Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Unnatural
"What the bloody hell?" exclaimed Lily.
She was standing in the kitchen, setting up the breakfast on the table when her children came in.
She couldn't believe her eyes. Staring at her were not the faces of her small cute children, but the handsome visage of young adults. Both Harry and Iris could have easily passed for sixteen year old teenagers. They had grown as big as her, maybe even an inch taller than her.
"Blame the 'Peak Body' perk. It enhances our growth too. And Isis told me that by the age of eighteen we'll reach our prime and stop ageing." Harry informed her with a strained smile as she swept towards them, fussing around, patting their faces and bodies.
He couldn't help but discreetly glance down her cleavage, which was abundantly shown in her casual blue dress robe, when she stood so close to him. And somehow he was extremely aware of her intoxicatingly sweet flowery scent that wafted over him and roused urges he oughtn't have for his own mother.
She nodded slowly, relaxing a little as the reason for their abrupt growth became clear. "Are you two fine then?"
"We are, mum." It was Iris who answered. Her voice was soft and barely audible. She was still not over what happened between them in the morning. She hadn't looked at him since then.
The atmosphere between the siblings was too awkward. And it did not go unnoticed by their mother.
"I hope you two aren't fighting with each other. It's your birthday. Your special day, as you two always like to brag about. I don't want this tense atmosphere today. Go, sort it out quickly. You won't get breakfast until you make up with each other." demanded Lily, ushering them out, shutting the door on their faces.
"Come on, old lady. Don't be such a nag." Iris whined, banging against the door, annoyed at her mother's obnoxious behaviour.
"Be careful, daughter. You're extremely close to ruining the day and skipping breakfast." Lily yelled back from the other side of the closed door.
"Don't fight, you two. Iris and I'll go talk in my room, mum, and we'll be back here again in five minutes." Harry intervened, grabbing his sister's hand and leading her upstairs, to his room.
He decided to ignore how she jumped and blushed at his touch.
She walked stiltedly behind him, looking down and almost dragging her feet.
Harry shut the door to his room and led her to his bed. She was overly skittish when they sat cross-legged in the bed, face to face.
She squirmed a little when her eyes met his for a microsecond, before she averted her gaze again.
Harry sighed.
"Iris. We are twins. We know what's going on in each other's minds. There's no need for this annoying drama."
She immediately shook her head. "No, for the first time, I'm not sure what you're thinking."
"Fine then. Let's talk about the elephant in the room. Did you regret what happened between us? Did you not like it?" He asked frankly.
Instead of answering, she frowned and shook her head again. "I don't know what I feel. Do I regret making out with my own brother? Do I like him? I don't know anything."
Harry hid an exasperated smile and scooted closer until their knees were touching. He took her hands in his, clasping them between his palms. "Don't lie to me. You know your feelings. You're just scared to accept it."
She flushed red and didn't respond, opting to stare at their joined hands.
"Okay, let's test it if you like me or not. This should clear it up quickly. Now, I am going to kiss you. Stop me or don't. It's up to you." He announced gently, tugging her hands so she was leaning towards him, her face getting closer and closer to his.
A small peck.
Then a longer peck.
A small kiss.
And then a longer kiss.
And then he kissed her hotly. His lips merging with hers. Soft and supple, warm and pleasing.
She didn't protest, cupping his face and kissing him back with shameless passion, her tongue and mouth all over his. She made an appreciative noise in the back of throat when he pulled her in his lap, coiling his arms around her slim waist.
They rolled their lips over each other, his tongue slithering inside her mouth and tangling with her own, filling her senses with his taste, overwhelming her mind and body.
And as soon as she felt his hardness beneath her, she broke the kiss swiftly, backing away and looking at him with mixed emotions.
"This is what I'm talking about, Harry. I so want to push you down on your back and fuck you. But it's wrong. It is so wrong. I should not think of having sex with my own brother. I don't know what to feel or think anymore." She muttered in self-deprecation, trying to move away.
But Harry was having none of it, he held onto her waist, keeping her firmly in his lap. "Don't be a moron. It doesn't matter if it's wrong. We're serial killers for fuck's sake. We are the definition of wrong. It shouldn't matter to us if what we feel for each other is considered wrong. Fuck it! Who cares? It's not about proprietary, but about our own wants. Do you like it or not? Forget about mum and everyone else. Don't think about what they'll say or think. Just think about us. Do you like me?"
She smiled sadly. "Of course I like you. I love you. I wouldn't want anyone else. But it isn't meant to be. This is incest. An unnatural thing which only leads to bad things. A taboo so bad that even our own won't support us. Are you prepared to go against everyone's wish for me? Are you ready to be negatively judged by our friends and families to get me?"
It was instantaneous. There was not a single iota of doubt when Harry nodded. "Of course. I love you more than anyone or anything. I'd go against everyone to be with you. Everyone. Even mum."
She couldn't help the relieved smile from taking over her face or her heart from brimming with joy.
She kissed him again.
Slow and sweet, this time, as she caressed his face, displaying more love than desire, sharing more blue calm than red burning inferno.
"Although no sex for a few weeks. Our bodies are overflowing with hormones, all thanks to Peak Body. I don't want us to do something in a haze of lust. I want our first time to be special where both our heads are clear. Let us get used to this new body first before doing anything drastic." Harry suggested when they pulled back.
"Of course, you are not getting lucky anytime soon." she giggled, back to normal as her immediate fears were put to rest.
He heaved a dramatic sigh. "Unfortunate, but true. Do you know how hard it'll be to keep control around you? Look in the mirror. You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen."
She slapped away his hands when they dug into her round breasts. "Behave!"
"Fine. Be a spoilsport and a tease." He grumbled good-naturedly.
She just grinned at him, offering a quick kiss as a consolation. "We need to go back to the kitchen. I'd like to apologise to mum. Also, let's keep this change in our relationship a secret. At least until it can't be kept hidden."
"If that's what you wish." smiled Harry.
Lily was concerned about Harry.
Very concerned.
They were sitting together at the table, having their breakfast.
After the kids came back, Iris had apologised profusely, and her improved mood was easy to spot, thanks to her wide joyful smile and radiant face.
Lily had never been able to hold grudges against her own children, and she didn't change her ways now. She had instead smiled at her daughter, accepting her apology and embracing her tightly.
But as the breakfast went on, Lily had noticed something else. Something less wholesome.
Harry's leerful stares.
His 'surreptitious' glances at her. Or more precisely at her cleavage.
At first, she had been amused, not taking offence since she knew he was a hormonal teen. She had been flattered and foolishly adjusted her shoulders a little to give him a better view down her robe. But after ten minutes of his discreet ogling, she drew in her garment, covering up her chest, feeling quite uneasy and embarrassed.
That incident made her realise something, she had to be more careful from now onwards. She had to stop treating her children as children. However much she wished, they weren't her small kids anymore. They were teenagers. Horny impulsive teenagers.
She also might need to be more considerate of her clothing styles. At least for the sake of Harry, who she had come to know was quite an active boy. She didn't want him to develop some incestual kinks just because she had been lax in properly dressing herself.
She didn't know how late she already was.
When she had hid her chest, Harry's face turned an impressive shade of red as he realised he had been caught. The angry pinch on his thigh under the table made it clear that Iris too wasn't unaware of his flitting glances at their mother's large bosom.
She glowered at him for looking at the assets of another female, her eyes burning with jealousy.
He mouthed 'I am sorry' and squeezed her knee. She just harrumphed and went back to her breakfast, ignoring him scornfully. She was going to have some words with him after breakfast.
Lily, sitting across them, was deep in her own guilty thoughts to notice this small byplay.
Honestly, it wasn't all Harry's fault. He wouldn't altogether blame it on the [Lustful] since he was well aware that he had been attracted to his family members way before the trait was even active, but what he could do was, fault it for fanning his cinders of lust and turning it into something far more ginormous and destructive.
Where earlier he could hide and control his urges, now he couldn't even stop his eyes from falling on his mother's slightly bared breasts. It was as if his mother's chest was the last dregs of fire and light, and he, an obsessed suicidal moth.
He thought about revealing to them the reason for his sudden sexual urges. And he didn't see any reason not to. While yes, it would be embarrassing, it at least would clear up any misconceptions. He didn't want to be branded as a pervert in his family's mind. The actual debate of if he already had been perverted or not, was redundant.
"Uhm- just so you know, my 'Lustful' trait is active from today, so I'm sorry if I looked at either of you creepily. I'm just overwhelmed by this trait and can't keep it in control. Hopefully, I'll get used to it in a couple of hours." He said out loud, catching their attention.
Both of them snapped their heads towards him and looked on disbelievingly.
"Trait?" asked Lily.
"As I have told you before, as soon as I got the gamer system when I was young, I agreed to have two negative traits in exchange for two powerful perks. These two traits are 'Remorseless' and 'Lustful'. Isis somehow adjusted and customised 'Remorseless' for me, so I didn't become an unfeeling psychopath.
"But as a price for that, the system nerfed my 'Gamer's Mind' which earlier provided me with absolute mental defence and immunity against Psychological effects. Now, it is devolved into just a perk which wouldn't let anyone control my mind. I should have learnt from that. And shouldn't have messed with my system.
"But I did, again. To become more powerful, I created the function of 'Combined Classes' where I can combine any number of Classes into one. The result was 'Death Knight' which is my strongest Class by a stupidly far margin.
"But again, the system decided to screw me. To balance this, it worsened my 'Lustful' trait which was going to be active from today. Before my meddling, the trait was worded as 'You are the incarnate of Lust. Be drawn to opposite sex and sexual acts. This trait will start acting when you turn 13.'
"But after I created the 'Combined Class' system, the trait changed and is now worded as 'You are the incarnate of Lust. Be drawn to opposite sex and sexual acts. This trait will start acting when you turn 13. Note: After the activation of the trait, the user must engage in sex every day. Or else he will fall into a feral crazed beast state, where he would fuck the first woman he comes across, whether the female be willing or unwilling. " Harry ended his explanation with an aggrieved sigh.
"You're kidding, right?" Iris questioned with a sceptical blank stare. This all appeared too funny to be true.
"I wish." He groaned, hiding his crimson face behind his fingers.
Lily and Iris shared a look and with dawning horror, they realised how fucked up Harry was. And how indirectly fucked they were.
"I'm just asking. How do you plan to go forward? How're you going to find someone to have sex with?" Lily enquired with a bewildered look, still not sure how to respond to this.
Where was the 'How to be a parent' guide when you need it?
"Oh, it's fine. I've already found the solution. I've my undead. Some of them are beautiful women. Particularly Bellatrix. You need not to worry about my Lustful trait. I've, well, I will have everything under control soon." Harry whispered through his hands which still covered his face.
"Absolutely not!" Lily sprang up from her seat and slammed her hands on the table, making the plates clatter noisily. "I won't have you romping with dead bodies. Are you out of your mind? How can you even think that fucking dead bodies is okay?"
"They aren't exactly dead bodies though. They've some sort of low sentience and are alive in some sense. And honestly, they're warm and soft like a normal person. They've all that I need. So, it's fine. They're usable enough." Harry pondered out loud, placing his hands back on the table and meeting his mother's affronted gaze.
"Dead bodies are dead bodies! It doesn't matter even if they haven't deteriorated a little after their death. No son of mine will develop the unnatural fetish of necrophilia." Lily yelled, losing her cool. She couldn't comprehend how Harry was able to say all these with a straight face.
"Then what do you want me to do? I have to fuck before midnight, and I'm not seeing any alive women lining in a queue to get shagged by me. Maybe you can ask Sirius. He must know about some brothel where they wouldn't mind letting an underage thirteen-year old in." He said sarcastically, getting irritated by her constant complaints.
Before they could go back to arguing, Iris loudly grumbled. "Both of you, shut up! Mum, don't worry. Harry will not have sex with his undead. He'll have sex with me. Only me. It's fine, really. We both like each other in that way and our bodies have matured enough for it. We were planning on having sex in near future. I won't mind cutting the chase and doing it tonight. He's my brother after all. My twin. I'll offer him relief as is my duty and my desire."
Harry groaned in displeasure, that was supposed to be a fucking secret!
Lily sat back in shock, slumping in her chair and darting her eyes between them. Dozens of seconds trickled by as she kept staring at them.
Sad and solemn she was when she spoke again, "I see. I'd always feared that you two might get too close than is allowed. It seems my fears have come true. I've to be strict now and set up some rules. Iris, you aren't allowed to be with Harry in the same room without me present. I can't trust you both to control yourselves around each other."
Iris gasped at the drastic measure, seeing a different side of her mother. All their life, Lily Potter had been a kind and gentle mother, rarely saying no to them, rarely denying them anything.
The woman in front of them seemed like a whole new person.
Harry whispered dangerously, his eyes gleamed maliciously. "Are you threatening to separate Iris from me, mother ? My twin sister from me? My best friend?"
Both Iris and Lily could feel the temperature drop and the thick air of violence clouding around him.
But Lily too was stubborn and unafraid. And the surety that her son would never hurt her, no matter how angry he was, also gave her plenty of courage. "Yes. I am. It's not even a threat. It's a vow. I'll be keeping an eye on you and stop you from committing irrevocable mistakes which will cause you regret in a decade."
"Mum, please don't do this. Why can't you support us? What's wrong with us loving each other?" Iris begged, trying to mediate between her mother and brother, trying to prevent the delicate situation from taking a nosedive.
"It's bloody incest. That's what it is. It is wrong!" Lily threw her hands up, not even understanding why her daughter was asking that silly question. Couldn't they see how wrong and unnatural their wish was?
Before Iris could defend her case, Harry spoke up after his sullen silence. He was calm and composed again. "Mum, let's talk rationally, okay? Tell me the reasons why Iris and I can't be together, and it cannot be the stupid 'It is wrong' argument. Give me some valid reasons for your outbursts."
"Others won't accept your relationship. The world will scorn you and isolate you. You'll be social pariahs" Lily said angrily, trying to keep her voice down but failing.
"We don't care. We'll try to keep our relationship secret. And even when the world finds out and scorns us, we wouldn't care. We're not exactly people-pleasers, are we? We are murderers and killers. They can go fuck themselves for all I care, I'm not following some rules made by the prude masses who can't mind their own business. Why should they care who I sleep with? Next argument?"
"There's no future for your relationship. You can't ever marry each other. You can't even make a proper family since your children will most of the time die in childbirth or come out defective." Lily snapped, his cool smug tone only inflaming her rage.
"We won't marry then. Who cares if we are married or not! We just want to be together. As for the matter of children, it's fine, we don't want them and even if we do for some odd reason, we can just adopt or something. There are millions of orphans who wouldn't mind getting adopted. So there goes your another argument. Next?" Harry shot back.
"You're just children! You don't know what you'll want in your future! So just shut up and listen to your mother." Lily gave up on arguing and just straight up used her 'I am parent' card.
And that almost never worked against teenagers.
It didn't work now.
"Mum, calm down. Take a deep breath and think about your own position. We don't exactly need your permission, do we? If you're going to be against us, then we can just disappear right now. We don't really need you, do we? We are able enough to survive on our own and live without you. We can just leave the house if you want. We can leave you if you wish." Even as the words left his mouth, he felt his heart clench in pain. He knew his words would hurt her deeply, but for the moment, he too was beyond angry and unmindful of his poisonous words which would take root in her heart to never get uprooted.
Like an arrow, it struck her and injured her.
Her eyes filled up and all her anger vanished in an instant, she hunched over and hid her face in her hands, crying silently, her whole body shaking from her voiceless sobs.
A slap connected to Harry's face, courtesy of Iris, as she glared at him murderously. He wasn't even angry at her for this. He had deserved that slap.
Walking around the table, to their mother, she hugged her firmly. "He is a moron, mum. We still need you. And will always do. Funnily enough, he needs you the most. He is a mama's boy through and through. He's being just angry and stupid at the moment. Please forgive him. You know how much he loves you."
Harry too moved beside her and squeezed her shoulder. "I'm sorry, mum. Please don't cry. I just said it in the fit of anger. I'll never abandon you, I promise." His words were full of regret as he watched his dear mother cry her eyes out.
"Fine. Have your way, children. But I have one condition. And if you've ever loved me for once then you'll agree to it." She said, wiping her tears and looking at them gently with red rimmed eyes.
"What is your condition, mum?" Harry asked, taking her hand in his and squeezing it between his palms, drawing a small tired smile from her.
"1 month, Iris. Wait one month and see if your desire is really a true one or just a side effect of your sudden growth. In this time, examine your feelings for your brother and see if you really want to love him in that way and mar your heartwarming platonic relationship." She requested, sending a pleading look at her daughter.
Iris sighed but nodded. "Fine. I'll do that. But what about Harry? He can't exactly wait a month."
"Leave him to me. He's my son and my responsibility. I'll have sex with him until you are ready. I don't want you to jump into his bed just because he needs it. I want you to consider your own wants and desires. You shouldn't have sex with someone just because the other party wants it. Don't spoil your first time." Lily announced, silencing both of them, causing them to go into stupor.
Iris was itching to argue. She was overflowing with unquenchable jealousy and possessiveness. She didn't want Harry to have sex with anyone. He was hers . She wanted only herself to be allowed to touch him, to kiss him and make love to him. And yet she nodded, knowing that they had put their mother through enough pain. "Okay."
"Good. Go to your room, Iris. And Harry, come to my room." Lily ordered, standing up and leaving the kitchen without another backward glance.
Iris sighed, sharing a depressed look with Harry and kissed him quickly on the lips, before following her mother's instruction and leaving him be.
When Harry stepped into her room, she was already in the middle of undressing herself.
Her robes laid on the floor, pooled around her feet. She was unclipping her bra as he closed the door behind him. Her shapely long legs were uncovered for his eyes. He walked around her and sat on the edge of the bed, facing her.
She barely glanced at him, her bra falling on the ground.
"You know, mum, it's my first time too. If you're just going to do it with that sad frustrated face, then just don't do it. I still think my idea with the undead is the right one. They won't look at me as if I am some disease, they would instead look up at me with adoration and feel blessed to get my attention." He sighed, as his mother pulled down her knickers and flung it in the corner of the room.
She stiffened at his accusation, her anger dissipating with guilt shimmering in her emerald eyes. "I am sorry, Harry. In trying to protect Iris, I forgot that you too were forced into this. I apologise. I'm not even angry at you, baby. I'm just disgusted by these circumstances. On one hand, I'm grateful to the Creator for saving us from the tragedy of becoming slaves. But on the other hand, I'm crossed with him for indirectly coercing you into this."
Harry offered her a helpless smile. "That's exactly how I feel about him, mum. I'm grateful to him for everything that he did for me, but I also hate him for all of his manipulations."
She shared his smile, walking to him and standing near him.
She placed her hands on his shoulders, squeezing them, and said, "As for why I'm so against the idea of you using your undead in that way, I just don't want you to develop toxic habits. As you have said, the undead adore you, they won't say no to anything, and you being new to sex might do something bad and cruel, thinking it a normal practice.
"I'm here to teach you safely and guide you through it. I don't trust anyone other than me for this job. It has to be me, however much I dislike it. Thankfully, this will prepare you enough to make Iris' first time a little easier and more pleasurable. It is a fool's hope to even think that Iris would turn back from her path. You both are too stubborn to heed my warning. The least I can do is ensure that when you both have sex, it'll be fun and a lot less torturous."
As she explained this, she slowly took off his shirt and jeans, dropping them on the ground, grazing his skin with her fingertips, leaving him just in his underwear.
She smiled coyly at the tent pitched in his briefs. "You can start, Harry. Do what you want, I'll help you through it."
Harry breathed heavily and nodded, his cheeks red and his chest heaving. "Sit in my lap."
She said nothing and climbed into his lap. Her naked pussy pressing into his hardness and her legs folded under her knees on either side of his hips.
Harry gasped as her weight settled onto him. Her heat was pooling on his crotch, making him throb with want. He enclosed her into his arms, locking his hands behind her back and pulling her tightly against him.
He almost came as her warm core slid over his boner.
Her bare breasts were flushed against his upper chest, as she squashed herself against his front.
"Kiss me." He mumbled in daze. Because for the first time in his life, his goddess was naked and in his lap.
He had dreamed about this hundreds of times. But for once, the reality was too dreamy, and the dream too hollow.
"Good. Starting with a kiss shows that you are not here for just sex." She smiled with a hint of pride, lowering her lips over his, exhaling, yet not touching him. "Start slowly with a close mouthed kiss, and then part your lips a little."
She whispered huskily over his mouth, giggling at the glassy adoring look in his eyes, forgetting that she wasn't supposed to enjoy this.
"Kiss me!" He repeated, a little desperately, hugging her tightly, his breath blowing over her lips and causing a shiver to run down her spine. She smiled amusedly and met his mouth with hers.
It was just a peck which then graduated into a slow languid kiss. Lily cupped his face and kissed him lovingly, guiding him here and there, trying to better his skill.
Harry was in heaven, the sensation of his mum's soft lips on his was more sensual than he could have ever imagined. He ran his fingers up and down her spine, their kiss heating up and her lips opening a little. He fit his upper lip between her lips and let her suck him, while he sucked her plump lower lip.
She didn't complain when in the haze of lust, he took her tits, squeezing them between his fingers, losing himself in the pleasure, and in her beautiful flesh. His boner tingled underneath her and trembled helplessly, wanting nothing more than to cease this torture and spurt out the pressure.
Soon, their tongues got involved and for the next five minutes, they snogged wantonly while Harry groped all over her body. By the end of it, there was not a single spot of her skin which didn't get his attention. From her heels to her fingers, Harry touched her everywhere, almost feverishly, and too greedily.
Her breasts were unworldly, her arse was to die for and her lips, oh her lips, which were moving and mashing, sliding and rolling, sucking and blowing, were in the forefront of his mind, taking away his freedom to think coherently and clouding his brain with love and pleasure.
He fondled her arse cheeks, mauling and pulling them while he familiarised himself with her sweet mouth. But soon, she pulled back, her cheeks coloured red and her mouth dripping saliva. She shot him a salacious smirk and moved away.
His face showed his displeasure and disappointment, but she didn't stay. She rolled her eyes at his impatience and kissed him quickly, but with an assuring strength, before sliding down and dropping onto her knees.
His eyes widened and his heart thumped in excitement as she wiggled her fingers inside the band of his underwear and took it off, throwing it on the growing pile of the clothes.
"Stand up." She commanded. He did. This was his first time, he was fine with letting her take control for now. But from tomorrow, he would show her who was the master in the bedroom.
Keeping his thoughts to himself, he stood up and looked down at her.
Her silky red hair flowed down her shoulders in two streams, hiding most of her breasts. Seeing the need in his eyes, she gathered her hair and threw it behind her, baring her hanging boobs for his viewing pleasure.
Her round gravity defying mounds, topped with big circular pink areolas and stiff nipples. He didn't think he would ever find another pair of tits better than this one.
His cock sprang up excitedly as he glanced down at the sexiest woman, who herself was looking up at him with lustful eyes. She smiled at him slyly. This smile held a great promise for a good time.
She settled on her knees and placed her arms on his hips, balancing herself. Then she kissed the tip before swallowing the head of his cock. She sucked on it hard, swirling her wet tongue around his dick.
Harry moaned, reaching down to touch her breasts.
And just like that, in the first half of the minute, he squirmed and emptied his balls into her mouth, filling her throat with his cream, spasming and panting. He curled his fingers at his sides and tried not to fall from the sensation overload.
She gulped it down like a pro and looked up at him with smug satisfaction. She stood up on her unsteady feet, offering him an affectionate smile as he took her arms, steadying her.
She chuckled as his hands found her tits. There was no need to question what part of her body he liked the most.
"You are still hard." she grinned, wrapping her nimble fingers around his length, giving it a couple of strokes. She gasped when he pinched her pronounced nips. "It is time to take the last step. Come on, follow me."
She climbed up the bed, her arse cheeks moving seductively as she crawled into the bed. He was sure the exaggerated movements of her arse weren't natural and that she did it to entice him.
She needn't have because he was already roaring to fuck her.
She laid down on her back and spread her legs invitingly, baring her hairless pink lower lips.
Harry didn't need more motivation and he joined her in the bed, kneeling between her legs, pulling her arse in his lap and pushing into her.
She moaned loudly, taking him into her warm embrace as he began moving with long slow thrusts, burrowing through her tight walls.
Their lips met again in a tender kiss while their hips rolled against each other.
After they did it three more times, Harry was satisfied.
"Would you mind if I cuddle you or do you want me to go?" He asked, hovering over her as his flaccid cock slumped on her groin.
She caressed his face, her mouth curving in a tired satisfied smile, her thumb brushing against his lips. "Good. Remember this desire. No one likes their partner to go away as soon as they are done fucking. For some, the cuddling after the sex is more precious than the main act itself. Come, lie down. Big spoon or small spoon?"
"You have always been the big spoon. I want to be the big spoon today." He answered, tracing his finger over her skin, through the valley of her breasts.
She nodded and turned on her side.
Harry laid beside her on his side. He moved closer until he was hugging her from behind. His arm snaked around her waist, resting on her stomach, and his crotch pressed into her butt. He buried his face in her hair and released a content sigh.
"I love you." Harry mumbled, moving her hair so he could kiss the nape of her neck. But then he started nibbling on her shoulder.
"I know, sweetie. I love you too." She smiled, wiggling her bum against his crotch.
"If you keep doing that, something will happen." He hissed as she clenched his soft cock between her arse cheeks.
"Something will happen, no matter what. You're just too active to rest while a naked beautiful woman is in your bed." She laughed as he guided his shaft into her.
Lily lied relaxed, letting him do all the work as he spooned her and gently moved inside her.
This time they weren't in any hurry and his movements were torturously slow and sluggish. Lily grinned as he grabbed her breast, fondling it and pulling on her nipple.
Even as Harry lost himself again in the body of the most beautiful woman, Isis interrupted his calm state of his mind.
Such a manipulator, Harry. You finally got what you wanted. Now, you can have both your mother and sister.
'What're you saying? I'm not a manipulator. I didn't lie a single time.'
Ha! You forget that I know all your thoughts. You didn't lie, but you used the truth to get what you wanted. It wasn't a rash move to reveal about your [Lustful] trait. And it was definitely a calculated move to mention you having sex with undead. You knew Lily would never allow you to do it. You knew she would offer herself to keep you from choosing bad alternatives.
'I don't know what you're talking about. If you're saying that I manipulated this situation to get into my mum's knickers then you are wrong.'
I see. It seems this wasn't a conscious manipulation, but a subconscious one. Don't worry, Harry. I am not judging you. Manipulation is everywhere and in every action. You didn't do anything that everyone else doesn't do every second.
'Will you shut up? This is the wrong time to show your philosophical side. I'm in the middle of something.'
Rather in the middle of someone, I would say. Fine, I will stop bugging you, so you can go back to shagging your mum.
Harry grunted in both pleasure and acknowledgement, shooting another burst of semen into her.
Yet, he was still hard.
"Mum, can you lie on your knees and elbows? I want to do it from behind."
Lily rolled over her stomach and rose to her knees with her arse in the air. "Go on then."
Harry moved behind her, admiring the perfect shape of her butt before sliding back into her.