The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 70. Ugly Secrets

I knew that Hagstones had magical properties but for them to be able to suppress inborn magic with this level of success, I had never heard of that happening before.

"Hagstones?" I repeated, hoping for some answers.

"Yes, and now that I have your attention, let us get back to the matter at hand." He sat back with a smug look on his face.

I immediately sobered up. It had been easy to rile up Carleton when I still thought that I could break free of my shackles whenever I wanted to.

Hagstones were ground as used as an ingredient in some potions but for it to be used in this manner, something else had to be added or be done to the stones for them to achieve this.

I was all ears as well, curiosity was eating at me. I had taken a risk by eating the food provided for me but then again, the greatest risk was choosing to follow Carleton.

The food and drink weren't poisoned and even though I angered him multiple times, I hadn't gotten so much as a punch for it. It was safe to guess that whatever he needed me for, I had to be alive for it.

"Before we get into that, let me tell you about why you are now a fugitive." The smug look on his face evolved into a self-satisfied smile.

My head snapped up at this, my gaze darkening. Now he had my full attention alright.

He stared at me expectantly, waiting for me to pry for further information.

I stared back at him. I wasn't expected to be anywhere, I literally had all day.


Carleton gave in with a muttered curse. "Why did everyone around you turn on a dime against you?" 

His sly dark eyes glittered with barely banked rage. Audric Albeline was rather detestable and snide, How did someone who had everything taken from them still manage to have so much willpower?

He wanted to break it. He planned to break him in.

For now, he just had to bide his time, Audric Albeline would soon be under his full control.

Besides, he doubted that he would still retain his moxie after he found out the full truth.


I remained quiet, silently watching Carleton who kept looking immensely pleased with himself.

I remember Carleton said he was an enemy. In the flurry of the moment, I hadn't paid much attention to him but now I was starting to realize the full extent of what his words meant.

'What did he mean by what he said?'

"Why did friends suddenly become strangers, family into foe?" He kept talking, fiddling with his signet ring.

"I will start by properly introducing myself, Willard A. Carleton. Order of Merlin, Second Class. A member of the Hogwarts Board of Governors and a member of the Wizengamot."

I listened blankly as the list went on and on. What did someone as important as Carleton want with me?

"Stugg." Carleton interrupted himself. "Get me a glass of wine." He ordered.

We both waited for the House-Elf to return, Carleton refused to speak until he did and I wasn't going to ask.

"It is so easy to spread rumors, Albeline." He took a sip of the blood-red wine. "People are so easily convinced over things they half hope to be true.

"It is also deemed trustworthy when it is heard from someone with a high standing."

I gritted my teeth, slowly grasping what he was trying to say.

"It was quite easy to convince the people that mattered that you were a double agent." He inspected the contents of his wine through the glass cup.

Carleton was purposefully giving out information in little bits, he was probably trying to force my hand to give in and ask.

This was a mental battle of wills, I might be chained down but I wasn't losing in this.

"You had the perfect background and character for it too, not to mention the perfect character change.

I glared at him. Did Carleton just call me here to gloat?

"The thing with rumors is that, if there was a straightforward story, it would be easily debunked so it is better to have alterations to your rumor stories."

Impatience burned through me, I was itching to hear what he had to say.

"An example would be some people thinking that you are on a revenge mission. There are too many speculations around your family's death after all." He took a self-congratulatory sip of his wine.

"Why else would you be so interested in bringing down the Death Eaters behind the attacks on Hogwarts? You defeat them, gain the approval of the public, and then when you rise to the top, you take your revenge on them."

"The Albeline family have always been a bit of a stray dog, they never fit in anywhere. Do you know what it means to not even be able to fit in with the villains?"

I dropped my head, this was useful information to me, although I wished that I could have learned of it in much better circumstances.

"That is why it is quite easy for the public to believe both sides of the contradicting information concerning their deaths. They have always been quite the sore spot to their fellow Death Eaters as well as the Ministry." 

"Too bad they were killed by neither side!"

I looked up sharply at this, catching Carleton glaring at me with gleaming, cruel eyes.

I bit my inner cheek to stop myself from asking questions.

"Now, you understand one part of it." His pitch became low. "Why would I go through so much trouble to smear your image, you ask? Keep your robes on, I will let you know soon."

"Tell me, Albeline, have you heard of the Gem of the Abyss?"

I frowned at this question, my brows furrowing as I tried to recall if I had ever heard of it.

"I sincerely doubt you have." He answered for me. "It is such a tightly kept secret after all. I went to such painful extremes to get this far in my findings."

I snorted, dropping my head again. This stiff position was uncomfortable, I wished the mouthy man would quickly get over with his storytelling so I could get out of this chair.

The Gem of the Abyss sounded like a myth. It sounded sinister, the kind of thing men in power would kill for.

"It is also your family's tightly kept secret, the scroll holding the tale of the Gem has been passed down your family for ages." He crossed his legs. "Your father should have been the one to pass this information on, on your 17th birthday but unfortunately he passed on." Carleton sounded mocking at this point, it irked me.

"So it is up to me to uphold the tradition, although I am far from a father figure."

I shot him a look. 'Yeah, no shit'

"Do I have to be uncomfortable for this?" I spoke up for the first time, squirming slightly. "Couldn't have hurt to pad this metal chair."

Anger returned to Carleton's face. "Has anyone ever told you that you are an obstinate little shit?"

"Hmm? Not really, why do you ask?" I feigned ignorance.

Carleton slammed his fist against his desk before catching himself. "The Gem of the Abyss is a fabled gemstone that is rumored to have various magical properties. Its full abilities are largely unknown." He forged on, deciding to ignore me.

I had no problems with this outcome, either way, I would be finding out some vital information.

The Gem of the Abyss sounded like a really useful object, why was it passed down my family's lineage? Does it even exist?

"The scroll gives detailed information on how to access this priceless gem but for some reason, none of your ancestors chose to cash in it." Carleton scoffed. "I, however, will help them achieve this."

My eyes widened slightly, so Carleton has the scroll? It would explain why he sounded so well-informed.

"And you, as the last surviving member of the Albeline family, will help me achieve this." He concluded.

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