The Queen Morgana's Diary

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Testing Magic Potions

Monday, December 25, 2034.

Devil's Planet, Devil Empire Capital, Royal Arena, 14:00 p.m.

Morgana defeated the commander Samuel, establishing her authority among royal guards. She heard royal guards' daily military training schedule, sending royal guards to have a practice battle with phoenixes and dragons. She wished royal guards could learn their flight and combat skills from phoenixes and dragons.

Daniel who visited Genie Empire as diplomat, he had discussed Devil Empire-Genie Empire cooperation in economy with the queen of genies. He had bought one billion bottles of magic potions from Magic Guild, with the price of one thousand phoenix's eggs. He had invited a high rank alchemist for testing magic potions.

"Your majesty. This is Daniel. Mission has done. I'm applying to return through portal." Daniel applied, speaking in Morgana's personal channel. He thought. 'I miss you, my queen!'

"Welcome home, Daniel!" Morgana opened a portal, grabbing him. She thought. 'It seems everything is good!'

"Your majesty! This is Gabriel, the high rank alchemist from Magic Guild, invited for testing magic potions. I have discussed Genie Empire-Devil Empire cooperation in economy with the queen of genies. She decided opening a space tunnel to Devil's Planet for friendly economic conversation. I have bought one billion bottles of magic potions from Magic Guild, with the price of one thousand phoenix's eggs. " Daniel reported, narrating his work to his queen. He thought. 'I haven't failed my queen's trust.'

"You do a great job! I was gonna host a banquet for you. But I have sent royal guards to have a practice battle with phoenixes and dragons. If phoenixes knew we have sold one thousand phoenix's eggs, they will be very angry. You need to go to volcanoes and supervise the royal guards. Be careful! Nothing is worth of your safety!" Morgana muttered, opening a portal to volcanoes. She thought. 'Come back home safely! If you sacrificed, I might see you again in another one thousand years. It takes a long time to let a God reborn.'

"Yes, your majesty! I don't think phoenixes could possibly threaten a God. When their Gods were deported to the corner of universe." Daniel honored, flying into the portal. He thought. 'Phoenix's Gods were deported to the corner of universe by queen. The strongest phoenix is just with 20 percent of developed genetic lock. Could they possibly threaten a God? I don't think so.'

Gabriel was a genie. His ears were pointed, as pointed as leaf tip. His wiskers were pale, as pale as snow. He held a walking stick, walking with echoing knocking. He looked like a Santa grandpa in green with pointed ears and a walking stick.

"Your majesty! I'm Gabriel, the alchemist. I know magic potions. Magic potions are magic wines for genies. But it doesn't mean it can work the same for the other clans. They need to be tested before they can be tasted. I'm here to help with testing magic potions." Gabriel introduced, explaining what brought him here. He thought. 'The same magic potion might have different effects on different clans. They must be tested before they can be tasted.'

"Tell me how are you gonna do with testing magic potions?" Morgana asked, looking at him. She thought. 'Shall I test magic potion on my soldiers?'

"Your majesty! The same magic potion might have different effects on different clans. We shall test the magic potions on different clans and observe their effects." Gabriel replied, holding on his walking stick. He thought. 'Magic potions are magic wines for genies. But some magic potions might be poisons for the other clans.'

"I understood." Morgana opened three portals, summoning people for testing magic potions. She continued, "Victoria, William and Medusa, come to see me!" She thought. 'As the president of their own kinds, they shall taste before their people.'

"Yes, your majesty!" Victoria, William and Medusa walked out portal, saluting to Morgana. They checked surroundings, standing on the fighting ring. They wondered. 'What the hell?'

"Do you desire more powers?" Morgana questioned, looking into their eyes. She thought. 'They have developed 14 percent of genetic lock. But it's not their limitation. I'm afraid they couldn't even defeat royal guard.'

"Yes, your majesty!" Victoria, William and Medusa replied. They thought. 'How could I miss my opportunity to get more powers?'

"Here's an opportunity to strengthen your powers. But opportunity always comes with risk. If you don't dare take the risk, you also don't deserve the opportunity. This is Gabriel, the alchemist. He have magic potions. But there's a however, a small problem. The same magic potion might have different effects on different clans. The magic potions must be tested before it can be tasted. Do you dare test magic potions?" Morgana gave a speech. She thought. 'Opportunity always comes with risk. There must be someone testing the risk.'

"Yes, your majesty! As the president of Vampire Empire, I shall make a good example for my people." Victoria replied, gazing at the throne. She was a woman of pride. She thought. 'How could I miss my opportunity to get more powers? If I'm strong enough, I won't honor Morgana as queen anymore.'

"Yes, your majesty! As the president of Werewolf Empire, I shall taste before my people." William replied, gazing at Morgana's legs. He was a gentleman in appearance but a beast in conduct. He thought. 'If I'm strong enough, I shall lick queen's legs.'

"Yes, your majesty! As the president of Snake People Empire, I shall let my people know what kind of president they are following!" Medusa replied, gazing at the floor. She was a woman of jealous. She thought. 'If God had blessed me with power and beauty, I shall let Morgana be my maid!'

"Let's begin testing magic potions!" Morgana muttered. She prayed. 'I wish there was a type of magic potion that could develop their genetic lock.'

"This is the Potion of Gabriel's Dream. It could activate genie's hidden power. Who first?" Gabriel muttered, taking out three magic potions. He thought. 'I have a dream. I wish everybody could be as strong as dragon. So I create this potion.'

Victoria took the Potion of Gabriel's Dream, tasting it, as if she was tasting red wine. The more she was tasting, the deeper she was drunk. Her cheeks were flushing with hues of pink clouds. She felt like sleepy, sleeping off like sleepy beauty. She had a dream. She dreamed that she could control the other's blood.

William took the Potion of Gabriel's Dream, licking it, as if he was licking dragon bone soup. The more he was licking, the hotter he was getting. His blood was burning. He turned into wolf form, howling at sky. He saw a moon over the clouds. It seemed that he could borrow a part of power from the moon.

Medusa took the Potion of Gabriel's Dream, sipping it, as if she was sipping afternoon tea. The more she was sipping, the colder she was getting. Her eyes were weeping. She turned the surroundings into snow land, when she looked around.

"Unbelievable!" Morgana activated Queen's Detection System, detecting their situations. Her eyes changed color, turning from dark to pale. She saw the power flowing within their bodies. It seemed that they had developed 20 percent of genetic lock. She thought. 'Potion of Gabriel's Dream can help them develop six percent of genetic lock. It means vampires, werewolves and snake people, they will rise!'

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