The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 434 Spider Queen, Bella

Chapter 434 Spider Queen, Bella

"Why did they attack me?" Bella kicked a man who fell to the ground and screamed, and asked in a daze.

Just now she tried to interrogate the assailant, but she couldn't understand the other's babbling dialect, so she had to give up.

The guide wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked up to the man and grabbed his hair, carefully looked at the tattoos painted on his skin, then walked up to the trembling woman kneeling beside him, and ordered her to open her mouth in the native language .

Although the dark-skinned woman was trembling with fright, she still opened her mouth meekly.

Bella noticed that she had half-rotten yellow teeth and no tongue.

The guide turned around and answered Bella's question: "Because you are a woman."

Bella: "?"

The guide continued to explain: "This tribe believes in a god named 'Hoser', and the teachings of the Hoser religion are out-and-out cults in our opinion.

"Hoserism believes that only men are 'human beings' in the world, while women are 'livestock'.

"So they will cut off the tongues of girls when they are just born, permanently deprive them of the right to speak, and strictly prohibit them from learning knowledge, so that they will always work and reproduce like cows and horses."

Bella's eyes widened.

She has seen and experienced many misfortunes in the world, but she never knew that there are such devilish teachings in the world.

"Would they do the same to me if I got caught?" she asked.


A hint of disgust flashed across Bella's indifferent face, and she stretched out a spider claw, mercilessly slitting the throat of the man on the ground.

Unreservedly, she opened her phantom limb and walked towards the rest of the webbed captives, who screamed in terror and writhed back like worms on the ground.

"They're scared," she said.


Some people have no way to retreat, their lower body is wet, but they don't care about the shame, they lie down and kiss the loess under her feet with tears.

"Are they begging for mercy?"


"So, they're just a bunch of bullies who are afraid of the tough."


Bella smiled coldly.

Instead of slaughtering those captives who had lost their resistance and courage, she turned to those women who were kneeling on the ground as docile as sheep.

"Although they can't speak, they can understand, right?"


"Tell them for me—when they die, you will be free."

The guide relayed it.

But those women lay motionless on the ground, with numb and docile expressions on their faces, like ignorant cattle and sheep, as if they didn't understand what "freedom" was at all.

And just when Bella was disappointed, a younger girl in the crowd suddenly rushed out, picked up the knife on the ground, and stabbed a middle-aged man in the stomach.

The man she stabbed screamed and struggled desperately, but his limbs were tightly bound by the tough spider silk, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

His cry weakened a little bit, his breathing also became weaker a little bit, and finally he tilted his head and completely lost his vitality.

There was some slight commotion among the silent women who watched everything.

Finally a second person stood up.

If there is one, there will be one or two, and if there are two, there will be three.

Amid the bloody screams, Bella remembered what Yanluge had said to her again: "I don't need to tell you. When you get there, you will naturally know who to kill.

"And with your killing, you will become a banner, a banner that awakens their sense of resistance, and eventually leads them to tear up those stupid and tyrannical things."

She seemed to understand, but she didn't seem to understand.

When the dust settled, some bloody women stood in front of her. Although they were trembling with fear, they still tightly held the bloody knife in their hands.

There was an old woman with a little bit of tongue remaining, who seemed to be more courageous, and was pushed out by the others, making gestures and swearing, and said something vaguely to Bella.

The guide bowed to Bella: "She is asking, can I follow you in the future?"

Bella thought about it—she came here alone, if she needs to complete Yanlvge's task of 'killing a lot of people', it is difficult for her to achieve it by herself, and she must form a force.

These women who dared to kill could barely catch her eyes.

"Okay," Bella said.

At the same time as she agreed, those aboriginal women also saw it, so they trembled with excitement, and said something with gestures.

"They want to ask for your honorable name." The guide said again.

The word "honorable name" is somewhat special in the local language, and it is generally used to address the gods they believe in.

But Bella didn't know.

Bella just thought of Yan Luge's instructions before leaving, thought about it, and decided not to reveal her real name.

"'Spider,'" she said.

The guide felt a little difficult for a while-because there is no word for "spider" in the indigenous language.

Of course there are spiders in this land.

But the aborigines have no concept of biology. They classify those gray-black, harmless spiders and insects into one category, called "Vanaer", which means "little bugs that can be seen everywhere"; The brightly colored, venomous spiders are called "ditters", synonymous with poisonous snakes, poisonous toads, and poisonous mushrooms, meaning "things that follow the poisonous sacred tree", and it seems that they are all derivatives of the poisonous trees in the forest thing.

The wizard didn't want to use those two words.

And if he only uses transliteration, he always feels that something is missing.

After a short thought, the guide found a word that he thought was appropriate.

"Nova! Spider!" cried the guide. "Spider! Nova!"

Nova—it's not a name for some spider bug, or even a specific thing.

It is a monster that devours the gods in the legends of the aborigines.

In this place, tribes believed in different gods, and when they waged war, they usually used the banner of the gods.

No matter which god, in the eyes of the aborigines, they are immortal.

And this is a bit troublesome for each tribe - as long as the people of the hostile tribes still believe in their gods, their men cannot surrender, their women are difficult to be tamed, and their enemies may Resurrected.

So, there is "Nova".

It is a monster crawling out of the abyss, devouring and executing weak gods. It has a variety of images, sometimes it is a giant with three heads and nine eyes, sometimes it is a mass of chaotic and invisible black mud, and sometimes it is an eight-legged spider. monster.

As long as a certain tribe loses in the war, their gods will be fed to the "Nova", and the loser loses his spiritual sustenance while crying, and finally becomes the slave and food of the victor without resistance.

This is the unspoken rule of this continent.

And now, the fabricated "Nova" seems to finally have its place.

"Nova!" "Spider!" "Nova!" "Spider!"

The women were yelling incoherently.

They couldn't make a decent sound, but the fanatical, animal-like roar made people feel that they seemed to have found a new spiritual sustenance.

"..." Bella turned around expressionlessly, and the eight spider claws opened and closed like sharp blades, "Let's go."

Like coincidence or necessity, the word "Nova" happens to be part of her name.

She was originally the monster that devoured the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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