The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 13. First Day Jinxes

After a couple minutes of reflective silence, I quickly forgot that I still had a guest in my compartment. 

I lifted my head and took my hands away from my now obscenely swollen face to find Roxana seated opposite me. I froze in shock.

She was dressed in the Ravenclaw House colors and had a Prefect's badge, which would explain why she was able to take points off Slytherin. 

She was also stunning. My face was so swollen that it made it difficult to see but there was no missing her long blonde hair which framed her beautiful face, her light brown eyes stared at me in concern.

I turned away from her, Roxana also didn't strike any spark of recognition. 

But then again it seemed like the system was doing whatever it wanted.

Besides, it seemed like hanging out with her would only get me in more trouble.

I guessed that she was in my year, it would explain why Sawyer was able to talk to her so casually.

Fortunately, she only stayed for a few more minutes before quietly leaving. Another Prefect had come to look for her.

 I kept my face hidden from the doorway to the compartment, facing the window side so that my face wasn't seen.

After Roxana and the other Prefect had gone, I could finally heave a sigh of relief. 

I gingerly touched my face again, it still felt swollen but it seemed to be getting better.

I tried to remember what I knew about The Stinging Jinx.

I knew it sometimes caused red welts and could also cause swelling, fortunately, all symptoms didn't last very long.

Several minutes passed and my face was back to normal.

No one else approached my compartment as well, much to my relief.


<ATTENTION!!!> : First Day Jinxes Acquired

<REWARD!!!> : 100 SP Awarded


I made a face, it was almost like the system liked to see me suffer.

There were advantages to quickly accumulating SP though, it meant that I could afford to unlock a special skill.

I wasn't looking forward to how I would manage to get enough SP though.

The system had said 'First Day Jinxes'

Was it going to be a daily thing? Was it like side quests for SP?

Like 'Get a painful and embarrassing dark charm performed on you and get free SP' kind of side quests?

I wasn't a fan.

I did a quick mental math of how much SP I had acquired now.

280 SP.

Still not enough. 

I randomly remembered Wilkins, I hadn't seen Wilkins since I left the Albeline Manor weeks ago.

House-Elves were bound to their Manors, so he would be fine.

Shouldn't I have gotten SP for making it to the station and then on the Hogwarts Express?

That was furthering the plot, wasn't it?

I leaned back against my seat, I was getting impatient and greedy. The SP couldn't seem to come fast enough.

Even though I daydreamed about getting awarded 10000 SP for doing the bare minimum, I still made sure to store useful information for later.

I wore my mom's necklace around my neck for safekeeping.

It might turn out to add nothing to the plot or be of no help to me but I still needed to keep it safe.

I had met my arch nemesis. Sawyer.

There was also Blythe and Crawley, I had no idea who was which and I honestly didn't care.

I had also met Roxana, a Ravenclaw Prefect.

I was tempted to believe that she wasn't important but if she had bumped into me on my first day, then she had to be at least a bit relevant to the story.

My compartment remained empty for a long time, the train had also long begun to move so I wasn't worried about anyone trying to join me.

I released Echo who gingerly settled on my shoulders, hooting quietly.

I allowed her. I didn't have a lot of friends anymore, if I even had any true ones to begin with. I would try to keep the few I still had left.

Roxana might have been nice to me but I doubted that she would want to be friends with someone like me.

She probably only helped me out because she was a Prefect.

I would have preferred she leave me be though because she only escalated the situation. 

I turned my attention to my luggage that I had kept out in front of me because I was hoping that I would be the only one in my compartment. 

I put on my Slytherin robes and then took out the most important item.

My wand.

Clearly, magic wasn't prohibited on the train unless it posed a danger like Sawyer had done.

I was itching to try magic. 

It had been more than two weeks since I transmigrated into this universe and I was yet to do magic.

Flying didn't count.

So I took out my wand and placed it on the chair opposite me.

I wasn't looking to try anything complex or showy, mostly I just wanted to confirm that I indeed could use magic.

It felt awkward to stretch out my hand and say weird words but I did it anyway, my curiosity overpowering my awkwardness.

"Accio!" I called in a steady voice, hoping that I didn't murder the pronunciation. 

My wand wiggled a bit then shot right into my hand.

I could only gape at the wand in my hand, feeling a tingle run through my fingertips.

I had magic!

I tried summoning my wand a couple more times, moving it farther and farther away each time.

Then I tried summoning other things, it was while I was in the middle of summoning Echo's empty cage that the compartment door opened.

I was startled badly by this, the cage clattering loudly to the ground.

It was just the Trolley Witch.

"I apologize for barging in unannounced, anything sweet for you, dear?" The plump, old Witch asked in a solemn but nice voice.

She was pushing a food cart full of treats.

'Hell yeah, I want something sweet!'

Even if I wasn't hungry, I would have still bought a lot from her, out of mere curiosity. 

Money also wasn't an issue, I had a sack full of silver Sickles and golden Galleons which I was more than willing to splurge on dangerous snacks.

I got a little bit of everything, careful not to buy too much so that it wouldn't go to waste.

I might be rich now but it didn't mean that I would be so quick to forget my principles.

I spread out my bounty in front of me, wondering which I would begin with.

There were Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, and Licorice Wands.

Buying a bit of everything cost me about 11 Sickles, I even got myself ice-cold pumpkin juice.

I started with the Pumpkin Pasties and Cauldron Cakes because I was actually hungry, then afterward it was Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

I lifted the box and curiously studied it, - A Risk With Every Mouthful - was printed on the colorful box.

My curiosity won and I picked a bean and random only to nearly spit it out, it was dirt flavored.

I wasn't too eager to keep eating after that.

I got a Morgana Le Fay card from the Chocolate Frog I ate.

It was weird, it tasted like delicious chocolate but the frogs felt a little too real for my liking.

 The gum and licorice were nice but tiring so I soon got over my collections of candy and turned my attention to the views outside my window.

I would keep the rest for later.

The journey had been on for a couple of hours now but I knew it was far from over.

It wasn't very safe for me to fall asleep, not with Sawyer and his lackeys on the loose.

So I was relieved that I wasn't feeling sleepy, I was bored though, there was nothing to do.

Echo was dozing off by my side but I couldn't be so carefree.

I decided to try and be a responsible student, bringing out my textbooks to get some reading done.

I barely got past the first page though, frequently trying tame spells with my wand and getting distracted by the sights outside my window.

I couldn't wait for the train to get to Hogwarts.

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