The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

31. Three Steps

Sooo, now I have the small Body Magic Stone and all the Body Parts in an appropriate Size. 
Not Perfect, but it works. 
What is easy to see is that Heart, Lung and Liver are bigger than the Rest of the Body. 
Lung also seems to have multiple parts, instead of being divided into two. 
The Heart also seems to have multiple ventricles and points to connect the veins. 
The Lung connects to a wide windpipe.

Makes sense that even the Organs couldn’t all be just oversized. 
I can see difference in other Organs to, but I can’t really put a name on it, besides looking bigger or like a cluster and so on. 
But is that the Way it was solved? I remember giraffes have one high efficient heart. 
Granted, Giants aren’t giraffes, but still.

Well, the Next thing is the Blueprint. 
The Skeleton is big-boned and I need to pit plenty of flesh on it. 
So I want to strategise how I place them.

I have a rough Idea, but I need to refine it.

Meanwhile, as Chloe makes a Normal Blueprint, Ethan overcompensates for his hurt Pride.

”And she was so foul-mouthed, not respecting me one bit!”

”Who does she think she is? Just some pesky Human, I say!”

Ethan finds support and disregards. 
Its well known that he is a Coward who uses his intimidating huge Size to get what he wants. 
But some can’t help but respect him. So he doesn’t just meet deaf ears. 
And one Person is especially interested on him throwing a fit.

”My My, Ethan. Don’t tell me you let yourself made a fool of by some eccentric?”

”Mister Lich! What are you doing here?”

”I Heard that someone was insulted to an unimaginable degree by the Monster Scientist Lady.”

”That’s correct Sir, I was treated like a fool and chased out.”

”Ahh, I can see that. The room does form a Pseudo-Domain.
One can’t really disregard her will without doing something irreversible.”

“E-Exaclty. I am Glad you understand me, Mister Lich.”

Robert nods, more to himself than anything else. 
He plans to get forces against the pesky Lady. And someone like Ethan would be a great figurehead. 
He wants to know the secret.

His thoughts run like that. 
The act of creating Monster, completely new ones, is a privilege of the God of Creation. 
And the Act of Creation is unimaginable for to be wielded by anyone not divine. 
Even he has restriction. His Necromancy isn just a form of converging Material to another. 
There are so-called Necrotic Crafts, making Trinket or similar with Resources previously thought to be only useful to Necromancer. 
And his Chimera Creation impressively allows him to create completely new Blueprints, but they still aren’t a new being.

Wither are Chimeras with Bodyparts added like someone glued claws and teeth at them. 
It’s frustrating, but the Sprinting Zombie is a Master Piece. 
He can’t imagine how she did what she did, while he even has the exact Blueprint.

It’s very easy to imagine that the Woman can’t do anything, in reality. 
The God of Creation, so he was able to learn, didn’t take long to prepare. 
The Goddess of Darkness begged him to help with the lack of Monster. 
Why now, he doesn’t know. But his Moles found a Connection to the Godddess of Light.

It’s a well known Fact that these two are rivals, so maybe she wants to set her up? 
The God of Creation probably didn’t indulge into her whims and choose a Method which would solve the Problem, but only shines Long Term, not acting quickly so that his other Daughter will be suddenly faced with Problems. 
He has to say, the God of Creation is a bit eccentric, but he is brilliant. 
How else would one create such a World and System. 
He slowly begins to understand some parts, and even marvels over the simple things of how well thought they are.

But training someone in short Time to create completely new Monsters? Impossible. 
The God of Creation passed Time Manipulation off, not wanting to use it. 
Something well known, under circles who are good informed about the Divine beings.

But there we are, with one Woman seemingly create new Monsters out of Nowhere. 
That with Results with seemingly no cause. 
Something he knows from the God of Creation.

There are two ways. The Woman has the Ability to Create. 
A stupid thought. Who would give some random person such a profound and powerful ability? 
The other, that the God of Creation used some of his divine Powers to manifest a Tool or similar. 
Something probably easier to use. Something beginner-friendly, one could say. 
And he wants it.

He has accumulated Knowledge, even bribed Divine Beings and made some of them his followers. 
But he isn’t Divine, yet. With such a tool, that maybe just has a silver left of the Power of Creation. 
To have such a tool. Nothing could stop him.

And for that.

”Hey, Ethan, would you help me a bit? Neither of us wants you to get hurt.”

He will need to overthrow the Woman. 
Before she even finds out what happens.

Ethan didn’t Misheard. 
The Lich wants his help. And he is threatening him. 
He remembers the Whisper, the ghastly voice, how he said smugly the word “hurt”. 
After that, he just walked away, composed like all the Time.

He is supposed to be a proud World Giant. 
Not falling for such low threats.

Buts its the Lich. He doesn’t want to earn his ire. 
He will need to follow what he says, least he wants to find out what he can.

Meanwhile, Chloe earns new Clarification from Spiritual Knowledge.

”Interesting. The Giant will be much too good for him, but I will at least earn good Money.”

But does the Skill work like that? 
Because when yes, he is Powerful. 
I guess I will have to ask which God exactly messed with the System. 
But first Focus on what is before me.

And there is something I am eyeing for later.

Book about Sorcery and simple universal Techniques Pt 1 60000 Gold
A Book summarising Sorcery, its Dangers and Potential and successful sorcerers. 
It detail about what Powers it can exhibit, at which points is excel Magic and at which it is inferior. 
Also a Guide how to learn some tricks on how to take the First step as Sorcerer, not regarding the affinity. 
It even has a Random Epic Picture of a Sorcerer!

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