The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 21: +My Evil Plan+ (F*tasubx???dom, Tentacles, Dubcon)

As per usual, I sit in the comforting humming void for an indeterminate period of time, my head feeling a lot more clear than it was just before.

Ugh, I was gonna try to avoid cumming at the same time as people like I normally do, but I can't help it when I get worked up!

Well, she was hot at least, and besides, how freaky could a bookworm be?

Finally, the ever-shifting dreamland comes into sight, I touch it, sending ripples across the surface as it forms into a... Cave.

Okay, come on, a CAVE?! Are you a minotaur or something? Aagh! I can't even see any toys or anything, are they deeper in this hellhole or something?

I grumble in annoyance, stepping across the cold floor with formerly bare-feet, at least she's going to give me clothes this time.

I look down at myself, glancing over my new 'assets', though I can't really see much. I'm wearing plated armor lined with leather at the joints. I've got a sword at my hip and I can feel a weighty backpack on my back.

I tug at a lock of hair, glancing at it curiously. Black hair, how cute. I wonder how I look? I would love to look more but the further I go into the cave the darker it gets.

Okay seriously, I'm geared up for combat and she's put me in a cave, is she actually a minotaur in disguise?

It looks like I'm probably human because it's becoming damn near impossible to see in this cave. I pull off this stupid backpack and set it to the side, digging in it for some sort of way to see.

Aha! A torch! I just need to light it. I don't have wood like I did in the forest, though, so I dig through the bag, looking for anything to light the torch...

No dice.

Alright I need to go back and find her, I really don't want to know what happens if I get trapped here forever.

Biting my lip as a tinge of dread creeps up my spine, I turn around to... Wait, which way did I come from?

Fuck my shitty sense of direction! I want to scream but I stop myself, taking a few deep breaths. Just go until the light gets brighter, if it doesn't, turn around, simple.

I run my hand along the right wall, following along to see if it gets any brighter, my eyes already barely able to pick up anything in this darkness.

I walk for a while and it's just constant darkness, nothing more, nothing less. I take a few deep breaths before turning around, running my left hand along the wall instead, heading all the way back for what seems like forever.

... Neither side is getting brighter. I'm gonna just have to call out and see if I can find her through voice. I don't know why, but calling out into the darkness is incredibly unnerving, especially because I don't know what will pop out.

"Hello? Book babe?" My voice echoes through the cave, the silence falling not long after not giving me any hope. I continue walking through the caverns, never allowing my hand to leave the wall.

"Book babe, are you in here with me?" I once again hear the echo over and over again before settling into another eerie silence. I steel my heart to press forward once again!

"I'm here! Where are you?" Comes echoing back through the cavern, Her voice seems a little off, but I haven't exactly heard it much, so who's to say? At the very least I've found her! Well I haven't yet, but I know she's near!

"Follow the sound of my voice!" I'm not going to risk getting lost, I'll just keep calling out until she gets to me.

"I'm stuck, I can't move!" Returns the voice, to which I groan in response, rubbing my face as I start moving.

"Keep talking so I can find you!" My voice is still unfamiliar due to my new body, but I can already say that I'm sick of this bookworm's fetish, is it seriously getting stuck in a pitch-black maze?

"I'm here!" She calls out once again, a little closer this time. I push away my annoyed thoughts and pick up my pace.

"I'm here!" Once again she calls out, a little closer once again. I run through the cave, taking every effort I can to not trip over some rock in the darkness.

Once I'm met with silence I immediately stop my pace, does this girl not know how to follow directions?!

"I said keep talking so I can find you!" For someone who seems like such a nerd she's an awfully big idiot, but then again, she's human so I can't fault her for that.

I'm met with silence. With an exhausted sigh, I sit down, digging through my bag once again, hoping to find some sort of way to light this torch while I wait for her to call out again.

"I'm here!" She calls out once more, catching me off guard. I begin to put everything back into my bag once she calls out again.

"I'm here!" Comes from the darkness, sounding even closer than before this time, causing my heart to skip a beat.

I begin frantically throwing everything into my bag, standing up and turning to run as I hear a voice come from directly behind me. "I'm here."

Okay, nope, bye! I immediately try to sprint in the opposite direction of the voice. I refuse to be apart of your horror snuff fetish!

Panic rising in my chest as I sprint, I book it down the pitch black halls, cutting my fingers on the wall as I drag them quickly across the rough rock, ensuring I stay on course.

"I'm here!" Comes the voice from behind me, slightly further than before, but not as far as I would like, indicating them chasing after me.

Fuck, humans are so weak! Just from this short amount of running in this heavy armor already makes me feel exhausted. Panic keeps me running though, my chest heaving as I sprint through the cavern, ignoring the pain in my hand.

I trip on something, having barely enough time to cover my face before hitting the ground with a thud and a groan.

"I'm here." A voice says from the back of my head as I'm pulled into an embrace, tucking me into warm comfort. That doesn't help my panic though! What the hell even is this!? It feels human but I can also feel tentacles!

I squirm around, trying to escape from the grasp, but this creature is definitely infinitely stronger than I am, an unfortunate consequence of this dream.

Realizing how helpless the situation is, I finally give up into the many armed embrace as I hear faint slimy wriggling across the ground below.

... Weirdly enough, besides hugging me, it hasn't done anything else. It isn't speaking either, all I can hear is the faint slimy noise from under us resounding over and over again.

Suddenly with the creaking of a door I'm nearly blinded by the sudden beam of light hitting me, I immediately shield my eyes with a groan, squirming in the thing's embrace.

It takes a couple dozen seconds for my eyes to adjust from the pitch black to the sudden bright light, revealing a massive cave that could fit a dragon in it, the roof composed of many sparkling and glittering gemstones, beaming down a brightness nothing short of sunlight.

Blinking the spots out of my eyes from looking up, I look at to my captor, finding quite a large and cute lady. She has a light violet skin tone with dark as pitch sclera, a slit topaz iris staring down at me as I'm embraced in her arms and rested in her large bosom. Her hair is as white as my own in my normal form, and... Well, what's not like my normal form is the fact her entire lower half appears to be made of tentacles, now that I look down.

"Uh... huh?" I'm really conflicted now, she's awfully hot and she's just holding me, what's so bad about that? I still need to know what's going on, though.

It's not super smart to make someone aware of the fact it's a dream, but something deep inside me tells me she already knows.

"Are you... The bookworm?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me, my stomach churning slightly in discomfort as I'm suddenly hoisted up in her hands with extreme strength, making me dizzy with how fast I was lifted up.

"Fufu, yes I am." From this point of view I can get an even better view of her large breasts, capped with dark violet nipples, drawing a faint groan of arousal from me.

Damn, she's fucking hot. I try to shake my head clear. "So uh... How did you figure it out?" I try to divert the topic, I have a strong feeling this is going to be a lewd dream, but anyone can guess what might happen when a giant tentacle woman far stronger than you would do if you let it.

"The Lady Heroine told me, and I already had trained myself to lucid dream so I could do lewd stuff like this in it... It just took me a bit because this is the first time it's felt so... Mmf... Real. It took a bit getting used to the tentacle legs..." I pause after her words.

"Does that mean you were actually stuck?" I ask, an amusing thought  of the big dommy tentacle woman in front of me squirming and trying to move.

"Yep, my suckers got stuck and I couldn't figure out how to... Release them." She lets out a light chuckle, one that's very pleasant to the ears.

"So uh... What's the game plan? I didn't mean to do this, so how about we just call it a draw, you get satisfied and leave?" I smile innocently, trying to give her my best 'pity me, please' gaze.

"Hahaha... No. If I recall right, you didn't stop when I asked you to... So I plan on getting my money's worth~." I shiver slightly as her tentacles immediately begin applying their suckers to my armor, disassembling it with a finesse that would indicate far more of a veteran than an amateur.

I realize now, without my armor or her warmth, that the air in here is actually very chilly, a chill I've never quite... Experienced before as a demon.

Seeing my shivering body, she buries me back into her lap, facing outwards as her suckers undress me completely, leaving me nothing but bare. Unfortunately for me, as I had already felt, I definitely have both right now, and my cock is already hard from having to stare at such a hot woman for so long, and a faint damp feeling between my legs before my cute panties are pulled off, leaving me bare in the cold, causing an even deeper trembling from my body.

"That, um... No way we can make a deal?" Losing all of my defenses, I can't help but feel unnerved and vulnerable, especially with all the tentacles surrounding me.

"Mmmmm..." Comes a response back, sounding like she's thinking briefly before I hear a sudden "Nope! Just be sure to squirm and struggle lots, or else I might not be satisfied~."

My cold lower half suddenly disappears into the army of tentacles forming her legs, none of them trying to touch me in any particularly lewd way, but more so to try and make me cozy and warm, at least from what I can tell.

"Comfy?" I hear from above me as she spreads her breasts, leaving my head resting between them now, warming up every part of me.

"Ah... mm, yeah." I've never realized how comfortable it is when you're freezing your butt off, and then suddenly get into somewhere so... warm.

"Good, because I can't have you freezing when you're drowning in pleasure." Capping off those words, I suddenly feel a bunch of small suckers wrap around my cock, tugging at the flesh in sensual but not at all gentle ways, causing me to squirm and squeak as my labia receives the same treatment, working me up in an efficient manner.

Another pair of tentacles with larger suckers wrap around the nipples of my b-cup breasts, causing deep and repetitive slimy suctions on them, causing me to wriggle in her grasp slightly, her arms moving down to my stomach, holding me down against her firmly while the remaining tentacles slide across each and every sensitive part.

"You were at least kind enough to give me a little pre-treatment first, so I suppose I can oblige the same to you." I can practically hear her grinning as I shiver under her, my squeaks turning into gasps of surprise as the intensity grows, both with my building arousal making things more sensitive and the continually increasing aggression of the suckers.

Looking down, I can already see my body is practically covered with little hickeys already, managing to make me even more intensely aroused than I already am.

Suddenly, my vision goes dark as a couple tentacles wrap around my head, leaving me completely blind, another couple smaller tentacles crawling into the sensitive flesh of my ears, leaving me squirming and gasping as my hearing is replaced by faint slimy noises as the tentacles work through my ears.

As if waiting for that, I can feel my lower lips parting from what feels like an obscenely large invader, and as if not to be outdone, the one on my cock immediately begins jerking me off in a similarly slow motion.

While my hearing has mostly been replaced, I can still hear my shameful cries reverberating through my skull as I writhe, slowly being pulled into an abyss of pleasure there's no escape from.

I can feel my poor insides struggling to accommodate the invader, but it's relentless, pulling back and thrusting forward each time resistance is met, like a smith trying to tap a hole in metal. My heart is slamming in my chest as the tentacle begins jerking me off in earnest, my now free tip beginning to get attacked by another large sucker as if this once bookish girl were desperately trying to milk my cum from me.

The tentacles in my ears swirl and tickle, my breasts feel like they're being massaged by a thousand hands at once, leaving no avenue of pleasure untouched, a tentacle begins swirling around my tongue, teasing it while ensuring I can't suppress my lewd moans.

My thighs quiver and shake, desperately trying to clamp down as pleasure rapidly builds in my crotch, my hips thrusting back and forth wildly as I approach the edge from what I can only call is her in her 'gentle' mode.

Suddenly my body freezes in blinding bliss, my hips quiver as I can feel any and all fluids get drained from me aggressively by the tentacle, the invading tentacle feeling even larger as I feel my insides squeeze and twitch around it, my hypersensitive body feeling every motion with a painful amount of clarity.

And it doesn't stop, like that was her awaiting trigger, she begins mercilessly thrusting against the entrance of my womb, battering it while the suckers faintly pull at my insides while they move, countless tentacles join the one on my cock, wrapping it in it's own pocket of scorching hot ecstasy as my cock is attacked with vigor.

My screams of ecstasy become even more clear in my head as my hips go numb from the sudden and shocking burst of intensity, electrifying pleasure filling every muscle in my body, only to be melted by the constant full body massage the tentacles provide.

The tentacles in my mouth and ears begin thrusting as well, milking every last bit of sensitive flesh on my body with no sign of pause or break, my nipples feel almost painful with how hard they've been sucked, but with the sheer amount of bliss being forced into me, it's all I can do not to cum once again on the spot from the arousing pain.

I can't help but writhe and beg past the tentacle, my words coming out in mumbling bits as my tongue is tied up by the tentacle that seems to be playing away happily with the flesh in my mouth.

I weakly thrust my hips as I'm rode well past my orgasm and into another one, not giving me even the slightest amount of time to come down from the previous, my toes curling painfully hard as my mind is blanked to nothing but the sensations filling my body, each thrust sending a white-hot pleasure poker into my brain.

I hear a chuckle vibrate deeply from the chest behind me, showing off the enjoyment of her new toy as she bathes it from head to toe in her tentacles.

Suddenly, the massive tentacle pulls out from within me, leaving me gapingly cold as I gasp from the sensation of having it suddenly pulled away from me.

The mercy went short lived however as that tentacle immediately plowed into my rear with an even greater force than what it was doing in front, another even larger tentacle spreading my prepared slit with a merciless push, my body and mouth screaming as I try to grasp and pull at the tentacles with my suddenly free hands, hoping to somehow pull them away and escape the numbing pleasure.

One of my ears is suddenly freed from the intense squelching bliss, though a more distant one replaces it, hearing the intensely lewd sounds of my body being violated in every sort of way. I hear a voice from above me speaking in a sing-song voice, barely able to register in my head.

"That was my cock~." She sounds extraordinarily happy as her soft moans begin to ring through me with each thrust of what's apparently her cock in my body, spreading me out far greater than I would have even thought possible with this poor human body.

Thrust after thrust batters my deepest reaches, my cock getting such a deep massage that even a masseuse would cry at the skill, my hips shaking with each motion of both, each one drawing a now hoarse cry from my lips as my voice starts to crack from the constant moans.

I feel completely helpless as another orgasm begins building deep in my core, my cock already milked dry by the incredible sucking of the tentacles, my vision suddenly coming to light once again as I blink them, being treated to a sight of a large purple cock being rammed into my poor frame, my entire body now completely covered in tentacles and hickeys as I'm forced to watch exactly how she plans to milk yet another painfully ecstatic orgasm from my body.

I didn't even know I could feel more aroused than I was before, the vision of seeing exactly how my body is being broken in like this sending a chain of fire through my body that can't be stopped, an immediate orgasm following right after, the slick cock thrusting in even harder as my insides try to squeeze past the extraordinarily hard battering being given to me.

I can barely watch anymore as my entire body seizes in ecstasy, my entire body tingling from the constant back to back orgasms, one after another as I'm violated beyond what even I would have thought possible.

I'm not blessed with it stopping either, even through everything not one of her motions halt, constantly fucking every little part of me that can be fucked, I feel hot tears of pleasure running down my cheeks as I drool onto the tentacles attacking my chest, my nipples feeling more sensitive than ever, the constant sucking pulling enough blood to them to make each touch feel incredible.

My mind, completely drunk on pleasure, can only choke out some moans that are somewhere between 'More!' and 'Stop!', the fight I had beginning to melt out of me as each muscle is given it's own personal massage, completely removing any possibility of fighting back.

Thrust after thrust sends shocking waves of bliss through me, my cock being wrung out harder than a towel, I can vaguely see milky fluids flowing out from between the tentacles, barely able to realize that it's my cum.

My brain feels even more mushy than it normally is, every inch of my body battered and worn by pleasure before suddenly I feel a surging warmth within my womb, the spearing cock having just released itself into me, drawing an even greater cry from my lips as I'm forced to have a fourth orgasm in succession from my womb being painted by this glorious thing.

Finally, all at once, the violating stops, the invaders all pulling away at once, leaving me gush hot fluid out from all ends, my body's motions coming out in faint spasms from the orgasm slowly dying down within me.

"I want to keep going, but the best way to break someone is to take it slow..." I've never hated hearing those words more in my life, my mind sinking into a stupor as I melt against her body, ready, but not, for round two.

+Aaah, this is what makes life worth living!+

(Seeing me violated?)

+No, tentacle porn! But that too.+

(You're really unable to be helped.)

+Hey, you can't tell me you didn't enjoy it!+


+See? You DID enjoy it. Just look at how wet you are!+

(Don't go pulling up people's skirts randomly!)

+Awww, poor Ilvia needs some R&R, I'll give some to you, baby.+


+Yeah, that's it, lemme spoil you~.+

Author's Note:

Spaced out for a while.

Tentacles are good.

It's snowing on Mount Fuji.

Meme haiku aside... I hope this big chapter makes up for the couple shorter ones I posted this week!

I hope you all enjoy it, I feel like I need to make some improvements in my smut writing but I'm not sure where to go from here. Hm.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.