The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 1

Mi He’s last memory of her previous life was that she was falling into the endless darkness.

It was like a person fell into a dark abyss, there was always a feeling that she couldn’t fall to the bottom, and she was struggling to fall.

And when she really fell to the dark end, she was born again.

When Mi He was born, he did not experience the squeezing process that is said to be expelled by the mother. It was like a bird whose eggshell was broken and suddenly came to this world full of unknowns.

The light filled her blurred vision, and a rough man’s voice sounded above her head, “Look, it’s a beautiful girl!”

The man was a little excited, “My little angel, I’m dad!”

In Mi He’s blurred vision, the appearance of a man suddenly appeared. He had a very handsome appearance, brown hair, brown eyes, and honey-colored skin. He looked at Mi He with excitement, and his eyes were still shining with water. Carefully pressing his palm against Mi He’s belly, he turned his head excitedly to another person standing beside the bed and said, “This little angel is our child, Hannah!”

“Lieutenant Colonel Yang, I have to correct you. First, I and you are not familiar enough to call each other’s names. Please call me Dr. Lin Lai. Second, she is not your child. She is your child. The child born through the application of the Imperial Birth Control Center will also be your obligation to support her in the future, and I am just her egg donor.”

Mi He was lying on the bed and heard this conversation, she was a little confused and didn’t know what happened. She opened her eyes wide to see Hannah speaking, but saw only a faint shadow.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was obviously very good-natured, and after hearing Hannah’s stern statement, he said with a little caution, “I know this child is my reward after my military exploits this time, and thank you for agreeing to my application as a child. Mother thing.”

Hannah said again: “I’m not her mother, I’m just her egg donor, please distinguish between the two identities.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang ignored her words and said, “Okay, no matter what, she is also a child who has inherited your excellent genes.”

Hannah said: “Unfortunately, I have been recording the genetic data of this child since the embryo was formed. She did not inherit the excellent genes of the Linley family. On the contrary, her gene vitality was abnormal, apparently inherited from the middle. The school’s excellent physical fitness genes.”

When Hannah said this, it was obviously not a compliment, but Lieutenant Colonel Yang laughed, “My good daughter has inherited my physical fitness gene? What a strong child!”

Mi He felt her father’s big hand on her head again, she twisted a few times, and put her small face against her father’s warm palm.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was once again attracted by his lovely daughter. His rough fingers gently touched Mi He’s delicate face, and he raised his head and said to Hannah, “Look at how cute she is!”

He added, “Dr. Lin Lai, you are very knowledgeable, please come and name her!”

Hannah said in an unwavering voice: “The right to name her belongs to the child’s applicant.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “I’m a rough person. You gave half of her life to her. Please come and give her a name.”

Mi He heard Hannah pause for a few seconds, and then heard her calm and straight voice sounded again, “Okay.” Hannah sighed, with unconcealed regret and regret in her tone, but this sound Sighing is the only word that Hannah has said with emotion since Mi He was born to the present moment.

Mi He heard Hannah say, “When her embryo took shape, it happened to be the day when my 126th rice experiment was successful, so I’ll call her Mi He.”

This is the memory of Mi He when he was born.

Mi He pondered the conversation between her wonderful parents for several days, and felt that the phrase “egg donor” repeatedly emphasized in Hannah’s words might mean that her father was looking for Hannah to be a surrogate. Na means that although she gave birth to her, it was only an egg.

However, Mi He didn’t think that since Hannah gave birth to her, how could she stand by the bed and chat with Lieutenant Colonel Yang? It should be a breathless conversation lying on the bed.

It wasn’t until a few days later that Mi He realized his mistake.

After her field of vision was a little wider, a steel face appeared in her field of vision. This face appeared on the nanny who had been taking care of her these days, and she suddenly realized that this nanny with soft **** and a warm body It turned out to be a robot!

And it’s a robot with a pair of artificial breasts!

Seeing Mi He staring straight at him, the robot thought she was hungry, and skillfully took off one of her **** and handed it directly to Mi He’s mouth.

Mi He looked at the hole in the robot’s chest and the super-real baby bottle beside his mouth, so surprised that he couldn’t open his mouth!

The robot put the pacifier on Mi He’s mouth, and only when it touched her lips, the pacifier automatically flowed out milk, and it immediately flowed onto her chin.

Seeing that Mi He was not eating milk, the robot thought that she was not hungry, but thirsty, and put the super-simulated feeding bottle back into the hole in its chest.

Then he took off another chest, only to hear a slight popping sound from his chest, Mi He saw that there was a transparent bottle connected to the back of his chest, and the bottle was filled with water.

That is to say, milk is on the left and clear water is on the right, which is quite convenient…

He put the pacifier filled with water on Mi He’s mouth, and when the pacifier touched her lips, water automatically flowed out. Mi He was in a dazed state at this time. At this moment, she suddenly thought of what Hannah said, “From her Embryo formation, genetics, egg donor, child’s applicant” and realized that she might have been born in an incredible place…

Seeing that Mi He was fed water, the robot thought she was unwell. The five fingers of her left hand flashed blue fluorescence, and immediately scanned Mi He and transmitted the scan data to Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Hannah’s terminal.

Mi He saw that she was stunned by the blue light from the robot. Before she could feel anything, the blue light went out.

Then she saw that the robot re-installed the milk bottle filled with water into his chest, and he sat on Mi He’s bed with a pair of trembling milk bottles. Mi He’s eyes couldn’t be stopped. on him.

Because this is really a pair of baby bottles that people can’t ignore…

Suddenly, there was a soothing musical sound from the robot, and a gentle female voice came from his body. Although he could not understand the language, it must be a lullaby or something.

Mi He was thinking about whether to pretend to be asleep or not, when a woman in white clothes came over.

As soon as her voice sounded, Mi He knew who she was.

The last time Hannah appeared, Mi He was just born. At that time, her eyesight was not very good. This time, I happened to see Hannah’s appearance clearly. I saw Hannah’s short golden-brown hair with equal ears. Her eyes were calm and rational, her stature was tall and her gait was steady and even. As soon as she appeared, the whole person’s aura told Mi He: This is a woman who uses IQ and knowledge to arm herself.

Hannah seemed to have arrived in a hurry, with a transparent bubble-like cover covering her head. If it weren’t for the colorful light on it, Mi He wouldn’t be able to see it.

Hannah touched the ring on her wrist, and the colorful transparent cover disappeared. She said to the robot, “DNS912, you can’t tell from the data you sent me that she has any physical problems.”

The voice of the robot tablet said: “But Miss Mi He doesn’t eat or drink water anymore.”

Hannah came over and saw Mi He lying on the bed. After these days of feeding, Mi He gained weight, with a white and chubby body, looking at her with dark brown eyes, she looked innocent and cute. It made Hannah’s heart soften for a second.

“Take her to my lab,” she said to the robot.

When Mi He heard the word “lab”, he was a little scared. Now that he saw Hannah who was walking fast, he suddenly realized that if Hannah really gave birth to her, how could she recover so well so quickly?

In Hannah’s laboratory, Mi He saw a variety of plants growing in the cultivation tanks, and dozens of sealed transparent columns filled with newly formed animal embryos. When Hannah said, “When her embryo was formed”, a thought that made Mi He feel incredible came to her mind.

Could it be that she was also born from these transparent pillars?

She was put into the medical cabin by the robot. Through the transparent cover of the medical cabin, she looked at the animal embryos in the transparent column. An umbilical cord-like tube protruded from the bottom of the column and was attached to the embryo. There was a long The cow-like embryo still moved a bit in the water.

Until she was taken out of the medical cabin, her eyes were fixed on the animals and plants in the laboratory.

Hannah looked at the blue data projected in the air and said to the robot, “She doesn’t have anything to fix with the nanobots, she’s just hungry.”

After she finished speaking, her palms closed, and the data that had been flashing in the air just now disappeared.

Hannah added: “Bring her back to the nursery. Babies sometimes have their own emotions. When she is hungry, she will naturally want to breastfeed.”

The robot took Mi He out. As soon as he came out of the laboratory, he ran into Lieutenant Colonel Yang who rushed over.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was obviously also the one who was notified by the robot. He carefully carried Mi He from the robot’s arms, with one hand on her back and the other on the back of her neck, looking cautiously like a Big brown bear holding a cob of corn.

He also repeatedly checked with the robot whether his hugging posture was correct, until the robot said a long affirmative sentence: “Lieutenant Colonel Yang, your posture is as accurate as when you studied yesterday.” He was relieved.

Compared with the cold and strong Hannah, Mi He’s warm and clumsy father is obviously more liked by Mi He. Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s warm and generous embrace reassured Mi He, because the anxiety of suddenly coming to a strange world has also dissipated a lot.

When Lieutenant Colonel Yang saw his daughter’s cute and cute appearance, he fell in love with her. He lowered his head and kissed her delicate little face, “My little honey, do you miss your father?”

Mi He stretched out his small hand and slapped his face. Lieutenant Colonel Yang thought that his daughter was playing with him and was even more happy, and walked around with Mi He in his arms.

Mi He saw that there was a large curved corridor, with many white doors on both sides, each of which looked the same, and when people dressed in the same clothes as Lieutenant Colonel Yang walked, they would all salute him.

At the end of the curved corridor, it turned out to be a sea.

A huge whale swam in front of the transparent wall. Mi He saw that the material of the transparent wall was very thin, like a layer of plastic film, but the strong current rolled up when the whale was swimming did not make the wall vibrate.

Mi He saw a sign next to the wall and the corridor. She didn’t know the words on the sign, but she knew a few numbers: 2000m, Mi He was wondering if it was 2000m underground?

Before Mi He could think about what it means to be 2,000 meters underground, the whale just swam back. This time Mi He saw the whale clearly, and saw that the whale had four eyes, and the left and right sides grew. In addition to the two, there were two growing on the top of the head, and the four eyes flickered at Mi He together, startling Mi He.

And Lieutenant Colonel Yang, who was holding her, was obviously very ruthless, and was still watching the fish with great interest.

When Mi He waved his tail and left here again, he suddenly thought: Are whales a species that lives in the 2,000-meter-deep sea?

Before she could think about it, she suddenly saw a round submarine appearing in the sea. To Mi He, it felt like a big bubble. The bubble looked very thin, and there was only one person driving inside, and the speed was not very fast. .

The whale obviously saw the bubble, and it immediately became interested in the bubble. It seemed to want to swallow the bubble, but before it could swallow it, the bubble sped out, and the whale waved its tail and went too. Chasing bubbles.

After a while, many more bubble submarines rose out of the transparent wall, and among them there were pilots who raised their arms to greet Lieutenant Colonel Yang, and soon disappeared from their sight.

When those glowing bubbles drifted away, they were like pearls, very beautiful.

Mi He suddenly felt that no matter where he was born, if he cared about his family, life would be better!

In Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s warm and broad chest, her mood gradually calmed down.

When Lieutenant Colonel Yang came back with Mi He in his arms, he saw several robots of different shapes in the large curved corridor. These robots reminded Mi He of the robots he once saw in the sci-fi movies “Star Wars” and “Guardians of the Galaxy”. .

Thinking of the scenes of traveling in space with a spaceship that I saw in those movies, I suddenly had a lot of expectations in my heart, thinking that when she grows up, she will also drive the spaceship to see around, maybe she will meet the handsome and handsome. What about the charming Star-Lord?

Thinking that her wish in the past life was to open a small restaurant of her own, in this life, she can also drive a spaceship to see around, go to a beautiful planet to open a cosmic restaurant!

At this time, Mi He was still a little naive.

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