The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 30: The Exorcists

There was no perfect choice here. There was never going to be. At the end of the day, his options were starting a fight he might not be able to win where those he cared about could get caught in the crossfire… or let an enemy be taken away who might come back to hurt those he cared about later on in some attempt at revenge.
Better to protect in the here and now, rather than going scorched earth and risking losing everything. So, Issei inclines his head ever so slightly towards his supposed nemesis and allows his draconic armor to begin slowly disappearing from his body.
“Very well. Your lord may have what remains of his peer. And tell Azazel that if this one does not see proper punishment, if he ever graces my doorstep and threatens what belongs to me again, then I will hold your lord directly responsible.”
Silence falls at his words, even as Issei refuses to back down, his gaze focused in on the gaze of this cold-eyed, white-haired beauty stood on the edge of the crater above him. Albion’s wielder stares back at him just as intently as moments turn to seconds and seconds drag on towards a minute. The tension ratchets up a fair bit when the other doesn’t immediately reply, and Issei prepares himself to resummon his armor at a moment’s notice, if battle is to be joined once more.
It certainly feels like it might be, this strange hungering filling the air for several long moments as they stare at each other. And then, finally, she quirks up the corner of her mouth ever so slightly, the barest of a smirks as the pressure between them drops and she hefts Kokabiel’s maimed form up onto her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
And then she’s gone and Issei is left half-wanting to go after her. He should have expected her to pull a move like that, but somehow, he hadn’t. He’d thought she would stick around, they’d exchange at least a few barbs, and then she’d leave with a promise of more to come in the future. Instead, she’d acted like she was looking down upon him, like he was less than her in some way. It rankled something fierce, that a cold beauty like that dared to act the part of the Ice Queen in the presence of him, the Red Dragon Emperor.
But then, if ever there was going to be a woman who tried to lay claim to being his equal, it would be his counterpart, the bearer of Albion, the Vanishing Dragon.
Issei rolls his eyes at hearing Ddraig’s hissed tone in the back of his head. Though at the same time, he supposes it’s a bit easier to understand her distaste at this point. He’s a little annoyed now too. Next time he and his so-called nemesis meet, he’s fully intending to give her a piece of his mind… and maybe a good hard dicking to dislodge that stick wedged up her ass as well, if it works out.
Letting out a sigh, Issei lets the tension roll out of him now that the fight is over, and the enemy is gone. He smiles and it’s even genuine as he turns to meet Asia with open arms. The blonde nun has managed to make her way down into the center of the crater that he and Kokabiel produced at the end of their fight, and leaps into his embrace, hugging him with all four of her limbs as Issei chuckles and hugs her right back, letting her cling to him like a spider monkey.
“You know there was nothing for you to worry about, right? I had it completely under control.”
“I-I… I just… I can’t lose you! You’re the only one left in the whole wide world who accepts me for who I am!”
As the excommunicated little nun cries into his shoulder, Issei sighs and rubs soothing circles into her back. At the same time, he looks past her as the three Fallen approach as well, holding the bundle of Excalibits that Asia must have discarded in her haste to get to them. Raynare drops to a knee and bows her head, and Kalawarner and Mittelt are fast to follow, all three of them trembling in newfound terror of his might… and also newfound arousal.
Issei can see it plain as day, but he can also smell it. All three female Fallen are incredibly wet right now, and if it weren’t for their fear, he suspects they would be masturbating just to the feeling of his implacable and powerful presence… or at the very least, Kalawarner would anyways. He can see the way her hand continually tries to creep down between her legs, before she catches herself and aborts last minute again and again.
“M-Master… that was…”
Issei just waves a hand dismissively.
“That was pest control. Annoying gnats buzzing around and thinking they can spread their idiocy into my home. Kokabiel will hopefully serve as a lesson to those who would try and come after me and mine…”
All three Fallen are looking up at him, all three are wide-eyed and red faced… all three look ready to beg him to fuck them right then and there. Issei doesn’t think anything of it at first, until he realizes Asia has pulled out of the crook of his neck and is looking at him much the same way, albeit from closer proximity.
In the end, Raynare manages to compose himself to ask the obvious.
“What… w-what should be done about these three Excaliburs, Master?”
Humming, Issei considers the point. He’s not a sword guy, to be honest. And the three Fallen don’t do swords either. Asia doesn’t… ah, but Rias has a swordsman among her ranks, right? And now that he’s dealt with things to his satisfaction, he should probably at least inform Rias and Sona of what’s going on.
Letting Asia down, something that the blonde nun whines about before nevertheless finding her own feet, Issei pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials Rias’ number. It rings twice before she picks up.
“U-Um, yes Issei? I don’t mean to be rude, b-but I’m currently dealing with something important at the moment.”
Blinking, Issei cocks his head to the side.
“Important? Is something wrong?”

Rias sounds worried, though not afraid. That’s the only reason he doesn’t immediately go racing off to save her from whatever is currently troubling her.
“Well… yes, something is wrong. It’s a lot to explain though. I guess… well basically, the Church sent two representatives to Kuoh Town. Technically we’re not at peace, but we’re also not at war, so they came to me and Sona first before beginning their mission. Their mission… which is to retrieve stolen holy swords that are said to be somewhere in Kuoh. The only problem is…”
Issei raises an eyebrow. He’s half-ready to tell Rias he’s already got the holy swords in question, because what other stolen holy swords could they be hunting for except the Excalibits… but something in Rias’ tone stops him.
“What is it?”
“Well, you wouldn’t know too much about my dear Knight, Kiba. He, well… he suffered greatly at the hands of the Church as a youth as part of a despicable and vile thing called the Holy Sword Project. Upon hearing about Xenovia and Irina’s mission from the Church, Kiba ran off and I haven’t been able to get ahold of him since.”
Irina… that name seemed familiar, for some reason. Xenovia, on the other hand, rang no bells. Cocking his head to the side, Issei glances over to where the bundle of Excalibits lies in Raynare’s arms. He half-expects Kiba to show up and attack out of nowhere… but no, this isn’t some sort of Shonen anime. It’s real life, and there’s no one in the area except him, Asia, and the Fallen. Issei would know.
“I can’t solve all of your problems… but I assume you want these two representatives of the Church out of your hair as soon as possible?”
“… Yes, that would be appreciated. But it has to be done peacefully, Issei. N-Not that I would question you!”
Issei just snorts derisively. It’s a fair question for Rias to have, in all honesty. He’s pretty bad at peaceful. Still, this seems like one time where he can solve almost all of the current situation peacefully… from this point on, at least. Glancing around himself, he’s forced to acknowledge that he already handled all the fighting. So, blunt as can be, he outlines the current situation to Rias.
“I’ve already dealt with the issue of the missing holy swords. I currently have Excalibur Rapidly, Excalibur Nightmare, and Excalibur Transparency in my possession. If these are indeed the swords your guests are looking for, I can head over to the Academy to pass them off.”
“W-What?! That’s… how did you get ahead of the issue like that so fast?!”
Issei cocks his head to the side and considers explaining EVERYHING to Rias, including Kokabiel’s presence and ultimate goals. But in the end, that doesn’t seem necessary. He certainly has no desire to tell Rias that a Grigori Lord had intentions of defiling and then murdering her and her best friend in order to start a new war between the supernatural factions.
So instead, he decides to keep it simple.
“The thieves happened to cross my path and piss me the fuck off. Most didn’t survive. The one who did won’t be a threat any longer, or so I have on good authority. So… should I come over?”
“I… y-yes. Please. I’ll assemble everyone I can for when you arrive. T-Thank you, Issei.”
Hm, it was sometimes hard to tell over the phone… but had Rias’ tone gotten slightly husky near the end of the call? Was she aroused, simply by his success? Shrugging, Issei puts his phone away and looks to Asia and then the Fallen.
“… I’m not bringing you all with me.”
In the end, it’s just him and Asia who head over to Kuoh Academy. But Issei is a magnanimous master. He gives Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt leave to masturbate to the thought of him to their heart’s content. He even suggests that they play with each other in order to make up for his absence. Whether they’re going to actually do as he suggests, Issei doesn’t know… he has an appointment to keep.
And so, that’s how he finds himself meeting Rias, Sona, some of their peerage members, and the two representatives of the Church, outside of the Occult Research Club. As he and Asia approach, he has to admit he’s checking out the new girls. The Church’s representatives are undeniably beautiful, at least in the face. Thanks to the white robes they’re currently wearing, he can’t see their bodies… but he doesn’t really need to.
Rather than his name coming from Rias or Sona’s lips as Issei might have expected however, it’s from one of the Exorcists instead. The one with long chestnut hair done up in twin tails is looking at him in wide-eyed shock… and Issei finally manages to connect the dots. While he’s easy enough to recognize even after all this time… his childhood friend is not. She’s grown up… and grown beautiful at that.
“Irina… good to see you again.”
He smiles and gives her a nod, which causes Irina to blush and avert her gaze. Her companion on the other hand…
“You. You come before us with all three missing Excaliburs and an excommunicated nun at your side. What is this and who are you? How do we know you weren’t involved in the theft of the Excaliburs? How do we know this isn’t a trap?”
Issei just raises an eyebrow, even as Irina whirls on her companion.
Neither Rias nor Sona look very happy either, the two Devil Heiresses scowling at Xenovia’s blunt words. But honestly… Issei kind of likes it. And not just because the other cold beauty he’d met today had skedaddled before he could really talk to her. While that’s certainly part of it, he also finds himself admiring this Xenovia girl’s spunk.
“Hm, well I suppose you don’t know anything. Except that I have no need to trap you. I am, after all, the Red Dragon Emperor.”
He lets a bit of himself leak out at that and is pleased when both Irina and Xenovia go wide-eyed and faint at the display of power. He’s even more pleased when neither of them collapse to their knees, though they definitely wobble. Rias manages to stay on her feet as well, and so does Asia… but the same cannot be said for Akeno, or Sona’s peerage… or even Sona Sitri herself.
It seems he’d gone a little too hard on the Sitri Heiress, because Sona’s eyes glaze over and she starts breathing heavily enough to fog up her glasses as she collapses to her knees, trembling and whimpering. Issei barely spares her a glance though, more interested in Xenovia and Irina as he smiles wickedly… before pulling back in his power and removing the pressure upon them all.
“If I wanted you dead, you would already be dead. Kuoh Town and everything within it… belongs to me and is part of my hoard. When your would-be thieves came here with these holy swords with the intention of causing a ruckus, they run afoul of me. They’ve been taken care of, and these… Excaliburs have been retrieved. But now that they’re here, they too belong to me. So, I suppose the only question is… what sort of incentive do I have to give them back?”
In the time he’s spent talking, all those who had collapsed to their knees have struggled back to their feet. However, his final sentence causes another sort of stillness to descend over the crowd of girls, and Issei smiles and he sees Rias and Sona blanch at the realization that they can’t make him do anything, not even regarding this.
Xenovia and Irina, meanwhile, are cutely defiant even in the face of his overwhelming display of power.
“Those swords… belong to the Church.”
Issei hums and eyes the two of them speculatively for a moment. Then, he rather bluntly smacks them both down.
“If the Church were truly capable stewards of these blades, they would have sent individuals capable of retrieving them. Now, don’t get me wrong… I’m sure you’re both very capable. But I just got done fighting Kokabiel. Neither of you would have stood a chance against him. He would have slaughtered you both with ease.”
The name drop gets their attention, their eyes widening and their mouths dropping open. Issei supposes Kokabiel must have been a bigger deal then even he initially thought. At the same time, he recognizes a window of opportunity. While they’re still in a state of shock, he can decide how he wants to… push this issue.
Hm, how did he want to go about things? He could challenge them to a two on one duel for ownership of the blades. Of course, he already owned the blades… so they would be wagering their own temporary servitude in exchange if he had his way.
Alternatively, he could do away with subtlety entirely and proposition the two beautiful exorcists right then and there. Sex for the swords… one apiece, but then that WOULD leave a third Excalibur to be ‘earned’ and he could have some fun with that, Issei knew he could.
Of course, there was also going with even more subtlety. Another exchange, but this time the swords for their time… a date, with the two of them, to see what came of it. He would have to seduce them both the old-fashioned way, at the same time. Was that really the way to their hearts though?
Mm, or he could be boring and just give them back the swords and send them on their way. The least risky option, the easiest option, the option that let things go back to the way they were before, that maintained and reinforced the status quo. It’s the option he would have made a few months ago, before he’d… well, woken up.
He’d been sleeping long enough though. That last option… it wasn’t even a real option at all.

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