The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

25. Retainer

“Thank you very much for all this Answers.”

Chloe says and slightly bows. She doesn’t know the common courtesy for such Situations. 
Courtesy for meeting a God, especially.

”Don’t bother me it’s that. You are on the other side of a fine Line.”

”? I understand, thank you.”

“Should I also explain this fine Line?”

Even though she asks like that, it seems she will do it anyway. 
The prospect of playing Teacher seems to be exciting for her. Chloe thinks there tiny stars reflected in her Eyes.

”You are not anymore an existence that is easily ignorable. 
You are closer to Gods than Humans and provide a valuable service. 
Like that, Gods are superior to you, but can’t treat you harshly or being haughty to you.”

”Ok. Thanks you for that information. 
But, is my Service really that valuable, especially to Gods?”

”Yep. You know how I said that monster fall under my domain, solely, also because the God of Magic rejected any connection? 
Well, it ends under my Domain since Monster are optimal for bringing Doom and are aggressive, especially against sapient Lifeforms. 
It’s like how Spider fall under the Domain of the God of insects. 
Spiders aren’t insects, but don’t have a clear affiliation. So they get put into a domain how it feels right.”

”So, like that, we established that Monsters are more a pseudo-part of my Domain. 
Because similar to the God of Insects, I can’t create Monsters. 
All Creation fall under the God of Creation, and other Gods are the one who actually manages that. 
So we also got the ability to create what we govern, to an extant at least. 
But since he created thing that fit in neither Domain, we pseudo govern those. 
Long story short, you are the second Life form which can create completely new species. 
Even tough restricted to Monsters, that’s something Gods can’t overlook.”

”Well, actually they can overlook, because you have enough restriction to not just create world ending Wolfs or something. 
But that it is something no one else can do stands. 
Father doesn’t count since he rather naps than do anything else.”

The last party was a bit pouty. 
He could give her at least some gifts to the 100 Birthday, right? 
Even Gods can’t be 100 Years old a second Time.

“Ohh oh I know!”


”You wanted to know about normal Beasts getting Magic stone, right? 
Simple said, the ability to wield magic is needed for being a Monster. 
So wolfs were common beast which then just got a magic stone to count as a monster. 
Since you made your new Wolf with the thought of it being a Monster, it isn’t only stronger but also more optimised to Dungeons! 
Meaning, they are cheaper, like with the bunnies, and can better coordinate in the limited Room a Dungeon gives. 
That’s another Part I dint say! Into Dungeon-Monster turned beings won’t have tactics or habit or similar optimised for dungeon stuff. 
So a beavers would still try dam, even if it’s useless.”

The Goddess got cheerful again, seemingly rejoicing for being extremely useful. 
Before she was happy teaching, maybe she just wanted to be useful, but wants that energetic because don’t have as much use from that information?

”Then, please take care of me, Miss Darkness.”


I wanted to say that because she is my superior and so on, but the reactions seems to be surprising her. Why?

”Did you sense that our Time is nearly over?”

”Well, yes. We are in something similar to a dream, so waking up will automatically end this whole conversation.”

”But how? It isn’t the first Time that I talk to someone like that and they usually don’t notice that.”

”I checked my physical Condition thanks to the Organic Magic that I posses. It’s seems I slowly begin to wake, so excuse me.”

”Oh, Ok.”

And I wake up. Not even saying Goodbye or something. 
Anyway, I have something to check. It’s such an itchy feeling since i entered the Dream.

Retainer of the Goddess of Darkness You can casually talk to the Goddess of Darkness and call her just Darkness.
You can perceive who follows the Goddess of Darkness to a Medium degree. 
Your Resistance to Dark-affiliated Attacks is moderately increased. 
For not being religious or otherwise connected to her Domain, additionally Effects are unavailable and you’re not being counted as an Official Retainer.

And my Holiness value sits now at 47. 
Wow. I don’t know what to feel.

Anyway, I have a Wolf now. What will I do with him? 
Oh, oh oh oh. I have an idea, what I want to try. 
No, let’s first compare the forest Wolf to this one.

For summoning the forest Wolf and the Food she bought before the last time looking at her Balance, she now has 7500 Gold. 
A Number she doesn’t like for whatever Reason.

The Wolf she created is the Winner, even doing at worst 7% better, and that in Numbers. 
That the actual effect could mean much more just shows how much better hers is.

Now, to her idea, which she herself thinks of crazy. 
Item Drops. They Manifest from part of the Monster, can also be already manufactured through additional expenses from the Dungeon. 
What if the Monster Fur, for example, will always be Fluffy? 
Will the Fur  Drop Item also always be fluffy? 
And yes, she thought of Fluffy, she not seeing an orthodox use of claws and fangs of a bit larger then average Wolf. 
Even a dagger should have a bigger blade then that.

Maybe someone would make himself Wolverine Claws when he could? 
The World seems to be at such a low point that someone would probably try. 
Well, good luck. There is a Reason the real one had a stupid Regeneration. 
“Always keeps his Cells in Perfect Condition” or something, making immune against viruses but then getting poisoned.
Understandable, especially since he doesn’t bleed much so that all the poison should get washed out of his body.

I digress. Should I give the Wolf a skill to have a Fluffy Fur? 
I can’t really test it.

I will have many Options in the Future. I already looked through the System. 
Either I get a flash of inspiration or some way to test it later. 
To try to prove know something with inadequate Ways and Tools could bring for a false Conclusion. 
And when I don’t look back and recognise one of my Foundations for assumptions I’d wrong, I will have to do much work.

Soo, what should I do with the Wolf. 
I I don’t sell him, will I have to keep him until he gets sold? 
Wait, what about the other Wolf?

I still have the Turtle to care for. 
Okay, not really, but having to many things at hand and not being able to deal with even one of them feels wrong. 
And I can’t kill the Wolfs, the look at me like I am their dog Owner. 
The even let themself get patted and were happy to get praised. 
I can’t gruesomely kill them off!

I have newfound respect for Vets, who have to care for Animals. 
Just so that they have to sometime kill them.

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