Chapter 2: chapter 2, IQ Test Results
Maram: "Omar, wake up!
Ever since the test, you've been sleeping all day and staying up all night. You can't go on like this!"
Omar: "Please leave me alone,
I didn't get enough sleep for weeks before the test, I deserve to sleep, I studied hard for a year and did all I can, Yet the test was nothing like what they said. Everything I studied was not relevant at all!
I can't turn back time, so at least let me sleep!"
Maram: "Ok, chill bro, I just came to tell you that Uncle Tareq is here, and he asked me to get you."
Omar: "Why? It's not like he cares about us. Ever since our parents died, he only visits us when he's craving the shawarma that you make."
Maram: "I know, I was surprised to see him too.But he is still our uncle. Clean yourself up and go see him."
Omar: "Alright, I'll be right behind you."
Maram: "I woke him up; he will be with us in a few minutes."
Tareq: "It's okay, dear. I took a day off, and I'm planning to spend it with you."
Maram: "I'm glad you did. I'll make your favorite dishes for dinner today."
Tareq: "It's alright, dear. You don't have to trouble yourself."
Omar: "Salam, Uncle Tareq, sorry for keeping you waiting."
Tareq: "Salam, my dear nephew. Come sit down next to me. I came today because I have great news for you."
Omar: "What is it, Uncle?"
Tareq: "It seems like you don't have to worry about the IQ test results after all. One of my friends owns an expensive restaurant on the boulevard. I talked to him, and he's willing to give your sister a job there as a chef, and you can work there as a waiter. They pay well, and it's not a stressful job, after working there for a while, you might get the opportunity to work in better hotels and restaurants, It's a great opportunity, now isn't it?"
Maram: "But Uncle, the boulevard is far from where we live."
Omar: "And it's far from the train station."
Maram: "We are going to have to move to another apartment."
Tareq: "Well, the salary they will give you will be more than enough to get you a nice apartment near the boulevard."
Maram: "So you want us to leave our home? The one that belonged to our parents!"
Omar: "And rent some apartment near the boulevard!"
Tareq: "Well, at some point in life, you will leave this house."
Omar: "Uncle, you just want us to leave because you heard about the new project."
Tareq: "What project?"
Maram: "That they want to build a new mall in this area, and the company in charge is paying people lots of cash to get them to leave their homes."
Tareq: "No, I just found out from you."
Omar: "How strange, I thought you knew the man in charge of this project."
Tareq: "No, I didn't know anything about it, and I got nothing to do with it. Now excuse me, I just remembered I have an important business meeting today."
Maram: "You're not staying for dinner?"
Tareq: "Another time, dear. I'll see you later."
Tariq left and the siblings are by themselves.
Omar: "I knew it!"
"That man only shows up when he wants something."
Maram: "He said that he took a day off to spend time with us, yet he fled once we figured out his scheme."
Omar: "Forget about him, even his way of persuading us is pathetic."
Maram: "Getting us a job at some restaurant?, he knows a lot of businessmen, yet that is all he could offer us?"
Omar: "To be fair, we don't have degrees or any skills to qualify us to work in a company."
Maram: "True, Still, he could arrange something, like all people with connections do for their children."
Omar: "We are not his children.I'm hungry. Did you make breakfast?"
Maram: "It's noon. I'm about to make lunch."
Omar: "Whatever, I'm hungry. Do we have something to eat?"
A few weeks later, the IQ test results were about to be announced by the school headmaster.
Each student would be sent to work or study in the area that suited them according to their results.
Omar: "Salam Maher, how are you?"
Maher: "I have barely got any sleep in weeks. I'm suffering from overthinking and stress, and I lost 10 pounds because I keep throwing up anything I eat, but I'm fine. What about you?"
Omar: "Alhamdulillah, I'm good. I've been sleeping like a log. Although I can't stop overthinking, I always sleep at some point."
Maher: "Lucky for you. I needed three sleeping pills yesterday to get a two-hour nap."
Hasan: "Poor Maher."
Maher: "When did you get here!"
Hasan: "A few minutes ago. I heard everything. Is there anything I can do for you, my dear friend?"
Maher: "Stop making fun of me."
Hasan: "I'm not making fun of you. I genuinely want to help you."
Maher: "Whatever, I don't need your pity."
Omar: "Guys, be quiet. Here comes our headmaster."
All the students took their places in order, forming straight lines and waiting patiently for the headmaster to announce their results.
The headmaster: "Dear students, you all have earned your place in this nation. In this place, each one of you learned and did your best, and today, each one of you will take your place and receive your duties, but first, let us show respect to our flag."
The national anthem played, and everyone placed their hands on their chest and sang along.
The headmaster: "Thank you for your patience and your allegiance, now, I will start announcing your duties one by one, we will start with those who got the highest results and will be studying in our finest colleges.
Our top student, who got assigned to study Aerospace Engineering, is Mister Mustafa."
Everyone clapped as Mustafa stepped forward to receive his college application.
Hasan: "Who is he?"
Omar: "He took science class with me once. He is a real genius."
The headmaster: "Next is Miss Selena, who got accepted into med school."
Hasan: "Selena!"
Maher: "As expected, I knew she was smart."
Now the headmaster was about to announce the names of those accepted into less prestigious institutions.
He announced the names of the top 10 students who got accepted into prestigious colleges.
The headmaster: "Next is Mister Samy, who got accepted into law school."
Hasan: "No offense, but law school does not suit you at all."
Samy: "I know."
The headmaster: "Next is Miss Sabrina, who got accepted into the languages institution."
Sabrina: "Thank God!"
Emily: "Congrats, dear. You won't be working in labor or doing any heavy lifting."
The headmaster: "Next is Miss Emily, who got assigned to study education."
Emily: "Education?"
Sabrina: "Congrats, you will be a teacher!"
Emily: "Thank God, I had nightmares all week."
The headmaster: "Next is Mister Hasan, who got accepted into the nursery school."
Hasan: "Nursery!"
Maher: "Wow, I can already picture you in the uniform."
Omar: "You're basically a clown; at least you will cheer the patients up."
Hasan: "So you admit that I'm funny?"
Maher: "I never said that!"
The headmaster: "Next is Mister Maher, who got assigned to the police force school."
Maher: "Did he just say my name?"
Hasan: "I knew it!"
Omar: "You said he would work in a doughnut factory; you never said he would be a policeman."
Hasan: "I imagined it, but I was too scared for it to become true."
Omar: "For real, can you imagine how scary he would be with a gun!"
The headmaster continued announcing names, and once again, Omar's name came last.
The headmaster: "And the last name to get assigned to a college is Mister Omar, who will be studying Marketing."
The headmaster: "Well done, everyone. Now I will announce those who will be working in factories, labor, and the military."
Hasan: "Thank God, none of us got sent to the military."
Maher: "Are you kidding me? I was assigned to the police force!"
Omar: "The police force is separate from the military, and it's not that bad. It's located on the north side of the city; you can go there by train."
Hasan: "And I bet the uniform will look good on you.You already have that stony face; it will match the badge and gun perfectly."
Maher: "Please let me kill him now!"
Omar: "Stop, not now. The ceremony is not over yet."
After the ceremony, the three friends went to the old playground they used to visit as kids.
Omar: "Guys, do you really think this marketing thing will work for me?"
Maher: "If you do well in college, they will assign you to work in big companies."
Hasan: "Out of the three of us, you have the greatest chance of becoming rich. I heard that police officers don't get paid well at first."
Maher: "They don't pay nurses much either."
Hasan: "True, but nurses work in air-conditioned hospitals, while poor police officers spend their day under the sun chasing criminals and organizing traffic."
Maher: "I promise you, one day you will regret saying that. I'll make sure to
give you many parking tickets "
Hasan: "Nice try, but I don't and probably won't even own a car to park!"
Maher: "So you're using the fact that you'll stay poor to provoke me?"
Omar: "Wow, that's genius!"