The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

3. How do create Monsters for dummies.


After screaming in her Mind, she decided to analyse that whole thing again and sort her thought, after a certain timeframe of slamming books against her head and building Grudge against the God and Author of this Books, who was smart or forgetful enough to not sign.

So, I can give basics skill, or create skill. But they must be fitting for the Monster. I can’t give a Wolf some kind of Swordsmanship skill if I didn’t prepare it for that, like making the mouth fitting for swords or the tail a blade. 
The other fing is if it’s a skill for the deed or proficiency. When we take a dragon, who can naturally make dragon breaths because of its anatomy, I can either give it the [Dragons Breath] skill or [Dragon Breath Proficiency] skill. The latter is only available if one can shoot them because of the Anatomy, while the third only requires some resemblance to big Lizards and a Mouth to be given. 
Ots written that there isn’t some kind of Identification skill to see skills and that dungeon Monster dissolve after defeating to loot, so they can’t be dissected. But can’t it be still be seen if some kind of previously mentioned magic pierces the throat?

I don’t think many will watch out for it, but the moment when the dragon breath function different is pretty obvious. 
The proficiency skill also doesn’t rule out the skill for the deed, but overlapping buffs will cancel each other and only the stronger one will count. Naturally, it seems to cost something. For me, that is.


So, the Customer Service Set is actually useful in a way? There are writing utensil and a notebook to write the demands of the Customer, there is also a page to order previously made Monster Blueprints. Also a tiny Booklet to show information of prepared Monster. 
It seems to be made with the expectation that most is made to order with some basic units quick to buy, when I understand the thoughts of the Author of the Booklet right. 
This Author was actually helpful, I even get the impression he was going out of his way to prepare it. 
The are also fixation tools and lamps, with other tools to make drawings. 
The last would be the Map frame, which can show the outside world how I want, but only the world and not the pocket dimensions of Dungeon, unless the Dungeon Master comes and gives me an OK. 

All in all useful, especially since the map allows me to semi-spy the outside world. 
It very detailed and Time accurate, meaning, that I even see the people and what they do in real time. Even with only birds view. 
But are people really that stupid? Someone on uneven ground fighting some kind of giant Frog is complaining about his legs, but is facing a stony slope upwards while fighting. Or at least I think he does, with that kind of expression like someone asking for the manager because they walked dirt in wich let them slip. How did a Frog even get there?

Having room to think about all that, Chloe remembered to have more to look forward to.

Uegh, her goes nothing. The Gift from the Goddess of Darkness first. Seems like the better option. 

Warning! Package can’t be opened! Make free room or buy storage facilities for storing Monster Creation Parts!

Oh, Great! Let’s make it fast! Come on, there can’t be much more bullshit!

Like that, she opens the celebration package.

Monster Creation Scientist celebration package opened! You received…
Notebook of the First Monster Creation Scientist

Testing Room for Physical Abilities

Testing Room for Magical Abilities Testing Room for Resistance

At the Study Desk Manifested a thick Book with the same Title like the Window said. 
It has a certain yellow colour, like of aged paper, but made artificial and dyed in the same colour all over the book cover. 
The Pages looks fresh, wich the probably are.

”Like hell I write a book just like That!”

Chloe began to rage as she comprehend the Meaning of the Blank pages. She is supposed to write a Book! 
As if, after she was kidnapped like that, she know writes a book about a job she was forced in, that is completely new to this world, without even getting some kind of reward! That’s ridiculous!

After calming herself, she looks for this new rooms. She finds them quickly, right middle of the surgery room. The door opens sideways and she find herself in a small cabin, having two panels for operation, one for choosing a Monster to Test and the other to for the room. 
She chooses no Monster since she doesn’t have any and the physical Tests room.

What’s this? Some kind of Gym for Olympia disciplines?

Before her is a room, wich can indeed things that will be measured in Olympia. 
But she isn’t an expert and she knows that herself, so she looks for herself what this room does.

Weighting scales and measurements scales for height, wide, length and on individual measure tape. That’s self explanatory. Well the other to. 
A track with devices to measure one’s speed. A treadmill for stamina, depending on how good it can measure it. 
A swim track and pool for swimming speed and diving capabilities. 
A lift for measuring strength, together with a test dummy. 
A clay pigeon shooting facility for ranged abilities. 
And a surveillance system wich seemingly has some kind of see trough mode, presumably to show the inner workings of the Monster.

That would be the first room. Chloe is to tired to even get a significant reaction as she inspected the room.

The one for magic was more simple. 
Two crystals, one for seeing affinities and the other for measuring magic power. 
A shooting stand for precision in magic and accuracy, the test dummies also measuring destructive power. 
A weird mat to cast magic from, which tries to determine one’s focus by randomly shooting needles or blowing winds at one. The mat also moves sometimes. 
A screen and measuring devices, the screen giving signals for magic and even being able to say wich one to use, and determine casting speed. 
And at least a room for Mana regeneration, also with a clock to determine potential Mana regeneration rate.

The last room having one chamber and one room to observe. 
The observer can choose flames, magic, slashing, stabbing, blunt force trauma, acid or base, mana or life force drain, various kinds of poison and so on. She has even various version of the falling ceiling trap to activate, be it normal, spiked, burning or like a cheese grater, moving horizontal.

”Well that’s it, I am going to sleep, that’s just to much.”

Chloe, now noticing she doesn’t has a closet or anything to get different clothes or a sleeping gown, just can curse into the Air. Not really with much motivation, considering her fatigue.

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