The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 8

Seven years later...

On the outskirts of Kouh, a sleek black car drove toward the city. Inside sat two women whose beauty could make entire countries go to war. These women were none other than Roxanne and Luciana, returning to Kouh after a long time away.

"Mistress, is it really wise to come here, where the territory is managed by the two sisters of the current Satans?" Luciana asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Don’t worry, Luci-chan," Roxanne said confidently. "We should be fine. And it’s not like there are many beings that could kill us, even if they wanted to."

"It’s true, but I’m still worried about your safety, Mistress."

"Aww, don’t worry, my dear Luci-chan. No one will be able to harm me. Didn’t you remember? Even she said she would help me if I called."

"Yes, that’s why I’m so worried. What if that horny bitch uses it as an excuse to take away your innocence?" Luciana grumbled.

Roxanne smiled wryly. "Only you have the guts to say that about her, Luci-chan."

Luciana averted her eyes and changed the subject. "But are you sure it’s fine to enroll in that school, Mistress? Won’t the two heiresses sense your presence?"

Roxanne chuckled. "Luci-chan, if there’s one thing I take pride in, it’s controlling my aura. Don’t you remember how I even fooled you by changing my aura’s nature to match yours?"

Luciana sighed, knowing that once her mistress decided something, there was no changing her mind. "But still, why Kouh Academy?"

Roxanne’s eyes twinkled with mischief. "Well, I want to see my childhood friend... who just happens to be the Red Dragon Emperor."

At Kouh Academy, the day was progressing as usual. Boys flirted with girls, while the girls squealed over a certain blonde boy. Meanwhile, the infamous perverted trio was being chased by the kendo girls for peeking. All of that changed, however, when a sleek black car pulled up near the gate. Out stepped a breathtaking girl with black hair, purple eyes, and an aura that commanded attention. Dressed in the Kouh Academy uniform, every eye was on her as she gracefully approached, her footsteps echoing in the now silent courtyard.

The first to snap out of their daze was the student council. Leading them was Sona Shitori, also known as Sona Sitri, sister of Satan Serafall Leviathan. Sona was a bespectacled young woman with a slim figure, black bob-cut hair, and violet eyes. Her body measurements were impressive: [B77-W57-H83 cm] [B30-W22-H33 in], height 166 cm (5 feet 5 inches), and she weighed [51 kg]. Next to her stood her queen, Tsubaki Shinra, a tall, bespectacled young woman with long black hair and heterochromatic eyes—one violet and one light brown.

Sona smiled at the newcomer. "I haven’t seen you here before. Are you a new transfer student?"

The girl, none other than Roxanne Morningstar, smiled back. "Yes, that would be me, Miss...?"

"Sona Shitori," Sona replied, smiling as she introduced herself. "I’m the student council president."

"My name is Roxanne Morningstar. It’s a pleasure to meet you, So-chan," Roxanne said cheerfully.

Sona choked on her words, flustered by the sudden nickname. "W-Wait, what?! So-chan?"

Roxanne grinned and gave her puppy eyes. "Why, don’t you love your nickname?"

Caught off guard, Sona found herself answering subconsciously. "No, it’s... fine."

Roxanne’s smile brightened. "Great! So-chan, can you tell me where I can get my schedule?"

Still trying to regain her composure, Sona quickly turned to her vice president. "Tsubaki, can you take her to the student council room and give her the schedule?"

Tsubaki nodded. "My name is Tsubaki Shinra. I’ll accompany you to the student council room."

Roxanne turned to her, flashing a sweet smile. "Well, I’m in your care, Tsu-chan."

Tsubaki’s cheeks flushed a light pink as she nodded, slightly flustered by the cuteness of the girl before her. Definitely not because she liked the nickname. Definitely not.

As Roxanne and Tsubaki walked off together, the students in the background began murmuring among themselves, commenting on how the new girl’s cuteness even broke through the serious demeanor of both Sona and Tsubaki.





Roxanne's POV

After getting my schedule, I found myself standing in front of class 1-B. The class where *he* is. My childhood friend. I couldn’t help but smile, imagining his reaction when he saw me. I knocked on the door, and after a moment, the teacher came out. I explained that I was a new transfer student, and she asked me to wait a few minutes before she returned to the classroom.

"Come in," I heard.

No sooner had I stepped inside than the entire room went dead silent. I walked to the front, grabbed a piece of chalk, and wrote my name on the board.

"Hello, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Roxanne Morningstar, and I transferred here recently. I hope you all will take care of me."

The moment I finished speaking, the room erupted in a frenzy.

"Whoa, another girl? And she’s smoking hot!" a boy said as he began to drool.

"Tell me about it! She’s even more beautiful than Rias-senpai." his friend also nodded while wiping away his drool,while trying hard not to look creepy.

"Kyaa! She’s so cute!" one fan girl said while squealing.

"She should totally be the third one-sama." another fan girl said as she was visibly excited about this aspect.

The teacher interrupted their excitement. "You can choose any seat you like," she said.

I nodded and made my way to an empty desk. As I passed Issei’s seat, I leaned down slightly and whispered, "It’s good to see you again, Issei-kun."

He froze, speechless, trying to process what I’d just said. When it finally clicked, his eyes widened, and he turned around quickly, but by then, I had already taken my seat, smiling at him. Just as he was about to ask something, he was interrupted by the intense glares of the entire class. Boys and girls alike stared at him as though he were public enemy number one. Jealousy radiated off them like heat.

Poor Issei was sweating buckets—he knew that if the teacher weren’t in the room, he would’ve been dead already.

The rest of the class passed by without much incident. But when the interval bell rang, and the teacher left the room, all the girls immediately flocked to my desk. I wasn’t surprised, but it was amusing nonetheless.

"Hey, Roxanne, which school did you go to before coming here?" one girl asked as she looked at Roxanne.

"I studied abroad before transferring here," I answered as she smiled at the curious girl.

"Is this your first time in Kouh?" another curious girl asked as she looked at Roxanne.

"No, I lived here when I was younger." I glanced at Issei, who was talking to Asia. "Right, Issei? After all, you were my first…"

Immediately, the boys dragged Issei away, their killing intent so thick I could practically taste it. I wondered briefly how they’d managed to cultivate such dense bloodlust.

While Issei was being beaten into a pulp, a girl named Miyamura looked at me curiously. "Are you really sure about giving your first time to that pervert?"

I tilted my head innocently. "What’s wrong with giving my first friend position to Issei?" I asked sweetly.

The room fell into a stunned silence. The only sound came from Issei, who was groaning as he tried to get up from his beating.

Asia, who had been watching from the sidelines, finally spoke up. "So, are you one of Issei’s childhood friends? The one in the picture?"

I smiled. "Ah, the pictures Issei’s mom took when we were little? Yes."

Asia nodded and joined in the conversation with the other girls. We talked for the rest of the day, and when school ended, as everyone was preparing to leave, I stopped Issei and Asia.

"Issei, would you mind if I tag along with you?" I asked. "I’m planning on visiting your mom."

Issei smiled and nodded. "Sure, Roxanne."

As we neared Issei’s house, I noticed that both Issei and Asia had stiffened. Curious, I extended my senses and quickly realized the source of their tension—holy energy. I grinned, understanding instantly.

"Why are you both standing there? Let’s go inside," I said, cheerfully walking ahead without waiting for an answer.

When I entered, I found Issei’s mother, Miki, chatting with two familiar faces—Irina and Xenovia. Well, mostly Irina, since Xenovia didn’t seem to know what to say. When they all noticed me, I smiled brightly.

"Aunty, your lovely Morningstar has arrived to see you!" I announced cheerfully.

Miki’s eyes lit up as she recognized me. "Roxanne, my lovely daughter!" she exclaimed, rushing to hug me.

After a long embrace, Miki pulled back and asked, "When did you get back to town?"

"Oh, I came yesterday and transferred to Kouh Academy today," I replied.

"I’m so happy to see you both back in town," Miki said, her expression full of joy.

I tilted my head in confusion. "*Both* of us?"

Miki smiled and turned to the girls sitting on the sofa. "This is Irina and her friend Xenovia."

I finally gave Irina a proper look. She had grown into a beautiful young woman with long chestnut hair, tied into twin tails. "Iri-chan, you finally decided to grow your hair out. As expected, you look good in twin tails!" I complimented her.

Irina blushed but smiled back. "You’re as cheerful as ever, Roxanne."

"Of course! It’s my nature as a Morningstar," I replied with a grin.

Our conversation was interrupted as Issei and Asia entered the house. Miki, blissfully unaware of the supernatural conflict brewing, greeted them warmly. "Oh, hello, Issei, Asia! Meet Issei’s childhood friend, Irina, and her companion, Xenovia. Since you’re all here, why don’t we have dinner together?"

Xenovia quickly declined. "Sorry, but we have work to do. We can’t stay for dinner."

Miki looked disappointed, but then turned her expectant gaze toward me. I didn’t let her down.

"Of course I’m staying! How could I pass up my favorite aunt’s home-cooked meals?" I smiled sweetly while thinking,

‘ Hehe, now how should I mess up Kokabiel's plan? ‘







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