The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 90: +Nice Cuck+ (F*tadomxFemsubxFem, Threesome, Noncon)

Before me, I can see the Heroine spasm and curl up in Wrath's lap as Wrath fingers her, smirking at her smugly as Wrath sits atop her bed.

"Oh, is it cumming again already? I didn't even have a chance to enjoy myself that time, Ilvia must be truly terrible at training her fuck pets." Her teeth shine as she grins, happy with the prize she apparently had taken from me, likely only interested in her for that very reason.

I hold my breath and do my best to keep silent, I am a decent distance away but there's no way Wrath wouldn't see me at such a close distance, the only reason I'm able to catch a glimpse of them is the open-air design she had made last time.

I strain and squirm, trying to pull myself out of the hole, I mean, technically I'm a ranged combatant so getting in there is less important, but I would like to at least be able to dodge once before my head goes sailing off!

What about you, Heroine?! I give up on my attempt at escape briefly to look at her in detail, she seems to be smiling and enjoying herself all the same, even as she's finger fucked well through her orgasm, her body clenching and quivering in delight with the violent thrusts.

I chew on my cheek, at least I know where they are! I just need to get to the front door and not get lost!

I focus all my efforts now into wriggling myself back out instead, though unfortunately it seems I'm properly stuck now, flailing my legs behind me doing nothing. Fuck! I stop my leg movements, doing my best to go as unseen as possible now. If I can't get out, then when the rounds come around to one I haven't charmed, if they see me...

I shiver at the thought, becoming a pincushion not sounding like the most appealing idea. Do I try and catch her by surprise? That sounds like a death wish!

There's no way she would leave someone alive if they tried to use some lewd spells on her by surprise. I don't have enough confidence in myself to stop her with just a couple either, maybe if I had like 3 dozen, I could, but there's no way I'd have the time to cast that many.

"What was that?" I suddenly freeze, thinking that perhaps she's seen me, doing my best to put on the most innocent expression I can as I turn over to them, only to see her eyes still locked firmly on the Heroine.

"Ffhh... Fuck... M-mommy, harder!" My cheeks flush deeply at the Heroine's words, head going white as I try to process what I just heard. This horny fucker! You abandon me for Wrath just so you can call her Mommy?! I mean, I know you probably have a plan, but...

Well, I say I know but I can't stop the drop in my stomach as I think about exactly what happened. There's no way the Heroine is that much of a whore, though!

"Oh, what an insatiable little thing it is... I'm going to enjoy breaking it." She says, setting her down, leaving the Heroine to squirm in a puddle of her own mess for a while before Wrath disappears out of sight, deeper into her room.

The Heroine's body quivers in bliss, groaning as she mindlessly glances around, catching a glance at me, having to do a single double take before she grins lewdly.

I put my index finger to my lips, hoping against all hopes she'll stay shut up and not sabotage this. I wriggle more furiously now that Wrath doesn't have a chance of spotting me, trembling as I try to force myself through.

"Mommy! There's a monster in the walls!" The Heroine immediately shouts, lilting her tone playfully, causing me to stare at her in complete and utter bafflement. Are you going to seriously do this to me?!

"You know, I remembered it having an accent, but it doesn't have much long to exist so it can mess around all it wishes." Wrath glances over to the wall as she comes back, strap on firmly in place as she meets my gaze, feeling my face go pale as her brow furrows.

"Oh, an intruder." I put my hands onto my head protectively, squirming to try and get into a position to defend myself, but nothing seems to come beside my hair being grabbed. I forcefully have my face yanked up, groaning in pain as I look up to her, bones creaking as she handles me with her full strength.

"Hm, oh, it's not an intruder. It's just another fuck pet." I open my mouth to complain about the designation, but my throat immediately gets filled by the strap on, forcing me to squirm as I choke on it, her hand still firmly gripping my hair.

I lose sight of the Heroine as my eyes tear up from the throat fucking, thankful I never put a gag reflex into my bodies, my vision blurring as I suck on it hopelessly, wondering where I went wrong.

The Heroine meanwhile stumbles over onto shaky legs, playfully gripping at Wrath's hand, forcing her attention away from me briefly. You're the one who caused this and now you're gonna save me?!

Contrary to my expectations, the Heroine just 'pulls' her hand down, something clearly allowed by Wrath and begins grinding on her knuckles, moaning happily as the pleasure returns. "I... Ngh... I see, Mommy~." Please stop calling her Mommy already!

I squirm in discomfort, partially due to hearing the Heroine's voice say those words on top of my throat being tested by the massive member, thrusts beginning again the strength of her hilts against my face threatening to push me back out of the hole, though her grip on my hair ensures that will never happen.

"How is it, mm?" Wrath says, uncaring to the Heroine grinding, letting her enjoy herself all she wishes, her full attention on me as she comes to a stop suddenly, forcing me to look up at her.

"Your fuckpet belongs to me now, and now you do too, Ilvia. Did you enjoy this thing of mine so much that you had to come here and try it again?" I can only let out choked groans beyond the length of the strap-on in response.

This is her fucking fault in the first place! I glare at the Heroine in frustration, a cough suddenly spluttering from me as Wrath pulls out of my throat completely.

I feel my spine groan, unhappy with the treatment as she gives my hair one solid tug, forcefully pulling me out of the hole, leaving me on my knees in front of her.

"Well, then. If you want it so much, you'll get exactly that." She tosses me to the Heroine haphazardly, leaving me caught by her as the Heroine's knees go weak with the sudden loss of stimulation.

Then she claws her way through the wall, pelting us with a couple rocks before she steps down, hopping into the crowd below, giving me a moment with the Heroine.

"Y-you... psycho bitch! Are you trying to get us both killed?!" I grab her shoulders and shake her out of her daze, in response she snickers and gives me a pat.

"Naaah, just... Hot Mommy, had to get a taste. With you here, it's even better!" I'm forced to shut up for several moments, realizing that she may exactly be that much of a whore to sell herself to someone because they're hot.

"Would you stop calling her Mommy, too?!" I can't help but squirm uncomfortably each time she says that, the Heroine opening her mouth to respond before getting interrupted by the crash of Wrath returning, the strap-on replaced with a full-on 16 inches of amazon cock, causing me to gape at it.

"Why are you covered in blood, Mom-" I cover the Heroine's mouth, no more Mommy from you! Is what I wanted to say, but my hands are quickly pulled off as I get dragged away by the hair over to her bed once more, groaning in pain.

"Hey, Mommy, how do you do that cock thing anyway?" The Heroine asks innocently, probably hoping she can steal a cock for herself in the meantime. Is that really all you can think about as I'm-

I'm thrown onto the bed, slamming into it hard enough to break it, my back aching in distress as I try to pull myself away from the approaching Wrath.

"I clawed a figure of our great Demon God and then proceeded to beat someone to death with it." She says nonchalantly, forcing a shudder from me to think about the situation at the base of the Fortress, wondering just how much chaos she had caused down there.

"... Hm." Even as Wrath mounts me, forcing me into the bed as her length slaps down across my stomach, all the Heroine can think about is how to get her damn cock! You- Why did I ever believe you were sane?!

I try to cast the spell to help me take something bigger, but before I can even manage it, a hand is wrapped around my throat, let alone threatening to choke me, if she squeezes any harder my head will pop clean off!

"Don't you dare." Her words drive a primal fear into me, all but forcing me to nod as she continues to smack down the full length of her pulsing cock against my stomach over and over.

"It looks like you knew this was going to happen, though, mmm? A perfect pussy, just for me." She spreads me wide with her fingers before pulling her hips back, a sudden and immense feeling of painful fullness as my body is speared well beyond what I could normally manage, her far hotter than normal cock sinking further and further into me.

I can't even focus on the Heroine anymore, groaning as I watch the cock visibly sink inch after inch into me, the outline of it clearly visible through me as it pushes in grateful I make myself at least a little more stretchy than usual, because if I didn't-

My mind goes blank as instead of taking her slow pace, she forces the rest of it all the way to my cervix, battering it with an incredible force as I scream, pain mixed with a shameful sense of pleasure coursing through my body, my hands mindlessly reaching down to stroke at the long length of cock spreading me, not even at her hilt, managing maybe about 10 inches before she couldn't approach anymore.

"Aah... There we go." She says nonchalantly while I lay there, gasping weakly, my head feeling like a mess from the sheer size, all the sensations at once leaving me feel breathless, never having taken a cock this big without some sort of magical assist.

My vision is suddenly blocked by the face of the Heroine who begins massaging Wrath's cock through my stomach in earnest, pushing more moans out of me before she hoists herself up, pressing her crotch against my face, blocking my vision completely, forcing me to lick at her as she massages my belly with both hands in vigor.

My inner walls somehow begin relaxing with the massaging, Wrath snorting in what I can only guess is amusement as I moan deeply into the Heroine's pussy, each press of her hands forcing me against the incredible heat of her cock, the mix of sensations causing my overtaxed self to clench slightly against her.

"I'm guessing that squeezing means you're ready, mm?" Wrath says, my voice completely eaten by the Heroine's crotch as I try to tell her 'No, no I'm not ready!' but the damage is already done and she begins railing me, the Heroine's constant massage as she grinds herself against me making the cock feel even larger than it already is, the sheer pressure on every inch of my insides leaving my hips bucking.

My body unfortunately rapidly treats the pain and the actual wounds caused by it, each thrust feeling better than the last as the pain subsides, forcing me into nothing but the throes of bliss as I'm violently spread with each thrust, my toes curling as I spasm and jerk under the Heroine.

Suddenly, I feel a tongue against my clit, almost definitely the Heroine as the pleasure shoots up even further, all the stimulation leaving me breathless as Wrath slams into me without mercy, threatening to pry the entrance of my womb open if her cock wasn't impossibly big.

I can't even register the build up at all, one thrust just suddenly sending me into an orgasm at one point, my hands grasping at the bed sheets in some sort of desperate bid of relief, each thrust sending shock waves through me, forcing my mind to the sidelines, leaving pleasure as the main attraction.

"Oh, there it is. I knew you wanted my cock, mm? Well, there's more where that came from, so take it as much as you wish!" Wrath's words nearly don't register in my ears, my head painted as white as my insides are likely about to be, legs attempting to wrap around her waist to no success as the pressure of the Heroine's hands only increase, likely secretly using gravity magic to enhance her leverage.

I'm gonna die from this... I'm seriously gonna die from this! I... My brain struggles to find some sort of way out from the fucking, though already overtaxed I can barely think, my ecstasy shooting even higher with each thrust.

I try to double over, hoping to push the Heroine off, but that only makes my abdomen squeeze even harder, forcing another sudden orgasm out of me, muffled screams entering my ears as I struggle, thrust after thrust...

Just when I think it can't get anymore intense, her cock pulses briefly before letting out an incredibly hot load into me, almost fiery hot as every inch of me is painted with heat enough to melt my mind.

"What...?" Wrath speaks briefly before descending into moans, her thrusts growing more vigorous as her load becomes even more viscous, sticking to my insides like glue as I jerk in mindless bliss, my own pleasure spiking incredibly hard as well, turning what was once mind numbing into mind breaking, shortly before blackness takes me.

(I have a question.)


(Did you have a plan?)

+Nope, the hope was just 'get fucked, then gravity magic her and then leave.+

(You... Are so incredibly reckless, I can't even begin to state-)

+It was so fucking hot though seeing you get fucked like that, like...Your stomach bulging each thrust while I got to massage it... Nghh... I even got to ride your face until I came after you passed out!+

(... I'll pretend I didn't hear that.)

Author's Note:

200k words AND 400 readers. What a milestone last chapter was.

I am really thankful for every single one of your support.

You all mean a wonderful amount to me! <3


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