The Rise of Turok

Turok 13


Chapter 13

By BigToFu

Two Weeks Later…


A liquid silver ship dropped out of FTL on the edge of the currently un-named system while their stealth capabilities were fully engaged. On the bridge of the ship, a set of doors opened as the Captain of the small STG vessel arrived to see what was happening within the system. It was a little over a week now that they had lost contact with the ships sent to monitor and track the Quarian Migrant Fleets.

"Communications, get me a sensor profile and full system scan." The Captain of the STG vessel stated in command as he took his seat on the bridge. The team around him worked like a well-oiled machine in silence, It was a very good team, hand-picked over a five-year period to serve on his vessel.

They would do their jobs, and he would be here and place all the pieces of the puzzles that they provided. This would then allow the Captain to create a solid picture of the situation.

Sitting in his chair, the Captain was scrolling through the data on the hologram that hovered over his armrest when the alert finally came. The communications officer had finally sorted out the signals retrieved from this system. With a daft movement of the wrist, the Captain brought up the data points but frowned.

"Ensign, what is this rubbish?" The Captain questioned as he looked at the incomprehensible data.

The Communications Officer, cocked his head to the side, "I have collected the current data, and also ran them against the database provided to us by the STG collective. There is only a low burst of eezo within the system, only enough to provide us an echo."

"Where is the data from the previous STG vessel?" The Captain questioned as he tried to figure out why that wasn't provided.

"The data that it provided was clearly corrupted, I recommend retrieval and examination for proper data recovery."

The Captain paused in his review of the data, "Please repeat that, did you not send me all relevant information that I asked for?"

The Ensign returned with a subtle nod of his head, "Correct, the information gathered from the black box of our fellow STG ship that went missing stated a fleet of ships jumped into the system before leaving with the Quarian Migrant Fleet, as there are no eezo emissions, I deemed it faulty."

At this, the Captain rubbed at his chin in thought, and then after a bit, he made his decision. "Navigation, charter us a course to where these vessels vanish; we have the best sensors in the galaxy. I'm certain we will be able to locate their eezo trail."

That was all the bridge of the Salarian STG vessel needed; already, the coordinates were being tracked. There was a slight hum as the ship's engines displaced more power and pushed them through the current solar system.

As they traveled through the system, the vessel's Captain noticed his communications officer's strange reactions. "Captain, we are getting a null reading on the sensors."

The Captain paused, thought about it, then called out to the pilot of his ship. "Commander, bring us to a stop."

"Aye, Captain," The Pilot replied as she lowered the speed of the sunlight thrusters. Then the Pilot of the ship started to act strange as a shadow loomed over the ship. That was odd because no proximity sensors were on alert. Then there was also the fact that there was nothing on file about anything within this solar system that could cast a mass shadow of that particular size. Even planets dont cast shadows unless the celestial body is in between the ship and the local star.

A hush came over the bridge as a massive super-structure was seen floating on the other perimeter of the ship.

"Captain!" Called the Navigation officer.

His hand slammed into the armrest of his captain's chair, "Commander, reverse thrust, I want combat distance between us and that thing."

All hands were on deck and the Captain gripped his chair harshly as he noticed the size of the thing. Something was either blocking the scanners, or it was on a technological level never before seen or heard of before.

The Captain of the STG vessel was on the edge of his seat as the ship pulled away and they were finally able to see the massive super-structure.

Each one of the massive pylons were the size of small cruisers, but that wasnt all. There had to have been thousands arrayed in a ring before them. All scans were showing inconclusive, there wasn't any sign of eezo.

The Captain gulped as he read the information provided by the sensors and couldnt see any power readings. He gritted his teeth, those damn Quarians discovered whatever this was and were able to use it to escape. He would report to the STG command, only the Salarians were deserving of such knowledge.

One Month Later …

System Alliance

Jane sat in the cockpit of her Titan as she waited for the mission clock to reach zero. It was another pirate smashing missing, and Jane was enjoying every second of it. That was until the orders came down summoning her to a meeting with high command, already she wasnt liking the way things had played out.

Checking her omni-tool, Jane frowned as she noticed that even now, there still wasn't any reply from Turok. She had sent him a message a few weeks back before she went on a mission. The reply she also received from him was he was also going on a mission. That was a clear indicator that things would be going radio silent for both of them over some time. Yet, she couldnt shake the strange feeling she was getting about everything.

It also didn't help that Jane was hear alot of strange roomers of Quarians vanishing and something about a massive ring somewhere out in space. Sheppard was hearing all of the latest buzz but she wanted to know more. It was clear that Turok had something to do with it, but not heard anything from him. She wasn't able to confirm any of it, and she might not be alright with that, but she had to be. Honestly, she had reached out to other contacts and they had nothing for her and it was getting old quick.

"Pilot, I have noted elevated signs of stress levels." Her ever faithful Titian Bt stated.

With a sigh, Jane shook her head to dismiss her idle thoughts, "It's nothing BT."

"Are you thinking of my creator again, pilot?" BT questioned and Jane could see the head title from the corner of her eye.

With a roll of her eyes, Jane stood from where she was sitting in the cockpit, with quick and easy movements, Jane was out of the cockpit and jumping off the hand BT had provided her. The booster pack located on her lower back flared to life, and Jane jumped from the palms of her favorite bot. After landing lightly on the balls of her feet, Jane gave BT a pat on his massive feet before turning around and heading out.

While she left, BT went and racked himself while she went to the command room, she was requested after-all. It had taken her a little under five minutes to arrive on location and when she got there, Jane found Admiral Anderson already waiting for her. Quickly Jane ran a hand down her N7 uniform to make sure her appearance was decent before letting her presence be known.

"Excuse me, sir," Jane stated while she took a seat as one of the other officers pulled it for her.

She took a quick look around the room and already, Jane could see that things might not be what she thought it was. On one of the big monitors was a massive ring-like structure and on another. There was alot of data being scrolled by on a monitor but she had no clue about any of it, so Jane ignored it.

Accepting the seat offered, Jane sat down but kept herself alert even as Admiral Anderson snatched a hologram file and threw it toward her. The Ball of light rolled to a stop before her location, then unfolded as the table picked up the file and expanded it so Jane could take a clear look at it.

Jane looked at it, but for the life of her, she had no clue what it was. "Sir?"

Anderson was quiet for a little bit as he spoke into his headset, then at her words. He placed down the headset before doing something that linked it with the table.

"This is Anderson, you're on speaker, Shepard is also here." Admiral Anderson spoke as he waved a hand for her to say something. Taking the command for what it was, Jane answered with her name and rank. She was an N7 Commander of the System Alliance, and it would be a bad showing if she got nervous now.

"Alright, Commander Shepard, answer me this, do you know what's on the screen before you?" The Person on the other end of the line questioned.

Jane had no clue, but the caller ID listed them as the Admiralty Board, and the fact that there was no video was answered enough. Taking a movement, Jane looked at the image, pinched to zoom, and rotated the image this way and that, but all in all, she had no clue what it was. All she noticed was that each were the size of a small cruiser. Along with the fact that there were numerous of these things that spanned a circle.

Even the designs were nothing she knew off, but then it clicked as to why they had her specifically in the Command room answering questions instead of being in an interrogation room. The only reason why should would be called was because of her connection to Turok. Which means that this was some kind of Quarian technology, maybe. Yet, Jane could admit to herself that she couldn't see the connection. With a decision made, Jane slid the image to the side, "No, sir, I do not recognize the structure within the image."

"Hmm, and have you been in Turok recently?"

"No sir," Jane replied with a serious expression.

The room fell into a silence pause for a time, and Jane could tell that she had set them back.

There was the sound of papers being tapped on a desk, "Do you have any way to contact Turok?"

Jane looked around the room but only found Admiral Anderson looking at her with a raised brow. Jane didn't know what to say since she might have sent Turok a few calls, but he had yet to reply.

"So sir, other than the contact number I was given, there are no other ways for me to reach out," Jane replied to the caller, it had taken her a bit. Yet, Jane was finally able to figure out who was on the other end of the call.

The voice might sound like it was neutral, but that had to be a spook. Jane couldn't confirm it, but it had to be a lead spook on the other side of that damn call. So that meant the observation that was on her must be going five ways from Sunday.

Holding the sigh in, Jane settled into her chair with her back straight, she was going to be here for hours. Urgh, she just wished those orders to head to the damn Citadel would come in already.


Queen Of Omega

Music thrummed all around as the lights flashed across the scantily clad dancers down below. For those not within the know, it all just looked like another night in club Omega, but for those who did know. It was slow and silent chaos as everyone was out for information on the latest happenings in the known universe. Credits and gold exchanged hands as mercs, and those in power chased the latest news and every scrap of information they could find.

Even now, seated above the masses upon her couch that was the throne of Omega, Aria kept of features frozen as holograms around her flashed with data points. Money came in and left as it changed hands all across her network of brokers.

It had been months since the Quarians had vanished into the void of stars, and the Salarian along with all the other races were all abuzz about that giant new artifact. Aria knew better, though, she might be interested in all the buzz, but she had her eye on the person behind it all.

With the main Fleet of the QUarians going missing, Aria was certain that Turok was behind it. She might not have any evidence to the matter, but her years of being the boss of Omega and living her life with so much danger gave her a sixth sense of these things like the humans liked to say. Even now while she had her feelers out, Aria was putting in the work to have her people collect Quarians.

Aria knew that those in power would figure it out, but by then, she would already have the most valuable commodity within the Universe, Quarians. It was clear that Turok was up to something even if he didn't allow anyone else to know. So she would collect those loose little Quarians under everyone's noses. It was only a matter of time until Turok was back, and she would be in a position of power to bargain.

A double beep drew Aria's attention to wards a notification, with a raised brow. Aria confirmed the notifications and watched the video of a few Batarian's asking to dock. She had not a care about any of that, but the station controller had a scan of their cargo. Ohh now she was invested, as she got up off the couch.

She sent the commands to lock down the space dock, it was time for Aria to get herself some bait.

Authors Note: Okay, I give up, I keep trying to get something right and its just not working. Im done. Here have this, I got other things to write.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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