The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 158 – Blessing

[303 AC – Dragonstone – A Few Months After the War of Dawn]

The Northern Princess was nervous as Jaehaerys continued to guide her towards the cliffside where they were supposed to find 'him', his hand holding onto hers tightly and somewhat managing to calm her down a bit.

Sansa knew that her love had brought her here because 'his' approval meant everything to him, which only worsened the anxiety she felt pooling in her stomach.

She still remembered the Red God saving Jaehaerys and Talisa a few months back, and while her impression of the divine being had changed due to this seemingly benevolent side of his, the young princess knew that impressions could deceive.

Sansa also didn't dare to believe for a moment that she could comprehend the thoughts and intentions of a god.

At this point she just hoped that he would give them his blessing like her brother Robb had done, so Jaehaerys and she could marry and become husband and wife, belonging to each other in the eyes of Kings and gods.

Pulling her long cloak tighter around her lithe womanly figure as another salty breeze swept passed them, Sansa's gaze turned to the side and landed on Jaehaerys for a moment, observing his strong figure and sharp features while their fingers were still entwined with each other.

The way his long black locks were bound in a braid by her own hands with just a few strands hanging free and framing his face, as well as the indomitable spirit shining in his crystal eyes, enchanting and captivating her.

All of it made her forget her surroundings as she moved closer to him and used her other hand to grab onto his forearm lightly, her slender fingers brushing over the light leather armor he wore.

"You don't have to be anxious, Sansa. He is not a man you impress with etiquette or posturing.", Jaehaerys voiced out as he gave her a reassuring smile, "Respect and honesty are the only things he really cares about. It's impossible to lie to him without him knowing, so it only serves to anger him."

"Mhm.", Sansa hummed in acknowledgment, as she inquired, "What about Lady? Was it a good idea to bring her with us?"

She turned her head to watch her lovely companion walk beside her with graceful steps, her dainty movements doing her name justice. Lady's bright yellow eyes shone with affection and trust as she turned to lock eyes with Sansa for a moment.

Letting out a small laugh, Jaehaerys replied: "What? Do you think he will be intimidated by a single direwolf, or be offended by her presence?"

"Phenex is bonded to a dragon himself, he understands the wish to be close to your bond. In fact, Sapphire hardly ever leaves his side as she is able to control her size with his help. She only does so to play with Allyria, Phenex' daughter.", he explained.

The young dragonrider had told her a few things about the Red God over the last few days while they had traveled to Dragonstone, but Sansa was still not quite able to wrap her head around the fact that 'he' had a child and wife like a normal man.

Finally turning around the corner of the stone path, her gaze was drawn to the lone figure standing at the edge of the cliff, clothed in nothing but a dark linen tunic and a pair of pants from the same material despite the chilly air and fast winds.

What caught her eyes was the small draconic silhouette clinging to the figure's back, the brilliant sapphire-coloured scales made for a stark contrast to the black tunic.

Arriving a few steps behind the man, the Northern Princess fought hard to suppress her trembling limbs, a knot of anxiety building in the back of her throat. Jaehaerys was quiet as they waited for the Red God to acknowledge their presence.

How is the breach?”, a smooth voice sounded out, a slight rasp to it.

"Good, everything is going according to plan.", the young dragonrider answered calmly, "Kinvara is still in the North with Thoros, making sure that nothing goes wrong during the establishment of the trading outpost."

"The walls closing up the breach and housing the trading outpost have already been finished and the wildlings that had attempted to invade or stay in the North have either been executed or expelled. Those who have been peaceful in their attempts to stay have been recruited by the Red Temple, and even into a few Northern households."

"Amongst them is a close confidant of the King-Beyond-the-Wall, a woman named Val. Kinvara personally recruited her into the temple as a priestess. Mance Rayder on the other hand kept his word and went back North with those that followed him."

Jaehaerys ended his report as Phenex hummed in acknowledgment and turned around, his violet eyes taking in his visitors, a slight smile on his lips.

His gaze falling on the direwolf at the side, the Red God's smile widened imperceptibly as he reached out with his hand, and Lady, much to Sansa's shock and disbelief, happily stepped forward to press her lithe form against the god's palm.

Whining cutely and yipping joyfully as Phenex brushed through her beautiful fur with gentle fingers, Lady did not seem like the demure direwolf the Northern Princess had raised but more like an easily excitable puppy, which left Sansa more than speechless.

"What a beautiful girl you are, and so well-mannered.", the Red God praised, before turning his gaze towards the young princess, "I have met her mother and promised her to take care of her pups. You have my thanks for taking such good care of her, Sansa Stark."

Shaking off her momentary daze, Sansa replied respectfully with a surprised expression, a small frown on her face.

H-her mother … “, pausing for a moment to shake her head sadly, she continued, “She died to a stag after giving birth to five pups, my Lord.”

Six. She gave birth to six pups, though the last one was overlooked by your father and brothers.”, Phenex stated, “I brought her back to life and reunited her with the sixth pup. And I promised her to protect her other children before sending her on her way. It's why I had Melissandre save Lady from the Cersei Lannister's spite.”

T-this … I- … “, Sansa stumbled, unsure how to answer as she remembered the events of that day with clarity.

It had been the day that had marked the start of her loss of naivety and innocence, as she had been shown the cruel and deceitful nature of Joeffrey and the former Queen.

Sansa had also been wondering about the reasons for the Red Priestess' intervention often over the last few years, but she had never expected to find her answer this way.

The fact that Phenex admitted so easily that he had brought someone back to life had her somewhat rattled, though Jaehaerys had already told her about his grandmother and siblings.

The urge to beg the god before her to bring back her father and mother was still great though, despite her love's warning to not ask for such as it was not a request the Red God enjoyed granting.

T-thank you, my Lord.”, the Northern Princess finally managed to voice out respectfully, bowing lightly as she did so.

"It's fine. I promised her mother after all.", he replied with a calm smile, petting the happy direwolf one last time while the small dragon climbed up his shoulder and stared curiously at the wolf and the princess.

You came here to ask for my blessing, did you not Jaehaerys?”, Phenex suddenly asked, causing Sansa to be taken aback for a moment before a slight blush climbed up her neck and cheeks.

Jaehaerys though seemed to have expected the question, as he straightened his back before going down on one knee, the Northern Princess hurrying to follow suit.

"I have, my Lord.", the dragonrider replied calmly as he looked up at the Red God with determination in his eyes and strength in his voice.

Smiling lightly, Phenex extended his arm to the side as Sapphire climbed down into his palm. The next moment he turned around and sent the small dragon down the cliff with a wave of his hand, causing Sansa to almost cry out in shock as she stared at the dark-haired god's back anxiously.

The Red God's next words though threw her off her shock.

"You have it – my blessing.", he voiced out lightly before flames wrapped themselves around his figure and he leaned forward, letting himself fall off the cliff.

Wide-eyed, Sansa was prepared to rush towards the cliff as Jaehaerys' voice rang in her ears, the dragonrider stepping up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist with a reassuring smile, joy dancing in his eyes.

"Look closely, my love. You don't want to miss this.", he whispered, and not a moment later loud rumbles shook the cliffside before two massive figures rose from beyond it.

A giant scaled claw suddenly came down on their right side, piercing through earth and stone with no resistance, while belonging to the most magnificent dragon she had ever seen, brilliant sapphire-coloured scales covering its form as bright draconic eyes stared down at her.

Immaterial flames making up its whole figure, its tailfeathers being made from azure flames, a mountainous phoenix had appeared on their left side, its bright violet eyes gazing down at them warmly.

"KKYYYYAAAA!", a long heart-rendering cry erupted from the phoenix, the sound reminding of hidden beauty and deep sadness, causing silent tears to fall from Sansa's eyes.

Turning its long neck away, the blazing creature took off at the same moment, its flaming wings carrying it away with ease, the great sapphire dragon letting loose a loud screech as it followed behind closely.

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