The Queen’s Toy

Chapter 03.3 – My Purpose In Life?-03

“Lad, you have a visitor.”


As I was staring out the tiled ground, I suddenly saw a face emerged out from the iron bars keeping me from going outside.


His face was really scary, had the air of somewhat murderer, and the scars all over his face made it even more scarier to look at his face.


Despite all that, I know, deep inside my heart, that this person was a kind fellow.


He often conversed with me, but since some of his colleagues would nag at him sometimes, I just shoo him away everytime, and tell him to follow his seniors.


According to the informations he gave me, apparently, the place I was currently jailed on, was the bedroom which had iron bars as door, prepared by the Queen. Even them wasn’t told what’s it’s purpose, and why they’re keeping me away.


I once asked how the Queen looks like, but he’ll simply shudder in thought while breaking out of cold every single time. As if, he was being hunt by a ghost.


And then, I started wondering, that perhaps, the Queen was actually a scary one instead?

From the soldier I was close with alone, I could already tell that he suffered tons of things from the Queen.


Perhaps he was also once used as her toy? Everything is possible in this world.


That’s why, I was kind of taken a back, wondering who’s the person visiting me.


Of course, I didn’t showed it on my face, and instead, came out of the prison cell before following the soldier I was close with, behind his back.


“Do you know the person who wanted to meet me?” 


Out of curiosity, I wasn’t able to keep myself to not ask him.


One thing I’m sure of, the Queen will definitely won’t give my mother a notice about what had happened so far.


I don’t even know why they took me away, and was also confused myself. So, I was kind of baffled when the knights took me away, and threw me inside a jail.


“You’ve gotta mind your manners this time, lad this person who you were about to meet is an special figure, so you’ve gotta mind your manners unless you want to die, you hear me?”


I nodded my head, while continued sticking out my ears to listen.


“After the incident that happened due to some misunderstandings a few days ago, the Queen herself came her to apologize. She said she wanted to talk to you about many things, and properly apologize for the misunderstandings she have caused you.”


Oh, so she paid a visit for me because she felt guilty.


Perhaps thinking that the lady I met that time helped me out, I inwardly prayed for her future to be a good one and for her to meet a good husband, out of care. Well, even if I don’t pray for it, I’m sure she’ll get one, much manlier than I do, and handsome.


I mean, with her looks alone, she would be probably given the privilege to just live her life a slothful one.


We continued walking through the crowds, while he continued explaining things and things for me.


He also told me not to anger the Queen. From what he said, the Queen was a tyrant one and a short fuse, so even a single misused of words, death was certain, not only for me, but also for my whole family.


I wonder how my mother’s doing right now…


Before long, we soon arrived at a table where a lady wearing a dark summer hat almost covering her face. I could barely see her face from the shadow, and could only swallow my saliva slowly in coldness.


Why the hell did it feel cold all of the sudden?


Was our borderland changing climate to a cold one?

But wasn’t it supposedly after a few months later?

Either way, It’s really cold right now.


“We’ve arrived. I greet before you, my Queen.”


As soon we’ve arrived in our destination, the soldier lowered his knees to the ground before prompting me to follow his movements.


Only a not sane person wouldn’t understand what he’s trying to do, so I immediately realized the danger he’s telling me, and also lowered my knees to follow.


Since he said that the Queen was kind of short fuse, I’ve gotta keep my manners good. Hell, I wasn’t even taught to do this….


Like I thought, I should have studied more about those things….


“Rise your heads.” The Queen stood up from his seat, and started walking into my direction.


Was it just a coincidence? I think not.


I kept my head low into the ground, staring at the tiled ground, before a palm reached out into my cheeks after a few minutes.


“Don’t be scared, I’m not gonna eat you~”


I trembled ever so slightly in coldness, before gazing up to look who’s the owner of the voice.


And soon… A person I’m freaking familiar with showed up, with a deep smile with deep meaning etched on her face.


I tripped over myself, before retreating backwards with my feets and hands touching the ground. I could feel the coldness of the tiled ground upon my ass.


“Y- y- y- y-y -yyyyoouuuuu?!?! You’re the Queen?”

It was none other than the beautiful lady who I met a few days ago.


Hell, how could I forget?

Those dark hair, and a pair of arched brows?


Her smooth as milk and white as it is skin, accompanied by her otherworldly beauty.


And, most of all, those dark gothic clothes, that suited her as hell!


The Queen reddened in embarrassment, before blushing.


H- hey!!! Don’t make a face like that!!

It’s not like we’ve been dating secretly for a long time, so please don’t make a face like that!!


Look, even the soldier that was on my side a bit earlier was now looking at me with disgust!!!!!


Seriously, when are you gonna stop looking at me with those heart-shaped eyes!!


Someone!! Someone, call for the King!!


His wife is acting weird! Bring him here immediately!!!!!!


< You again!! (03.3) >

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