The Perfectionist

Ch. 4 Pushing The Boundaries

It had been a week since that day in the bathroom Elly had gotten a lot clingier, and if I’m being honest it was starting to get to me. I knew she was my sister, but constantly having her press herself against me was taking its toll. Right now was one such moment. 


“Hmmm. Welcome home.” Elly said as soon as I came through the door. It’s like she was waiting for me to come home because she would be there as soon as the door opened. As soon as the door was closed her arms wrapped around me. This had become her typical ‘greeting’ something I don’t remember her ever doing at home. Blue eyes looked up at me expectantly untilI returned her gesture. She hummed happily and nuzzled against me. 


That brings me to another problem, she wore as little as possible around the house. Right now she wore a thin tank top and short shorts that offered a generous view of her long slender legs. Yeah, I’d looked too. A man can only have so much self control. 


The current embrace had already gone on for nearly two minutes so I spoke up. 


“Umm. Elly you can let go now.” I said pulling away from her, which wasn’t easy. She’d ambushed me with my back to the door after all. Reluctantly she released me and turned toward the kitchen. I couldn’t help but steal a glance of her hips as they swayed. Jesus Christ. I needed to get a girlfriend. When I looked up I saw her looking over her shoulder with a smirk. 


That was another problem, she seemed to relish in all of the attention. It felt like some of the stuff that happened was intentional. She’d ‘accidentally’ leave her door open when she was changing. She’d lean over in front of me at just the right angle so I could see down her shirt. 


She was always around too, she’d taken early classes so she was out of class by the time I got home from work. I was really hoping she’d make some friends or join a club soon because it felt like she spent all of her time with me. She’d even invaded my gaming room so she could read or watch me play games. I never understood what she got out of that, but she insisted she enjoyed it. 


To sum it up, it had only been a week since she arrived and I was already starting to lose my composure. I thought something like this would happen, but I thought it would be because she was annoying. No, the biggest problem I had with Elly living here was my own dick. She’d even started cooking, and she was immediately better at it than me. 


I followed her into the kitchen and I was ambushed with the rich scent of tomato sauce and cheese. It instantly made my stomach growl. 


“I made a pizza.” She said happily and bent over to check the oven. I quickly averted my eyes. I couldn’t risk another glance. 


“It smells good. Thanks for cooking again.” I said sitting down at the table. It smelled like it was getting pretty close to done by now. “You know Elly. You don’t have to hang around here every day. School just started so this is probably your best chance to make some friends.” She frowned and plopped down in the seat beside mine. 


“Hmm. I’ve talked to some people, but nobody I really wanted to hang out with. Besides, I like hanging out with you. There’s still a lot of books for me to read in the game room, and it’s nice and quiet here.” She said resting her head in her hands. She stared at the TV which was quietly playing some show I’d never seen before. 


“Come on, they can’t be all bad. Maybe there’s some boys that have caught your eye?” She gave me a sour look. 


“Mom said I can’t bring boys here.” She retorted. 


“C’mon I wouldn’t tell, and if he tries anything I’ll be here to toss him out. And unlike you I’ve never tattled to mom.” This topic seemed to make her uncomfortable. 


“I don’t want to. Just drop it okay.” She huffed. Things got a little awkward after that. I guess that had set her off. I wondered why, maybe Elly was into girls? That’s something that certainly wouldn’t sit well with our parents. They were pretty rigid conservatives. 


“Elly if… you know umm… you don’t like boys that’s okay too.” I tried. She furrowed her brows and stood. 


“Isaac… ugh no. It’s not that. It’s just…” Her face suddenly turned red and she looked at me. “Those other boys aren’t what I’m looking for.” Then she abruptly spun and pretended to check on the pizza again even though it had only been a few minutes. I decided to drop the subject, and she didn’t bring it up either. That was until later that night. 


I was getting ready for bed when I heard a soft knock on the door. 


“Yeah? What’s up?” I answered and walked toward the door. It opened before I got there. Elly was standing there in her pajamas, which were somehow more modest than the clothes she’d been wearing earlier in the day. That was probably because I kept it quite cool in the apartment. She’d complained about it before, but I wouldn’t budge on this. 


“Hey… Can I come in?” She said, peeking around me to look into the room curiously. I hadn’t let her in here before this point so that made sense. This was my sanctuary after all. I wanted to tell her no, but the serious look on her face dissuaded me from doing so. Letting her in couldn’t hurt (yes it could). 


“Yeah yeah. Was there something you wanted to talk about?” I said sitting down on my bed. She joined me. She sat close enough that our thighs touched. Thankfully she wasn’t wearing those shorts from earlier. I thought to myself while she stared at her lap and fidgeted with her hands. 


“Yeah… I’m sorry about getting mad at you earlier.” She started. I shook my head. 


“Nah. It’s okay. I thought about it and I was being pretty rude.” I chuckled but that didn’t seem to calm her down. 


“I have problems with boys Isaac. It’s not that I’m gay… it’s just I’m scared of them touching me.” She shivered. I cocked an eyebrow. I found that a little surprising, especially after this week. 


“I, um, did something happen?” I asked 


“No, but you said it yourself… how they look at me. I can’t get comfortable around them.” I nodded my head. 


“Ahhh. That makes sense then. Have you thought about what you’re gonna do about it? Just avoid men forever?” This wasn’t really a problem I’d ever considered. 


“Well… I do have some ideas.” Her face turned a deep shade of red after she said it. “I don’t mind if it’s you… so I thought we’d practice.” I furrowed my brow. 


“What do you mean by that?” 


“Well if I were to do some stuff with you. Maybe I could do it with others.” She wouldn’t look at me now. I was starting to get at what she was saying though. 


“What? Like the hugging?” 


“Yeah, and other stuff too.” She muttered while her hands dripped the hem of her shirt and gripped it tightly. 


“Like…?” She bit her lower lip and turned toward me for the first time since the conversation began. 


“Kissing…. Petting….” She leaned closer. My eyes were immediately drawn to her lips. They were pink and glossy. I immediately imagined what it would be like to kiss her, but thankfully my brain started working. 


“Wait wait wait. Elly you’re my sister.” 


“I know… but what else should I do? You know they were telling us about exposure therapy in class. I won’t tell…” Her dark blue eyes filled my field of vision now and her warm breath fanned across my lips as she talked. I swallowed and instinctively ran my tongue along my lips to wet them. It’s like she could see the hesitation in my eyes because she suddenly closed the gap between us. 


I’d kissed other girls before, none felt as good as her. Her lips were soft yet firm, and even just simply pressing them together sent tingles down my spine eliciting a rush of white hot arousal. I felt her shiver against me as well. That first kiss ended quickly, but my head was swimming. Elly’s eyes were locked on my lips and before I could recover- 


“Again.” She said and she was on me again. Before I knew what was going on I was laying on the bed with Elly straddling me. The first kiss I’d been stunned, but this time, God help me I kissed her back. That sent her into a frenzy. Her hands laced through my hair and she let her whole weight press against me molding her soft body to mine. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her down against me. She didn’t mind one bit and moaned softly into my mouth. 


I’d completely lost my reason, that was until I felt her tongue split my lips and push its way into my mouth. It surprised me enough for me to break off the kiss. I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed. She resisted, but eventually we separated. She was panting, her lips were red and swollen from our efforts. Her eyes were glazed over with desire, but eventually they regained their focus. 


“I’m sorry Isaac… I just. I-” She moved to get off of me but I grabbed her arm. 


“It’s okay Elly. You just surprised me is all… Do you really think this will help you with your problem?” She looked confused for a second, but suddenly nodded her head. 


“Yeah. Yeah… that’ll help. That’s what they said in class. If we do this enough surely…” Her eyes were on my lips again but she shook her head and continued. “Yeah, this will definitely work.” She said. I nodded. I didn’t want to admit I wanted to do it again because I’d actually liked it, not even to myself. So I convinced myself it was all for her. That was the beginning of our spiral into the abyss. After all once you’ve done something once doing it again becomes much much easier. 

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