The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 5

After taking a bath, Roxanne came to the dinner table, where a delicious meal was already laid out. She took a seat and began eating, but after a while, she noticed that her maid wasn't eating with her.

"Why aren't you eating, Luci-chan?" she asked.

The maid replied, "It is a maid's duty to eat after the mistress."

Roxanne sighed, then suddenly flashed a mischievous smile. "Luci-chan, did you know that a master's commands are absolute?"

The maid nodded.

"So, as your master, I order you to come and eat with me."

Luciana looked completely shocked, unable to refute her mistress’s order. Reluctantly, she did as she was told. Roxanne smiled brightly and continued to eat her meal.

After dinner, as Luciana was cleaning the dishes, Roxanne suddenly asked, "Hey, Luci-chan, can you train me?"

Luciana turned to her and said, "Master, I can teach you demonic magic and physical training, but you might need to find someone else to help you with your fallen angel powers."

Roxanne thought about it for a moment and then said, "Well, that's better than nothing. Also, Luci-chan, we’ll be staying in Kuoh for about five years, and after that, we’ll travel so I can gain combat experience."

Luciana nodded. "Yes, Master. Now, will you go to bed? It’s not healthy for a child your age to stay up this late."

Roxanne gave a wry smile, thinking, 'While this body may be that of a child, I’m still an adult at heart, you know.' But despite her thoughts, she went to bed without further argument.




Roxanne found herself standing in an empty white space, devoid of any living beings. Normally, she would be freaking out, but by now, she had grown used to it.

"So, I’m here again, huh?" she muttered to herself.

"Exactly. I summoned you back here to talk," came the melodious voice of a woman from behind her. As Roxanne turned, she was enveloped in a warm hug.

"I’m really sorry for not giving you the loving childhood you wished for. You see, the God of the Bible made an offer, one that's actually beneficial to you," the woman explained gently.

Roxanne melted into the hug, her voice softening. "You know, it was scary... waking up in a laboratory and finding out that I was kept by my own family."

The being said nothing, simply patting Roxanne’s head, comforting her in silence. After a while, they separated, and two chairs appeared, seemingly out of thin air. They both sat down.

Roxanne looked at the woman, her expression serious. "Amy, tell me... why did my mother die? According to my wish, I should have had a mother, and my childhood should have been with her."

Amy sighed softly. "Do you remember the time I found you in the void when you were just a soul?"

"Of course I remember," Roxanne replied.

~flash back into the beginning ~

A teenage girl with black hair and blue eyes could be seen walking toward the bus stop. Her name was Yumina Akihito, a college student with an art degree, but most of all, an otaku. Due to her hobby, she had even started a career as a manga and illustration artist. She stood at the bus stop, ready to head to her friend's place.

While waiting, her phone rang—it was her friend. As they chatted, she noticed the bus nearing the stop. She was about to hang up and board, but then she realized the bus wasn’t stopping. Her eyes widened as she saw it speeding directly toward her. At that moment, she noticed a little girl nearby, chasing after a balloon that had blown onto the road. Instinctively, Yumina ran toward the girl, managing to save her, but was struck by the bus herself. Oddly, she felt no pain.

When she awoke, she found herself in the void, unable to move her body. Surprisingly, she didn’t panic. Why? Well, she felt a strange sense of calm, as if she were home. Her mind wandered to the anime and manga she loved, entertaining herself with the thought that a higher being might appear to grant her a wish. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long.

Suddenly, she was transported to a white, lifeless room. This sudden change made her panic slightly, as she missed the familiar, comforting sensation of the void.

"Oh my, to think the void would actually choose someone to rule over," a melodious voice echoed.

Yumina turned her head and saw a stunning woman with golden hair, blue eyes, and... well, impressive assets. Yumina blinked and looked down at herself, surprised to find that she could move again.

"I made it so your soul can manifest a body similar to your physical one," the woman explained.

"Thank you. But... who are you? And why am I here? Wasn’t I in the void just now?" Yumina asked.

"Impatient, are we?" The woman smiled. "Well, let’s start with introductions. My name is Amyliya, the Goddess of Reincarnation. I brought you here when I detected a missing soul from the natural order."

"So... what am I supposed to do now?" Yumina inquired.

Amyliya grinned playfully. "Well, since you're here, why don't we play some video games? It’s not often I get a playmate."

"Okay," Yumina agreed, a bit caught off guard.

The two of them played video games that appeared out of nowhere, and over time, they became close friends. Yumina was surprised to discover that the Goddess of Reincarnation was also an otaku like her. After a while, they were sitting together, sipping tea.

Amy, now comfortable enough to let Yumina use a nickname, asked, "As much as I enjoy this, you do need to be reincarnated. But since you’ve entertained me so much, I’ll grant you three wishes, with some limitations."

Yumina smiled slightly. "Can I reincarnate into any world?"

Amy nodded. "Yes, but don’t worry—that part won’t count as one of your wishes. Consider it a freebie."

Yumina thought for a moment. "I want the skills of Rimuru Tempest."

Amy shook her head. "That’s way too overpowered, but I’ll let you pick two abilities, with some limitations."

"Then I want the Void God Azathoth and Manas: Ciel," Yumina said.

"Granted, though they’ll be limited at first, but the restrictions will gradually lift as you grow stronger," Amy agreed.

"For my second wish," Yumina continued, "I want the ability to create any weapon, whether sacred, demonic, or even Noble Phantasms."

"Granted. But you’ll need to supply mana for their creation. Once made, they’ll be permanent, and you can store them in an Imaginary Space."

"And for my last wish... I want a Lucifer bloodline, a fallen angel bloodline, and a beautiful childhood with my mother."

"Granted," Amy said, smiling. "Now, which world would you like to go to?"

"Highschool DxD," Yumina replied without hesitation.

"Well then, here you go." Amy pulled a string that had magically appeared, and Yumina was suddenly sucked into a whirlpool.

"You old hag!" Yumina’s voice echoed as she disappeared.

~Flashback end ~

"You old hag! You flushed me like that scene in Arifureta!" Roxanne exclaimed.

"Oh, come on!" Amy said with a playful grin. "I always wanted to try that at least once."

"You... Argh, whatever. Just tell me what happened to my sweet childhood," Roxanne demanded, her tone exasperated.

"Well, you see," Amy began, "when your soul was placed in that world, the God of the Bible thought you were an invader and tried to kill you. So, I had to intervene. Long story short, we came to an agreement. After his death, you’ll become his successor, but only once you unlock all your abilities."

"So, that’s why I have an angel bloodline and system administrator rights?" Roxanne asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly," Amy confirmed. "Once you’re strong enough to release your angel bloodline, you'll gain access to those skills."

"And what about being the ruler of the underworld?" Roxanne questioned.

"Oh, that’s something you earned," Amy explained. "You have the highest affinity with the underworld, so it naturally began to serve you. With that legacy, you’ll know everything that happens down there. Think of it like Odin's all-seeing eye."

"Sigh... So basically, I just need to get stronger, right?" Roxanne muttered.

"Yep, that’s the gist of it," Amy nodded.

"And what about my mother?" Roxanne asked, her tone softening.

"Well, her soul is actually inside your scythe," Amy revealed.

"How?" Roxanne asked in disbelief.

"She somehow figured out you were a reincarnated soul. To protect you, she used her soul manipulation skill to split her soul in two," Amy explained calmly. "Half went into her weapon—which you will inherit—and the other half went into you. She also made a deal with the God of the Bible to give you her angel seat. Afterward, she fused her soul with yours to hide your bloodline."

"So, she basically turned herself into a Sacred Gear?" Roxanne asked, trying to process the information.

"Exactly," Amy confirmed with a nod. "Don’t worry—you’ll be able to awaken her eventually."

Roxanne was about to respond, but then she noticed she was slowly disappearing.

"Oh, looks like your time is up," Amy said with a sigh. "See you later! Oh, almost forgot—you have a present from Yahweh."

Before Roxanne could reply, she completely vanished.

Amy stood alone, her smile fading slightly.

"Well, Yahweh, I did what you asked and informed your successor," Amy said quietly to herself. "But... why did you go so far to choose her?" She chuckled darkly. "This certainly is interesting. But if anyone dares to harm my friend..." Her blue eyes glowed dangerously. "They’ll know my wrath. Just because I oversee reincarnation doesn’t mean I’m any less the Goddess of Origin."







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