The Scarlet Paladin

CH 5: Bestower’s 1st lover

While not the bitch breaker of cock that Claire had, Jasmine’s dick stood tall at roughly 7”. In amazement, she watched as it throbbed the same way her student’s had. She wasn’t the only one with their eyes locked on the new addition, looking past it. Her student’s piercing green eyes locked on to her new virgin cock. “It’s…. beautiful. Thank you goddess for the gift” She spoke, adding a small thanks to her Patron.

“What do you mean?” Jasmine questioned. “Is it something to do with your class?”

Her student bit her lip, eliciting a response from her new friend. It throbbed hard, with a bit of pain. She needed release, but Claire’s words broke her thoughts.”Yes, take a look” as she held her hand out. Jasmine accepted it and her stat sheet.

Quickly reading it, she realized what Claire was talking about. Claire must be the Bestower, and now it looks like Jasmine has become her Bestowed Lover. Images of potential situations entered her mind, what the future held for the two.

That brought her thoughts back to her own problem. Her cock that needed relief. She began to reach for it, but Claire swatted her hand and gripped the new cock. “You helped me, now it’s my turn” Her voice filled with lust. 

Claire quickly looked around, luckily, still on the shortcut Claire had taken. A patch of trees hid them from the main road. She doubted anyone else had left her house yet, but if they did, they were hidden enough to not be noticed. Returning her gaze to the cock in her hand, she began to slowly move her hand up the velvety shaft. Now it was her mentor who turned into a mess of moans. The new sensation was too much for her.

“My goddess you look so sexy,” Claire’s husky voice broke through the moans. Jasmine’s face was filled with pleasure as her eyes crossed, she tried to respond but couldn’t. For a moment, Claire pondered about what to do. Would she lose her virginity right here? To her mentor? She wanted to, but the location and the atmosphere didn’t feel right. So then, eye for an eye? Or I guess, head for head? She moved her head closer to her mentor’s cock, her heart rate increasing and her breath getting shallower.

“I can’t wait to taste you” Claire said, “I bet your cum tastes even better than my own.” That made Jaz confused for a sec, which Claire smirked at. She giggled at the faces Jaz made when thinking about her remark. Her cock throbbed for attention so she lowered her lips to meet it. She licked the shaft, from where her hand was all the way to the tip, the saltiness of sweat filled her mouth and a moan escaped her new lover. Then she submerged the head with her wanting mouth. Panic set in as she paused. “How do I do this?”

A giggle escaped Jaz’s mouth as she caught on to Claire’s hesitation. “Aww, so eager, yet so naive.” She cooed with a huskiness that sent a shiver through Claire. Jasmine began explaining what to do. How to involve her hands and tongue to make her feel better. It seems that Jasmine had an experience that Claire never knew about. She listened to her mentor’s instructions and began to bob her head. She quickly started to add her tongue, licking the shaft while it was in her mouth. Moving her hand to fill the space she couldn’t with her mouth. Then those words hit her,” Good girl”

“What?” she thought as her mind went blank. Those two words caused all thoughts to leave her mind.The only thing that remained was a desire to please this beautiful lady. Precum filled her taste buds as her mentor’s moans and breath hastened. Jaz was close, and Claire could feel it. One last moan escaped Jaz’s mouth before her hands held Claire in place. Her thick cum filled Claire’s mouth and spilled out the sides of her mouth, she tried her best to swallow it all. But there was just too much. 

Once her orgasm subsided, Jasmine took a deep breath and looked at her student. Trying so desperately to get all of the cum erupting from her cock. She was doing her best and she needed to be rewarded. Jasmine grabbed her chin and pulled her close, not minding her own cum on Claire’s lips. She gave her a deep kiss, adding her tongue to meet Claire’s. She tasted her self in her student’s mouth and loved it. Saltier than Claire’s but also sweet enough to enjoy. She released herself from the kiss and breathlessly said again,” Good Girl.”

This caused something unexpected. Claire moaned, a deep and drawn out moan. She fell onto her back and began lightly spasming. Her cock at full mast erupted another wave of cum. This was just as thick as her previous load, and Jasmine did her best to catch it all. She desperately needed to consume more.  Jasmine guessed her words caused Claire to orgasm as a woman.Her pussy cream leaked down her thigh as she lightly shook. She smiled at her student, this sexy girl had just orgasmed due to two simple words.

With the rush finally leaving their minds, they both looked inwardly. Jasmine worried, she had known Claire her whole life, she was her teacher for a long while. A feeling of guilt hit her stomach hard as she thought about their relationship over the years. It definitely started as a pseudo older sister role, Jasmine felt no attraction to the girl at that time, more of obligation. It wasn’t until these last few months that Jasmine’s view had changed slightly.Claire began to view her as a woman, not just her teacher. She caught Claire looking at her ass, her legs and even her modest breasts, yet she told herself that this would pass. Even this morning, she tried so hard to write everything off at the table. The tension she felt from Claire, the look of desire, it would pass. But now, she could no longer ignore it.

Claire on the other hand, was elated. Not only did she gain experience, but she had felt like she got her long time crush across to her mentor. Or at least somewhat. Was giving your crush a blowjob a big enough sign? Nevermind that, Jasmine was now on her stat sheet. It displayed on another sheet simply titled Lovers. With a squeal, Claire broke the silence,” While this isn’t how I imagined it, I’ve dreamed for so long to be with you.”

Jasmine in turn took a deep breath. Her guilt swayed somewhat by Claire’s words. Yet she still needed to be an adult. “I figured…. At least noticed, since the beginning of this year.” Claire opened her mouth to respond, but Jasmine held her hand up. Thinking deeply, she felt relieved Claire had held off until she was 18. Sighing she spoke again,” While I have my qualms about how our relationship started, I am open to exploring more. Just… give me some time. For now, we keep this a secret and might have to rethink our current Student-Teacher relationship entirely.” She paused and took another deep breath,” I am curious how this affected your class sheet though.”

Claire opened her sheet, no change in her skills or level, but she did gain 50 experience points.. Her stats on the other hand did have a change. One that Jasmine assumed would change. Claire’s dexterity jumped up two stats. Her eyes widened, she expected a point but 2? Maybe it was because of their relationship being established already? That made her even more curious, so Jasmine opened her own sheet and much to her surprise, it also changed.


Assassin, Bestowed Lover: Claimed by Her Paladin, assassinate any who oppose your lover. 


Level: 15

HP: 22/22

Mana: 15/15

Exp: 57


Weapon Skills: 10 Skills. Expand List?.

Assassin Skills: 12 Skills. Expand List?


Bestowed skills: 3 Skills. List expanded:


Bestowed stats: Gain Defense and Resistance from your lover. Amount gained is tied to your bond. Currently 2


Bestowed Experience: Gain more experience when fighting alongside your lover. Amount gained is tied to your bond. Currently 1.1x


Oral Fixation: Your fixation is your strength. Any consumable, whether consumed by the user, ally, or a poison/reagent used on an enemy, has its potency enhanced. Enhance currently at 1.25x



Strength: 13              Magic: 1

                  Dexterity: 20            Resistance: 8         

                  Constitution: 5              Wisdom: 6                 

            Charisma: 11              Divinity: 0         

                                           Defense: 8

Her stats only changed defense and resistance by two, that first skill was simple as well as the second. It was the third that really got her thinking, her previous lover did comment on how much Jasmine loved giving oral. Was that why she was given this skill? And she’s never heard of a class changing another one’s title. Before, it was just a simple Assassin, but the Bestowed Lover bit and class information was added. Too many questions swam in her head. She sighed and fixed her pants. Getting up and helping Claire up. “We’ll talk later, I have to look into this”

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