The richest man in the leisurely country

Chapter 22 The Wolf is Threatened

Chapter 22 The Wolf is Threatened
Although Hongxing Village is far away from the county seat and the town, its location is remote, and its development is relatively lagging behind, but it has to be said that Feng Shui is really good.

If you are in a village built by the mountain, you will definitely not be able to see this point, but if you stand on the top of the mountain, you can find out that there is a mystery.

The whole village is relatively closed and narrow. The villagers live on relatively flat land, mostly at the foot of the mountain, and in front of the gate is a long and narrow flat land five or six kilometers long.

Around the village, there is only one exit, surrounded by nine not-so-high mountains on both sides. The mountains on both sides form a half-moon shape, arching the whole village together.

And these nine mountains, ranging in height from 500 to [-] meters, are all stone mountains, most of which are mountainous, covered with trees, lush and lush, and look a bit reunited.

The Feng Shui of the entire village is a continuous high mountain in the north, covered with tall trees, stretching out tens of kilometers.

If you look at it from the air, the whole village looks like two hands together with fingers spread out.A Feng Shui master once passed by here and said that this pattern is called Jiuxing Gongyue.

The nine stars are the nine short mountains, but the moon is not the highest mountain range, it is the dragon vein of the whole mountain. Mr. Feng Shui said that the moon is not the substance, but a person.

Of course, there haven't been any big names in the village for so many years, so the villagers naturally don't take this to heart, and they just treat it as nonsense.However, most people's houses are still built on the largest mountain range. It is said that they want to absorb the energy in the dragon's veins, but Su Mu doesn't really believe it.

However, Su Mu's family, like other families, built their houses on that mountain range, and because of their luck, when they collectively divided the land, they allocated a large area of ​​land at the foot of the mountain range to his family.

So for this matter, many old people in the village are still very jealous, but they have nothing to do.

When Su Mu came to the mountain, his second aunt Li Lanhua was busy planting trees with the invited women. When planting trees in the morning, Su Mu had a plan. Peach trees were planted at the bottom, and apple trees, pear trees and plum trees were planted at the top. The tree, with such layers, is easy to harvest when it is mature.

Seeing them very busy in the field, Su Mu was also in a happy mood. He walked along the winding mountain road, turned over a mouthful, and came to the top.

Different from the mountainous land and heaven and earth below, the place commonly known as Maopo by the villagers is all mud hills. Many lands here are collective. Of course, each household also has some familiar land, but it is relatively far away. Now that the labor force in the village has decreased, many people have not planted, and all of them have been abandoned.

Except for the one at the foot of the mud hill, there is a sloping slope above it, many of which are full of trees, and some of which are left alone. This is the place where Su Mu grazed cattle when he was a child.

If you walk a few kilometers up, you will find a collective forest, but I don’t know how many years it has been. There are towering trees in it, similar to a virgin forest. It looks a bit gloomy. Not many people have entered it. I heard that there are tigers in it. There are also bear pythons and the like, and of course no one has seen them.

"Well, these dozens of acres of cultivated land can be used to grow oranges, and the barren hills above can also be reclaimed. With sufficient sunlight and moisture, they can be used to grow tea trees."

Su Mu was quite familiar with the place where he used to graze cattle when he was a child, so he stood on the top of a small hill at the foot of the mountain and observed it carefully, thinking about it in his heart.

"If one land is used for multiple purposes, the place where orange trees are planted can be used for grazing and breeding when the orange trees grow up."

As Su Mu watched, the calculations in his heart were crackling, and he wished to start construction now.

But food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and the road needs to be walked step by step. If you take big steps, it is easy to tear your eggs. Su Mu just has a basic plan in mind.

At this stage, Su Mu feels that he should take care of his own land first, earn 200 million, repair the house, and then contract all the fields in the village to grow vegetables.

For the mountainous land, it will be used to plant fruit trees, and the larger mountainous land behind will be developed later.

Su Mu carefully calculated that if one acre of vegetables is planted, the income is about 3 to 30 yuan. If all the fields of his own family and his second uncle's are used to grow vegetables, the total income of a week is [-] million yuan.

In addition to the mountains, the annual income should be in the tens of millions.

In other words, just by planting his own land, Su Mu feels that he can live well and earn tens of millions a year, but Su Mu's ambition is obviously more than that.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened.


The sun was about to set, and when Su Mu was about to go home, he suddenly heard a low roar from the woods on the mountain.


Hearing this sound, Su Mu's hair stood on his head for an instant, and his soul trembled.

"Grass, am I actually afraid of a wolf..."

After a while, Su Mu, who was still in shock, murmured in a low voice, almost pissed off by himself.

Who I am is the person who has the inheritance of the five spirit beads, who has been nourished by the five spirit beads all the year round, has great strength, runs very fast, and moves very agilely.

Bah, after all, I am still a human and an animal, and fear is also human nature.

"I'm worried that I can't catch a pet to play with. Since you brought it to your door, don't blame me."

Seeing that the sky hadn't completely darkened yet, Su Mu muttered, tossing and turning quickly, and ran towards the mountain where the sound came from.

Under the setting sun, a graceful figure ran quickly on the vast slope.

In just a few minutes, Su Mu ran all the way to the dense forest on the slope, and got in with his bare hands.

If Su Daming and Li Lanhua saw that Su Mu was getting dark and dared to drill into the dense forest, they would be scared to death.


The forest was dense, and Su Mu swished and swam in it like an ape. A wolf's roar came again, and Su Mu directly determined the direction and accelerated his speed again.

"Got you."

Two or three minutes later, Su Mu stood on a big tree more than ten meters high, staring at a black body as big as a dog in the jungle on the ground with a smirk on his face.

It was not a dog, but a wolf, or a black wolf.


Hearing Su Mu's voice, the black wolf squatting in the jungle was startled. He quickly stood up, with all his hair standing on end, grinning at Su Mu, staring at him vigilantly.

"It turned out to be a lone wolf with a lame leg. It seems to be injured."

Not only was Su Mu not afraid when he saw the wolf, the smile on his face grew wider, and he quickly slipped down from the tree.

Seeing Su Mu coming down from the tree, the black wolf became even more nervous and vigilant, staring at Su Mu, his whole body tensed up, showing sharp fangs, ready to strike Su Mu with a fatal blow at any time.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here. I don't have any other purpose. I just need a pet. Don't worry, you are protecting animals. I won't hurt you, let alone hurt you."

"But now there is a choice in front of you, either you will be my pet and I will heal your injuries, or you will leave with a limp and be abandoned by your companions to fend for yourself."

"Remember, I'm not discussing with you, but letting you make a choice."

While talking, Su Mu approached Hei Lang with a smile.

Seeing Su Mu moving, the black wolf bowed its body and let out a low growl. If it could understand human speech, it would never have imagined that a majestic wolf would be threatened by a person.

Moreover, he is a modern person who has no power to restrain a chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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