most distressed about this was clearly Usopp. Even now, he was checking every part of the ship, trying to see if there was anything he could fix.

As Usopp was busy checking on the ship with his hammer, Sanji invited everyone to eat breakfast. They walked inside, with Luffy starting first. He often stole food from the other plates, but the girls didn't have to worry; he never took from theirs.

"Hey, I just remembered something. We have a lot of gold now. We can use that gold to fix the ship." Usopp exclaimed with a growing smile as Luffy stealthily stole the piece of steak from his plate while Chopper jumped up and down on his chair from happiness.

"Hey!!" Usopp shouted in protest before trying to grab the piece of steak from Luffy's mouth, only for the latter to swallow it and then burp right at Usopp's face, whose face turned a little green.

"That's disgusting," Usopp exclaimed before grabbing Luffy's drink and then drinking it right at his face.

"HEY!!" Luffy shouted comically as he started exchanging punches with Usopp and was soon joined by Chopper.

Sanji shook his head in disbelief. It was a big mystery how their Captain could go from serious and deadly to a goofy pirate who no one could take seriously.

"Is this really our captain?!" Nami questioned in slight disbelief but with a warm smile on her lips as she watched Nojiko join in the exchanges of blows.

"Not fair, Nojiko!"

"Give me back, my drink!!"

"Stop it. Don't hit him there. It will take a while to heal!"

"I will drown all three of you right now?!"

"Try it. I can just use my air orb to fly away. Hihihihihi!"

She still remembered the serious Luffy back at Skypiea. She much preferred this version of her Captain rather than the one who always felt guilty. She knew the wounds weren't closed yet; her eyes often glanced down at the wound on her belly where Akainu's fist had made contact with her. Her armor had saved her life that night; without it, she would have died at that moment.

Robin still had scars on her arms because of Akainu. But the scars reminded her that this world is not forgiving. They needed to get stronger and fast. Otherwise, they all would lose.

Eventually, the bickering between them ended. The three of them were soaked in water, and Nojiko walked away smiling innocently. Their captain quickly sent a gentle breeze towards him, drying himself right away while Usopp and Chopper were left soaked. Luffy grinned widely when Sanj brought him more food to eat.

"What a pig," Sanji murmured under his breath as their Captain bit half of the steak and swallowed it right away. Sanji shook his head before noticing that Zoro had raised his hand.

"What the hell do you want moss head?" Sanji asked with a huff, glaring at the swordsman who glared back at him.

"More food." Zoro answered casually, pointing at his now empty plate.

"Prepare your own food, mosse head. But knowing your sense of direction, you will end up eating your own legs."

"What was that?" Zoro shouted, standing up and banging his forehead against Sanji, who pushed against him; the cigarette between his lips burned out quickly, turning to ash.

"You heard moss head, or do you have problems with hearing now too?" Sanji shouted, ready to kick the idiot.

"Boys, enough. Do this later." Nami ordered them with a scolding look, looking away from her own food.

"Yes, my dear Nami," Sanji exclaimed, bowing his head to her as if she was a princess, while Zoro murmured something about witches or something.

After ten more minutes, everyone ate their breakfast. At that moment, Luffy decided this was a good moment to address his crew. "Alright. Nami, how much gold did we take from Skypiea?" He asked as he cleared his throat, his voice changing from goofy to serious, almost like flipping a switch.

"Oh, well, with how much we collected during our journey, and how much we took from Skypiea. I can't know for sure until we find a place to exchange the gold with Berries, but I would say. We should have around four hundred million Berry on our hands." Nami exclaimed with a greedy smile, her eyes turning into Berry signs along with a cash register sound, earning a chuckle from Luffy.

"Holy Crap. 400 Million Berry!!" Usopp shouted in disbelief, the fork with a piece of steak slipping off his fingers while Chopper's mouth fell on the floor.

"Luffy. Can I get to keep 80%? Pretty Pleaseeee?!" Nami pleaded with her best puppy eyes while leaning over the table, showing quite a lot of her cleavage, her breasts almost spilling out of her bra.

"Greedy Witch!" Zoro murmured under his breath with a scoff.

"Nami, my love. You can have all my money!" Sanji squealed with heart eyes, looking at her cleavage and leaning closer, but he was slapped away by Nami's right golden wing. The same wing quickly sank back inside her back while Luffy burst out laughing.

"Nope," Luffy answered the moment he was done laughing, earning a loud, cute pout from Nami. "Perhaps next time," Luffy promised with a wink, his eyes lingering on her cleavage for a few moments before looking back up at her orange eyes.

"Now, what should we do with 400 Million Berries!" Luffy pondered deeply before looking back at Nami. "Alright, with that money, we will resupply everything we need. That includes our medical supplies, but as you all have already figured out. Going Merry is in a terrible condition. We need to find a shipwright, but fixing Going Merry is not all we need to do." Luffy informed them, grabbing everyone's attention, especially Usopp's.

"Huh! What do you mean?" Usopp asked with a slight edge in his voice.

"We should face the truth. Going Merry is a very small ship and nowhere near strong enough to be our ship. We are a crew of nine people with only a few rooms left. It's been five months since we got this ship, and it is already falling apart. We need--" "Are you SAYING we should abandon Marry!!" With a slam of his hands on the table, Usopp rose to his legs and shouted angrily, glaring down at Luffy, the chair being knocked over, the sound hung in the air for a few moments.

Silence fell over the entire room, and Nami gulped slightly, knowing Usopp had just disrespected their Captain in front of everyone. Vivi looked away, while Robin, Sanji, Zoro, and Nojiko had blank looks on their faces, but one could notice the way Nojiko's eyes were twitching. Chopper decided to hide behind one of the table's legs. He could tell Luffy was angry, his lips twitching in a way that scared him.

"Usopp," Luffy said the name as if Usopp was suddenly a stranger. Luffy slowly rose to his feet, before turning to face Usopp, his eyes hidden by his Straw Hat.

Usopp seemed to have realized his mistake and opened his mouth, perhaps to apologize, but Luffy cut him before he could utter another word.

"I'm the Captain of this Crew, Usopp, and of this ship. I told you this once when we met with Cricket and the Monkey brothers. I told you to not speak out of turn." Luffy spoke with suppressed anger in his every word as he glared furiously at the long-nosed crewmate whose face had turned white like milk.


"Quite Nami." Luffy quickly silenced her without even looking at her; his eyes remained on Usopp, who gulped loudly.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Luffy demanded, sending a wave of Conqueror's Haki that turned Usopp's legs wobbly.

"...I'm Sorry. I don't know what took over me. I'm sorry, Captain!" Usopp apologized sincerely, bowing his head. This was the first time Usopp had addressed Luffy as 'Captain.'

Luffy looked down at him for a moment, silent and pondering deeply, before answering; his voice remained cold. "Make sure this doesn't happen again, Usopp. I mean it." Luffy stated with a tone that made it clear that he wasn't playing around; the wave of anxiety slowly faded away as Luffy turned to address Nami once again.

"Alright, as I was saying, this ship needs a good upgrade. I know none of you have been in the New World, nor have I, but Ace has sent me quite a few letters describing his adventures there. Mobi Dick is the main ship of Whitebeard, and even that ship has difficulties sailing such waters. We need to upgrade this ship to withstand such a place, or we need to buy an entirely new ship; if we fix this ship and nothing else, it will sink the moment we get into the New World." Luffy informed everyone with a grave voice; the others nodded in understanding.

Luffy then walked out of the room, not sparing Usopp a look. Once the door closed, the rest of the crew gave him looks, but none of them said anything before walking outside.



Luffy and Usopp rarely talked with one another after the incident; even after two days of sailing, their next destination ended up being just another plain-looking island. As they were preparing to explore the island, they all heard the sound of people cheering; they all turned their heads to see a ship sailing towards them; the ship was red and twice the size of Moby Dick.

"What the..." Nami's words trailed off as a strange man appeared on the main deck of the new ship sailing towards them, seemingly unbothered by the sight of the pirates.

"FOXY! FOXY. MY NAME IS FOXY. THE CAPTAIN OF THIS SHIP!!!" the man exclaimed with a wide grin that was starting to annoy Luffy.

Foxy is a tall, albeit stout, man with skinny arms and legs. He has an almost mouth and a unique hairstyle, with his hair split into two spikes pointing upwards. He has thick, triangular eyebrows and is grinning like a moron. His nose is also colored red and long, just like Usopp.

Foxy was wearing yellow-orange pants, held up by suspenders, with large, rotund buckles on the edges, tucked inside black boots, which are white on the front part of the legs and have orange strings.

He has an elaborate necklace hanging on his chest, with many circular orange and yellow pendants, and a blue, bigger and more elaborate central one, with ears resembling those of a fox. He also sports a fur-lined coat with a large collar and big buttons on the right side.

"Who are these guys?" Usopp asked dumbfounded, with a finger across his chin.

"A bunch of weirdos! Should we deal with them?" Zoro questioned, looking over at Luffy, whose whole attention seemed to be on the approaching ship.

"For now, only keep your guard up." They all heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

Foxy was soon joined by a woman who held posters in her hands. She had a nasty grin and looked at the poster before looking down at Luffy. "Monkey D. Luffy, 356 Million Berries," she said with a growing smile.

"Roronoa Zoro, 199 Million Berries..." The woman went on and announced the bounties of everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates, looking at each one as she said their names out loud for everyone to hear.

"We already know our own bounties. What do you all want? Are you here for our bounties?" Luffy asked, sounding bored, his index finger emitting electricity.

"Collected your bounties. Nahh. That would be a waste. We, the Foxy Pirates, challenge you and your crew to an official Davy Back Fight!" Foxy exclaimed with the same wide grin as he burst out laughing.

Luffy arched an eyebrow before turning to face his crew; many of them still appeared confused, except for Usopp. "What the hell is Davy Back Fight, Usopp?"

"...Ehh...If I remember correctly, we will have to fight them in certain unique challenges, and if they win, we will become a part of their crew with force." Usopp explained, scratching the top of his head and earning a groan from Zoro while Foxy laughed even more.

"Did you hear that, Straw Hat Luffy? Now do you accept the challe--AAAAAHHHHH!!!" The Straw Hat Pirates watched blankly as the entire enemy crew was hit by a massive bolt of white lightning, illuminating the entire ship. Once it was over, the ship was as silent as a grave; all heard were the small waves crashing against the unmoving ship.

"Did...Did you just killed them?" Usopp stammered, paling slightly as Luffy shook his head.

"No. They are still alive, but will suffer quite a lot of burns. Nami, Nojiko and Robin. Take everything valuable from their ship. We are leaving."

"YOU ARE THE BEST CAPTAIN!!" Nami exclaimed greedily with berry eyes as she kissed Luffy on the lips before flying over to the other enemy ship. Luffy chuckled slightly, watching Nami use her devil fruit to form a golden rope bridge that connected the two ships so the others could join them.

One Week Later

After stealing everything from the Foxy Pirates, which wasn't much—only thirty million berries—they sailed once again, hoping to find another island, and maybe this one would be more exciting.

Soon, they reached an island. This one had a jungle, but as they were sailing towards it, they noticed snow!

"Ehhhh! Why is it snowing?!" Chopper exclaimed as he looked up at the snow falling from above. Yet the air still felt much warmer than it should have since it was snowing.

"Not just the snow...the water of the ocean is freezing!!" Usopp shouted for everyone to hear. They all looked around the ship, and he was right.

They all stared in silence as the ship was frozen in place, just five meters away from reaching the docks, the ice glittering with the sunlight reflecting on it.

"This must be a devil fruit user!" Nojiko speculated, remembering the way the entire island had started burning when Akainu had arrived.

"Who can be this strong?" Nami wondered out loud as Luffy jumped from the main deck.

"We cannot go anywhere right now. Let's see who is doing this." Luffy ordered them as he took a deep breath before letting it out, his breathing becoming more visible as time passed.

Luffy could feel this person with his Observation Haki as they got closer.

"Wait! Who is this guy? I feel someone powerful nearby." Usopp shouted, a little staggered as they got closer. Soon followed by Robin, Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Nojiko, Chopper, and Vivi.

After passing through the jungle, the strawhats entered an open space area. The crew was alert and kept pace with Luffy, who slowed his steps and raised a hand to stop them.

A tall man was sleeping while standing beside a rock, leaning on it, and he was snoozing.

"Who the hell is this-" Robin fell to the ground, and her eyes grew in terror.

She knew this feeling—this feeling was really bad. Nami gasped at seeing Robin like that, and Vivi tried to help Robin get back on her feet.

"Oi, what's wrong?" Zoro asked, not looking away from the guy. A man with that haki is a real danger whether he's sleeping or not. Robin was breathing irregularly.

"Marine Admiral Aokiji!" Robin said with terror in her voice.


"Phfmm... is it already morning?" Aokiji spoke and placed his sleeping mask on his forehead.

"No way..." Nami's wings formed behind her back right away, along with ten fireballs above her wings.

He looked at the group before him. "Oh, it's you strawhats. I've been waiting a long time, so I kind of slept..." he said, still scratching the back of his head. And I can see you are all present...good. Even you Nico Robin." Aokiji sat down Indian style.

The strawhats saw Robin in the worst condition ever; she looked petrified. Luffy kept patient and sighed.

"Why are you here, Aokiji? It's a long way from HQ.

The admiral laughed, looking down at Garp's grandson. "The man of the hour, Monkey D. Luffy. Tell me how are you feeling with the bounty 376 million? So successful in the grandline." Aokiji didn't wait for Luffy to answer as his gaze fell on Nico Robin.

"So this is the next crew you are using, Nico Robin?" Aokiji said arrogantly and almost spat those words.

"Hey don't talk that way to her damn marine!" Sanji threw his cigarette and pointed at him.

"Yeah! Robin is with us and will never do such thing!" Chopper stood up for her.

"Ha? So naive to the truth. Listen. She has survived for one hell of a long time. Through her life she has joined lots of pirate crews, criminal organizations, and the such...but now is here with you all?" he pointed his finger at her.

" you wonder what happened to all the previous crews she was in? Gone. Every single one of them was killed or arrested. Do you wonder why, in every instance, she has been able to run away?" He questioned the strawhats; none could answer, but a firm stomp got the admiral's attention.

Luffy broke the trance of guilt for Robin. "Enough. That does not matter, I invited her in and she accepted. She's my crewmate, and I don't care about her past." He firmly told the admiral, glaring at him.

Robin was grateful to her Captain's assurance to protect her name. She also felt guilty at the same time.

"What are you here for then admiral?" Nami asked, now sharing the hate of her team.

He grunted and popped his neck. "Simple."He pointed to them, "I'm here to eliminate all of you."

"Is that so?" Luffy questioned as a wind snake slowly formed around his shoulder with bright red eyes.

"Monkey D. Luffy, if you give up now. I will let you all leave this place. I'm here only for Nico Robin." Aokiji offered, but he quickly noticed the furious glare in Luffy's eyes.

"I don't sell, my crewmates!" Before disappearing from Aokiji's view, the speed caught Aokiji off guard as Luffy appeared before him and quickly punched him in the face, sending him flying before smashing against the big rock.

As the dust cloud cleared away, Aokiji walked away from the rubble with a shocked expression as he wiped something from his chin, only to see blood on his palm. He slowly looked up at Luffy, who was marching towards him. Now, two wind snakes were hovering over his shoulders, one with red eyes and one with green eyes.

"I see I have to take this seriously...Pirate..."

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