The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 24: Strike team Assault part 1

Pov Team Beta

“This is team Beta ready to breach target location”

“Roger team Beta, team Alpha and Gamma are both in position you may commence the operation”. Eight men were waiting in the side alley next to the they were dressed in black combat uniforms wIth the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on the shoulder. They had MP5 with silences and flashlight attachments. The leader of the groups dark blue helmet had light blue stripe going down the right side. He took a deep breath as his second in command placed a breaching charge on the metal door. 

“Breaching in 3.. 2.. 1.. breaching, breaching” a small bang could be heard as the charge tore a hole through the door locking mechanism. The group quickly entered the warehouse “this is Gamma team leader are you getting this Fury”.

“Affirmative Gamma proceed” all the men had body cameras to record the conduct of a mission. The men advanced with their guns ready, the warehouse was eerily quiet. One of the men ran his finger over a piece of machinery his finger was covered in dust.

“Looks like this place has been unused for sometime” the man was of African descent and his brown eyes scanned the surroundings.

The team leader turned around he to was of African descent but had blueish eyes. “Shut it Trapper keep your eyes peeled and your mouth shut” Trapper nodded in response. Just then a bright red light shone from a corner and a little red girl hologram appeared. “Gamma team leader to base are you seeing this base” the leader and the rest of the team readied themselves.

“We are seeing it Gamma Leader it’s just a hologram”

“You are trespassing on Umbrella Corporation property Identify yourselves?” The voice sound girly but at the same time mechanical. The men just walked through the hologram and ignored her. The hologram reappeared in front of them “Identify yourselves”.

“We are from none of your business” Trapper laughed as the man next him said this.

“Thats a good one Hunter” 

“Warning given… conditions met calling local authorities” 

“Is it seriously trying to call the cops on us” Hunter nudged Trapper. 

“Both of you shut it” 

“Sorry Sarge” Sarge turned to face the red girl.

“We are from the law enforcement, who are you” the little girl smiled.

“Conditions met… authorisation given… Identity confirmed… Hello Malcom Jackman task force agent of S.H.I.E.L.D I’m Red Queen do you have a warrant for your unlawful entry of these premises.” Malcom gritted his teeth how did thing know his name. 

“Come in Gamma Leader what’s happening your heartbeat just spiked”. 

Malcom tapped his earpiece “this thing knows my name”.

“Impossible all employ files are secure” there was a short silence and some whispering. “We just received confirmation our servers were just hacked by an outside source.” Malcom looked at the girl who was now twiddling her digital hair.

“I know all about you and your men Malcom” Malcom couldn’t tell if she was lying or not. “Now where is your warrant?” Malcom and his men ignored her and carried on walking through the warehouse until they came across a metal door. “That is a heavily restricted area you aren’t permitted to go behind those doors.”

“Base this is Gamma Leader we’ve come across a door not on the blueprints and the hologram seems pretty adamant on keeping us out.”

“Rodger that Gamma Leader you can proceed but do so with extreme caution”. Malcom grabbed hold of the handle whilst his men readied themselves. The door opened with a loud squeak behind the door was an extremely dimly lit corridor. The men slowly shuffled into the corridor and readied themselves for anything.

“Anyone else getting horror movie vibes here” Hunter laughed nervously. As all the men entered the corridor the door suddenly slammed closed behind them.

“I did warn you… bypassing warning phase… no warrant show… entering Heavily Restricted area… orders confirmed lethal force initiated”. The corridor suddenly lit up and the men now stood in a well illuminated glass walled corridor. “Engaging security measures laser corridor” the men looked on as a single blue laser beam shot from one end of the corridor to the other. It was placed at the hight of a average man’s waist and it started to slowly move forward. 

The men ducked slightly “I bet those aren’t even real lasers” Hunter said as the laser sliced straight through his backpack. As the charred backpack piece fell onto the floor next to him his face turned grim “fuck those are real those are very real”.

“Congratulations on passing the first level good luck on the others.” The men could only look on as another laser readied this time it was at the ankle height. 

Pov Team Alpha

Black Widow was the first to descend into the sewers then it was Leon followed by Maria, Albert, Chris, Rebecca, Ike and finally Jill. The sewer stunk as the group had started to trudge through the gunk. “Fury this is team Alpha were proceeding with our objective” Black Widow had her hand over her left ear as she spoke.

“This is Fury you can proceed” Black Widow was equipped with two 1911 pistols, were as Leon had brought a AR-15 and a Desert Eagle as a sidearm. Maria had a Heckler and Koch 36 with the under-barrel grenade launcher. Chris brought a Bullpup Shotgun and a Magnum revolver as a sidearm. Albert brought an AR-15 and a Glock19 sidearm, Rebecca had a Glock19. Jill brought a P90 and her Serbu Super-Shorty. Ike had literally just brought a stick be it a metal stick.

“We all brought guns and this idiot brings a stick to a gunfight” Chris chucked as the group progressed.

“Well if we encounter zombies and you run out of bullets you’ll be thankful I brought my stick” Ike did air quotation marks as he said stick. As the group kept on walking they encountered some homeless people barbecuing some meat on a fire. 

Their eyes were bloodshot and they smelled like they hadn’t showered for years. “Hi guys what you cooking” Leon got closer to the men.

“Don’t know some animal” Leon noticed a freezer box being powdered by a car battery. 

“Can you tell us where you got it?” The men looked at Leon then back at each other.

“Magic snake” they said in unison.

“A magic snake, Leon these guys are as high as kites” Ike said mockingly. Leon pulled out a can of beer from his backpack and waved it in front of the men.

“Tell me more about this magic snake” Leon place the can at the feet of one of the men.

“Well for two days now we keep seeing this giant snake slithering through the tunnels and each time its got these giant carcasses with it. Well we get whatever's left” Leon looked at the man before turning.

“Wait there’s something else” the second man held out his hand and Leon took out another can of beer and placed it in that man’s hand. “The snakes got a mate a giant ass lizard thing with horns argues with it regularly”. The man drank the beer as he spoke and did a loud burp.

“Thank you for your time gentlemen” Leon got up to leave before a little girl emerged from behind one of the men. 

“Didn’t uncle Denise say be saw a giant bug a while ago”. Leon turned around and looked at the girl.

“What did uncle Denise see sweetie” Leon took off his rucksack and started to rummage around for something. 

“He said him and Ben saw a giant bug with hundreds of legs” Leon handed her a chocolate bar and patted her on the head.

“So do you always bring beer and chocolate on missions or is this a one time thing” Jill looked at Leon strangely.

“No its a trick I learned in the force, there are loads of homeless people in the sewers and abandoned structures under this city and they see quite a bit”. Leon kept on walking “one of my superior officers caught a serial rapist when he got information from some homeless dude from here.There is a major homeless settlement in an abandoned train station that deals in information us in the force call it The Underground Information Network.” The rest of the group looked at Leon quite shocked “you’ll be surprised how much homeless people see, most bad guys believe we won’t believe them so they become pretty much invisible.”

“So what your saying is we’ve got to deal with a giant snake, a giant lizard with horns and a giant bug with a hundred legs great informants.” Ike laughed at Leon just before they heard something splash in the water.

“Heads up everyone” Black Widow readied her guns.

“Maybe its the Giant magical snake or the Lizard with horns” Ike laughed just as Jill flashed her touch in the direction of the splashes. Two giant serpentine eyes gleamed like yellow gemstones under the water. A monstrous shadowy shape started to emerge from the water.

“What the fuck is that!” Ike yelled.

“I’m guessing it’s the magic snake” Chris said as he pointed his Bullpup shotgun at the towering figure. 

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