The Royal Fall

Chapter 9 – Breaking Them In

The past several days had been extremely challenging for Bellwyn.

The Kingdom had fallen. There was no more denying it, no more hoping for a miracle set of reinforcements to come and save them. Zenith had taken full control of the castle, and had made it clear she was in charge to the masses in no time at all. It was painful for her to watch former guards, soldiers who she had fought side by side with to defend the Crown, switching their allegiance and serving their new ruler without any hesitation. Bellwyn knew they were likely under some sort of mind control, but that didn’t make things any easier for her.

“Aww, come here puppy. Are you ready to be a good girl for Momma?” Bellwyn flinched at the voice. The main reason she suspected some sort of mental magic from the guards was because of what had happened to the Queen herself. Meredith was no longer the proud and regal ruler of the land. She wasn’t wearing anything that could be considered proper clothing, with a tight pair of panties that left the outline of her vulva clearly visible and a pair of black stars made of latex covering her nipples. Somehow it made her look even more obscene than just being nude.

More impactful than the change of appearance was her change in demeanour. The Queen was, for lack of a better term, acting like a complete and total idiot. She spoke in very basic and simple terms, rather than the elegant dialect she was known for. She hadn’t cast a single spell since the transformation. And perhaps most importantly, her mind was constantly on sex in one way or another.

Such was the case now, as she scooped the former ranger into her arms, smothering her face in her tits. “You’ll be a good girl, right? Of course you will, with how cute you are.” Her hands started rubbing against Bellwyn’s crotch as she held her in her lap. 

Bellwyn, of course, tried to wriggle free from her grasp. But it wasn’t easy. As glad as she was that Zenith hadn’t outright wiped her mind the way she had with Meredith, her own predicament was full of its own challenges. She was kept in a full body suit of latex, similar to what she’d been trapped in before. Her arms and legs were held at the joints, forcing her to crawl on her elbows and knees to move around. A muzzle in the shape of a dog’s snout covered her mouth, with a gag underneath, preventing her from forming any meaningful words. The final insult to her injury were the prosthetic dog ears on her head and the tail attached to the plug in her ass. It seemed that Zenith was content to keep her as a pet, and any reservations Meredith might’ve had were long gone.

“That’s enough for now. Meredith, hands off her. I’m going to be taking the dog for a bit of a walk.” Bellwyn had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn’t even noticed Zenith appearing. Or maybe she’d just teleported in. “The two of us are going to pay a visit to one of our very special guests.”

Her comment caused Bellwyn to jolt upright. In all the time she’d been trapped here, she still hadn’t seen Valia, Jinta, or Cherry. She assumed that they were all captured, and hopes of someone coming to save her were practically gone. As much as she loved the idea of Cherry staging a rescue mission so they could escape into the night together, she knew it was a pipe dream. What she didn’t know was what their captor’s plan was for everyone.

Meredith frowned at her new Mistress. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? She’s having a really hard time behaving properly. She keeps acting up.” Bellwyn took the opportunity to break free from Meredith’s grasp, not that it did her any good. Once again, they were talking about her as if she wasn’t even there. Like she was less than a person. Meredith had been right about one thing, though - she had no intention of following orders. If they were leaving her free will intact, they could be damned sure that she would fight with every ounce of what little power she had. 

Zenith simply bent down and began tussling Meredith’s hair. “Oh, you poor little thing. You’re still worrying about others.” She was doing the classic ‘baby voice’ in the most condescending manner possible. “Remember, thinking isn’t your job anymore. You just do what you want to do. Do you want to just lie in bed and play with your clit for a while?”

After a brief moment, Meredith nodded. Bellwyn tried to see if there was a glimpse of magic, if Zenith was using her powers again. But if any spells were cast they were beyond the scope of Bellwyn’s knowledge. As far as she could tell, Meredith just went along with it.

“There there, that feels much better, doesn’t it.” Zenith’s voice was more of a gentle coo now as Meredith lay back in her bed, her hand already underneath her rubber panties. After watching her devolve into casual masturbation, Zenith turned her gaze towards Bellwyn. “Now, I think it’s time we fixed that little attitude problem of yours. Come with me.” A leash manifested in her hand, the clip connecting to Bellwyn’s neck. 

However, as she turned to walk out of the room, Bellwyn remained in place. She was staring daggers at the sorceress, not that it accomplished much. She had no interest in joining in with these perverse games. And just as much, she didn’t want to let on how much it was starting to get to her. She was far past denying that she had the hots for her girlfriend's mother, and having a sexy woman fondling her and forcing her to eat her out all day left her in quite the mood. And since Bellwyn didn’t have a mouth to ask for help or the ability to use her hands, it left her in a generally aroused state. There was no way she was going to admit her general horniness to Zenith.

The sorceress moved towards her, crouching down to look her in the eye. “Look,” she began, “I’m not going to force you to do anything. Not you anyway. What I’m doing here is giving you an opportunity, one that I don’t know when your next chance will be.” Bellwyn glared at her, wishing she was free of a gag so she could spit on her. She was, however, a little worried about Zenith’s words. As much as the woman was a manipulator and a monster, she was extremely good at finding ways to motivate people. And she hadn’t made an empty threat before.

“Today I’m going to be paying a visit to your little girlfriend. The former Princess, Cherry.” Sure enough, the words pierced through Bellwyn like a blade. She tried jumping towards Zenith, to tackle her, but in her current state of bondage the attempt resulted in a pathetic belly flop. “I thought you might be interested,” she continued with a smirk. “As I said, I’m going to go see her. I want you to come with me. If you don’t want to see her that’s fine, but I can’t guarantee when you’ll get your next chance.”

Just as she’d feared, Zenith knew how to manipulate people. Bellwyn knew there was no way she could turn down the opportunity to see Cherry again. Even with all the implications. Surely it would be humiliating for both of them, and Zenith would get a perverse joy out of tormenting them together. But that would still be worth it. Anything was worth reuniting with her, for however brief a moment they were allowed.

With a fierce growl from behind her muzzle, Bellwyn started crawling forwards. She still hated Zenith with every fibre of her being. And if there was an opening, no matter how small, she would latch on and do whatever it took to restore Cherry to her rightful throne.

“That’s what I thought,” Zenith said. She stood up and pulled on the leash once more. This time, Bellwyn obediently followed. “Come on, be a good doggy and walk with me.” The pair of them left just as Meredith was starting to moan as she continued rubbing herself silly.

The castle had changed a fair bit in an astonishingly short amount of time. Bellwyn had only seen glimpses of them outside, but the guards were no longer wearing metal suits of armour. Instead they wore latex bodysuits with extra thick corsets around the torso and impractically tall heels. Bellwyn had to wonder if they were enchanted to resist attacks or if they were just for show. Although it was a bit redundant either way, since Zenith had proven herself more than capable as a fighter. What did it matter if her private guards were less than optimal in a fight? 

What stung the most was how the symbol of the royal family had been treated. Cherry’s crest was a rose with a glowing halo around it. Simple, but respectful. Now the banners around the castle bore a slightly different symbol. The petals of the rose were arranged in a way that looked yonic, and it was impossible not to think of a vagina upon seeing one. The glowing halo around it was replaced with a studded leather collar. Not only was this icon decorating the halls everywhere she went, each of the guards was displaying it prominently on their chest plastered onto the shiny material.

As they walked through the once familiar halls, Bellwyn noticed that they were a fair bit of attention. Zenith, naturally, was basking in it all. She seemed to thrive off of it all, and her new subjects were giving it to her in no small amount. It was impossible to read their expressions, but they all turned to look at their new ruler as she passed through. And by extension, they were looking at Bellwyn.

“How does it feel?” Bellwyn jumped at the question. Zenith wasn’t bothering to look at her, but she could sense the question directed at her regardless. “To be so utterly helpless before your former allies. Reduced to a mere pet for the very foe that usurped your precious kingdom. Would you like to guess what they’re thinking of when they see you?” Bellwyn flushed under her suit, hoping that no one could see her cheeks turning red under the muzzle. Every step caused the plug in her asshole to wiggle, and her breasts felt like they were barely hanging above the floor. “When they see you,” Zenith continued, “they get jealous. They want to play with someone like you. Maybe to punish, maybe to reward. But they all recognize, as I did, that you are lower than me. Lower than them. And you always were.”

Bellwyn didn’t know if it was worse to focus on her steadily growing arousal at being seen in such a perverse state, or the fact that the insults were really getting to her. No matter how much Cherry and her retinue had strived to make her feel welcome, some part of Bellwyn had always felt out of place. Undeserving of her titles. Even though she was fully confident in her abilities, the nagging twinge of doubt was always in the back of her mind. That she was no more than a commoner the royals simply tolerated. 

Fortunately, despite everyone casting sideways glances and looking down at her, nobody stopped to speak with Zenith. It didn’t take long before Bellwyn was crawling down the staircase to the castle dungeon, her mind dreading the possibilities. The dungeon wasn’t a place she spent much time. They rarely had prisoners worth detaining, and while gathering intel had been part of her job, her specialties had been in fieldwork. Direct interrogation was something she stayed out of on the rare occasion it came up. Unfortunately she had a sinking feeling that Zenith would find plenty of uses for the holding cells.

However, all thoughts of Zenith’s nefarious plans left her head once Bellwyn finally saw the lone captive. A part of her had been expecting Jinta and Valia, but neither of them were locked up. It was only one person, but she was the one person Bellwyn wanted to see more than anything else. Cherry.

Princess Cherry wasn’t in any sort of elaborate getup. She was completely nude in her cell, a pair of thick iron shackles chaining her hands behind her back. Her hair was messy and unkempt, and her skin was covered in a mix of grime and bruises. It pained Bellwyn to see the girl she loved looking so utterly defeated. Although considering who their captor was, she was simultaneously relieved that it wasn’t any worse.

“Lovely to see you again, my dear Cherry.” Zenith spoke with a dramatic flourish as she waltzed up next to her cell, the leash in her hand slowly pulling Bellwyn along. “Are you ready to continue our talk from before?”

Cherry just sneered at the sorceress. “If you think I’m going to break that easily, you/ve got another thing coming.” She glanced down at Bellwyn’s heavily bound form, not even a hint of surprise on her face. “Let me guess, you brought one of your slaves here to try and intimidate me? 

She didn’t recognise her. It shouldn’t have surprised Bellwyn, with her face covered as it was, that her girlfriend wouldn’t even register that she was right there. To some that might’ve been a good thing, given her pitiful state. Earlier she had been glad the mask had brought some anonymity throughout the castle. But this was Cherry, the most important person in her life. She needed to know that she was there for her.

Bellwyn raced forwards as fast as her bound limbs would allow, ignoring the feel of her elbows and knees against the floor. She needed to let Cherry know that she was okay, and that she was doing everything she could to fight back. From the sounds of things, Cherry had been doing the same. Zenith had underestimated their bond. If they were able to reconnect, even for a brief moment, that could give both of them the strength needed to carry on fighting.

For once, Zenith made things easier for her. “Look closely. Look into her eyes. Does she look a bit familiar to you?” Cherry hesitated at first, but soon followed her advice. She pressed her head against the bars of her cell and looked down towards Bellwyn. After a moment of examination, her eyes widened in shock. 

“Bellwyn? Oh my Gods, Bellwyn? What has she done to you!” Surprise, joy, anger, and sadness were all fighting for dominance on the Princess’s face. Bellwyn felt her own eyes start to water as she pressed her own face into the bars, trying to get as close as she possibly could. Cherry knelt down, and soon the two of them were touching foreheads, gently nuzzling each other with what little contact they were allowed. 

“Now now, don’t get the wrong idea. I didn’t bring her down here to see you two reunited. I’ve come to show you how much I’ve already broken her in.” Bellwyn spun around, surprised at Zenith’s words. She was hardly broken in. In fact, Zenith had spent the last few days mostly ignoring her. “My puppy here is going to put on a little show for you, to really demonstrate the importance of obedience.”

Bellwyn screamed obscenities through her gag. She might not have been able to say anything, but she could still make her point clear. There was no way she was going to dance like a puppet on strings, especially not in front of Cherry. Either Zenith had lost her mind, or she was working some sort of an angle.

Unfortunately, the latter turned out to be true. Zenith’s voice rang out in her head, giving her a private message that Cherry wouldn’t be able to hear. “You’re free to do whatever you like. However, if you refuse to obey me, she’s the one who will be getting punished.” In a sickening moment Bellwyn figured out what Zenith’s game was. And to her own dismay, she knew that there was no way she could fight it. She was happy to take any punishment for herself, no matter how extreme, to keep her own dignity. But if Cherry’s well being was on the line? That was a different situation entirely. Cherry was already suffering so much, and she had been the prime target for Zenith’s torment since she’d arrived. 

“First instruction: roll over.” Internally, Bellwyn was waging war with herself. She hated the thought of just submitting to Zenith, after she’d built up all her courage to resist. But what sort of brutal torture would Cherry be subjected to if she refused? With a heavy heart, she did as she was ordered. Bellwyn lay down with her back on the floor, presenting her belly upwards and pointing her restricted limbs outwards. She kept her head looking straight at the ceiling, however. She couldn’t bear to see Cherry’s shameful eyes. “Good girl,” Zenith cooed in a patronising tone. “You’re so well behaved, aren’t you!”

“No, that’s not… no!” The angst was obvious in Cherry’s voice. “You’ve just got one of your minions to look like her. Or you’re using your mind control magic. Or… something, I don’t know!” For the first time, Cherry sounded genuinely thrown off kilter. “Bellwyn, listen to me. You have to resist her!”

Bellwyn wanted to tell her that it was for her own protection, but it was impossible for her to speak. “Really, you should know better by now” Zenith chastised. “I have no interest in lying to you. Your beloved here is doing this of her own free will.” To emphasise her point, she snapped her fingers at Bellwyn. “Next, sit up and beg.” 

There was less hesitation this time. Bellwyn had already committed to following orders, regardless of how much it pained her to do so. She manoeuvred herself so that she was sitting upright, trying not to focus on the tail plug pushing itself further inside of her. A fresh wave of arousal shot through her body from the sheer eroticism of their situation. 

If it was Cherry ordering her to do this, she might’ve felt some genuine pleasure at following orders in her tight bondage. As it was… she was still getting rather wet between the legs.

“That proves nothing.” Cherry’s voice was starting to tremble, and it was clear she was on the verge of tears. “You’re still controlling her somehow. There’s no way she would ever submit to you like this.”

Even though she was right, Bellwyn knew that Cherry was going to start doubting herself. Her entire world had been shattered in front of her. And Now Bellwyn was stuck sitting here, facing their enemy, legs spread wide and elbows framing her tits like a dog begging for treats. 

Zenith shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe I am. It’s entirely possible that I am lying to you.” She waved her hand and a fancy throne materialised behind her, which she sank into in a casual fashion. “You have no way of knowing what I’m doing, so I won’t waste time trying to prove anything. But you know my motives. So tell me, do you think I’ve got my magic inside that pretty head of hers?”

Before Cherry could respond, Zenith’s voice returned in Bellwyn’s mind. “Put on a show for us. The more enthusiastic you are, the easier time she’ll have.” Her intentions were made clear as Zenith reached forward with her leg, pressing the tip of her boot against her throbbing pussy. Bellwyn let out an involuntary moan at the sudden pressure. Then, realising what Zenith wanted, she moaned again even louder. Anything to make Cherry’s stay easier.

“You… you’re doing this for fun.” Cherry spoke the words slowly, and Bellwyn knew she was piecing the ideas together in her head. “You said so yourself, the only motivation for you is that it’s fun. But I still don’t understand, why? Where did you come from, and why us?”

A shrill laugh echoed through the room. “That’s right, you still don’t know. Your mother did a great job figuring it out. She was so clever. Not that it helped, in the end.” Zenith leaned forward, her cleavage resting overtop Bellwyn’s head. “Pride and Lust, my dear. Those are the only two things that matter to me. Pride and Lust. That’s how I make my fun. I take away one and replace it with another.”

Pride and Lust. Bellwyn remembered when she had first fallen victim to the trap, just as Meredith was figuring it all out. And it made sense given the course of Zenith’s actions so far. She seemed to be hellbent on taking everything they were proud of and turning it against them. And given that she was getting toefucked through her latex bondage suit, there was no shortage of lust either. 

“Bellwyn, stop. You have to fight her!” Cherry’s voice was desperate. She was still thinking this was some sort of mind control, or a spell. “Think about me, and all the time we’ve spent together. We can work through this. Just snap out of it!” 

Instead of relenting, Bellwyn’s moans of pleasure became lewder. She was thinking of Cherry, and that was part of the problem. She owed it to Cherry to protect her at any cost. She was the one that had fallen first and let the Queen be corrupted. If all she could do now was pretend to be obedient to save Cherry from a harsher fate, then there was no way she could avoid it.

Zenith snapped her fingers, and Bellwyn’s suit began to shift. Holes opened up around her chest and between her legs. Soon her tits were hanging out of her suit, and her holes were completely exposed. On top of that, a large inky black cock began to rise up from the ground. Bellwyn had a horrible feeling that she knew what her next order would be.

“You’ve been good so far, pet. It’s time for the reward you so desperately worked for. Go ahead, get that thing nice and deep inside of you.” Bellwyn wanted to scream. This wasn’t a reward, and she hadn’t been obeying for simple pleasures. But she had no way of communicating that. And now as far as Cherry would know, she had sold her out and swapped sides just for a magical fuck. And even knowing all that, she still had to go along with it, to ensure Cherry’s own safety.

The dildo was nestled between her thighs, pressing up on her abdomen. She’d grown strangely accustomed to having things in her vagina, but this was bigger than anything so far. Her eyes widened at the sight of it. There was no way around it, this thing was massive. Thankfully it looked to have some sort of lubrication on it already. As she began to lean forward in an attempt to position herself, Zenith’s voice once again spoke in her mind. 

“Turn around. I want you to make eye contact with Cherry the whole time. Break for a second and she’ll suffer a far worse fate than you can imagine.”

Of course. Zenith wanted to salt the wound, to add insult to injury. Bellwyn felt like she had earlier on in the bedroom, like she was just an object. A tool to be used in order to get to others. Even Zenith wasn’t treating her like a person, and now Cherry would think her mind was totally gone. She thought this as she slowly turned to face Cherry, to stare her directly in the eye.

Her face was red and blotchy. Tears were openly streaming down Cherry’s face. Bellwyn met her gaze, her own vision starting to blur from tears. But that wasn’t important. She blinked them away, determined to put on a good show. The fact that her own arousal had been steadily growing all day would hopefully make it easier. She took a deep breath, met Cherry’s gaze full on and unflinching, and lowered her cunt onto the dildo.

She could feel it stretching her insides as she pushed it in deeper. Bellwyn cried out into her muzzle, nearly losing her balance as her knees threatened to fall out from under her. Fortunately, by some miracle, she managed to get into a stable position. And she managed to do it without looking away from Cherry. Her lover was growing more and more agitated, pulling against the chains behind her and smacking her head against the cell door. 

Zenith laughed at the situation. “That’s a good girl, you know what you want. But you’re only just getting started with your new toy.” With a flourish of her wrist, a spark of magic flew towards Bellwyn. She could feel it activating inside the dildo. A moment later, it began to vibrate, and it started magically pumping in and out of her. The sudden sensation nearly caused Bellwyn to fall over.

It was getting to be too much. For so long she’d been teased, watched all these beautiful ladies get themselves off with zero regard for decency. She’d been plugged and bound and had her whole body wrapped in tight latex. Through it all, she’d been determined to remain stoic, to stay above it all. Even when acting for Zenith’s sake, she was avoiding giving in to the pleasure. However, she had to ask herself, why bother at this point? Zenith wanted her to put on a show. To discard what little remained of her pride and fully give in to the lust. If surrendering herself in this moment would end up helping Cherry as well, what was the point in stopping it?

Her orgasm was fast approaching. Faster than any time she’d had with Cherry, and much more intense as well. The toy was still pumping, bouncing her lithe body up and down as her tits flopped about in the air. Zenith was watching her, Cherry was watching her, and there was nothing she could do about it. This was where she needed to be. Beneath everyone else, but still supporting them in her own way. And if it meant a fat dildo vibrating so hard she could feel it in her buttplug, that was how she would be.

Bellwyn barely heard Zenith’s order to cum as she reached her climax, eyes rolling back in her head as she broke her gaze with Cherry.


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