The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 22

Elizaveta, who had been persistently insisting on firm opposition, finally accepted the engagement because she didn’t want to worry her family.

But— She had no real intention of getting married. It was just a temporary act to alleviate her family’s concerns.

She glanced at the list of suitors handed over by the Emperor, but nothing caught her fancy. Her former fiancé was Maximilian, so her standards had become impossibly high. Every time Elizaveta looked at the suitor list, she sighed deeply.

“No matter how many photos I look at, none of them catch my eye! They all look like ugly squids! There’s not a single one who stands out more than Maximilian!”


The male lead Maximilian from the romance fantasy “Lady of the White Blessing” was undeniably exceptional.

Appearance. He was a peerless nobleman who could melt the hearts of countless noblewomen and princesses.

Abilities. Let’s just say it’s too much to explain. He’s a hero who defeated the Demon King, humanity’s long-time nemesis.

Bloodline. He is the eldest son of a prestigious family that represents the Empire. Even though it’s considered on the decline now, he still boasts a distinguished reputation as a founding family.

Fame. There’s not a soul who doesn’t know the name Maximilian, regardless of race or nationality. Even infants just starting to babble and walk have heard of the Saintess Party’s fame.

How could the one element of his terrible ‘personality’ overshadow all his other exceptional traits?

It’s infuriating to think about it.

“Should I just ask to have Edanant as my fiancé? You recommended him too! He’s quite similar to Maximilian! Hmm, that might be a good idea.”

The beautiful villainess, known as the Empire’s top beauty, started saying something absurd.

Using her little brother as a substitute for her older brother? It reminded her of the levirate marriage.

With a deep sigh, she looked at Elizaveta’s shamelessness.

“I’m just kidding. Edanant is your lover, right? No matter how greedy I am, I wouldn’t be so low as to steal my sister’s man. I’m not some Beatrice who steals others’ fiancés.”


The public already deemed me the lover of the Second Imperial Princess.

A hero who protected the Imperial City.

Isn’t that enough to be the companion of the Second Imperial Princess?

Countless gossipers and newspaper journalists were joining forces to nearly officialize the scandal.

If I deny the scandal now, I’d surely face criticism from countless crowds. If the party involved, Ludmilla, denied the scandal, public opinion might reverse, but that didn’t happen. Instead, Ludmilla remained silent, seemingly acknowledging the scandal.

“Is it too early to call you brother-in-law?”

“Of course not.”

Elizaveta poked me in the side with a devilish smile.

I shut my eyes tightly and replied.

“Did you hear? Starting tomorrow, I’ll be going on matchmaking dates with the suitors. Apparently, talking face to face will spark some interest… Father wants me to decide soon.”

“Are you going match after match? That sounds like a forced march.”

“Right? It’s so annoying. Had I known this, I would’ve kept pretending I didn’t know. It’s like I dug my own grave.”

“Let’s think positively. If there’s anything I can help with, just say it.”

Elizaveta was the villainess who had been thoroughly sacrificed for the dramatic love story of the hero and heroine. Therefore, she always felt sympathy for the princess.

She was determined to protect her.

To help her escape the dreadful fate of the villainess.

Even if the promised death flag threatened her life.

“Really? You’ll help no matter what, right?!”


“I’ve got the go-ahead, so don’t change your mind later!”

“Sigh, understood.”

She interpreted my words like splat, like a mixture of mumble and fumble.

Regret began to surge already.

Would I really be able to assist the villainess like this? I questioned myself.

However, despite such concerns, Elizaveta hummed a tune and led me forward. She smiled cheerfully as if she had made a good friend her age.

‘Well, that’s better than looking all dejected.’

I grimaced briefly, recalling Elizaveta’s sorrow from a recent heartbreak.

After all, a beauty looks best when she’s smiling.

And Elizaveta is known as the unparalleled beauty of the Empire.

I hoped she would always smile like this in the future.

That thought suddenly crossed my mind.


The Pug Kingdom was merely a small nation located at the fringes of the northern region.

With a population of 50,000.

It had fewer people than a decent city-state.

Call it a kingdom if you will, but in reality, it was less than a city-state.

There was no fertile plain, nor abundant underground resources, so it was regarded as worthless wasteland. Thanks to that disgrace, no power invaded the kingdom. There were slim pickings to be had from invading it.


Many things began to change after the Sword Saint, a member of the Saintess Party, emerged.

The third-rate nation established in the wasteland became famous as the homeland of Sword Saint Madbay. And the Pug Kingdom capitalized on the Sword Saint’s fame to attract attention. It was in desperate need of funds to survive as a marginal third-rate nation.

“If the urgent news is true… the Pug Kingdom won’t last a day.”

There was no doubt about the impossibility.

That was the conclusion reached by the leadership of the Valtarian Empire.

“But it’s not definitively proven information, is it? Just as the racial war concluded, many nations united for a massive purge, how can those filthy cultists come back to life!”

The Valtarian Empire and many nations, including the Gael Holy Kingdom, would never forgive the cultist factions who collaborated with the Demon King’s Army under the pretext of the Ascension of Evil.

They sought to find and kill them to the end.
They were willing to suffer innocent sacrifices to completely annihilate them.
The forces that sold humanity to demons.
Such treacherous cultists deserved death without question.
As the nobles gathered in the conference hall recalled the monsters that wielded the blessing of the Forgotten God and trampled the battlefield, they shuddered in fear and disgust.

“Lord Bertrand makes a point.”

“Now is not the time for hasty conclusions. First, we must gather thorough information about the Meiros.”

Although the infamous nature and danger of the Meiros were often mentioned, no one brought up military support.

The distance was too great.
Even if troops were dispatched, it was doubtful if they would arrive on time.

That was merely an excuse.
In truth, the Pug Kingdom was a third-rate nation without any significance. The reality was not so naive that it would send troops to the far northern fringes simply because the Meiros were attacking. The Valtarian Empire had suffered significant losses during the intensified racial war, making them even more hesitant.

Yet they still maintained a minimum amount of kindness, willing to provide military support to the royal family and nobility facing a life-and-death crisis.

“Your Majesty, how about I participate in the battle? Give me just half a day, and I will annihilate all the cultists revering the darkness and return.”

Ludmilla, who had quietly listened to the nobles’ opinions, finally spoke up.
Half a day.
Just half a day would be sufficient.
She confidently spoke to the Emperor, seated on the throne as if boasting.
It was an audacious claim, but if the speaker was the Empire’s Red Dragon, things changed. The nobles in the conference room nodded, swallowing dryly, seemingly confident in the red dragon’s bravery.

“You mean you will take the lead?”

“Please leave the defense of the Imperial City for a while to the Valtarian Seven Knights and their orders. And I hate to admit it, but… the Holy Kingdom’s White Dragon is in the Imperial City as well.”

The Valtarian Seven Knights.
They referred to the seven knights who represented the Empire.

A substitute power was needed for that brief void.
In response, Ludmilla suggested summoning the knights that had been deployed across the Empire.

Until now, they had dealt with complacency, but having experienced a bombing in the Imperial City, the Valtarian Empire began to demand stricter security than ever. They prepared numerous soldiers around the Imperial City, like they were entering a war, to stand at the ready for any potential incident.

“I’ve already issued the summoning order. They should be on their way by now.”

“And… please entrust the key responsibilities to Edanant. He will certainly be of great help.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Ludmilla brought up Edanant.
He was trustworthy.
Hadn’t he protected the Imperial City from the cruel villains?
Even if another disaster were to occur in the Imperial City, Edanant would surely respond with commendable improvisation. Entrusting him with the responsibilities, I could leave my position without any hesitation.

“…You’re already taking care of your husband.”

“Certainly just laying the groundwork to designate him as my son-in-law.”

Could there be anyone in the palace who didn’t know Edanant?
Of course not.
If there were, they must surely be a spy.
Even just seeing the newspapers lying on the ground, one would have heard the name of the prime candidate for son-in-law.

The nobles couldn’t help but admire Ludmilla’s keen judgment in subtly trying to place Edanant in a vital role.
Such brazen requests were surprising.
Just like a spinster who suddenly caught the spring breeze, she started to reveal her true colors once she fell in love.

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