The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 184

—Horn simply wanted to draw circles on torn paper. Except for the name of the word Abyss, the octopus Absid, can scientists not use ancient Greek myths so tacitly? Fortunately enough ancient sea gods have enough names!

“God, fortunately, there is no such thing as Pontos Poseidon …” Horne shrugged, motioned the crew to pay the bill, and then walked out of the bar door. The laughing power did not hear the second half of his muttering:

“Thanks to those scientists who love to name new discoveries …” Otherwise Garfield is definitely a serious name!

Captain, you ’re the truth, that King Crab is called Guru, and the sunfish who does n’t know his name is likely to be named by the members of the Sea Monster Alliance collectively … the onomatopoeia is invincible.

Post-apocalyptic usually evaluates whether a person has strength. The first thing to do is to see if the person is dressed neatly. Of course, this rule has no effect on sailors. The second is to look at people with expressions of timidity, cowardice, or annoyance. It’s hard not to show that expression, and to be careful when doing things. The third is the people around. A woman with a beautiful face and a hot body is definitely not easy, at least not to worry about food and clothing.

As for Horn, this guy has extravagantly owned a cat.

What can a cat do? Dogs can still bite and protect their masters! Cats can only play with wool **** and scratch things-well, the point is not pet discrimination, but it is really rare to have a cat in the last days.

In fact, Horne also carried it when he was a wanted criminal. At that time, he made a bearded hippie look and squatted in the subway tunnel to play the guitar because the cat brought back a bunch of stray cats and meowed around him. Feeding the crickets, the criminal police who searched for suspicious people simply asked a few words without even seeing the documents, and was attracted by another man who had been drinking …

Now he was walking slowly on the street, and because of that cat, he was cast with doubtful eyes, and then he carefully discerned the beard’s clean appearance, and suddenly many people began to hide on both sides.

More than two years later, Captain Horn’s ship has been replaced with a larger one, and it is also eye-catching to dock at the dock.

“Captain, what good stuff did you get?” The bald mate jumped off the deck aggressively, and the expression on the side of the ship disappointed a worker who was shocked to fall aside.

Horne drew it in his arms, and then found out from the broken skin 本 a cover without cover and faded color-adult magazine!

“Oh! Captain, you are much more lovely than God!”

The chief mate rushed over and rushed back to the cabin.

The bazaar near the dock is still lively, and the stall is still simple, but there is a measuring bucket made of copper and a large scale made of bronze. On the side of the plate is a ten-pound iron ingot as a weight. This is the biggest achievement of the market scale. As for currency, people here still don’t trust any precious metals.

“I have news, I have news about sea monsters, as long as half a piece of black bread, I will tell you!” A shabby, underweight man was lying on the pier, trying to catch everyone who went to sea, of course Most of the time, they will not be ignored or even kicked.

Refugees like this cannot survive every day, even if Captain Horne sees it from a distance, he will not pay attention.

The man gradually lost the strength to shout, sitting dullly on the ground full of fishy blood, looking nervously at the sea and laughing.

“Oh, sea monsters are just like your abilities, hee hee, as long as you take out the genes, you can become very powerful, and so can I, hahahaha.”

It’s a pity that no one’s words were heard by lunatics. They just heard them and thought they were true.

In the far east, Professor Lin is lying on the bed, and his life is about to end.

His age, and the blow after losing his only loved one, although in the end he finally got the best research results in his life, but in a hazy way, he still remembered the warmth in his home.

The food was hot on the table, the TV was turned on and there was a cross talk show. Where were the professors’ couples in the compound doing some old people’s square dance, the phone rang, and he was the son working outside.

What a good life, what a peaceful happiness.

“The mutation of the phantom is initially estimated to be in the genetic fragment. It belongs to the most unknown piece of genetic code that we have decoded before the end of the world … It has also been found in other animals. The arrangement and combination are different, but it may be the ultimate biological evolution. The part that has settled down. Professor Lin believes that humans are too close to electromagnetic waves or other stimuli, which makes the gene silent gene too active, so in the end, different types of powers appeared under the stimulation of astronomical radiation, and sea monsters It is a genetic mutation in natural evolution. It is well known that most genetic mutations are harmful, and only a few are beneficial … Natural selection is harsh, and this gene is mutated only in the vast ocean. If this speculation is true, then the ocean It is strange that it has been fixed in some species, for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. “

“Unless that species is extinct.”

“Even sea monsters, only hard bone fish can leave fossils …”

Several seniors in the Academy of Sciences sighed and sealed the report and put it in the archives room.

On the table, there was a book with illustrations. This was where Professor Lin last worked and the materials he looked at. This book comes from the well-preserved library in city b. It is now very precious. The pages are neat and tidy. The page opened is a fossil skeleton with small print:

Deng’s fish, living about 400 million years ago, is the most terrifying marine life in history. It is ten meters long, weighs four tons, and has a teeth bite force of 5600 kg per square centimeter. (The highest living creature on the planet is the American crocodile, 963 kg). All marine life in the same era is its food.

The other is a secret file. This is a relatively clear picture of Deng’s fish fossils. The upper part of the skull is very obvious. The four hollow cracks are like tiny cracks scratched out by children.


At the age of three, the chubby Pfeiffer no longer extended his fingers, and his palm was like a fist. But it became fatter, a circle of meat appeared on the small belly, and the end of the fish tail began to grow longer. He Phil was now asleep and lying asleep on Taumas’ head.

The dream is intermittent, but there is a big fish with very long teeth and sharp teeth. The skin is lead gray and very tough. His mouth is full of bright red blood. Phil looks excitedly and curiously at his fingers, which is deformed and very thin. Long and powerful.

尕 Fil quickly tossed in the sea water, the fishtail scales stood up, and even the scary barbs were growing in the gaps between the scales. 尕 Fair felt that this look was more powerful than it was. Sharks run away when they see it!

——No, it cannot be like this, humans will not like it.

Er, why do humans like it? The idea that suddenly popped up is strange.

尕 Fil followed the dream, biting each other with the horrible big fish in the deep sea, attacked, although much smaller than the strange fish, but very flexible, and finally the fierce whole arm was pierced into the big fish’s mind, fiercely Pulled off along the waves!

The feeling of flesh and blood tearing!

[Hahaha, itchy, what are you doing, Phil? 】

Taumas shook his head, rushed up, and patted his short neck with his front fins.

尕 Fil 愣愣 who woke up from his dream looked at his hand.

It was still chubby, and the nails were born sharp, which could tear the soft shell. When such a finger dreams, go to Tamas’s head =

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Chapter 184: Ending Chapter

360 million years ago was the Paleozoic. At this time, there were no humans on the earth, let alone mammals. Even reptiles were still in the initial stage. The land has not yet been completely constructed and successfully ascended from the sea floor. This is the era of fish!

Already there are coral reefs, brachiopods, shells, jawless fishes, teleosts … the land will not be fully exposed from the sea until 100 million years, and all land is a large piece without being separated. The ocean is truly endless, beautiful and prosperous, while terrestrial plants have just appeared not long ago, and life is in the deep blue ocean.

[… When it opens its mouth, the lower jaw and the upper jaw can be drawn in a straight line. Even if the prey is larger than its mouth, it can be swallowed in one mouth. Siren’s fish tail was pressed against the sunfish’s back, and long silver hair stretched out in the sea water, entangled in light green or yellow-green seaweed. This piece of seaweed is very strong and soft, cascading along the waves.

The grunt on the reef couldn’t control the pincers.

These descriptions obviously poke the king crab’s pain. Although it is very large as a sea monster, the mouth can be opened to a very limited extent. Compared to its body shape, this guy is definitely a gentleman in the sea monster when eating. , You must use pliers to tear the prey into pieces before you can send it to your mouth for chewing.

Xia Yi looked up at Xia Jellyfish floating above everyone’s head.

It brings light pinks and blues to the dark sea. Nereus seems to be very good at using its transparent body to gather all kinds of light and reflect it, or it can emit various psychedelics. color. Definitely the best choice for bedroom lighting!

But this bedtime story is a little scary!

[… Is there such a terrible fish? Clarken froze, trying to hold the sunfish.

Its shy look and its biggest mouth in the sea monster-there is really no convincing.

Of course, eating zooplankton mouths is of course very large.

[A few years ago, it was the most terrifying creature in the ocean. If it swims badly or is overtaken by it, it will be eaten by it! ] Siren didn’t know that humans had discovered fossils and named that species Deng’s Fish. The inherited memories are all ambiguous fragments, which need to be clearly and completely remembered when encountering the same crisis, and this is already a long time ago. If it was n’t for Deng ’s fish, it would be too scary. This fragment of memory Will disappear.

Once, the mermaid’s ancestors and Deng’s fish were like sperm whales and king squids. The battle of life and death was always mutually beneficial.

Sometimes Deng’s fish will die, and more often, minor mermaids will be eaten. So the memory can’t be stopped in the later dreams of mermaids. Even if time passes, crustal deposits, everything will become a fossilized past, and each mermaid is impressed by Deng’s sturdy horror.

But it was very early, very early.

Just as human beings today scarcely recognize 360 ​​million years of ancestors, the ancestors of mermaids are not what they are now. It can be said that it is not human like it is completely outrageous! Yes, yes, because no one was there at that time! The appearance is sloppy, and those on the body are not so much scales as scales, covering the skin with a layer, partly upright, and sharp, so that the two meters or so will not be easily bitten by large types of marine life. Off.

The sharp edges of the scale armor are abnormally dark blue, perhaps poisonous.

The hair is probably not there. The arms are about ossified fins. Due to the threat of Deng’s fish, the bone fins are getting longer and sharper. The claws like fingers may be very long. Because in this way, you can firmly grasp the opponent’s body in the disparate fighting, and attack the deadly key.

In the Paleozoic Devonian, there were so many creatures like Urebia Abisher that they attacked fish like devil in the ocean. At that time, the number of sea monsters was also very large, and the inheritance memory was very vague. I was afraid that the species of infrasound were all. Yes, like the ancestors of mermaids, sea monsters are not individuals, but that races are not afraid of infrasound, such as Deng’s fish. Many of them, like mermaids, can cleverly use sound waves as weapons, but most of them do not have enough powerful appearance or ability, and then they have to pursue other evolutionary directions.

Xia Yi was suddenly curious. Siren said that many years ago, the description should be at least the age of dinosaurs (earlier than that, amphibians appeared). Without humans, what kind of object would mermaids look for?

[… It’s especially bad. When they see the same kind, they fight, but they have to be close because of reproduction. 】 Siren tried hard to recall, and found that there is almost no inheritance about this, and 80% of the things that are completely useless are not inherited ==

It was an unprecedentedly prosperous ocean, and it was also the age when fish ruled the earth. The survival of mermaids should not be easy. It is the instinct of living creatures of that era when there is not enough food, including females when breeding offspring.

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