The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 37: Sister Griselda Pt. 1

Burying his fist in Sister Griselda’s stomach brings him no joy, truly. He’s never really enjoyed fighting women, if he’s being honest. But when the Church’s Exorcists keep picking fights with him, does he have any choice?
Obviously, Issei had agreed to Griselda’s demand for a duel. The two of them had gone outside to fight with Xenovia, Irina, and Asia all following along, clearly eager to watch. Xenovia and Irina were undeniably nervous about the whole affair, though whether that was because they didn’t want to see Griselda get hurt or they were afraid he might actually lose, Issei couldn’t say for certain.
Asia, meanwhile, had a serene smile on her face, supremely confident in Issei’s chances of victory from the look of things. She knew in her heart of hearts that the chance of him losing was slim. So did Issei, quite frankly. Griselda was… strong enough for a woman trained as an exorcist by the Church. That said, his initial estimation, that she was potentially as strong as Kokabiel, had turned out to be incorrect. Either that or she was sandbagging.
As his punch sends Griselda to her knees, coughing and hacking, Issei takes a step back, allowing her to recover quickly and get back to her feet… as she’s done about a dozen times so far by this point. Clad in the same skintight black suit that Xenovia and Irina had been sporting, Griselda clearly came to play… and yet, in the ten or so minutes since their fast-paced duel began, she hasn’t been able to lay a single scratch on him.
And Issei has to admit, he’s been more than a little distracted. Griselda’s body beneath her nun habit and dress is… very fit and very voluptuous, both at the same time. She’s got the figure of a total MILF, and Issei won’t deny he’s been checking her out while they fought. It’s just such a shame that that hasn’t seemed to give her any sort of advantage.
He really had thought she was stronger than this. When they’d first met, he’d been certain she was very nearly on par with Kokabiel. Was that incorrect? Was he really that wrong? Or was there something else at play here?
Eyes narrowing, Issei’s nostrils flare as he detects a sweet familiar-yet-unfamiliar note in the air. It’s taken him this long to recognize it because, well… there are three other very aroused women out here watching the battle. Xenovia, Irina, and Asia are all hopelessly turned on by watching him smack Griselda around.
That much, Issei wasn’t surprised by, and he’d been ignoring it to maintain concentration on the duel that he and Sister Griselda were engaged in. However, even as the older woman lunges forward for another attack, bringing to bear a pair of light swords down upon his shoulders yet again, Issei can smell a fourth scent added to the mix.
There aren’t just three aroused women on this field… there are four. With almost contemptuous ease, Issei reaches out and catches Sister Griselda’s wrists in his hands, grabbing hold of them and gripping them firmly as he stops her strike in its tracks. She grits her teeth and strains against his grip, trying at first to finish up the follow-through on her swing, and then next attempting to yank back from him so she can attack from another angle.
Issei doesn’t allow either. Instead, his nose wrinkling a bit, he furrows his brow at the Exorcist.
“Sister… are you getting off on this?”
For the smallest of moments, Griselda’s face is an open book, her eyes widening almost imperceptibly and her features paling. But she quickly collects herself, and if Issei hadn’t been looking for it, he likely wouldn’t have seen it as the Sister snarls and finally tears herself free of his grasp. Sputtering indignantly as she whips away and brings her swords up in a block, the older woman shakes her head in vehement denial.
“W-What?! Of course not!”
Raising an eyebrow, Issei scoffs openly, not even bothering to attack. He just crosses his arms over his chest, distinctly unimpressed.
“Then why, pray tell, are you holding back? Did you think I wouldn’t notice? Do you WANT to lose to me? What exactly is your goal here, Sister Griselda? To become yet another of my conquests? To join your charges in my bed, as my pregnant lovers?”
Griselda had been bristling up until that last bit. When Issei mentioned pregnancy, she went stock still, her eyes truly going wide and zipping over to both Xenovia and Irina, who blush and squirm but don’t deny it. The older woman trembles for a moment before letting out an inhuman growl and dropping the hilts of her light swords. Reaching back behind her, she pulls something from the small of her back and a moment later, Issei finds himself facing down an impressive light bow.
Calling upon the Heavens almost certainly, Griselda pulls back the string of the bow lightning quick and a moment later an arrow of pure light is blasting through the air towards Issei, crackling with energy. He considers tanking it head on for a second, but in the end thinks better of it… and dodges.
The look of sheer disbelief on Griselda’s face is quite the sight to see as he effortlessly dodges around what is almost certainly her most powerful attack. Indeed, this is more in line with Kokabiel’s power level. Though he can still sense a hint of reluctance in the Sister, even as she finally recovers from her shock and launches a full blown barrage of light arrows at him, drawing her ammo straight from the air, or more likely, straight from her belief in the Heavens and her dead God.
Issei continues to dodge the rain of arrows, even as he creeps closer and closer. To her credit, Griselda doesn’t just stand there and let him come to her. She’s an archer over a swordswoman, that much is now abundantly clear, but before both of those things, she’s an Exorcist. Darting backwards, she retreats as she continues to fire at him, putting as much distance between the two of them as the field allows.
Alas, it can’t last forever. Sister Griselda might have showed her ace in the hole… but it’s still not enough to beat him. Issei lets her lead him around on a merry chase for a little while, lets her get nice and tuckered out… and allows her to get more and more aroused as he continues to avoid her devastating attacks, her every shot missing again and again.
Finally, though, he brings it to an end in his own way. One hand tears the ‘hilt’ of the light bow from Griselda’s grasp, the single piece of solid material that the rest of the bow extends out from. Issei tosses it away before she can react, while his other hand… his other hand lands squarely on Sister Griselda’s ass, a resounding spanking that sounds out through the area as he impacts with her derriere.
Dead silence falls as Issei finishes his pass and comes to a stop just behind Griselda. Xenovia, Irina, and Asia are all holding their breath, over on the sidelines. Meanwhile, Sister Griselda has frozen in place from the humiliating full palm strike delivered to her amazing, spectacular booty.
Smirking, Issei watches as she slowly turns to face him, a mixed bag of an expression on her face.
“Pretty sure that’s my victory, Sister. We could keep going… but I think you know better, don’t you? I think you know at this point just who’s stronger of the two of us. I think you always knew… and you wanted this. You wanted me to defeat you and claim you as my own.”
She doesn’t deny it this time. Eyes lowered, lips compressed into a thin line, hands curled into fists at her sides… the voluptuous Exorcist shakes in place, trembling and quivering with emotion. Watching her, Issei frowns.
“Only thing I can’t quite figure out… is why. If its your fetish, that’s one thing. Lots of girls have a defeat fetish in my experience. Totally reasonable to enjoy being beaten and then dominated by a big, strong man. But if that is the case, up until now you’ve kept it under wraps. You’ve maintained your professionalism. You’ve stayed true to your allegiances. So why now? Why the sudden decision to just… hand yourself over to me, albeit with extra steps?”
In the face of Issei’s honest confusion and curiosity, Griselda’s tense shoulders… finally slump. Hanging her head, the older woman’s nostrils flare as she lets out a particularly long sigh. When she finally lifts her gaze again, there’s a small, sad smile on her lips.
“I received recall orders from the Church at first light this morning. They are sending the higher power that you requested to treat with you concerning the Excaliburs and have ordered me to return to the Vatican.”
Issei blinks at that, before cocking his head to the side, confused. Why would any of that be a problem? Snorting in an uncharacteristic manner, Griselda elaborates.
“They are sending a higher power to treat with you concerning the Excaliburs and ONLY the Excaliburs. I have been ordered to return with Xenovia and Irina… only if it will not upset you and any future negotiations overly much.”
… Ah, that made much more sense. Griselda might have her own desires, but she was unwilling to act on them while on mission. However, when it came time to decide between abandoning her charges and disobeying the Church, it seemed that the Sister had reached her breaking point.
Slowly, Sister Griselda sinks to her knees, bowing her head before him.
“I have indeed lost. I am yours, to do with as you please.”
… That she was. So why did this feel weird? Hm, Issei steps forward, momentarily unsure of himself… but then his resolve hardens up and he finishes crossing the distance between them, his hand coming down atop Griselda’s head, his fingers lacing through her light blonde hair.
“You are mine. But don’t try to act like you don’t want this, Griselda. You’re turned on by the thought of being defeated, aren’t you?”
Glaring at him for calling her out, Griselda doesn’t respond with words. Instead, she reaches up and begins pulling his cock from its confines. As she strokes him to full mast, Issei just smirks, not willing to let it go.
“I wonder… was that how Xenovia was conceived?”
It’s an educated guess, in the end. Not a complete shot in the dark, but there’s a chance Issei could be wrong. He can tell that Xenovia, and Griselda are related, but there’s every possibility that Griselda is not actually Xenovia’s mother, but instead an aunt or cousin or something. Still, it’s an educated guess that pays off when Griselda goes wide-eyed for a moment before blushing like a schoolgirl.
“… Yes…”

The quiet affirmation causes Issei’s cock to jump in her grasp, and Issei can’t help but grin a little. He had, in front of him, a woman who got off on being defeated, who wanted to lose and then be taken by the man who defeated her. Well, Issei was more than willing to give Griselda what she desired. Starting with ordering her around, to make sure her defeat really… sunk in.
“Bare your tits for me, Sister. Wrap them around my cock.”
“… Very well.”
Though she doesn’t react in any particularly strong way, Issei smells her growing arousal in the air. Having him order her to give him a titjob is definitely turning her on even more than she already was. Peeling out of her exorcist uniform, dragging her busty breasts out of the top and exposing herself to him, Griselda proceeds to wrap her large tits around his cock, making Issei groan in enjoyment.
Of course, when the tip of his large shaft protrudes from the top of her cleavage a moment later, Griselda doesn’t seem to know what to do with it. Or rather, she might know… but she’s making him make it an order.
“Suck it, Sister. Suck on my cockhead while bouncing your fat cow udders up and down my length.”
Shuddering in what one might think was disgust and revulsion, but Issei KNEW to be arousal, Griselda once again does as she’s told. Leaning forward, the Grade A MILF Exorcist takes his bulbous cockhead between her lips and begins to suckle at it, all while continuing to wrap her warm, soft, voluminous tits around the rest of his prick. She even goes a step further, letting drool dribble down off of her chin and along his shaft, allowing for a more pleasurable, slicker experience as she continues the blowjob-titjob combo.
Standing over the defeated woman, watching on with a satisfied smirk on his lips, Issei keeps one hand atop Griselda’s head, while beckoning the trio of girls watching over with his other. Xenovia and Irina stiffen at having his attention upon them, but Asia brightens up and immediately races over to him, forcing the two former exorcists to follow after the excommunicated nun.
Asia is all too happy to sink down to her knees right beside Griselda, her hands taking over Issei’s duty of guiding the older woman up and down his cock. With a bit too much enthusiasm, Asia begins to force Griselda up and down his cock slightly vehemently.
“Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk!”
Meanwhile, this leaves Issei’s hands free to welcome Xenovia and Irina on either side of him, his arms curling around the two girls and bringing them in close. Clad in shorts and t-shirts, they whimper and squirm against his sides as he slides his hands down the backs of their shorts and his fingers up inside of them. As he toys with the two younger exorcists, both watch as their instructor, their mother-figure (and in Xenovia’s case her actual mother, though whether she knows that or not is still up in the air) chokes on Issei’s cock.
In the end, despite her strength, Griselda ended up right where they did… on her knees, submitting to Issei. Perhaps it’s not surprising, the next words out of Xenovia’s mouth.
“Are you going to knock her up too, Issei? Are you going to fill her with your seed and make her bear your children like us?”
Issei gives Xenovia a look at that. For one, he didn’t MAKE them bear his children… they both asked for it. For two… it was a good question, at the end of the day. Certainly, the way Griselda gets even more aroused judging by her scent makes it clear she wouldn’t be against it. And really, why shouldn’t Issei complete his set of soon-to-be-pregnant exorcists?
… Might upset whatever higher power is coming to negotiate with him, he supposes. But then again, did he give a shit?

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