The Revolution Of Our Youth (The End of Dystopia)

Chapter 9: Chapter 9, A Loving Family.

Hasan's entire family was in the hospital to check on Ibrahim, his aunts, uncles and cousins, even his old grandparents.

Hasan's mother 

"Ibrahim, my dear, you're looking so much better!"

Hasan's mother beamed, adjusting the blanket around Ibrahim who was propped up on the hospital bed.


"Thank you, Auntie," 

Ibrahim indeed looked much better than when he first woke up after the surgery a small smile gracing his pale face.


"You gave us all quite a scare, you cried like a baby when they wheeled you in for the operation."

Ibrahim's smile vanished and he objected strongly to what Hasan said. "I did not!" 

he protested, his voice a little stronger than it had been since the surgery. 

Ibrahim :

"I was just… nervous."

Ibrahim's Mother:

"It's okay, habibi. It's perfectly normal to be scared. You're still just a child, and that was a very frightening experience."

Ibrahim's older brother, Khalil, who was leaning against the wall, snickered. 


"Its ok Habibi, you are a big baby after all!"

Ibrahim :

"I'm not a baby!"And I wasn't scared!"

Ibrahim insisted, puffing out his chest slightly, though the effort seemed to tire him. 

Their father, who had been quietly observing the exchange, stepped forward. "Khalil, that's enough," he said firmly, his eyes holding a warning. 

Ibrahim's Father:

. "Son, whether you cried or not is beside the point. What matters is that you're alright now. Let's not dwell on it. Khalil leave your brother alone."

Khalil mumbled something under his breath but subsided. Hasan, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, quickly changed the subject, he asked his mother if she brought him a change of clothes because he's been working nonstop for two days now and couldn't go home due to how busy things were at the hospital.

Hasan's mother: "Yes, dear, I brought you what you asked for. Here are your clothes."

Hasan's father: "How much longer are you going to work? You haven't come home for two days straight."

The grandmother: "Oh, dear Hasan, if you want, I'll speak to your boss and demand he give you a break. You deserve to rest."

Hasan: "Oh, Grandma, bless your heart. I'm fine. It's not that my boss is abusing me; it's just that we're very busy. As you can see, the hospital is crowded with patients, and the staff are all working 24 hours to try and control the situation. It's been a stressful week overall."

The grandfather: "May Allah help you. You're doing a great job taking care of all those poor people. Our society needs people like you, and don't forget the many blessings you'll receive for doing this job."

Hasan: "Thanks, Grandpa. I promise to do my best."

Ibrahim's father Hosam turned to his eldest son Karam, he was a highschool senior which means that he'll be taking the IQ test at the end of this year.

Hosam: "Karam, your brother is okay now. You mustn't waste time; you need to go home and continue studying."

Karam: "But, Father, everyone says that studying is pointless for the IQ test. I don't even know why we're going to school if a single test decides our entire future?"

Hosam: "Those are ridiculous rumors. Studying is always the way to success. Do your job and study hard for the test. At least then you won't have anything to regret because you've done your best."

Karam: "Okay, Father, I'll go home and study."

Karam excused himself and walked out of the hospital room. Before he reached the hospital's main entrance, Hasan caught up with him. He had something to say to him, so he asked if he could walk him to the bus station.

Karam: "I don't mind, but don't you need to get back to work?"

Hasan: "No, it's fine. I have fifteen more minutes left before my break ends. I'll walk you and get back.

I need to get some fresh air anyway."

Karam: "Sure, let's go."

Karam: "Do you think the rumors are true?"

Hasan: "I honestly don't know."

Karam: "Well, how did you pass it?"

Hasan: "With pure luck, I guess. I've always been lucky with things like exams and video games. I always win, even the games I play for the first time."

Karam: "I wish I had your luck. I'm already bad at school. I fail the tests I study so hard to pass. I can't imagine how badly I'll do on a test that I didn't even know how to prepare for."

Hasan: "Don't say that! You know what? It's probably for the best that you don't get high results. Who wants to work at hospitals? Look how hard I work! If I weren't such a handsome sunshine, I would have been an overworked, miserable guy!"

Karam: "Yeah, you're right. I could never become a nurse. I would hate it."

Hasan: "Of course you would. Don't become a doctor either; it's far worse. I feel sorry for the doctors I work with. It's true that a nurse is far more important than a doctor; we do everything. Almost all the work depends on us, but the hard part—the part where you need to place your hands inside a human's body—that I could never do. That's why, in my opinion, their job is far worse."

Karam: "I know. I guess you're right. Maybe it's better this way. Who knows what I'm destined to be."

Hasan: "Karam, what I'm trying to say is, you are in control of your destiny. Don't ever think that a test or anyone in the world could tell you who you are or what you'll be."

Karam: "Thanks, Hasan. I appreciate that you're trying to cheer me up."

Hasan: "No, Karam, I'm serious. You know I would never lie to you just to cheer you up. For example, when you used to cry when you were little because the other kids bullied you and called you ugly, have I ever lied to you and called you handsome?"


Tariq was in his office when Omar come and asked him if he was busy.

Tariq : "of course I'm busy, I'm the CEO, if this is about work talk quickly, if it's not that important we can discuss it later."

Omar :"It is about work, I wanted to tell you that I'm going to need new employees for my department."

Tariq:"Why do you need new employees?"

Omar:"As you know I proposed new projects during the previous meeting and all of these projects were approved by the board of directors and you. So my department needs to start with these projects immediately, but the problem is that the employees that I'm working with are all busy with the old projects, I can't make them work overtime, they are already doing overtime shifts many times a week, it would be inhuman to make them busier than they are now."

Tariq :"Alright, I get it, go to the human resources department and tell them to start interviews." 

Omar:"Actually, I already have a few recommended people that I'd like to hire, I was hoping you'd take a look at their resumes and approve them so they'd start working as soon as possible." 

Tariq:"Alright, send me their resumes and I'll view them when I can, if I don't get back to you in two days just call them and tell them they can start working immediately." 

Omar:"Ok, thank you sir, have a nice day." 


After two days Omar hired the new employees, they were both his University colleagues, he met them both in business school.

Omar :"Hello guys, how are you today?"

Ghazi :"I'm good Omar thank you for asking, and thank you for this opportunity."

Khalid :"We'll do our best, inshallah, we won't disappoint you." 

Omar:"Im sure both of you will add many things to the company, you both were better students than me in university, that's why I recommend both of you."

Khalid:"I hope the other employees don't get the wrong impression and think that we're here simply because we're your friends."

Ghazi :"Khalid, let's be honest it is part of the reason why he recommended us but lets prove that he wasn't wrong and do well."

Omar:" Ok guys, here's your desks I'll send you your accounts information so you could log into the system and get started." 

During the break Alia decided to pass by Omar's office and on her way she saw the new employees.

Alia:"Hello Omar, how are you."

Omar:"Hello Miss Alia, how can I help you?"

Alia:"I'm about to go on break and I was wondering if you'd like some coffee."

Omar:"Sure, I'm coming " 

Alia:"I noticed that you have hired new employees"

Omar:"Yes, we have hired new employees, Ghazi and Khalid."

Alia:"Khalid's last name is Rifaee right?"

Omar:"Yes, how did you know?"

Alia : "I just know him from somewhere, but we're not close."

Omar :"Oh, I see. "


Khalid was going home after a long day of work, he was walking to the train station when a car stopped near him and the person inside called his name, to his surprise it was Alia.

Alia:"Assalamualaikum, sorry to bother you, I saw you going home and thought I could give you a ride to the station."

Khalid accepted her offer and got in the car.

Khalid :"Thank you for the drive." 

Alia:"It's my pleasure, may I ask you something?"

Khalid :"Go ahead."

Alia:"if you needed a job why didn't you ask me to help you? I'd have gladly helped you."

Khalid:"The truth is I didn't even think of applying to this company, Omar is the one who offered me the job, I was working in another company and I was satisfied with my position, then he called me and offered me this position with a higher salary than I was getting." 

Alia :"Omar? So you know each other?"

Khalid:"Yes, we were university colleuges."

Alia:"Does he know anything about our community?"

Khalid :"No, he wasn't interested in such things in university." 

Alia :"Oh, ok."


When Omar went home, to his surprise, his sister Maram wasn't there. He called her, but she didn't answer her phone. He changed his clothes, took a shower, and waited for her. It was past 9 p.m., and he started to worry. He decided to look for her, but then she came.

Omar: "Finally! Where were you?"

Maram: "I was out with my friends. Do you expect me to stay home all day alone?"

Omar: "No, but why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you answer when I called you?"

Maram: "Sorry, my phone's battery ran out."

Omar: "Oh. Well, don't forget to charge your phone when you go out, you silly!"

Maram: "Did you eat something?"

Omar: "No, I was so worried about you that I forgot."

Maram: "Okay, I'll make dinner. Go and rest."

Omar: "Okay, there are a few emails that I need to send. Call me when it's ready."

Maram:" Okay, I will." 

Omar was sending emails to his business partners and to the customers, before he turned off his computer he sent one email to his friend khalid.


The next day: 

Maram was shopping with her friends, after their uncle hired Omar she quit her job as a cook at a restaurant, her brother is the one who insisted that she quits and told her that he'll support her and help her achieve her dream of opening her own bakery shop, she was still working on it, she went out shopping with her friends to buy kitchen set for her shop.

Maram:" Wow I love these, what do you think Sally?"

Sally:"It's too expensive don't you think?"

Maram:"You're right, oh how I wish I could have them."

Sally:" Check these out, they are similar and cheaper."

Fadia :"Girls, come take a look!"

They were shopping at a store on the fourth floor of the mall, from the window they could see the streets, the people on the main street were protesting, they raised many demands and one of those demands was to stop the police brutality.

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