The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 2

~Three days later~

~ Yumina POV ~

[master the utilization is finished]

‘Great finally I was getting bored doing nothing. Hey Ciel can you show me my stats ‘

[Ok master ]

Name: ?????

Race: hybrid devil/fallen angel

Bloodline: Lucifer Devil bloodline, Lucifer Angel bloodline(sealed), Azrael bloodline(seal.. weakening..)

Tittle: Princess of Lucifer

Legacy: Angel of Death( seal…weakening…), Ruler of the Underworld (sealed), God of Bible (sealed), Void Empress

Magic: death magic( sealed), demonic magic, holy magic(sealed)

Skills: Power of Death( sealed), Soul sear(sealed), Weapon creations, Void god Azathoth, Manas Ciel, Heaven's system Administrator ( sealed), Power of Destruction, Power of Ice, Sea serpent of the end, Dark light, Time manipulation

Mana: Ultimate class

Strength: lower class

Connection: Lucifuge ( sealed due restraint)

Looking at my stats I have so many questions but most importantly, how the hell are they able to give this many bloodline abilities.

I dread thinking about the day when this technology will be leaked. I'm pretty sure every other faction would hunt down devils for research purposes. As much as they despise devils one couldn’t underestimate how absurd the growth of the biblical faction is. If one is just born as a low-class devil no problem just live another 400 years while training a little bit and boom you have a high-class devil.

And putting that aside, how the hell does this guy possess this much research material for giving me this many bloodline abilities? One must know that this is changing a person’s DNA on a whole new level. I’m no scientist but from what I know to be able to pull off such a thing you need a lot of references and test subjects. I think this guy went corpse hunting during the Great War.

What Yumina didn’t know was that Rizevim didn’t have any previous test subjects as her body absorbs the bloodline abilities without any rejections. What Ciel did was just make the absorption speed faster after all.

Shaking my head internally I threw those disturbing thoughts aside. First I must escape this place and then create a base for me.

‘ Ciel would you please use spatial domination please’

[Ok master]

~ No one’s Pov~

Then a black portal appeared under the girl’s feet inside the capsule completely engulfing her.

The only thing that was left from it were the chains that were used to restrict her, not that they thought it was needed. There was no reaction to this scene since in this room all that was left were the capsules that contained various corpses.

And since Rizevim doesn’t allow anybody to enter his laboratory the disappearance of the Lucifer Princess is not noticed by anyone and it will be like that till Rizevim comes back.







Kuoh town was the usual city that you could find everywhere in Japan. That is if you were just a normal human. In the supernatural world, this city acts as an embassy for the Devils, Yukai, and The shito gods. That’s all it was worth for now unlike in the future where everything happens in this city.

A Portal appeared in one of the many alleyways in Kuoh City. From that portal, a little girl with silver hair appeared while wearing a rag-like cloth. Despite her attire, one would undoubtedly agree that she is cute.

When the girl opened her eyes there were two ruby-like eyes which showed intelligence not normal for a girl her age. She then looked around observing her surroundings and then sighed.

“ thank God .. aw owwoow” The girl stopped speaking as she received backlash from heaven’s system. While rubbing her head cutely she complained

“Yeah forgot about can’t say that man’s name, Anyway Ciel how far is this Lucifuge “

[ she is about 1 km away from the city and it looks like she is chased by a group of exorcists]

“ So how many are we talking about, will I be able to fend them off?” she asked with a bit of excitement. as she wanted to try out her new powers. But the reality is often disappointing.

[ It is highly unlikely to master since you have yet to adapt to your new body so I advise you to just use space domination to run away]

“All alright fine let’s do that,” she said as she couldn’t argue with that logic. With a wave of her another portal appeared and the girl disappeared from everyone’s sight.

In the middle of a forest near Kuoh Town, a silver-haired girl with red eyes can be seen running from a group of exorcists. The girl has various cut marks on her slender body while a major one is in her stomach. Despite these wounds, she used all of her remaining strength to flee.

But it seems today fate is working against her as she was running she fell because of tree roots and exorcists that followed her and caught up surrounding her.

“Surround her, don't let her escape, use your strongest blow and finish her off .” Shouted the leader as he and his team surrounded the helpless girl.

And so like he said the group fired off their strongest attack, when the attacks came close to her she closed her eyes.


There was a huge explosion that left a deep hole in the ground. The leader surveyed the surroundings and nodded. After that, he left with the others.

After they left a devil appeared next to the hole and looked down at it and began to search for something and the only thing he found was the destroyed Maid’s clothes. He then clicked his tongue and left the area by teleporting.






In the middle of the forest quite far from the explosion we can see two silver-haired people resting on the ground. One is a woman in a bloody maid outfit and the other is a girl with rag clothes who is currently panting for air. these two Yuma and her Lucifuge.

‘ Ciel can you heal her’ the girl asked as she looked at the woman with her tired eyes. Using her powers is more taxing than she thought.

[ Yes master… using void god Azathoth to extract the holy essence.. complete, then using Time manipulation to reverse time on her body … complete]

As she was speaking the s wounds on the woman's body began to heal and she was now in top shape .

‘ Wow devil’s bloodline abilities are so OP .’ the girl thought.

‘ Ciel can you find a nice place for us to rest’

[ master I have found a cave about 200 meters from here will you allow me to use teleport]

‘ ok, Ciel do it. You have my full authority’

Then Ciel used [ Space domination] and they disappeared and reappeared near a huge cave with trees covering its entrance.

The little girl somehow dragged the unconscious maid with her and put her down near the wall.

She then sat cross-legged and closed her eyes to meditate for a bit to calm her mind. These days she was quite distressed after all. After calming her mind down she finally asks a question.

‘ Ciel why are some of my bloodlines especially the fallen angel bloodline sealed’

[ it is likely that your mother sealed it due to you being the target of extermination since the fallen angel and devils were on the opposite sides ]

‘But Ciel why do I have an angel bloodline ‘

[ well master when Lucifer was cast out of heaven he was not turned 100% devil so he retained 50% of his angel bloodline that is why he was immune to holy attacks]

‘ so doesn’t that mean all the other Lucifer families have that immunity ‘

[ No master while the descendants have a slight resistance to holy magic it is only a little better than a normal devil. But due to the master having more fallen angel bloodline your resistance can also be called as immunity. ]

‘So it’s like I’m a fallen angel with devil powers’

[ yes master, .. master would you like me to release your Azrael bloodline]

‘ oh that’s good but Ciel why only one? Can't you just unseal all of them? ‘

[ master your fallen angel bloodline lock is weakening so it is possible to unseal it but your other bloodline is too strong for your current body to handle. if unsealed you would explode due to the excess holy energy ]

‘All alright Ciel you should just unseal my fallen angel bloodline,and is this going to be painful for me’ she asked hesitantly

[ negative master you just have to meditate while I unseal your bloodline after that master must learn how to control the energy that would be released ]

‘ well here goes nothing ‘

[ unsealing Azrael bloodline…. Successful….. integrating to host’s body ….10%....15%]

~~~~4 hours later~~~~~~

The silver-haired maid opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was an unfamiliar ceiling so got up quickly took a combat stance and looked at her surroundings warily, she saw a small child about 5 years meditating in front of her and she somehow felt a connection with her like they were destined to be together.

While she was observing the little girl she suddenly heard a sound of chains breaking and a dense aura of death covered the girl's body. Her hair turned black and she manifested three pairs of unique black and dark blue fallen angel wings. After a while, the aura around her began to slowly disappear and she opened her ruby-like eyes which then turned purple.

“Hello, it’s nice to see you awake, well since you are on guard let me introduce myself first my name is …. Roxanne… Roxanne Lucifer the daughter of the original Lucifer and the fallen angel of death Azrael “ As soon as my name was said I began to feel another connection

[ the legacy Angel of death has been unsealed ]

‘ Ciel show me my status ‘

Name: Roxanne Lucifer

Race: hybrid devil/fallen angel

Bloodline: Lucifer Devil bloodline, Lucifer Angel bloodline(sealed), Azrael bloodline

Title: Princess of Lucifer, Angel of Death, Princess of Death

Legacy: Angel of Death, Ruler of the Underworld (sealed), God of Bible (sealed), Void Empress

Magic: death magic, demonic magic, holy magic(sealed), Light magic

Skills: Power of Death, Soul sear, Eyes of annihilation, Weapon creations, Void god Azathoth, Weapon Creation, Manas Ciel, Heavens system Administrator ( sealed), Power of Destruction, Power of Ice, Sea serpent of the end, Dark light, Time manipulation , Death Manipulation, Soul manipulation

Mana: Ultimate class

Weapon: The scythe of death ( sealed)

Strength: lower class

Connection: Lucifuge ( pending)

‘Looks like I got my mother’s job but’ hey Ciel when did I have a weapon ‘

[ it is a soul weapon master that was given to you by your mother when she sealed your bloodline but due to the master's body being physically weak it is temporarily sealed.]

“ hey why did you save me”

I looked at the maid and said “Well you see I woke up not too long ago and I felt the connection with you so I saved you and it’s rude to not introduce yourself to your savior “

“ Forgive me my name is Luciana Lucifuge”.

“so tell me Luciana why were you chased by some exorcists” asked the now-named Roxanne

“ After the civil war I have been on the run due to the Old Satan faction coming for my head and while I was hiding in the human world I was ambushed and injured very badly but managed to escape and as I was fleeing I was spotted by a group of exorcists” Luciana explained while gritting her teeth in anger.

“ Well you have it rough huh, but why didn’t you go to your family, I heard the queen of the mou Lucifer is a Lucifuge, “ Roxanne asked curiously.

“Well I can’t since I am technically a criminal in their eyes and the devil council will do anything to get hold of me so I simply ran away from the devil nobles and from what I heard my sister’s position is not very stable “ Luciana explained with a wry smile.

“ Well if you put it that way I can’t disagree. Anyways will you tell me about the connection we have “ said Roxanne trying to change the subject.

Luciana then explained “Well it is a tradition that every Lucifer must have a Lucifuge as their servant and create a blood bond with them, It is also said that Lucifuge will become their eyes and ears and slightly increase their attack power when fighting with their servant “

Roxanne intrigued asked “So in short it is like having a power up with the bond of friendship “

“although I don’t know what that implies yes it is like having a powerup ”

“So you wanna have a bond with me I can tell that we are most likely gonna get into trouble sooner or later,” asked Roxanne.

“ Well it’s not I don’t mind but are you sure you could make a bond with my sister you could be more powerful,” asked Luciana unsurely.

Roxanne looked at her like an idiot “Although that might be reasonable but I have a feeling that I will be just fine with you, also is your sister really just gonna say yes to a child and much less a bastard of Lucifer “

“ although I don’t know how you possess so much intellect for your age it is a duty for us Lucifuge to accompany our Lucifer and also by bonding we can also grow stronger easily so I don’t think she will agree “

Roxanne explained “Well if you wondering why I’m smart for my age well let me tell you I’m as old as you mentally since I was kidnapped by my stepbrother for experiments and was locked in a laboratory

Also, I have no one other than you to depend on, so I will ask you again Luciana Lucifuge will you bond with me Roxanne Lucifer “

Luciana closed her eyes contemplating what to do for a few seconds and opened them, she then looked at me with a determined expression and went on I knew and took my hand and I kissed it she then said

“ I Luciana Lucifuge daughter of the late head of the Lucifuge household hereby swear that I shall stay with my mistress Roxanne Lucifer till death separates us”

as soon as she finished it a magic circle appeared beneath us and glowed in blue afterward a cross with two angel wings tattoos appeared on my hand

Roxanne happily said “Well then Luciana please take care of me from now on “

“ yes mistress”







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