The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 462 "For Survival"

Chapter 462 "For Survival"

"Little White Deer, do you know? In that doomsday era, supplies were extremely scarce.

"How scarce is it?

"If the superhumans who are so scarce in the doomsday era don't have a certain degree of 'bigu' ability, if they don't have the ability to maintain basic combat effectiveness after being buried alive for a month, if they are so hypocritical that they don't eat for a few days like modern people, their hands and feet will become weak. ...that was impossible to survive.

"In that era, when a child was born, parents would not breastfeed the child, but would throw him aside and make him starve and drink.

"Two or three days later, when the child is hungry, thirsty, dying, and almost dead, the parents will inject a large amount of spiritual potion into the child.

"At that moment, the survival instinct in the child's body was exerted to the extreme, and a miracle broke out.

"Under the action of the cellular will, the spiritual power will rewrite the child's life form to a certain extent, allowing his body to automatically adapt to this state of lack of water and food, and awaken the 'bigu'.

"This is usually the first extraordinary ability acquired by the doomsday transcendent, and it is also a necessary guarantee for his future survival.

"Some people succeed, but there are also people who fail, but I have only heard of the latter, but never seen it."

Because those who failed all died.Yanluge thought.

He recalled his living environment in the doomsday era.

It is normal for ordinary extraordinary people to eat one meal every ten days and a half months, but it is even worse for a lone traveler like him, always feeling that he is often on the verge of starving to death.

Organized transcendents live in gathering places anyway, and the subspace environment is relatively normal, and sometimes they can pick wild fruits on the side of the road while walking.

And he can only wander in the main space full of pollutants. When he opens his eyes, he can only see a devastated and chaotic land. Mushroom sarcoma.

If you want something, you can only ambush passing human monsters, or sneak into other gathering places to steal some.

...So, even though he always killed people and set fires in his previous life, but he was always hungry?
When the "Saints" wanted to keep him, he hadn't thought about it. After all, a stable life was too tempting for a homeless person.

But at that time, he couldn't play around with the mental health test model, and he didn't have the self-control ability as good as it is now. He might lose control and go crazy killing people anytime, anywhere, so let's forget it.

Yan Luge smiled, and pressed the artificial eye linked to the white deer on his face, just like when a parent faced a childish question from his child, he explained gently in a tone almost doting: "And for more For older Transcendents, there are only two ways to obtain resources.

"One is hunting, but hunting is war, and war means death. While humans are hunting monsters, monsters are also hunting people.

"The other is the recycling of resources inside the gathering place. The ecological environment of the subspace is actually quite fragile. In the best case, the total amount of material and spiritual power can only be kept constant, so they must humanize the dead As nutrients, to feed the living.

"This decision is quite cruel, but it is a reality."

Not every subspace is like Nishizawa's final battle, with mountains, rivers, flowers, plants, and creatures, and a small but complete ecosystem.

Most of the Warp was dead until the first intelligent life discovered it.

It is not easy to transform it into a place suitable for human existence-roughly similar to the difficulty of modern humans building an outer space ecosystem.

That is to say, the vitality of extraordinary people is relatively tenacious.

Yanluge once saw a human gathering place like a pigeon cage in the hinterland of the Yaozu. It was only about 2000 cubic meters in volume, and the only material in it was silicon dioxide, or rock, but there were more than 1000 people crowded inside. .

These people have never contacted the outside world, and have no need for outside resources. They have lived an isolated life for many years, so that they have been living under the eyes of the Yaozu for many years without being discovered.

How did they do it?

Yanluge is not very clear, but they generally have a kind of "dormant" ability, which minimizes the nutrients needed for life activities; the population is strictly controlled, and when one life dies, another life is allowed to be born ; Even the life span of all people is strictly calculated according to the stock of materials, and they are not allowed to live an extra day, nor will they be allowed to live a day less.

If it wasn't for some accidents, Yan Lvge felt that this gathering might last for many years.

"So..." Bailu's tone was a bit difficult and dry, "So, do you think their approach is correct?"

"Perhaps. In the doomsday era, as long as there are ways to allow more survivors to survive, it is meaningful."

"Then, the Maurya Dynasty..."

"I just suddenly remembered something, just to provide some material for your new script." Yan Lvge changed his posture and smiled, "What does it have to do with my wanting to close the door and let the dogs go, blasting their evil king?" ?”

Bailu also laughed.

Her boss, who was born in an extremely cruel era, experienced some things that made her feel horrible and uncomfortable just hearing about them, but miraculously preserved her heart and became a gentle and kind person .

"I hope the dead dog will not disappoint your hope." Bai Lu said, suddenly it seemed to see something, "Wait, boss, what do you think?"

Yan Luge raised his eyes: "Well, I saw it."

He saw the family of three he met on the tour bus yesterday.

The young parents took their blind child out for a "tour", and then they bought a pair of eyes for the child in Duolang Shopping Mall.

Now they reappeared, waiting for the tour bus that was parked in front of the hotel.

The child's eyes were wrapped in gauze, and he could not see for the time being.But judging from the brisk expressions of his parents, the operation should have been successful.

When the child just sat down, the gauze over his eyes fell a little because of his large movements.His mother helped him straighten and re-mask.

But at that moment, both Bailu and Yanlvge saw it.

The pair of eyeballs he transplanted—

—the eyes of the corpse carrier.


——The special envoy of the "Holy King Palace" Sheng Qing arrived at the human corpse processing factory.

——The special envoy of the "Holy King Palace", Sheng Qing, has died.

——A total of 133 people from No. 531 execution unit and No. 234 execution unit have arrived at the human corpse processing plant with heavy weapons.

——The "Holy King Hall" special envoys Sheng Wei and Sheng Wu arrived at the human corpse processing factory.

——The special envoys of the "Holy King Palace", Sheng Wei and Sheng Wu, have died.


——The corpses of the above-mentioned deceased all showed signs of activation, and have become "living corpses" controlled by abnormal creature 041.

——Reassess the combat effectiveness of abnormal creature 041.

——Update the combat power level of abnormal creature 041 to: S level.

(End of this chapter)

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