The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 88: +Oopsie Datesie+

"Well, I needed you to accompany me anyway, so this works out!" The Heroine says, making me look at her curiously, wondering exactly what she means.

"I didn't get to finish talking with Greed last time we spoke, and he 'invited' me over this time. I figure a lone Heroine walking through the city of demons wouldn't be spectacularly smart."

I mean, I guess I'll go and get some wings and then fly the Heroine there, I don't think I can figure out how to get there on foot. What, not gonna read my mind? I pout at her in annoyance, she just stares up at me in confusion.

"You always conveniently pick times to not read my mind. I'll go and get wings and bring you there, I don't know how I'll get there on foot." She stares at me for several moments before sighing and pinching my cheeks.

"I. Cannot. Read. Your. Mind. You're just super easy to read when you're feeling certain ways." Sure, that's why you know so much all the time. I'm not believing you anymore!

"Plus, he gave me directions, I can guide us there so going on foot is fine. I want to see more of the city, anyway." Eh? He gave you directions and you just somehow 'know' exactly where it is?! What are you, some kind of map?

"It might look kind of weird with you carrying me though, how do I act more 'slavish?' Maybe you should get a collar and put it on me." I shiver with her words, imagining her in a collar, the temptation immediately growing before she dismisses it with a wave of her hand.

"But there's no way our sweet Ilvia would want to truss me up and collar me, I'm sure! Besides, who would question the amazing and wonderful Demon General of Lust?" I squirm in shame, I definitely want to collar you up so badly, you evil brat!

I glance away from the Heroine for a few moments, trying to clear up my thoughts a bit before looking back, finding her wrapping a little bit of ribbon around her neck, looking at me with a wink. "How does it look?"

I freeze briefly before tearing away the ribbon with my teeth, not letting her wear such a provocative thing in front of me. "Just lead me already!" I say, trying not to squirm too much.

"Fiiine, fiiine..." She says, a playful grin on her face.

The Heroine acts like a compass, constantly pointing in the direction I need to go, pulling at my ears whenever I start to drift off into my mind, ending up at the front door, and eventually at the gates themselves, pushing them open with a faint creak, a clank following when they slip shut.

Unsurprisingly, there's junk everywhere which little goblin-like, or gremlin-like creatures snatch up, examining for shinies before scooping them into their bags. At least those good for nothings are worth it for cleaning up the streets!

It's particularly bad though because of the sheer amount of partying last night, dried blood of various creatures caking the walls, turning the once vibrant and garish walls of homes and businesses into even stranger works of gruesome art.

Occasionally a dead demon will lie in some strange contorted position, sometimes on the sharp tips of a fence, others looking like they may have attempted to use some less than friendly decorations as lewd items, drawing a shiver up my spine at the thought of being used like that.

The Heroine furrows her brow deeply at all this, shifting uncomfortably in my arms with the nature of a demon's holiday being revealed in uncomfortably bloody detail.

I press my hand over her eyes for now as we move through the more party heavy areas, following the ever lessening trail of gore until the city becomes a far nicer place to look at once again, those intolerant of such shenanigans living in these areas. She looks up to me with her currently blinded vision, tilting her head curiously as if asking what I'm doing.

I finally uncover her vision when we reach it, various stained glass windows lining the buildings near by, competitive scenes between many of the buildings of 'who has the prettiest windows', a frequent sight in the demon lands. The fact they are so fragile likely being why they're so displeased with the exciting antics of the holidays.

Some houses bend and contort in strange ways, making extraordinary and almost cartoon-ish architecture as the walls bend and warp to match the owner's twisted preferences, giving a chaotic appearance to the entire street as I walk down it, my eyes drawn to the Heroine who seems enraptured by the sights.

"Well, that other stuff kind of sucked, but demons sure are interesting with how they build things." She says, ogling the strange architecture with a fascinated smile, perking up from the previous sights.

"But since you covered my eyes, I don't exactly know where we are, so we're lost now." She gives me a thumbs up as my face goes pale, realizing that I'd managed to get us lost anyway despite her efforts.

At least the paths are surprisingly empty in these areas, giving us a good view to try and get back on track, though I'm not sure how well I'm gonna be able to do that.

"So, I guess change of plans, we can just go on a date instead!" I stare at her blankly, taking several moments to process exactly what she said before my cheeks burn, covering her mouth with a hand before she can say anymore.

"If you made an appointment with Greed today, you should keep it!" No teasing me with things like dates and stuff...

She pulls my hand away before speaking, "Well, I mean it was less like an appointment but more like a 'Hey, you can come over any time and I would be glad to host you.' It's not like I'm on some sort of time constraint for it. So date time!"

You... I know you're just trying to tease me, but fine! I'll make it a date then, You're stuck in my arms, so you'll be trapped in this date! Suffer for your misbegotten deeds and words!

We end up finding ourselves in some sort of plaza by the time I've decided on a course of action, a wine fountain in the center erupting in a murky but tantalizingly red fluid. Not that I would ever drink it, intrusive thoughts, intrusive thoughts.

The plaza itself seems to be busy with many demons, some just stumbling around, getting over hangovers from the previous night, though others mingle around, making deals and trades among themselves.

... The real question is, what are you supposed to do on a date? I mean, I've seen them in stories and stuff but they just go to places to eat and then go fuck sometimes, or maybe buy each other gifts.

Gifts would be for a real date, so that isn't happening... I guess then taking her to get some food? She ate not too long ago, though, so what, do I just carry her around until she says she's hungry? Is that how dates work?

I can't ask her what she wants because she'll just tease me about something or another like, 'Oh I wanna have a romantic candlelight dinner with you.' It doesn't hurt to try, though.

"What do you want to do for the 'date' then, huh?" I make sure to roll my eyes while I say this, making sure she knows I'm not falling for her tricks.

"Oohhh... Maybe a romantic candlelight dinner with my honeybun here~?" I knew it! I knew it! That's exactly what I thought you were gonna say, and I was right! ... It doesn't stop my cheeks from burning, though.

I need to make her flustered in return! How am I supposed to do that? Aaagh, I should have asked a human before I left... I didn't know I was going on a 'date'!

We continue to push our way through the streets, not minding the occasional crowd of demons, not even a single brawl in place here, which is abnormal. Demons always feel good after a holiday, though, so it's to be expected, I guess.

I continue glancing over storefronts and houses, using them to hopefully trigger some sort of idea to help me pick out a plan for this impromptu 'date'. It's not a date, though! It's just a 'date'...

I do my best to reassure myself as I peruse over the windows with furrowed brows, a ton of stores selling various specialized goods for specific demons.

Shouldn't the Heroine be wearing armor more often? Maybe I should get her some demon-made stuff so that she has something quality to fall back on... It wouldn't be a gift, it would just be an investment!

I stare into an armor shop for a while, wondering if they would be willing to make something to her spec. I imagine a Heroine towering over everyone in dark armor for several moments before shooing the thought away, realizing it probably wouldn't fit her. I doubt I could request 'holy-looking' armor for her.

"Ilvia? Whatcha thinking about?" The Heroine who spent most of the time just staring at me glances over me while speaking, a smirk on her face.

"... Just thinking about investing into some armor for you, but demon armor wouldn't fit your appearance. Need something more high-and-mighty I'm-better-than-you kind of thing." I say, unable to help but finish my sentence with a snide comment at her to mask my embarrassment.

"Awh, you're that worried about me getting hurt?" Yes, of course I am!

... I mean, who wouldn't be? Humans are stupid and fragile, so why wouldn't I be worried over someone as dumb as you? Not that I'm worried!

My head swims as I'm flustered, realizing she's probably reading my mind right now. Normal people don't read minds on dates! Go away!

Gradually we find ourselves in a more militant district, less focused on money and more on combat, the once gaudy and impressive buildings becoming more orderly and uniform, uncaring for the pride of their neighbors, focusing on function instead.

... We won't run into Wrath, right? I ponder for a while, debating on turning around, while it's extraordinarily unlikely, it's still possible...

I decide to push on regardless, hoping for some better ideas since the Heroine has a more combative personality, perhaps I can show her how cool I am by fighting off some assholes with her in my arms!

It's pretty unlikely Wrath would just pop up here anyway, I mean, what would she have to do he-

I'm interrupted as I lock eyes with a tall fiery haired woman leaning against a set of steps while crushing a large unidentifiable demon's head between her legs, forcing them to eat her out.

... Seriously, I must have some sort of power to call things into being.

+I wanna be crushed in her thighs too!+

(Yes, yes.)

+Ooh, can you take on her appearance and then squish me in your thighs? That would be SO hot.+

(You are really something else, the first thing you can think of when you see the strongest demon is 'Ooh, I want to fuck her!')

+Uh, duh? That's totally natural.+

(I think your definition of natural might be off by a lot of margins.)

Author's Note:

Apologies for the delay in releases, I got sick, recovered a bit now so I can write again!

Thank you very much for over 50k views, it's an absolutely astonishing number! :O


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