The Scarlet Paladin

CH 8: How to Tease

The party ended after the parents got tired from all the wine. The cleanup was handled by the younger group. There wasn’t much of a mess, but the leftovers needed to be preserved and the trash taken care of. Everything took about an hour of work. Elsie used this time to retell the other adventures she had with Ana and Jasmine. The troll fight was the only true test, everything else was simple elimination quests or gathering quests. Claire didn’t really pay attention though, her thoughts were on explaining her class to the twins.

Her final task was sweeping the kitchen of crumbs and dirt. Her mind was occupied with the best way to tell the girls of her gift and her skills. Too deep in thought, she didn’t notice Ana entering the house. Her thoughts slowly turned from pragmatic explanations of her class to how she’d use her gift on them. They were both light and small, easy to maneuver with Claire’s strength. Images of manhandling one of the twins flooded into her mind as she mindlessly swept. How easy it would be to push one down and have her way with them. To say she was rock hard would be an understatement.

Ana made her way to the kitchen where Claire was sweeping. She wanted to ask a question about where to put the trash when she stopped to stare at her. Her voice caught in her throat as she looked at the woman’s muscles tense with each sweep. Those toned arms and back made her mouth drool. Ana knew she shouldn’t stare long and began to panic as Claire started to turn around.

Ana froze at the sight in front of her. Claire seemed to have something in her pants, almost as if she had a knife in her pocket. Ana’s eyes stuck to that bulge, not hearing Claire’s question. Her mind would not let her look away from it as it did something interesting. It throbbed!

Claire watched the girl standing at the kitchen entrance, her mouth was slightly open and a bit of drool escaped it. Her eyes didn’t meet Claire, instead she was looking at her crotch. Claire would have to get used to that. She leaned the broom against a cabinet and made her way to the girl. It was faster than she expected, but Ana finding out made things much easier.

When Claire got within reaching distance, Ana finally looked up to meet Claire’s eyes. Reaching out her hand, Claire began to speak.” Sorry to not warn you before, it came with my class.” Her right hand landed on Ana’s shoulder as she continued.” If it changes your mind from partying with me, I understand.”

Ana blinked rapidly trying to think of her words as silence surrounded the two. Temporarily, she stopped thinking of it and began to speak.” N-no!” she said a bit too loud.” Elsie and I wanted to party with you.”

With a sigh, Claire asked” Are you sure? I know it’s a bit weird”

“Y-yes. I think it’ll surprise Elsie, but she cares more about having a frontline.” Ana semi mumbled. Her eyes returned to Claire’s crotch. She knew it’d be too risky to do anything with her, but she wanted to tease her just a bit. Claire wasn’t much for teasing like Elsie was, but Ana’s reactions egged her on. 

“That’s good, as I said it came with my class and I’m not used to dealing with it yet.” She said in a whisper. Slowly getting closer to the frozen girl. A bit of fear crossed the girls face as their bodies were nearly touching. Claire’s hand had made its way down her arm. Ana’s breath caught wondering what was going to happen.

Claire moved her hand to the girl's hip and pulled her towards her. Their eyes locked as both of them felt each other's warmth. Ana shaked a bit, looking like cornered prey. Claire edged closer to her ear and whispered,” I’d love to continue, but here isn’t the best.”

Ana snapped her head to look at Claire, there was a mix of emotions crossed her face. Desire, relief and then what looked like anticipation. She let go of the girl’s hip and took a step back.” Sorry, wanted to try leading. Probably going to have to get good at it with my class.”

Ana’s face became even redder as she looked at her feet.” It’s okay…. N-not what I was expecting.” She nearly whispered. “Why did you get a…a um…”

Claire giggled a bit, the girl had an issue with saying the word. “A cock?” Claire asked.

Ana jumped at the word. ”Y-y-yeah… that” she mumbled.

“Give me your hand, I’ll show you my class.” Claire said as she put her hand out. Ana slowly grabbed her hand. The touch nearly made her recoil, she could feel the calluses of training and the power behind those hands. With the contact, a stat sheet appeared before her listing Claire’s class.

She took a moment to read the skills, and things began to make sense. She read the line about consuming fluids and it made her squirm, but she kept reading. She could see how powerful these skills could be. Never before in her readings has she found an experience gaining skill.That alone turned her analytical mind on, any percent increase would be insane.

Her thoughts raced through how they could utilize these skills. The added stats would save her sister when she inevitably got herself in trouble and the aura was perfect as a frontline. It took some weight off her own shoulders and if they ever got a second frontliner, it’d make them even more solid. The more she analyzed, the less flustered she became. Her face returned to its regular color and eyes no longer wondered.

Claire smiled as she watched the thoughts race through Ana as her face would change every couple of seconds. That want to tease nearly pushed her to continue their previous encounter. She held off and let the girl think, getting Ana on board made talking to Elsie easier. 

“I’m gonna grab Elsie, why don’t you sit on the couch.” Claire said, snapping Ana out of her thoughts. She nodded and went to the living room. She sat on the couch in front of the fireplace and returned to her thoughts. She smiled as their party acquired a talented fighter.

Her ears perked up as she heard Elsie’s voice. ”So who’s the Goddess of Virility?” She watched as Elsie and Claire entered the living room. Elsie sat next to Ana and Claire claimed the chair perpendicular to the couch. 

“No idea, Elizabeth thinks I’d learn with later skills.” Claire responded. Both Elsie and Ana perked up on that. So Jasmine knows about this. Of course. ”I’m guessing either an entirely new goddess or one from before the Tyrant’s war.”

“And the gift. Can we see it?” Elsie asked.

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