Chapter 13: 13
We made it to the restaurant after a little fuss about me taking my own car. Leonard wanted me to just ride with him and Sheldon, but I managed to talk my way out of that fiasco by making up an impromptu trip to the grocery store after dinner. Sheldon looked puzzled for all of two seconds before he caught onto my deception and offered to go shopping with me, to which I happily agreed. We made it to the restaurant just before the dinner rush hit luckily. Seldon and I beat Leonard, Howard and Raj which gave us time to get seated making sure we were in Penny's section. This way she could get the tip from the guys which would bolster her finances for the month. Penny walked up to the table and said, "Hey Sis, I guess you just couldn't stay away. Did you miss me already?" I just chuckled at her and said, "Actually I am here to save you Leonard, Howard and Raj are on their way here for dinner. Luckily Sheldon here warned me of their plot to woo you so we came to intercept on your behalf, because I know you are a big softy and won't tell them to leave you alone. She looked at me and said, "Oh thank god cause I don't feel anything for any of them outside of maybe friendship. I just don't want to make Leonard sad and things get awkward we are neighbors after all." I just chuckled at my sweet slightly naive sister and send her to get our drinks while we wait for the guys to show up.
It took the guys 15 minutes before they finally showed up. Leonard apologized and made some excuse about Howard's mother being the reason why which I found odd because Howard is a grown man still living with his mother. Then again so is my brother Randell well in between his rehab visits. We were finally able to order our dinner and it didn't take long before it was brought out. Dinner itself was relatively painless if you don't count the number of times I was hit on by Leonard and Howard in between the times they hit on Penny when she came to check on us. Sheldon was my only saving grace he kept talking about random facts trying to save me from the endless flirting from the others. I mean don't they get the hint that I don't like them in that way and that their advances are just plain creepy and a little gross. At one point Howard point blank said to Penny and myself that he would take us both to pound town it was so disgusting I almost lost my dinner. That is one creepy little troll I tell you, I couldn't wait to be done with dinner fast enough and wont be joining in on anything where Howard is involved. Leonard wasn't much better though he kept shooting puppy dog eyes at me and to Penny he kept puffing out his chest like some deranged pigmy puffer fish in an attempt to seem buff or something. Leonard at least didn't creep me out he just made me feel uncomfortable because he was just so pushy and couldn't or wouldn't take a hint.
We finally finished our meal and were about to leave when Leonard said, "You know I could go with you to the store as well." I had to force a smile before I said, "It's fine I can handle it and Sheldon promised to go with me." Leonard looked disappointed but then smiled as if a thought came to mind before he said, "Alright I will just see you at the apartment then." I was uneasy with how easy that seemed, but what could I do about it? I guess I will find out when we get back. Grocery shopping with Sheldon was an experience, he went around looking at all the expiration dates and asking the employees if the stock on the shelves was the most current that they had. He also sniffed, poked and knocked on all the produce I wanted to buy. I was just glad it was late in the evening and that the store was mostly empty. 'I will never take Sheldon grocery shopping again.' I thought to myself.
We finally made it out of the store and back to the apartment building Sheldon although difficult was still sweet and offered to help me bring the groceries up. We made it to our floor and needless to say I was shocked by what I saw, Leonard I assume had littered the floor with rose petals leading up to my door with a note tapped to it. The only silver lining I could think of to the situation was that Leonard was no where in sight. I rushed Sheldon to my door and hurried with the keys before we were spotted and almost slammed the door behind us. Sheldon took the bag to the kitchen while I called Penny "Hello Pen, I have some news." "What's Up Ali?" She asked "Well when you get back to the apartment you better run for the door and get inside as fast as you can." "Why do I have to rush inside the apartment Ali? What did you do?" she asked "I did nothing Pen, it's Leonard or at least I think it's him. After Sheldon and I got back from the grocery store we came home to a flower petal walkway right to our door with a note tapped to it." She laughed at me before she said, "So what does the note say then?" I paused for a second before I said, "I don't know I didn't stop to grab it in my haste to get inside and avoid whatever scenario the hobbit has planned out in his head."
She let out a sigh and said, "Alright I will be home in five minutes then we can see what the note says." I finally relax knowing that Pen will soon be home safe from whatever scheme Leonard may be planning. The five minutes it took for Pen to get home was agonizingly slow but Sheldon kept me distracted with helping me come up with a organization chart for the kitchen. Finally I heard her keys rattle in the door so I ran to open it but before I got to the door I heard music coming from the hallway. Curiosity and self preservation got the better of me so I decided to spy through the peephole. Leonard had come out of his apartment with a bouquet of flowers and a suit and walked up to my tired grease splattered sister and asked her something I couldn't make out. I decided to open my door and put her out of her misery. "Hey what's with the music?" I ask pretending not to know what is going on. "Pen looks at me with her I'm trying hard not to be mean cause I'm tired look and said, "Hey Ali, umm...Leonard was just asking me something." I nodded but still stood with my arms crossed and waited for her to finish up. She turned back to Leonard and said, "Look Leonard I'm flattered that you asked me, but I just got out of a relationship with Kurt and I'm not really looking to date anyone right now. Not to mention your my neighbor and I wouldn't want to make things awkward between us." She turned to come inside but Leonard said, "If your not ready to date then what was this morning about with that guy sucking your face off in the hall?" Penny froze and I saw the anger flash in her eyes before she took a steadying breath and said, "Look I may not be ready to date but what I do and who I do things with in the mean time is none of your business."
Leonard then did something truly stupid for someone who claims to be smart he said, "Well I don't mind if we just have sex until your ready for more." I just stood there with my jaw open as I saw the all encompassing rage on my sisters face and she pulled her arm back and punched the hobbit in the face. She stormed into the apartment after ripping the note from the door and slammed it in his face.