Chapter 38: XXXVI - Decisions, Tiebreaker and Stipulations
A/N: I was supposed to post this after the Elimination Chamber PPV, but my dumbass forgot, so....yeah, here's the chapter. I'll post the next one on my birthday. As to why I want to post a chapter right now, is because of what I saw....John Cena turned HEEL....for the first time in 22 years.
The next day...
Nagae Estate - Riku's Room
June 26, 2021 - Saturday - 8:00 A.M.
Riku POV
A day has passed since I, Rinko, and the rest of the Hanasakigawa Student Council, along with Yuyuko-san, visited Totsuki to finalize the school contract. And then I finished creating the song for Koishi, but....I looked at my clock, and it was....
Riku: It's already 8.....fuck. I overslept. And Chu² will be arriving here in an hour. That talk with Johan and finishing the song really took a lot of time. I better get ready.
I got out of bed and stretched as I usually do in the morning. After that, I changed into my casual clothes and decided to skip my usual workout because I had overslept. I go immediately to the kitchen to see if there is any food left, and if there isn't, I might as well cook it myself. Fortunately, there were some biscuits leftover, so I decided to make biscuits and gravy.
After making my gravy, I head to the dining room, only to see just grandfather who is drinking his coffee while reading the newspaper. He saw me come in as he put down his cup.
Kyoya: Good morning, Riku. Quite rare of you to oversleep.
Riku: Good morning to you too, grandfather. Let's just say that the song that I was making took a lot of time to make. Lost track of time and I overslept.
Kyoya: Was it one of those again?
Riku: Yes. And this time, it was Koishi. By the way, where are Rinko and the others?
Kyoya: Rinko has already left, planning to head to 7 Rainbow to begin her lessons with Alice. Mafuyu went to Kanade-kun's residence to finish their song. Eli's friends came here to pick her up so they could begin practicing, and Mitsuri accompanied her. So Tina is the only one still sleeping right now.
Riku: I see. What about Miyu? You didn't mention her name just now.
Kyoya: Miyu is getting herself ready for the charity event today. Kokoro will pick her up right
And just on time, we heard a really lively voice from here. So I simply braced myself. A bolt of yellow flashed directly at me, revealing Kokoro, who is currently hugging me tightly. I simply accepted the hug and hugged her back, rubbing her head.
Riku: Good morning to you, Kokoro.
Kokoro: Ehehe~ Good morning to you too, onii-chan! Is Miyu ready to go?
Riku: I don't know. I just woke up a while ago.
Kokoro: Hm? Onii-chan overslept? That's not good!
Riku: I know. It's just writing the song took me a lot of time.
Hearing me saying that I wrote a new song piqued Kokoro's interest. Now she's shaking me while she's asking me whether I would be performing the song or not.
Kokoro: You wrote a song!? What's the song about!? Are you gonna sing it yourself!? Are you gonna sing it once you come out of retirement!?
Riku: Stop. Shaking. Me. I. Haven't. Eaten. My. Breakfast. Yet.
Kokoro realized this and stopped shaking me as I held my head, feeling dizzy. Grandfather only smiled as he observed what had occurred. Miyu arrived a few seconds later, carrying a large bag around her waist.
Miyu: Sakurako-san told me that you were here at the dining hall, Kokoro-chan. I take it that you just came here?
Kokoro: Hm! I can't wait for our collaboration! I'm sure the kids will love the candy that they'll be getting today!!
Riku: I hope you enjoy your time there you two. And Miyu, keep an eye on Kokoro for me.
Miyu: I will. Riku-san.....
I looked at Miyu and I can tell what she's asking from me. I stood up from my chair and I gave her a kiss on the lips. When Kokoro saw me and Miyu kissed, she squeed very loud (A/N: Kokoro is a proud member of the Squee Squad). After giving her a kiss, she hugged me for a bit and left with Kokoro. Grandfather looked at me all smug as he saw me kissing Miyu.
Kyoya: I take that you do that to Eli and Rinko as well?
Riku: That depends on them actually. Eli might in a few occasions, but Rinko is still shy about it. Though she asks me a few times when we're alone.
Kyoya: I see. For now eat your breakfast. Your cousin will be here soon right?
Riku: Right. Thanks for reminding me.
I returned to my seat as I start to eat my breakfast.
Riku: Itadakimasu.
Several Minutes Later.....
Nagae Estate - Living Room
8:45 A.M.
After breakfast, I wait in the living room for Chu² to come. I know she said I'd help her, but I can't do it alone. So I invited Ran-san to come here, and she can bring Chen with her because Kuroka is still here.
Speaking of Kuroka, she's napping on my head while I watch TV. Fuyu is laying on my lap, glaring at Kuroka.
Fuyu appears to have become more possessive of me since Kuroka entered the picture. She was threatened that her seat would be taken. However, I made it clear that Kuroka must not antagonize Fuyu or face the consequences. As I waited for my cousin to come, I checked the Western European PBC standings to see where OG stands.
1st - Tundra - 4-0
2nd - OG - 3-1
3rd - Team Liquid - 3-1
4th - Entity - 3-1
5th - Team Secret - 1-3
6th - Gaimin Gladiators - 1-3
7th - Alliance - 0-4
8th - Goonsquad - 0-4
Riku: One more match, and OG will assure them a ticket to Arlington. According to their schedule, OG will compete against Alliance, Gaimin, and Team Liquid. Alliance and Gaimin will be fine, but Liquid can be frightening right now...with MATU retiring, they're definitely going for a push.
After checking the standings, Youmu showed up as Chu² and surprisingly Rei along with her arrived.
Youmu: Riku-kun. Chiyu-san and apparently Rei-san has arrived.
Riku: I expected Chu² to come here like she told me days ago, but Rei? Why did you bring her here?
Rei: Riku....there's something I want to talk about....with just us.....
Hearing what Rei said, I raised a brow and Kuroka's ears perked up. Kuroka tried to talk to me through telepathy so they can't hear us.
Kuroka: Did I miss something? I can feel a very peculiar aura coming from the black haired girl.
Riku: If my guess is might be that.
Kuroka: Want to share me that info?
Riku: No.
Kuroka lightly swatted my head as I said that, then Chu² and Rei noticed Kuroka on my head.
Chiyu: Oi Iku. I didn't know that you had another cat.
Riku: I'll tell you about her once we head to the training room. Did you bring your training clothes?
Chu² nodded as I saw her carrying a light blue colored bag. I nodded as I grabbed Fuyu as I stood up.
Riku: Good, let's head to the training room. Head to the changing room and head straight there. Rei, you can come with us if you want.
Rei: Sure, I'll be happy to.
Riku: Youmu, you can go ahead and leave. Yuyuko-san told me yesterday that the lavenders and irises at the Hakugyokurou needs tending today.
Youmu: Yuyuko-sama said that? Very well, I'll be going then.
Youmu left the estate as me and Rei head to the training room with Kuroka on my head and Fuyu on my arms. And Chu² head straight to the changing room.
Nagae Estate - Training Room
9:00 A.M.
Me and Rei are at the training room as we both wait for Chu². Kuroka and Fuyu were on the floor sitting beside me. Rei was looking around the training area as it was her first time being here.
Rei: This place is big. But...does this room have to be this big?
Riku: It's a requirement. The way we train is quite different from what you're thinking. We also practice our danmaku here, so this place is so big, we can fly around the place.
Chiyu: Sorry for the wait.
Me and Rei turned around and we see Chu² wearing a pair of sweat pants and a neon blue shirt with a cat eared headphones logo on her left breast.
Riku: You're on time. And you took off the headset.
Chiyu: Yeah yeah. Let's get this started.
Riku: Before we get started, I have something to say. The truth is, I won't be the one training you.
Chiyu: HUH?! If you ain't training me? Then who?
To Chu²'s words, a violet gap appeared which surprised Rei, and on that gap comes out Ran-san along with a young girl that has dark brown eyes, brown hair and wears a green mob cap. She has black cat ears, with a gold earring in the left one, and two tails. Her dress is red with a white bow on the collar, with gold trimming and light pink frills at the bottom. The dress has light pink sleeves. She wears socks and has long hot pink fingernails.
And that young girl just dashed right straight to me as she was hugging me on my waist.
???: Riku-sama!! I finally get to meet you again!!
Ran: Chen, do behave yourself. As you can see, there are other people here beside Riku.
Chen: But okaa-sama!! It's been years since I've seen him!!
Riku: Chen, Please follow what Ran-san said. If you behave, I'll let you play with Fuyu.
When Chen heard that I'll let her play with Fuyu if she behaved, she let go of me as she gave me a smile as she wagged her tails in happiness.
Chen: Okay!!
Rei: Riku, who is she?
Riku: Rei, meet Yakumo Chen. My niece, and she's Ran-san's daughter. Chen, say hello.
Chen: Hello!! I'm Yakumo Chen! Who are you, onee-san?
Rei: I'm Wakana Rei. Please to meet you, Chen.
Rei gave Chen a pat to the head and the bakeneko was liking it.
Chiyu: You brought Ran-sama here. That means that-
Ran: Precisely. I will be the one to train you on your abilities. Riku filled me in, and I'm better suited to teach you. I can also utilize this opportunity to bring Chen with me. It's nice to see you again, Kuroka.
Kuroka undid her transformation, shocking Rei and Chu². Rei winced slightly as she glimpsed Kuroka's figure, and the latter appeared to notice. Before she could say anything, I sprayed her with water from who knows where.
Kuroka: What did you do that for, Riku?
Riku: I felt that you're gonna do something, so I acted right away. Anyway, introduce yourself to Rei and Chu².
Kuroka: Fine. I'm Tojou Kuroka. A nekoshou that Riku rescued~ Let's get along~
Rei: I'm Wakana Rei. One of Riku's friends.
Chiyu: And I'm Tamade Chiyu. You can call me Chu², and I'm Riku's cousin on his mother's side.
Kuroka: So you two are related then~ No wonder I can sense magic from you....and it's strong. Ran, how about I help you with Chu²-chan's training?
Ran: That would be very helpful.
Riku: Since everything's settled, I'll be taking Chen with me. Is that okay with you, Ran-san?
Ran: Of course. Just don't let her wander too much.
Riku: Will do. Chen, how bout you play with both Fuyu and Homura at the Dragon Garden.
Chen: That sounds fun!!
Riku: Rei, you should come with me as well. You wanted to talk to me right?
Rei: O-Okay.....Chu², good luck on your training.
Chiyu: Thanks.
Chu² then walked closely to Rei as she whispered in her ear.
Chiyu(whisper): This is your chance.
Rei only nodded as she followed me along with Chen and Fuyu to the Dragon Garden.
A little than a few minutes later...
Nagae Estate - Dragon Garden
9:30 A.M.
After leaving Chu², Kuroka, and Ran-san. I, Rei, Chen, and Fuyu go to my grandfather's office to get Homura. It was not a problem because the large guy wanted to spend some time in the garden as well.
Right now, Rei and I are sitting on the Dragon Garden benches, watching Chen in her bakeneko form run around with Fuyu as Homura chases them. While I was watching my niece run about, I noticed Rei stealing glances at me; when I returned her gaze, she quickly looked away and her face turned crimson.
Riku: Rei, you said that you want to talk about something right?
Rei: I-I did...I just needed time to prepare. I-
I just held her hand as she began to blush even more.
Riku: Take the time you need. I mean we have the whole day.
Rei: Eh? Then what about Chu²?
Riku: Ran-san's training techniques are extensive, and Chu's abilities will require time to determine the appropriate training. However, with Kuroka by her side, they may be able to make some progress by nightfall.
Rei: Then what about your work?
Riku: I'm free for the rest of the weekend. Marina is taking care of CiRCLE, and I have no paperwork to do as well.
Rei: I see.....okay....
Rei took a few minutes to steel herself. After an extra few minutes, Rei looked at me without even blushing a bit.
Rei: I'm ready now.
Riku: If you say so. So, what do you want to talk about?
Rei: It's about your engagement with Rinko.
I raised a brow as I kinda expected that she wanted to talk to me about that. Since she now knew, I wanted to see how did she took that news.
Riku: I see. So it's about that. How did Chu² told you that?
Rei: It goes like this...
Flashback (This is after Riku, Aichi and the girls finished their lunch at Geitondei)
Chiyu's Penthouse
2:30 P.M.
After Riku treated us to lunch, Chu² invited us to her penthouse to discuss something. So we agreed on it, and here we are.
Rokka and I looked after Masuki, who was still suffering from the effects of the Devil's Breath Ramen she had eaten just a while ago. PAREO then arrived with a glass of milk to help Masuki deal with the aftermath. Masuki sank back on the couch, happy that she had finished the milk.
Masuki: I really needed that milk. Thanks for that, PAREO.
Reona: You're very welcome, Masuki-san.
Rokka: PAREO-san, why did Chu²-san wants us to be here? Didn't she said that we have the week off?
Rei: Yeah. Did Chu² registered us to another tournament again?
Reona: No. Chu²-sama hasn't told me anything.
Masuki: So it's somethin' else then. Right, I noticed somethin'. Riku and that Shirokane girl are a bit close these days.....way too close.
Chiyu: That's the reason why I called you here.
We turned to the left and we see Chu² walking towards us with a towel around her neck. She then passed the towel to PAREO and took her seat.
Masuki: So this is about Riku then eh?
Chiyu: Yup. And to be honest, I don't even know how to say it to you...especially Rei.
Rei: Me?
I suddenly felt something is gonna happen....and I think I won't like it. But seeing my leader looked at me with a hesitant look. She took a deep breath and decided to tell us.
Chiyu: Now, right before we got to Osaka to compete for RaS's first ever tournament, I got a message from Kyoya-san.
Rokka: Kyoya-san? You mean Riku-san's grandfather?
Chiyu: Hm. The message he sent me is that his grandson, Riku is now engaged to Shirokane Rinko.
To Chu²'s words, I felt something hit my heart.....hard, it felt like my heart got hit by a truck and shattered it into pieces. Engaged....Riku's now this is what Chu² meant by not acting I was too late....I looked down on the floor and I noticed that there were tears coming out of my eyes. Masuki and Rokka noticed that I was tearing up.
Rokka: LAYER-san...hang in there.
Masuki: Oi Rei, keep it together. Oi Chu²! Why did you tell us this now?
Chiyu: Do you think that I didn't know what'll happen to LAYER if I tell this right off the bat?
Reona: If Chu²-sama did tell you this right before the tournament started, we would've lost for sure. So Chu²-sama decided to hold it off till the tournament ended, then she'll tell you.
Masuki: Then why didn't you tell us right after we won?
Chiyu: Because I don't know how to explain it to her without breaking her heart into pieces. You already know that I don't cut corners right?
What Chu² said was true. She's not the type of person to sugarcoat things as she learned that from Riku. But still....I feel that there is something else to this.
Rei: Chu², there is more to this....right?
Chiyu: Hm. And this might be the most absurd thing that'll you ever hear.
Masuki: Come on, how absurd can it be?
Chiyu: Not only Riku is engaged to Shirokane Rinko, he's also engaged to the Sakurada Family's eldest daughter, Sakurada Miyu as well.
Rei/Rokka/Masuki: Eh?
Wait. What did Chu² say? Riku is engaged to two girls? I looked at Rokka and Masuki and their jaws dropped too. Masuki was the first one to recover as she asked Chu² if she was joking.
Masuki: Oi Chu², are ya pullin' our leg right now? No way Riku is engaged ta two girls at the same time.
Chiyu: Do you think that I'm the one to joke, Satou Masuki?
We looked at Chu² as she was looking at us all serious. Seeing that we're not yet convinced, Chu² just sighed as she called PAREO.
Chiyu: PAREO, be a good girl and get that folder for me?
Reona: Hai, Chu²-sama.
PAREO left as she went to get the folder that Chu² was talking about. And as we wait, Chu² explained Riku's current situation.
Chiyu: Now, reason why Riku is in this situation is because of the current conflict between the Nagae main family and the branch family.
Masuki: The Nagae havin' a conflict? How come we haven't heard of it?
Chiyu: They're keeping it under wraps so no one gets involved other than the Nagae and it's vassal families. And my family is a vassal family of the Nagae as well.
Rei: Chu², what're the two family's been arguing about?
Chiyu: It's about Riku's age. He's already 19 and as far as tradition goes, he has to be engaged before he reached 18. The main family has been bending the rules a bit for Riku due to his career with OG. Now he's 19, time isn't on his side.
Rokka: So he had to...
Chiyu: Yeah. He had no choice but to adhere to the rules. Normally, Sakurada Miyu is Riku's sole fiance.
Rei: Then how did Rinko got added to the mix?
Chiyu: The reason to that is- Right on time, PAREO. Give them the folder.
PAREO only nodded as she passed on the folder to us. Me, Rokka and Masuki were looking at the folder with a very unfamiliar insignia in the middle of the folder. Chu² explained to us what the folder contained before we get to read it.
Chiyu: That folder came straight from the Matara family. Although it's just a copy, it's authenticity is legit. And on that folder is the plan that the Celestial Families were planning over the last decade. it on your own risk.
Rokka: Did you and PAREO-san already read this?
Chiyu: Right after jiji messaged me. Now then, go ahead and read it.
I took a deep breath and gently opened the folder. The three of us read over the files methodically, gradually understanding the plan. Our eyes widened with surprise as we saw the full scope of the scheme. Masuki was biting her fingers, Rokka was flushing slightly, and I was just focusing on the papers as I continued to read. After a few minutes, we put the papers back in the folder and closed it. I was the first person to ask Chu² for confirmation.
Rei: So all of this is true then?
Chiyu: Every single detail of it.
Masuki: Ta think that Japan would go through all that shit in the future....damn.
Rokka: And the only solution to a harem of all things?
Chiyu: Trust me, I wanted to bash my head to a wall to how insane their plan was. But looking at it in a different perspective, it's the only solution they have.
Rei: I see....and the conditions.....that means Riku can-
Chiyu: Yeah. Adding Riku's prize winnings during his career and endorsements, he can at least get two. Which Rinko and Miyu are right now. However, that's just his music career.
Masuki: What do you mean?
Chiyu: Aside from music, Riku has a hand on several businesses and most of them are related to pastry.
Masuki: Ain't being rude much does Riku have now?
Chiyu: In US dollars? By the time we're talking right now, it's right about $390,000,000. And this is Riku's personal money and not the Nagae's
Our eyes widened as big as dinner plates when Chu² told us that Riku has at over 390 million. We knew that Riku's rich, but we didn't expect that he would be this rich. If he has that amount of money...
Rei: That means-
Chiyu: You caught on very quickly, Rei. With Riku's current wealth, he can get at least 7. And aside from Rinko and Miyu, there is another one joined the fray a few days ago.
Rokka: Eh? Riku-san had another one?
Chiyu: Yeah. I only found out a few days ago from jiji. The one who joined was Ayase Eli.
PAREO's sudden scream surprised us as all of us covered our ears, but Chu² was the most unfortunate as she was the nearest to her. And coming from her, it's understandable, since she's a huge fan of idols.
Chiyu: Do you really have to scream that loud?
Reona: How can I not?! This is the first time I've heard that Eli-sama is engaged to Riku-sama as well! I have to post this right now!!
Chiyu: Oh no you don't!!
Right as PAREO took out her phone, Chu² snatched it as she was looking at our keyboardist with a very angry look.
Reona: Chu²-sama!! But why?!
Chiyu: Trust me PAREO, if you post what I'm thinking what you're planning to post, it'll cause a huge scandal all throughout Japan. And not only that, it'll hit μ's hard. Their popularity will plummet and Ayase Eli will receive a lot of flack.
To the sudden realization, PAROE bowed as she apologized to Chu² immediately.
Reona: I'm very sorry Chu²-sama!!
Chiyu: Forget about it. As long as you don't tell anyone. That applies for you three as well. Do not inform anyone until they can be trusted. What you saw in the folder will be made public following the August gathering. I trust you three to keep this between yourselves.
Rokka: Who else knows this?
Chiyu: From what jiji told me, aside from the Celestial Families, a few government officials and the royal family, Roselia and Sakurada Miyu's group, Lyrical Lily were witnesses of the engagement. And aside from them, aside from you three, all the band girls and μ's knows of this.
Masuki: Hm. So we just have to keep our mouths shut for about a month? I can do that.
Rokka: I'll try my best not to tell anyone!
Chiyu: Hm. LAYER, what about you?
Rei: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
Chiyu: Good. And now you know my cousin's situation, what're you gonna do now, Wakana Rei?
End of Flashback
Riku POV
Rei: So yeah...that's how it went.
Riku: So she even told you the plan. Did you gave her answer right away?
Rei: No. Took me a few days to give her my answer.
Riku: I guess you thought about it hard.
Rei: I did. But I also got help in sorting my thoughts.
Riku: Someone helped you?
Rei: Yeah. She-
Chen: Riku-sama!!
Before Rei told me who helped her, Chen jumped to my lap as she was still in her bakeneko form.
Riku: Hey there Chen. So you finished playing with Fuyu and Homura?
Chen: Fuyu got tired of running, now she's sleeping and Homura is guarding her.
Chen pointed the direction where my dog and cat were. Me and Rei saw Fuyu all curled up while sleeping as Homura is keeping watch.
Riku: I see. Chen, kindly get off my lap as I take Fuyu to my room.
Chen jumped off of my lap as I got up and went to where my pets are. I gently picked up Fuyu as I try not to wake her up.
Riku: Sorry that I had to bring my cat to my room, Rei. How about we continue this at my room.
Rei: Are you sure you want me in your room?
Riku: I don't see the problem. Now come on.
Rei reluctantly stood up from the bench as she followed me to my room along with Chen and Homura while I'm carrying Fuyu.
Nagae Estate - Riku's Room
10:30 A.M.
Me and Rei made it to my room. As we got inside, I put Fuyu to her bed so she can sleep comfortably. Chen and Homura decided to rest as well as they lie down beside the sleeping maine coon.
Me and Rei are sitting on the couch as we continue where we left off.
Riku: So, let's continue where we left off. Who helped you with making your decision?
Rei: It was Hana-chan.
Riku: Tae helped you? Not to be rude or anything, to think that airhead helped you with something very important.
Rei: Ufufu~ you really are blunt. But yeah, Hana-chan helped me a lot.
Flashback (Several days after Chu² told Rei everything)
5:30 P.M.
Days passed since Chu² told me and the rest of RaS everything. I'm at by the riverside, sitting on the grass as I'm thinking on what should I do. As I was thinking, I felt someone nibbling on my hand. As I looked down, it was a brown rabbit with red and blue eyes.
Rei: Oddie? Why are you here? Don't tell me you-
Tae: Oddie!!
Rei: Hana-chan!
It was Hana-chan, who was running towards me. And on her right hand was a small cage.
Tae: Rei. You're here. Looks like you caught Oddie.
Rei: That I did. Don't tell me he ran away again?
Tae: I was cleaning his cage then he bolted out.
I just chuckled as I gave Hana-chan Oddie. Hana-chan scolded her rabbit first then returning him to his cage. Then she looked at me as she tilted her head.
Tae: By the way Rei, what're you doing here?
Rei: Do you have the time to hear my story?
Tae: I will always have time for you, Rei. What kind of friend am I if I don't hear you out?
I just smiled at Hana-chan's words. She sat right beside me as I start to tell her what happened. After several minutes, I finished telling her everything, then she looked at me as she was hugging Oddie.
Tae: So Chu² told you that senpai's engaged now right?
I only nodded as Hana-chan continued.
Tae: And you also found out about the harem plan. And now you're thinking on what to do right?
I nodded again as Hana-chan finished.
Tae: To be honest....I think you're making this harder on yourself.
Rei: Eh?
Making things harder on myself?
Tae: Rei, I think you should do it....joining senpai's harem.
My face went beet red when Hana-chan told me that I should join Riku's harem with a smile on her face.
Rei: B-B-But-
Tae: No buts. You should do it. You deserve to be happy. Since we became friends, you've always put your friends first and yourself second. I believe you should be selfish once in a while. Furthermore, senpai would be delighted if you joined.
Me eyes widened when Tae told me that Riku would be happy if I go out with him.
Rei: He would be.....happy?
Tae: You may not notice it, but I can see from senpai that he was blushing a bit whenever he makes eye contact with you after you performed at CiRCLE.
Rei: He did?
Hearing that Riku was blushing just ab bit when he looks at me makes me happy.
Tae: Sure did. I asked him about it one time, and did you know what he said?
I just quietly gulped as I wait for Hana-chan's answer.
Tae: He said that whenever he was looking at you, it was as if he was looking at a goddess.
I blushed again when I heard that from Hana-chan. Then her face became a bit serious as she looked at me.
Tae: Let me say a quote from something I watched yesterday. "I always believed that the hardest choices in life, are the right ones. The ones that are easy, are the wrong ones". You could go for the easy way, or the hard way. The choice is yours.
Rei: The hardest choices in life are the right ones....
I repeated the quote that Hana-chan said repeatedly on my head. Then after an epiphany....I made my decision.
Rei: Hana-chan, thank you. Now I know what to do.
Tae: Let's hope that you made the right choice.
Rei: Of course I do.
Both of us hugged it out as I know what to do now. After we broke the hug, I decided what to do.
Rei: I have to go to Chu² now and tell her my choice.
Tae: Go. I'll be cheering for you.
Rei: Thank you, Hana-chan.
I turned back as I head to the penthouse to tell Chu² my choice.
End of flashback
Riku POV
Rei: So yeah. That's what happened after that.
Riku: I'm gonna have a word with that rabbit loving idiot next week.
Rei: Let it go Riku, please.
Riku: Fine, I won't do it then. Anyway, about your decision. Are you sure about this?
Rei: I do. And before we settle it, I want to ask you have any feelings for me?
I looked at Rei as she's waiting for my answer with anticipation. I decided not to sugarcoat it and tell her how I really feel.
Riku: I don't. At first, when Chu² first introduced you to me in Stockholm, I saw you as a future diamond on the big stage, alongside my cousin. Someone with a lot of potential to move forward. But when I watched you play at CiRCLE....for the first time in my life, my expectations were wrong.
Rei: What?
Riku: Instead of a diamond with a lot of potential, I see a goddess singing in a divine voice. A voice that captivates everyone only by hearing it once. When I first heard your voice, I was captivated. I was just staring at you. The way you used your voice made me want to hear more.
Rei: R-Riku...
Riku: But in terms on romantic feelings, it's not at the level that I had with Rinko, Miyu and Eli.
I saw Rei looked down with a bit of a dejected face, but I didn't even finish what I'm about to say.
Riku: But....we can start this relationship slowly, if you like....
Rei slowly looked at me with hopeful eyes. She then held my hand as she tells me her answer.
Rei: Yes...I would like to. I guess I have to work my way up then?
Riku: Yes....yes you are. A good thing that Rinko approved of you.
Rei: Eh? You mean I needed Rinko's permission to be with you?
Riku: It's a bit of a countermeasure that we made to make sure the girl that I enter a relationship with has no ulterior motive or whatnot.
Rei: I she trusts me then.
Riku: She does. Let's make this official then....Wakana Rei, do you want to be my girlfriend?
Without hesitation Rei jumped up and threw herself to me as she wrapped me in a hug.
Rei: Yes.....yes I would love too....and I'm sorry that I kept you waiting.
Riku: It's made a hard decision whether you would do it or not. And I can't believe that Tae used a quote from Johan.
Rei's eyes widened by my words as we separated from the hug as she asked me that.....
Rei: Wait. So what Hana-chan told me came from your ex-captain?
Riku: Yup. I guess she watched Against the Odds. Although it impressed me that she was able to understand English.
Rei: Hana-chan might be a literal airhead and sometimes an idiot, but if she put her mind into it, she'll be able to do it with no problem.
Riku: I see. Rei, I want us to go to my grandfather to tell him that we're officially going out.
Rei: Sure. Let's go.
Riku: Hm.
I got up from the couch and approached Chen. I shook her just a bit as her eyes were slowly opening.
Chen: it already lunchtime?
Riku: Not yet. But I want you to keep an eye on my room while I'm gone. Me and Rei are going to see my grandfather.
Chen: Leave me~...
Chen returned to sleep as I just only chuckled at Chen. I stood up as I held Rei's hand.
Riku: Shall we?
Rei nodded as she clinged to my arm as we head to my grandfather's office.
Nagae Estate - Kyoya's Office
11:45 A.M.
Kyoya POV
Kyoya: And that should do it. Eiji, take the rest of these papers on the "to be discussed" shelf.
Eiji picked up the papers as he place it on the designated shelf. I just finished today's worth of paper work, though there are some that is needed to be discussed directly, it wasn't that much.
Eiji: Oyakata-sama, I've placed them like you asked me to.
Kyoya: Good, what's the next-
*knock* *knock* *knock*
We heard someone was knocking on the door. I told Eiji to see who it is, and as he opened the door, it was Riku and his friend Rei-kun.
Kyoya: Riku, what brings you here?
Riku: I want to talk to you about something important.
Kyoya: Very well. Eiji, leave us and standby by the door.
Eiji bowed as he left the room.
Kyoya: So, what's the news?
Riku: Well, me and Rei are officially going out. And I want you to be the first one to know.
I see my grandson and his new girlfriend holding hands together. I just smiled as I adjusted my glasses.
Kyoya: Then I congratulate both of you in your relationship. Rei-kun.
Rei: Hai?
Kyoya: Riku might be a lot to deal with. But I know he can make you happy. Take care of him will you?
Rei: I will. Though we're starting from the ground up, I'll make sure that Riku will be happy as long as he's with me.
Kyoya: Hm. Normally, you would've live here as per the Nagae Family tradition. But since you two are going out and not engaged-
Rei: I understand. But even if I'm engaged to Riku, I can't live here for the moment. I currently live in the dorms of Geijutsu Academy.
Riku: Geijutsu?
Kyoya: It's an elite school where one can develop their skills to the fullest. And to make sure that their potential is used to its maximum, they follow a dorm system where students live there for the entirety of their school life.
Rei: Well on the bright side, it ain't that strict and the academy allows us to wear our casual clothing instead of wearing a uniform.
Riku: So it's a win-win regardless.
Kyoya: I understood what you meant by you not being able to live here. But know this, you will always have a place here in the Nagae Estate. You can come here for your vacation time if you want to.
Rei: I would like that very much.
Kyoya: Hm. Riku, have you told this to Rinko and the others?
Riku: Not yet. I'm planning to tell them tonight.
Kyoya: Very well, if that's all, you may leave. And Rei-kun, this might be advance but...welcome to the family.
Rei: Thank you.
Riku and Rei-kun bowed as they left the room. I turned my chair to the window as I take off my glasses.
Kyoya: And now there were four. Miku, looks like your son is doing what you wanted him to do.
Several Hours Later...
Nagae Estate - Riku's Room
9:00 P.M.
3rd POV
After meeting with Kyoya, Riku and Rei returned to the training room to see how his cousin was doing with her training. When they arrived, they discovered Chiyu lying down on the floor, sweating.
Riku questioned Ran and Kuroka why she appeared like that, and the kyuubi explained that Chiyu's power was to manipulate gravity rather than pressure.
Ran and Kuroka agreed on a workout routine for Chiyu that would not interfere with her RaS' schedule.
When Chiyu regained consciousness, she asked Riku and Rei about what had occurred to them. Both of them simply nodded with smiles on their faces, and Chiyu responded with a satisfied nod.
The training continued after we had our lunch, and I decided to help her. The training took hours, and as a result, she can manipulate gravity whenever all five of her fingers touch something, organic or inorganic. However, she must maintain control. And the effect of the gravity differs depending on how many fingers touched the target.
After the training, Riku invited the two to spend the night, but Chiyu and Rei declined because they had other plans. As they went, Rinko, Miyu, and Eli arrived. Mafuyu arrived one hour later.
Right now, Riku is at his room along with his fiancés as Riku talks about what happened.
Miyu: So Rei-san finally decided to go out with you?
Riku: Yes. Although we decided to take it slow. My feelings for her are not at the same as you three yet, but we'll manage.
Rinko: And it's about time she made her move. I expected her to do it a few days before the gathering starts.
Riku: You thought of that far ahead? Anyway, how's your day with Alice, Rinko?
Rinko: It was a wonderful experience! She even taught me her sewing techniques!
Riku: Well I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself. How about you two? How did your day go?
Eli: Tiring. Mitsuri and Umi really put us through the ringer. If it wasn't for Aichi, we would've collapsed during practice.
Miyu: My collaboration with Kokoro-chan and Hello, Happy World! is a huge success! We managed to give all the candy to the children!
Riku: I'm glad that it turned out very well. Did Kokoro gave you a hard time? Knowing her, she can be a loose cannon.
Miyu: Not at all! If she did cause some trouble, I could always tell her that I'll tell her to you. And I did just that, and Kokoro-chan became as obedient as a puppy~
Riku, Eli and Rinko looked at Miyu with their jaws dropped. They didn't expect an angel like Miyu had a dark side like that. But Riku decided to change the subject.
Riku: A-Anyway, since me and Rei are going out, it'll take a year for us to take it to the next level.
Eli: And your total of potential wives that you can get is now 4. That means you have only one spot left.
Riku: Yeah. And I already know who the fifth one is.
Rinko: Really? Who is it?
Riku: That's a secret for the meantime. You'll be meeting her sooner or later. Anyway, do you girls want to do something? I mean we have some time to kill.
Miyu: How about we play this then?
Miyu ruffled her bag as she was taking something out. And as we saw what she took out. Riku, Eli and Rinko felt a sense of dread.
Riku: Miyu...
Eli: We're going to play....that?
Rinko: Miyu-chan...are you trying to start a war?
Miyu: Who knows?~
Miyu tilted her head as she was showing her signature smile while holding a box of Uno Flip. Knowing this, Riku, Rinko and Eli had to be the pettiest of the petty in this game just to win.
4 Days Later
Live House CiRCLE - Studio 7
June 30, 2021 - Wednesday - 5:00 P.M.
4 days have passed since Riku and Rei have become a couple, both decided to have their first date by the 1st weekend of July. Rinko and the others promised to not interfere and Riku was thankful for it. But in exchange, he has to take the girls on a date as well. So Riku has to make a schedule for it.
Riku is currently in CiRCLE, listening to Kessoku Band's rehearsal. Riku had heard enough, so he clapped loudly, and the four girls came to a stop.
Nijika: Is something wrong with our play, Riku-san?
Riku: I noticed some errors on your play. Do you want me to be blunt with it or not?
Nijika: Please do.
Riku: Alright. Let's start with Ryo. You're too passive and you're covering too much for Kita. Try to hold back and let her shine.
Ryo silently nodded as Riku's next focus is Nijika.
Riku: Nijika, I noticed you're not using your wrists while drumming. Relying only in your forearms will tire you quickly.
Nijika: Hai!
Riku: Kita. You're eyes are too focused on the guitar while singing. As a vocalist that's a bad thing. Since you're just playing rhythm guitar, let your lead guitar take the majority.
Ikuyo: H-Hai. I just want to reduce Gotoh-san's burden.
Riku: An admirable reason. But do remember that you're the vocalist, your eyes must be with the people as their eyes are looking at you.
Ikuyo: Hai!
Riku: As for Hitori.
Riku noticed the pinkette was shaking as she awaits Riku's opinion.
Riku: There is nothing wrong with you play. But you need to communicate with your band mates more as I can see that you noticed that they're playing a bit bad.
Hitori shyly nodded as she didn't say anything.
Riku: Anyway, you four still have a long way to go, but you're making progress so that's a plus. And you still have 3 weeks to improve.
Hitori: long did you learn to play guitar?
Hitori shyly asked me and I raised my brow as she asked me that question.
Riku: Why the sudden question?
Nijika: Bocchi-chan wants to know how long did a pro like you learn the guitar compared to her.
Nijika explained Hitori's question as she understood her quickly. I answered her truthfully as I get what she's saying.
Riku: Ah.....well it took me 3 months to get the basics and it took me 2 and a half years to master it.
Ryo: Just 3 months shy away from a complete 3 years.....and Bocchi took 3 years.
Riku: I only managed to learn fast because I had Tenshi teaching me. And it's even more impressive for Hitori to learn guitar on her own.
Hitori: I'm....impressive?
Riku: Ran told me about it, and I respect the effort you put.
Hitori: Oh come on~ I'm not that impressive~ heheheheh~
Riku's eyes widened a bit to see the sudden change in Hitori.
Riku: Is she like that when someone compliments her?
Ikuyo/Nijika: Most of the time.
Both Ikuyo and Nijika said and Ryo only nodded. The door opened instantly and it was Marina who is looking for Riku.
Marina: Riku! There you are!
Riku: Marina? Something wrong?
Marina: It's just that Keigo is here to see you.
Riku: Okay. Tell Keigo to meet me in my office.
Marina nodded as she left the room. Riku turned his attention to Kessoku Band as he tells them that he has someone to meet.
Riku: You heard Marina, there is someone waiting for me. I take that you four can handle it by yourselves?
Nijika: Leave it to us! I'll make sure that Ryo doesn't do anything bad.
Riku: Hm, then I'll leave you to it.
Riku left the studio as he heads to his office.
Live House CiRCLE - Riku's Office
As Riku reached his office and opened the door, he sees Keigo by himself sitting on the couch. As he saw Riku, he stood up and greeted him with a lot of energy.
Keigo: I'm glad that you came here, aniki!
Riku: Yo Keigo. So, what brings you here?
Keigo: You see, there's gonna be a tiebreaker on who will face Peakey P-key in the Sunset Stage. And after the tiebreaker, they want to announce on who'll be hosting it.
Riku: So you want me to come to Yoba when the tiebreaker starts?
Keigo: Hm! And it's a best of one match!
Riku: So it's go big or go home then?
Keigo: Yeah. Oh right! Shino already finished the song you requested!
Riku: That quick? I thought she'll start doing it once the Sunset Stage finishes.
Keigo: She did, but she decided to anyway.
Riku: Well if Shinobu is that confident, then I'll give her that. By the way, who're the groups that will fight in the tiebreaker?
Keigo: It's between Happy Around, a group that just debuted a few weeks ago and is on the rise. And Photon Maiden, a group that is under the Nebula Talent Agency.
Riku: I see. When will it start?
Keigo: Well...the tiebreaker is starting 30 minutes from now.
Silence filled the room when Keigo said that. And the realization hit Riku and he just facepalmed and sighed.
Riku: And you're telling me this now?
Keigo: Well, I know you're busy and all and I was told of this from out of nowhere today.
Riku: Can't be helped then. How long will we reach to Yoba from here?
Keigo: Umm....if we go fast with your car, it's about at least 15 minutes.
Riku hummed and went straight to the door.
Riku: Well, what're you waiting for? Come with me.
Keigo followed Riku as both of them rushed to the entrance. Riku then stopped for a bit and the ring on his finger glowed and a flash of light blinded Keigo as he covered his eyes. When the light dimmed out, Keigo opened his eyes and he saw the Universe Ring.
Keigo: Aniki, what is this?
Riku: This is the Universe Ring. Tenshi made it herself and Aichi gave it to me a few weeks ago.
Keigo: To think that aneki made that. But I only see one seat. How will I-
Riku: You won't be sitting, you'll be hanging.
Riku activated the control panel, then a small platform appeared on the Universe Ring's side as well as a small bar on top of it. Seeing that, Keigo understood what Riku meant. Riku got to his seat and activated the Universe Ring's engine and Keigo stood on the platform and passed him a helmet.
Riku: Let's ride.
Yoba Academy - Entrance
5:30 P.M.
Riku POV
After 15 minutes of driving, me and Keigo finally reached Yoba Academy. And my first impression.....the design looks more better than most schools.
Me and Keigo got off the Universe RIng and I stored it back in the ring in my finger.
Keigo: Well...welcome to Yoba Academy, aniki.
Riku: So this is Yoba. The structure looks better than Hanasakigawa.
Keigo: Well, Yoba is more like of a performing school that focuses on DJ's. Follow me aniki. The tiebreaker is being held at the first performance hall.
I just followed Keigo as we head to the performance hall where the tiebreaker will be held.
Yoba Academy - First Performance Hall
5:40 P.M.
I and Keigo got at the performance hall with 5 minutes to spare. And as we walk in, it's already crowded. If I can count the individuals inside, there are at least 800, which is half of CiRCLE's maximum capacity. Keigo left me for unknown reasons and went somewhere else. As I looked around, I felt someone poke my back; when I turned around, it was Kyoko.
Kyoko: Riku-san. What brings you here?
Riku: Oh, Kyoko. Well, Keigo brought me here cause he said that after this tiebreaker, they'll announce who'll host the Sunset Stage.
Kyoko: Ah, I did heard that a while ago. Good thing Keigo picked you up. Where were you anyway?
Riku: I was at CiRCLE just now.
Kyoko: Hm~ Anyway, how about you come with me? Shinobu and the others are that way.
I followed Kyoko and went to a more private room where we can watch the show from there and inside of the room were Esora, Yuka, Shinobu and Keigo.
Keigo: Y-Yo....aniki....sorry I ditched you there.....
Riku: You left me alone there. I would've been lost if it wasn't for Kyoko.
Keigo: Y-Yeah....but still, I'm sorry!
Riku: Just don't do that again okay? Shinobu, Keigo told me that you finished the music for Moonlit Festival right?
Shinobu: I did say I finished it. But I want to tune it up even more. It'll be done by next week. But I have the first version here.
Shinobu passed me her MP3 player and I placed the earphones on my ears as I listen to the music that Shinobu made for the song I gave her. 2 minutes passed, my eyes widened and let out a chuckle. I took off the earphones and looked at Shinobu who is looking all smug.
Riku: You used my own music for this one. How did you managed to replicate it?
Shinobu: Because it's the only thing that fits the song. And I suddenly remembered the track you beat me with in our first encounter. It took me days of trial and error and I finally made it as my own. So the track I used is my own version of that.
Riku: So you made your own version of my Lunatic Princess. Not bad Shinobu, not bad. I can't wait for the final version.
Shinobu: Yeah yeah. So, who's gonna sing the song?
Riku: I already have someone in mind. And this song is a duet.
Kyoko: A duet huh?
Esora: Oh right! I forgot to tell you! Congratulations on your engagement, Riku-kun!
When Esora mentioned my engagement, Kyoko and Yuka looked at me with surprise, while Shinobu was just blankly looking at me and I looked at Keigo if he told them about it and he just shook his head in denial.
Riku: Thank you for that, Esora. I gotta ask, how did you found out that I was engaged?
Esora: From Miyu-chan of course~ Me and Miyu-chan are very good friends~
Riku: I see. So you got it from Miyu. I take that she told you about "that" right?
Esora: Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. I promised Miyu-chan after all.
Shinobu: Oi, it's already starting.
To Shinobu's words, we turned our attention to the screen as the match is about to begin. The room darkened for a moment. And after a few seconds, the stage lights turned on and we see four girls on the stage. The four of them were wearing a cyber-themed clothes with white, teal, and gray colors.
The one in the center has long white hair with teal accents tied in a high ponytail and wears a sleeveless, fitted dress with a high slit. On her right is a girl with short teal hair and she wears a sleeveless top and shorts. On her left is a girl with pale blonde hair styled in a high ponytail, wearing a skirt with thigh-high socks and a sleeveless top. And behind them is a girl with long lavender white hair and she wears a sleeveless outfit with a white bob cap.
And without even beating around the bush, they began their performance.
(By: Photon Maiden)
hoshi wo sagasu hitomi ga suki
kumo no ura ni nijinda tsuki
koboshita ootsubu no hikari
yoru wo haraseba ii
sora wo wataru youni
kimi no kokoro e kayoitai
hyaku no kotoba hyaku no inori
hitotsudake todoketai
sotto sotto akatsuki ni
daichi mebuku shunkan ga
koishii no koishikute
tsubuyaku aitai
kishimu mitaina sekiryou
iki wo hisomete matsu
kimi to iu asa no otozure
tooi tooi too sugite
umaretate no ai ni
hirumu osanasa oshietai
uchuu no katasumi no inori
hitotsu dake sasagetai
sotto sotto akatsuki no
honoakari michiru koro
sotto sotto akatsuki ni
daichi hitaru shunkan ga
koishii no koishikute
tsubuyaku aitai
tsumetai yoru no sono saki
nigirishimeteta no wa
akatsuki no naka tada hachimoji
soba ni ite hoshii
3rd POV
The crowd's cheers can be heard in the room where Riku, Keigo, and the Peakeys are. Keigo, Kyoko, Yuka, and Esora were clapping after the performance, while Riku and Shinobu were quiet.
Keigo: Aniki, is something wrong?
Riku: No. I'm just taking the song all in. Give me a minute to comprehend it all.
Shinobu: So you're that kind of person huh? Lookin' for the hidden message of the song?
Riku: Pretty much. But at the same time, I'm trying to figure out what kind of group they are. And from the looks of it, it's not looking good for Photon Maiden.
Riku's words made the girls raise their brows as Riku basically foreshadowed that Photon Maiden will lose the match.
Yuka: What do you mean it ain't lookin' good for Photon Maiden? They performed very good from the looks of it.
Riku: They did well. But I believe there is more to it. And I notice that the song is pretty different from the songs that Photon Maiden frequently performs. According to what Keigo said, Photon Maiden's style is techno, correct? But what I see from them is very different. They took a risk and attempted to think outside the box. Not gonna lie, it's a nice thing, but it's also risky.
Shinobu: Hm. Let's just see how Happy Around counters it.
Riku: You seemed to be interested in Happy Around.
Shinobu just returned her attention to the screen as the next group is about to perform. On stage, there were four girls that are dressed in coordinated, colorful outfits with each has a unique color theme their outfits seemed to be designed to be both playful and eye-catching, featuring ruffles, skirts, and accessories.
On the front is a girl with long dark blue hair tied partially up with a blue flower accessory. Her outfit is mainly blue and white, with ruffles on the skirt and a layered look. On her left is a girl with blonde hair styled in loose curls and wears a costume with yellow and red accents. Behind them is a girl with dark brown hair with a bunny ear headband. Her outfit is predominantly pink with ruffled layers. And beside her, is a girl with brownish-black hair styled in a short bob cut and wears a costume with green and yellow accents.
Riku looked at the Peakeys and he can see the enthusiasm on them as the group that they're watching is about to begin their performance.
Riku: You girls seemed invested in them.
Kyoko: They have potential. If there is someone who can give us a challenge, it might be them.
Shinobu: They're still far off, that's all I can say.
Esora: Guys, it's starting.
Everyone watched in silence as Happy Around is about to start. But everyone in the stage was surprised that their lead vocalist took a step back and their keyboardist stepped forward.
Kyoko: Are they-
Shinobu: They might.
Brand New World
(By: Happy Around)
odayakana hibi wa sou
urei nante nakute demo "nanika" ga tarinakute
kono kabe no mukou "sono 'nanika' wo mi ni ikou" kimi wa itte tonda
takanaru kodou mazaru fuan to
tobikoeta saki ni mieta sono sekai wa
Brand New World kagayaite itanda
sasaina koto daiji na koto subete ga itooshikute
Brand New World michi no fuan de sae
fumidasereba hora kimi to nara
koete yukeru kara ima hajimeyou
tooku natta keshiki ni sukoshi kokorobosoku mo nattari shita keredo
aimaina gensou janakute
kono atarashii netsu ni mune wa takanatteru
Ah... I reached a brand new world
Brand New World kagayaite itanda
fumidasanakya shiranakatta subete ga itooshikute
Brand New World sono saki no mirai e susunde ikunda
(kimi to nara)
koete yukeru kara doko made mo yukou
La La La...
The crowd was cheering from Happy Around's performance and while in the private room, Kyoko, and Keigo were smiling as Esora and Yuka were clapping. Shinobu just stared at the screen with a small smile on her face and Riku folded his arms as he closed his eyes.
Riku: Looks like the battle has been decided.
As Riku said that, the host showed up on the stage with Happy Around on her right and Photon Maiden on her left. She then told everyone the rules on how to vote, they just simply turn their bracelets orange if they vote for Happy Around, and teal for Photon Maiden. They were given 15 minutes to vote and just like that, the voting began.
Kyoko: Guys, how about we make our appearance?
Esora: What a wonderful idea~
Yuka: I say we go!
Shinobu: What're you planning Kyoko?
Kyoko: Wouldn't it be better to scout the competition up close rather than staring them on the screen?
Keigo: And besides, after announcing the winner, we get to announce that aniki is the host, right?
Shinobu: Well, you're not wrong. Fine, I want to take a good look on who'll I beat up. Riku, you coming?
Riku: Sure. I mean after this you're gonna announce who the host will be, right?
Everybody agreed as all of them left the room as they head to the stage.
Meanwhile on the stage.....
The 15 minutes are up and the votes are tallied up. The host shows up once more, as she has the paper that contains the name of the winning group.
Host: Thank you for waiting everybody! The voting is now officially over and the results are in. In this envelope has the name of the winning group who will be facing Peakey P-key in the Sunset Stage. To Happy Around and Photon Maiden, best of luck.
The crowd stayed quiet as they await for the name of the winner, while Riku and the Peakeys are slowly making their way to the front quietly. The host opened the envelope as she saw the name of the group who won.
Host: The
The crowd held their breaths while Happy Around and Photon Maiden held hands tightly as they wait for their name to be called. But alas, only one name can be called. And it's...
Host: Happy Around!!!
The crowd exploded in cheers as the winner was announced. The Happy Around girls hugged each other with joy after winning. Photon Maiden, on the other hand, remained on the sidelines, gradually leaving the stage after losing. While they were celebrating, the host noticed Peakey P-key right in front of them and was surprised to see them.
Host: Oho~ Looks like the Undisputed Champs are here to see their competition!!!
Everyone were murmuring as they saw Peakey P-key right in front of them, but at the same time, they were with someone outside of their school. Kyoko climbed up the stage to give her congratulations to Happy Around. The host then gave her microphone to Kyoko.
Kyoko: Congratulations, Happy Around. Looks like we'll be facing you in the Sunset Stage. Best of luck when the day comes, Rinku-chan.
Kyoko extended out her hand as the blonde girl named Rinku grabbed her hand and shook it.
Rinku: Hm! We'll go all out in the Sunset Stage, Kyoko-chan!
Maho: I'm sure that you're not here just to congratulate us, right?
The brownish-black haired girl named Maho asked Kyoko if she had other intentions. She silently nodded as Keigo went to the stage and Kyoko passed the microphone to him.
Muni: Why is your manager holding the mic?
The brown haired girl named Muni asked Kyoko why Keigo has the microphone, and Kyoko answered that Keigo has something to announce to everyone.
Keigo: Could I have your attention, please? Thank you. Now, as you can see, the tiebreaker is finished. This implies that the Sunset Stage is now set. If you're wondering why there isn't a name for the host of the Sunset Stage on the official website yet, it's because Peakey P-key handpicked the host.
The crowd became curious as to who did they picked to be the host, but little did they know, that the one the Peakey's picked is already with them.
Muni: And who is he to host the Sunset Stage? Maybe you just picked someone that-
Keigo: Muni-san, one thing this man does not do is cheat. The person we chose enjoyed competition more than everyone else; if anyone can be labeled "The Best," it is him. Now let me introduce you everybody. The host of the Sunset Stage!! He is the world's youngest decorated classical pianist! And five years ago, he switched to modern music and won every single individual competition there was! He is your five-time Future World Fes Champion and three-time International Champion!! And perhaps the best to ever hold an instrument!! OG's own, Nagae Riku!!!!!
As Keigo yelled Riku's name, everyone turned to look at the man who had before followed Peakey P-key, and Riku simply grinned and walked up to the stage. They wanted to ask some questions, but for some reason, they couldn't. They were unaware that Riku was releasing some of his aura in order to assert his dominance. Normally, Riku would not do this, but after what Keigo has spoken to the crowd, he had no choice but to do it.
As Riku got to the stage, Keigo gave him a spare microphone, then he carefully observed Happy Around and when he made eye contact on the girl with dark blue hair, Riku slowly came to her and gave her a headpat. Surprising everyone on the stage. But the surprise didn't end when Riku said this.
Riku: Looks like you've found your path, Rei-chan.
(A/N: Okay, time out. Let me explain things here. Since in this story there are some characters share the same name, I put the first letter of their surname along with their first name to prevent further confusion. That in being Ran (Touhou - Yakumo / Bandori - Mitake), Rin (Love Live - Hoshizora / Touhou - Kaenbyou / ProSeka - Kagamine), Aya (Touhou - Shameimaru / Bandori - Maruyama), Saki (D4DJ - Izumo / ProSeka - Tenma / Touhou - Kurokuma) Alice (Margatroid - Touhou / Nakiri - Shokugeki) and Rei (Bandori - Wakana / D4DJ - Togetsu). So from this chapter forward, if one of these characters are in the same scene, I'll be putting their surname initials along with their name, but if not, then I'll just put their names. Like this part, in this part Togetsu Rei is here and not Wakana Rei.)
Rei: Hm. It's all thanks to your teachings, Riku-sama.
Everyone was in a frenzy when Rei called Riku with such formality, even her friends couldn't believe it. Rinku asked Rei on what relationship he has with Riku.
Rinku: Rei-chan, do you know him? What's your relationship with him?
Rei: Hm. Me and Riku-sama go way back. I learned how to play the piano from him and Rinko-nee-sama. By the way, Riku-sama. How is she doing right now?
Riku: Rinko? She's practicing with Roselia right now. And outside of that, she's doing great.
Rei: I see. But still, I didn't expect you to be the host of the Sunset Stage.
Riku: I'm just here to return the favor that I owe Shinobu. I asked her to compose the music for my song and in exchange, I get to host the Sunset Stage. But enough of that, how about you introduce your friends to me.
Rei: It would be my pleasure! Riku-sama, the one right beside you is Aimoto Rinku-san. She's Happy Around's leader.
Rinku: Hi! Hi! I'm Aimoto Rinku! Please to meet you, Riku-san!
Riku felt the energy from Rinku as both of them shook hands. And Riku made a mental note to add Rinku to the people with too much energy like Kokoro, Hagumi, Kasumi and Emu.
Rei: Beside Rinku-san is Ohnaruto Muni-san. She's the group's VJ and graphic designer.
Muni: Ohnaruto Muni...I'm sorry if I was a bit judgmental earlier.
Riku: None taken. It's normal for anyone to act like that.
Muni apologized to Riku for her actions in which the latter forgave. The two then shook hands as a form of reconciliation.
Rei: And the last member of the group is Akashi Maho-san. And she's Happy Around's DJ.
Maho: I'm Akashi Maho. To think that I would meet Iku right in front of me. It is such an honor to be in the presence of a world champion. It's a pity that you retired early.
Riku: I wouldn't say retired completely, I just needed some time to get away from competing for a year or two. I'll be making my come back one day.
Maho's eyes brightened as she heard that Riku is planning to make a comeback to the competitive scene soon. As Rei finally finished introducing her friends to him, Riku turned to the crowd as he makes his announcement.
Riku: Now, as Keigo said, I'm Nagae Riku. And I will be the host for the Sunset Stage. And as for the qualifications needed to be the host, what Keigo told you earlier is more than enough to cover it. And without further ado, as the host, I want to make things more very interesting.
Everyone became more curious to what Riku said. Happy Around were curious as well, while the Peakeys looked at their manager to see if he knew that Riku would do that, but to their surprise, Keigo shook his head.
Riku: I saw the past Sunset Stages and all of these were all best of one matches. But this year, we're gonna change all of that!
Riku raised his hand showing three fingers to the crowd.
Riku: Three rounds! Three songs! One winner! This year's Sunset Stage will be a best of three series!!
The crowd started to cheer as the new rule that Riku announced made them more excited. But Riku didn't stop there, as there is more to come.
Riku: In this best of three series, there are themes in each round that both Happy Around and Peakey P-key will have to follow. For the first round, both groups will have to sing their staple song.
Everyone was confused to what Riku meant by "Staple Song". Riku cleared his throat as he explained it to everyone.
Riku: What I meant by a staple song, is that it is a song that the group frequently uses every time they perform. It's the song that sets the tempo of their overall performance, the opening act per se.
After Riku explained what it meant, everyone finally understood what he was talking about. After the crowd calmed down, Riku began to explain the second and third round's theme.
Riku: For the second round, the theme will be cover songs. You know what it means by now, it's up to you to what song you're planning to cover with and make it a version of your own. And for the final round, you must create a song that signifies you and your group as a whole.
As Riku finished explaining the themes for each round, both Happy Around and Peakey P-key were more locked in. But their seriousness were blown away as Riku dropped a bomb.
Riku: And as for the voting, it'll be the same as the tiebreakers. And the group gets two wins out of three, wins the Sunset Stage. And as for the prize, let me add something a little extra, courtesy of me. Whoever wins this Sunset Stage, will get a trial with OG as the orgs DJ group for the rest of 2021.
Everyone was confused at Riku's words, but the only who understood what he meant was Keigo, Maho and Shinobu. The pink-haired DJ grabbed the mic from Keigo as she called out Riku.
Yuka: Shinobu, what got you mad all of a sudden?
Shinobu: You don't understand Yuka. What Riku meant is that the winner of the Sunset Stage will be recruited to OG's DJ unit!!
Everyone's faces turned into shock as they heard everything from Shinobu. Keigo looked at his brother to see if it's true and Riku only nodded as a response.
Maho: So if we win....we get to become did it end up like this?
Riku heard what Maho said, so he started to explain the situation.
Riku: You see, it all happened a few weeks ago. OG's current DJ unit was...a bit underwhelming. And 3 of the 4 members have left to look for greener pastures, and the last remaining member retired since he's already 30. So Johan and Ceb came up with an idea, and that is to scout young talent across the world and have them develop in OG. They've already done their search in North and South America and they plan to continue their search here in Japan.
Shinobu: So you plan to use the Sunset Stage as a recruitment for your organization?
Riku: Yes.
Riku said yes bluntly which agitated Shinobu. Yuka and Keigo were beside her, in case something bad happens. But the worse case didn't happen as she just sighed.
Shinobu: Tell me this, there's more to come, right?
Riku: Right you are. Because the Sunset Stage will be broadcasted all over Tokyo.
The entire room went loud as they heard that the Sunset Stage will be broadcasted on live TV. Riku looked at the two DJ groups, he turned to Peakey P-key and they seem excited. As he turned to Happy Around, they have the opposite reaction to the former. Shinobu tugged the back of my coat as she looked at me with an annoyed face.
Shinobu: I need the details. Now.
Riku: Let's talk about this somewhere else. The Peakeys and Happy Around need to hear this as well. How about at Geitondei?
Shinobu: That place? I know where it is. Fine, let's talk there.
Riku: Hm. I'll go on ahead. See you at Geitondei.
Riku left the stage as he left the room. Rinku noticed Riku leaving, she tried to call her but Keigo stopped her.
Rinku: Keigo-san?
Keigo: Let aniki go, Rinku-san. He did say we should meet him at the Geitondei.
Rei: What place is the Geitondei?
Keigo: It's a restaurant that aniki goes all the time. Me and Shino knows where it is.
Rinku: I got an idea! How about we celebrate our win there!
Muni: But why would we include Peakey P-key with this?
Rei: How about we celebrate on a job well done?
Maho: You know what, that'll do. I mean we had a rough week and it paid off, so it can count as a job well done. But what I'm worried about is that if we can afford the prices.
Keigo: Don't worry, the prices there are affordable even for students.
Muni: Looks like we now know where to go. Lead the way, Horikawa.
Keigo: Sure but.....I want to invite someone along with us.
The girls wondered who Keigo wanted to invite with them, but Kyoko understood who, so she leaned in close and whispered closely in his ear.
Kyoko(whisper): You wanted to invite Photon Maiden, right?
Keigo(whisper): Yeah. But if I just can get Saki with us, then it'll do.
Kyoko(whisper): Right, I forgot. Alright then, you can go and get them. Shinobu will take us there.
Keigo nodded as he left the stage as he tries to invite Photon Maiden with them.
Meanwhile with Photon Maiden.....
The girls of Photon Maiden have changed back to their uniforms as they leave the school. And right as they left their classroom, they heard someone running and the door opened, and they see Keigo panting.
Keigo: *pant* *pant* *pant* Thank god you didn't leave yet.
Ibuki: Horikawa-kun? What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Peakey P-key?
The silver haired girl named Ibuki asked why Keigo was here, and the red haired boy said he wanted to see Saki.
Keigo: Yeah but, I want to see Saki.
Saki hearing this made her blush a little. But she remembered that she lost and she had her head down.
Saki: Sorry Keigo-kun.....we lost.
Keigo: Don't be sad that you lost, Saki. I looked at the votes and you only lost by 3 votes. And the fact that you changed your style and almost won proves that you're getting better.
Saki: But...we still lost. If I would've just use one of the songs that Shano-san gave us...we could've won.
Saki who was still looking down is still not convinced. Keigo placed his hands on her arms as he stared right at her.
Keigo: Look at me, Saki. True you would've stood a chance if you did that. But when I heard your song Akatsuki, I felt something changed. Normally whenever you and your friends perform on stage, I see some shades of your producer but....this time, all I see is you. You've done well, Saki. I'm very proud of you.
Saki said nothing as she went and hugged Keigo. Keigo felt something wet and he realized that Saki was crying quietly. Her 3 friends noticed it as well as they remained quiet. After a few minutes, Saki finished her crying and broke the hug with Keigo.
Saki: Thank you for not moving while I was doing that, Keigo-kun.
Keigo: No harm done.
Towa: Keigo-kun, you're not just here to look for Saki, right?
Keigo: Yeah. I was gonna ask you four to come to Geitondei with me.
The girls were surprised that Keigo invited them to go somewhere out of the blue.
Ibuki: But why invite us? Shouldn't be Happy Around be going?
Keigo: They are going but, I want to introduce aniki to you four. I mean if you have some plans today, then it's alright.
Ibuki: I see. However, I cannot come. I have cram school in an hour, sorry.
Towa: Me too. I have an event to attend and it starts at 7 tonight.
Noa: So am I. There is a limited edition novel that I reserved last month and today is it's release. I'll be going there to get it.
After hearing their reasons, Keigo nodded in understanding.
Keigo: I see. Then Saki, do you have anything planned?
Saki: Well I would just stay at home.
Keigo: Good, then you're coming with me.
Ibuki: Saki, use this time to enjoy yourself.
Saki: I...I will. Keigo-kun, let's go.
Keigo and Saki left the room leaving the three girl behind.
Noa: Those two really look cute together.
Towa: And to think that they're already at that level.
Ibuki: What matters most is that Saki is happy.
Noa: So, you want to follow them?
Ibuki: I would rather not. I think those two deserve some alone time together.
Towa: Ibuki's right. Let's just leave them be. Let's get out of here. We still have to report this to Shano-san after all.
Both Ibuki and Noa nodded as they left the classroom. The three of them decided to leave Keigo and Saki alone as they head straight to the Nebula Talent Agency where Photon Maiden works.
6:30 P.M.
Riku POV
After leaving Yoba, I drove straight to Geitondei using my Universe Ring. And as I arrived, Miyoi was at the front as she greeted me.
Miyoi: Riku-kun! Welcome!! Are you here by yourself?
Riku: No. I just went ahead and arrived here early. But they'll be here in a short while.
Miyoi: Then it's a table for 12, right?
Riku: Yeah. Take me to the table, and I want a glass of iced tea while I wait for them.
Miyoi: Alright then! Please, follow me!
Miyou took me to our table and I took my seat as Miyoi left to get a glass of iced tea for me.
I took out my tablet from my bag as I try to check if there is some leftover work. And it seems that there were none. While I'm killing time, I check the sales of Pantasia this month to see how much I profited.
While I was checking the sales, Miyoi returned with the tea along with a plate of honey lemon fried chicken.
Riku: Uh....Miyoi....I didn't order this...
Miyoi: Don't worry, this is on us! Shishido-kun made it just for you!
I leaned to the side as I peek through the kitchen, and I see a young man in his early 20's with dark brown hair and light blue eyes waving at me. It was Kurenai Shishido, Miyoi's boyfriend.
I gave Shishido a thumbs up for the chicken and he replied back with a thumbs up as well as he returned to work. I took a piece of the chicken and took a bite, my eyes widened as the chicken was so tender, the juices were dripping out of the meat. And the honey and lemon complimented the chicken well.
Riku: Your boyfriend outdid himself, Miyoi.
Miyoi: Hehehehe~ that's Shishido-kun for you.
Riku: So, when are you getting married?
As I ask that question, Miyoi blushed red as she covered her face with the tray.
Miyoi: W-We haven't planned anything like that as of now.....we want to take it slow....
Riku: I see.
Miyoi and Shisihdo have been dating for 3 years now. I still remember when Miyoi told me that she got a boyfriend. As to how they got together, both of them fell in love at first sight. Even the owner has to approve their relationship, as long as it doesn't hinder their work.
As I finished half of the chicken, I leaned to the side as I look through the entrance, and Happy Around and Peakey P-key have arrived and Keigo isn't with them.
Miyoi: Welcome to Geitondei! Shinobu-chan! It's been a while!
Shinobu: Hm. Is Riku here?
Miyoi: Hai! So you're the group that he's waiting for. Follow me as I take you to him~
Miyoi took the girls to the table where I was at. And when they saw me, I just waved at them as I was looking through my tablet.
Riku: Yo, you've made it. I see that Keigo isn't with you.
Kyoko: Keigo wanted to bring someone along with him, if you don't mind.
Esora: And you're working outside of the house? Riku-kun, that's unhealthy.
Muni: Huh? He's working?
Shinobu: Remember that he's a Nagae. And he's very busy as you can see, I was just lucky that I managed to invite him as the host before his schedule became packed.
Riku: Well it ain't that bad, Shinobu. My workload today is much less compared to a few months ago. Come now, don't just stand there. Take a seat.
Following my advice, the girls took a seat while Shinobu took a seat beside me.
Shinobu: Now that we're here. Talk. I want details now.
Yuka: Now now Shinobu. We still have to wait for Keigo to arri-
Keigo: Sorry it took a while!
We heard the door opened and it was Keigo along with Photon Maiden's DJ. And both of them were holding hands.
Maho: Is that Photon Maiden's Izumo Saki?
Muni: But what is she doing here?
Esora: You're finally here, Kei-chan! And you managed to bring Saki-chan with you~
Keigo: Yeah. Ibuki-san and the others had plans, and Saki is the only one available.
Saki: I-I hope I won't be a bother.....
Rinku: Nonsense! We may have been fighting for a spot for the Sunset Stage a while ago, but all in all, we're all friends here!
Riku: Rinku's right. You may be friends, but when you take the stage, you're rivals. So Keigo, do you want us to introduce her to us?
Keigo: Y-Yeah....the reason why I brought Saki here is to introduce her formally to you, aniki.
Riku: Formally? You mean that Raiko-sama has-
Keigo: Hai....everyone, meet Izumo fiancé..
Rinku: Eh?
Maho: Ha?
Muni: Nani?
Rei: Oh my~
I turned my attention to the Peakey's, and they looked pretty normal. It seems that they already knew. But for me, this is the first time I heard of it.
Riku: Well, congratulations you two. Saki, take care of him will you?
Saki didn't say anything as she was just staring at me. Keigo looked at her fiancé as he was getting concerned.
Keigo: Saki, are you okay?
Saki:'s just that, when I saw's like I was looking at the void....
Riku: Looking at the void? What do you mean?
Keigo: Aniki, Saki has Synesthesia.
Riku: Synes- Ah...that, a rare gift indeed.
Rinku: Umm....what does Synesthesia mean?
Riku: It's a rare condition where a person can see another person's color. I mean, the atmosphere from you Rinku, atmosphere is a very vibrant orange color.
Saki looked at me as her eyes were wide. She then asked me if I had the same gift as her.
Saki: Nagae-san, does that mean that you have-
Riku: No, but its close. My ability is more like reading one's atmosphere.
Maho: Reading the atmosphere?
Keigo: Aniki has a gift of reading the atmosphere. And it's not just aniki, all members of the Nagae has it too. What reading the atmosphere does is that they easily read the mood of the place and are able to adapt in any situation. But in aniki's case, he can read a person's atmosphere just by looking at them.
Yuka: So Riku is a rarity then?
Riku: Pretty much. Saki, you use Synesthesia while you perform, right?
Everyone looked at Riku in surprise as they found out why Photon Maiden were that good.
Maho: So it turns out....the reason why they were so good is that-
Saki: Y-Yeah....but I only use it whenever I make music.
Riku: Then it's okay that you're using it to improve your music. Just don't go and abuse it all the time, cause it'll do more harm than good. And do call me by my first name. Calling me by my family name makes me a bit uneasy.
Saki: H-Hai....Riku-san.
Riku: Good. Now then, shall we begin the party?
Riku asked everyone with a smile, and just like that, they ordered whatever they want and the party was underway.
Next Chapter: XXXVII - Wakana Rei and Preparations for the Festival