The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 49. All Hallow’s Evening


[Audric Albeline]

+ Title : <SORCERER>

 <SP: 895>

 <Health: 99/100>

+ Physical Stats

[Strength: 450/1000]

[Stamina: 400/1000]

[Speed: 390/1000]

+ Non-Physical Stats

- [Magical Power: 0/10000]


[Charms: 770/1000]

[Dark Charms: 850/1000]

- [Knowledge: 490/1000]


[Intelligence: 420/1000]

[Information: 900/1000]

+ Skills

[Animagus - -] <Unlocked>

[Legilimency - -] <Unlocked>

[Bloodline Magic - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 2000 SP



My Magical Power was now Sorcerer-level. Granted, it was just a 0/10000 but it was a start.

After the new Professor resumed, the four of us planned to stalk him.

It wasn't an easy task to perform in secrecy and after the first week, it was clear that we were wasting time and energy.

Was this how it was all going to end?

As the end of October drew near, talks about the Hallowe'en Feast were widespread.

Everyone was whispering about it in every corner they could, on the corridors, in the Great Hall, and even on the school grounds.

It was that I hated Hallowe'en but the closer our match with Gryffindor drew near, the more Blair became agitated. 

She tried not to let it show but I had come back from my nightly sessions at the Room of Requirement a couple of times to find her still up in the common room.

I cut down my time in the Room of Requirement because it was soon to become an effort in futility.

I would still study but my stats would only increase from here on out from experience, that is fighting battles and winning.

It was a more dangerous method of leveling up but also more fun. 

I would soon not need to return to Room of Requirement because, after weeks and weeks of grating training, I had finally managed to get somewhere with my Animagus training.

I could now transform to and back, wandless and in far less time than before.

I was still a long way off from seamless transformation of the likes of Headmistress McGonagall but I had managed to get this far already, I wasn't giving up.

In between classes, Quidditch practice, and the usual nuance of everyday life in Hogwarts, the 31st of October drew speedily by.

It was almost time for the Hallowe'en Feast and I was getting ready only to get a jumpscare from a zombie.

I hardly flinched, raising a brow at the scarily realistic zombie wearing Slytherin House colors

"Tanner?" I predicted.

He yanked off the mask on his head with a curse. "I'd pay a lot to see you scared." He huffed to himself.

"Why are you wearing a zombie mask?" I asked, a little confused.

"Whaddya mean? it's All Hallow's Evening, you're supposed to wear a costume."

"Isn't that for the No-Majes?" I buttoned up my inner shirt.

Tanner sighed long-sufferingly like he had tried to convince others before me. "Anywho, I spent weeks trying to perfectly transfigure this mask so it would be perfect, I even managed to get a scare out of Blythe and Crawley…"

"Okay," I cut him off, turning around to face him. "Aaagh!" I did a very weak rendition of getting scared, waving my hands for effect.

Tanner tried to look offended but then he cracked with a huff of laughter. "I'm still wearing it to the feast!" He announced, waving the mask high above his head.

"Sure, but don't tell me, tell Blair." I agreed calmly.

Tanner froze up, the first traces of doubt dancing in his dark green eyes. "Blair?"

I pulled my robes on, patting him on the shoulder after. "Let's get going, maybe we should pick up Crawley and Blythe, they sure would want to tag along with their friendly neighborhood zombie."

"Friendly neighborhood zombie?" Tanner gulped, fisting his mask.

He looked confused about his hesitation like he wasn't sure why he was suddenly doubtful about his costume. 

We stepped into the common room to find… a mummy? A mummy impatiently waiting for us.

"What took so long?" Blair complained from behind her swathes of toilet paper that she wrapped around her head. "We're going to miss the best seats…"

I had a poker face on, I should have known. Blair and Tanner were two sides of a coin, of course, she would play along with this.

"Why is your mask off, Tanner?" She hurried over to him in disbelief, helping him yank over the zombie mask.

I just shook my head and walked behind them.

I was relieved to see her this relaxed and enjoying herself.

Usually, she would be strung up about schoolwork and our upcoming match.

Telling her that worrying would change nothing, flew right past her head.

Even though she had built up the Slytherin Quidditch team from below average to decently good.

But today was different, she was laughing and smiling, even letting Tanner hold her hand.

She must really like Halloween. 

"Captain is awfully chatty today, isn't she?" Crawley whispered to his shadow, Blythe who nodded in response.

The Great Hall was a sight to behold, large pumpkins floated above the tables, black and orange streamers floating even higher.

The Great Hall was like an entirely different place and it was evident that it had been magically decorated and I wasn't just talking about the sinister laughing faces of the cut-up pumpkins.

There were larger pumpkins still lining up the sides of the hallway, white sheets transfigured to look like real ghosts adding to the decor.

Blair hurried us over to where she deemed was the best seating spot and hurried us all to get seated.

She then revealed her magically altered pouch which could hold hundreds of sweets and candies.

I wanted to tell her that taking that much wasn't particularly healthy or sane but I held my tongue.

If she wanted that many candies, she was free to have them.

The Great Hall quickly filled up, some Professors and the Headmistress even showing up.

I could see Hagrid's large figure lumber into the hall, his great moleskin coat thrown over his large shoulders.

I looked up at the ceiling, there were thunderclaps, lightning, and a rainstorm.

October was a rather rainy month but the mood was perfect for a Halloween party.

Headmistress McGonagall gave a short speech, wished us a spooky Halloween, and bid us to enjoy the feast.

"Finally." Blair smacked her lips, already holding up her knife and fork.

The food magically appeared on the table and no matter how many times I saw it happen, it always wowed me.

After living a previous life in a world that was aware of magic but didn't have any themselves, it was easy to appreciate the presence of magic in this world.

Blair stayed true to her words, gathering a ridiculous amount of candy.

There were large pumpkins filled with sweets on the tables, as well as goblets filled with dyed drinks which made them a disturbing shade of red. 

The large pumpkins positioned on the sides of the hall were also filled to the brim with candies, the school clearly spared no expense for this Festival.

Although it was the Hallowe'en Feast, the Hogwarts ghosts were nowhere to be found.

I knew that today was also Nearly Headless Nick's death anniversary but I doubted he would be hosting another party.

They all showed up towards the end of the celebrations to put on a show by phasing through walls and gliding in formation.

Amidst cheers and crackers from the students. 

Even Peeves was cajoled into joining the act, no doubt by the Bloody Baron if the glares he got from the somber man was any indication.

All in all, it was fun for a first-timer like me.

The Hallowe'en Feast happened on a Sunday night so classes were to resume first thing the next day but the students didn't even seem to remember it.

All talking and laughing and eating to their fill.

It was deserved, it had been quite the troublesome school year, and enjoying peaceful breaks now and then was deserved.

I took back with me a handful of candy to deter Tanner and Blair from heaping on me an entire pile when they found out that I hadn't taken any candy with me.

Towards the end of the night, the thunderstorm cleared up, revealing clear skies and a full, pearlescent moon.

It was a peaceful change from the loud and violent thunderstorm, it was calm and peaceful. 

Or was it just the period before another much bigger storm?

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