The Second Salvation Myth of a Retired Returning Hero

chapter 135

135. young shark

The two hugged each other for a long time without saying a word.

Doyoon kept repeating Luna’s words over and over again.


I knew it as soon as I heard it.

okay. That was it.

The indescribable and irresistible feelings he felt for Luna until now. it was paternalism.

Doyoon finally realized this.

The golden mana color that can be seen through the pupils. A strangely sensitive feeling. blunt personality.

The clues that had been neglected so far were corrected one by one.


my daughter Luna Thanatos.

Doyoon quietly felt the warmth of her daughter in her arms. It was more warmth than anything else in the world.

Luna also closed her eyes in his arms.


Sitting in the waiting room, Doyoon recalled the conversation with Luna last night.

[Why did you kill him?]

[The woman tried to kill her father.]

[…okay. Good job.]

This is a fact Doyoon knew. Because of this, he did not question Luna.

But that wasn’t the point.

[How did you kill him?]

[He cut his throat.]


Seeing Luna talking nonchalantly, Doyoon was speechless.

okay. Truly, Luna has become stronger than Elizabeth.

It used to be a terrifying fact, but not anymore. Luna is my daughter. He was absolutely on his side.

[What did you do with the body?]

[Nobody can find it.]

In some cases, assassination even involves covering up the murder.

And Luna is the daughter of the top assassin in the Demon King’s Army and a disciple of the top assassin in the alliance. It must have been perfect even after processing.

Elizabeth will eventually be treated as missing.

Due to Elizabeth’s personality, even if she disappeared immediately, no one would be looking for her. However, the few people who come in contact with her can feel strange.

Therefore, a minimum of training was necessary, and that was the reason Do-yoon and Dok-go Moo-yeong met today.

Do-yoon thought while waiting for Dok-go Moo-yeong in the reception room.

‘I was a human being, dunjae.’

He has become stronger through repeated regressions, but his talent does not go anywhere.

People in this world don’t know, but he who was educated on Earth knows. Acquired traits are not inherited.

Enoch was naturally strong. However, Luna inherited Enoch’s talent. how did this happen

‘Is it because of the regression?’

Come to think of it, if Enoch in the 17th episode returns to the past, can the power of Enoch at that point be regarded as an acquired power?

Right after returning, Enoch possessed the strongest mana of mankind and passed on all the skills he possessed during his lifetime. Is it the 1st Enoch or the 18th Enoch?

Can we say that this is not a talent in that timeline? From the perspective of others in that timeline, it would be the power that Enoch ‘originally’ had.

‘Somehow… the product of regression seems to be treated as a talent.’

So Luna inherited his talent. a newly discovered fact.

‘Then, if I had a baby in my previous life, would that child also inherit my lumber?’

this. Doyun suddenly regretted that he died without leaving a posterity.

If I had been born alive in the War of the Demon King and had given birth to one child, the world would not have been like this.

‘Well… it’s meaningless now.’

It’s just an assumption that’s just gossip.

Do-yoon, who had no way to know the future, just thought that and let it go.

That wasn’t the question that really mattered to him now.

‘Have I… ever left 2 years old?’

Enoch used to be obsessive about birth control. He was a person who wouldn’t be surprised if he died.

The answer to the question you asked yourself is negative. There is no room for 2 years left. Especially if the opponent is a reaper.

‘Then what the hell…’

This was really puzzling.

Moreover, Luna’s last name is ‘Thănatos’, not ‘Războinic’.

It is not uncommon for a person to inherit a maternal surname. When a princess of a country marries a descendant of other aristocrats, there are cases in which the surname of the stronger maternal line is taken.

‘Was my blood that weak?’

I don’t know because I’ve never had a child, but it seems like that when you look at Luna.


Still, it was the strongest on the continent.

It’s not even strange… but it was unexpected for Doyoon.

‘Anyway, Luna’s birth was…’

When the worry without a promise continued, Dokgo Moo-young arrived.

As always, he bowed deeply to the sitting Doyoon.

“Please have a seat.”


He sat down with a soft smile, and Doyoon poured the prepared tea for him.

“Hmm… I really like the smell of this tea anytime.”

“This is a special tea from our guild’s old master, 100 years ago. Now it has become Eloa’s recipe.”

“Oh, I have heard of it. He was a former court chef in Muspelheim and was called ‘Uncle’ by the guild members.”

Come to think of it, there were several episodes where I fought with Princess Muspelheim to get my uncle out.

Although her true intention was to attract the attention of Do-yoon, whom she adores, not her uncle.

‘It’s Muspelheim…’

Doyoon thought about the current King of Muspelheim, the Lion King.

‘I heard that he inherited the blood of the Muspelheim royal family and the boss monster killer, and then fused with the spirit inside his stomach.’

And, it was said that the Knights of Pride resembled his personality a lot.

Rockefeller and the 3rd and 4th Knights assault troops, who were no longer in the world, were them.

Doyoon thought of them for a while and passed the bitter tea.

‘I want to meet you.’

The Muspelheim royal family that Doyoon knew was bravery itself. The three princes and princess always fought on the frontlines.

Moreover, the king of this generation is the one called the Lion King. Expectations were very high.

“But, why did you call me…”

Dokgo Moo-yeong asked, and Do-yoon quietly sipped the tea.

Putting down the teacup, he said quietly.

“Don’t look for Elizabeth.”


He looked into Dokgo Moo-yeong’s eyes, and Dok-go Moo-young trembled.


In the end it happened.

He hoped that Enoch and Elizabeth would be resolved amicably, but Enoch did not spare such a risk factor.

He nodded quietly.

“…All right.”

It’s unfortunate, but Dokgo Moo-yeong has infinite trust in Enoch. Because he didn’t ask.

Doyoon drank tea again. I told Dokgo Moo-yeong, so there won’t be any noise with this.


Equipment refined from dragon scales. Do-yoon headed to the smithy to receive the finished product.

He tilted his head at the address Winnie gave him.

‘It’s a blacksmith’s name I’ve never heard of…’

If he had inherited the dwarf skills, it would be safe to say that he was the best in the alliance.

However, the smithy written on paper was just a smithy in an alley in a city that was not so famous.

In addition, although it is an outskirts, it is a large city near the capital, and the streets of blacksmith shops here are also very cold.

Doyoon took a closer look at this.


All blacksmith buildings are empty.

It seems that all the blacksmiths have removed the building, but it seems that there was a big migration policy.

‘Is Lock Enmayer strengthening national defense?’

This is Rockenmeyer. It is a country where Satan’s army invaded the other day, and Do-yoon, as an unknown World Tree apostle, prevented the attack.

After that, realizing the importance of national defense, the king and margrave of Lockenmeyer were eager to increase military power.

Maybe that’s why the blacksmiths are moving to the front line.

‘…wait. Then why don’t you stay here?’

The blacksmith Doyoon is looking for may have moved along with him.

Well, it shouldn’t be difficult to find. The lord of the Marquis, who is presumed to be the blacksmith Lee Joo-ji, and the king of this country are extremely friendly to Do-yun.

Doyoon prevented the attack of the imps, the forces of Satan, and strengthened the friendship between the World Tree and Locken Maire.

and after a while Do-yoon’s identity was revealed to be a boss monster killer, and his reputation skyrocketed with subjugation of the corps commander and hero-level inaction.

After that, Lockenmaier became even more frantic, sending endless messages of friendship to Doyoon and the World Tree.

If you ask them, you’ll find at least one blacksmith right away.

‘But I’ll have to go first.’

Doyoon even moved on.

However, a commotion came from the edge of his senses.


Do-yoon listened and headed for his destination.


Four soldiers knocked over items on display in the forge.


The girl who saw it eventually cried out in indignation.

“Don’t do it, you bastards!”

“Soyun! Can not be done!”

Her grandfather, who was with her, dissuaded her granddaughter.

The soldiers reacted differently when they saw it. Some giggled, others glared at the two in annoyance.

A soldier grinned at the girl.

“Who should be yelling at now? If you just quietly sign an autograph, everything will be comfortable~”

The signature they were talking about was the blacksmith’s signature on the migration agreement.

At this, the girl vomited in anger.

“If you go to the front line, you will be conscripted, and you will not be exploited! My grandfather is senile and can’t stand it! You’re not feeling well, so you drastically reduced the amount of orders!”

“The war is in full swing again. Lockenmeyer is a forefront country. Living as a citizen of this country, you can be so selfish.”

“You guys stole all the emigration subsidies, so you brazenly say that!?”

But the soldiers just giggled.

“And, the king’s order clearly said that it was left to the discretion of the blacksmiths! You bastards have no power to force us!”

“…Who told you about that? your grandfather?”

“Ah, shit… Where did the old man pick up something annoying…”

The migration takes priority over the blacksmith doctor, but the lord’s compensation falls according to the number of blacksmiths who migrated.

Blacksmiths are an important resource for the territory, and the state conscripted them.

The lord of this place was aiming for this.

Forcibly relocating blacksmiths to receive compensation, and the migration subsidies that fall to blacksmiths go into the belly of these soldiers.

Most of the common people can’t even read anyway. The other blacksmiths were moderately intimidated and kicked out, saying it was the king’s order, but this stubborn old man somehow seems to have heard the news.

“Shut up and sign an autograph! We’ve been breaking up for days because we can’t let you guys go!”

“You… you ducklings!”

The soldiers frowned as a group at the sound of the girl’s exasperated cry.

“A bitch who is not cheap is real!”

Eventually, a soldier raised his hand high toward the girl.


“Oh, no!”

The moment my palm was about to swing.


Footsteps laden with mana echoed from the entrance.


For those who couldn’t feel mana, their gaze turned to the entrance at the strangely heavy sound of footsteps.

Doyoon was standing there.


It is Do-yoon who has finished grasping the situation by eavesdropping on the conversation from afar, heading this way.

He looked around for a moment and then approached the old man.

The old man, who hurriedly hid the girl behind his back, asked Doyoon.

“Who, who are you…”

“I’m here to pick up what I ordered.”

At those words, the old man and the girl tilted their heads.


It’s the migration season, so I haven’t had any recent orders…

After thinking for a moment, the old man remembered one thing.

One of the biggest orders of his life, which he had placed several months ago.

“Oh, no way…!”

However, the soldiers did not watch it quietly.

A soldier put a hand on his shoulder.


“Hey. What are you?”

When Doyoon turned around, the soldiers flinched at his unusual eyes.

“I came to pick up what I ordered.”

Doyoon said the same.

“Note, order?”

When he answered casually, the soldiers quickly exchanged glances with each other.

‘What, what… is it an apostle?’

‘Why would the apostles come to such a small forge? I must be a mercenary!’

‘That’s right?’

Hmm, hmm! The soldier who cleared his throat for a moment said.

“Hey, can’t you get the mood? I can’t see you’re on duty!”

“You want to be imprisoned in a dungeon for obstruction of justice!?”

In this city where the lord is tyrannical, the authority of the soldiers is very high. Because of this, most commoners get scared when they raise their voice.

However, Doyoon did not respond.

“This bastard…”

But in the end, if you build more authority, you will have no choice but to step down.

They pulled the paper out of their pockets.

“Look! It’s an order from the king! We are carrying out the king’s mandate!”

Doyoon glanced at this indifferently and muttered.

“It’s the king’s name.”

In the World Tree Master Room, there is a hotline telephone line with the royal family of Lockenmeyer.

‘…Should I contact Eloa?’

Doyoon thought about how to make it less annoying.

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