The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 22 - Ten petals peach

Yichuan Hanxing invited me to join the team. Only two of us were on the team.

I followed him and walked towards the elite copy npc. On the way, as long as players pass by us, they will stop to take a look, or simply follow us for a short walk, making me creepy.

Then we both entered the copy together. There was a stream of Hanxing, and each copy naturally cleared extremely quickly, so I followed the symbolic fight. Every time you play a boss, you will see the following prompt:

Yichuan Hanxing gave up the Lutian chain.

Yichuan Hanxing gave up the Blood Shadow Pearl.

Yichuan Hanxing gave up the light armor.

[Team] The beauties: Well, Boss Han, why did you give up … I’m just a trumpet, just play.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Keep it for you.

[Team] Pian Pian Pian: Thank you, but if you need, don’t give up.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: I need to be cute, so I won’t give up.

[Team] The beauties: Piss, puppet at this time.

At this time, I brushed up to the final level of the copy, and I just typed and accidentally hung up.

[Team] The beauties: Well, the girl has been strangled by the demon tiger.

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: Wait in the corner.

Then, I hid in the corner and watched the ultimate boss in the 10-man elite copy. It’s also a minute away and everything belongs to me.

It turns out that lying is so cool …

After playing, Yichuan Hanxing said that he was asleep, and the character was standing beside the copy npc, which should be to close the game directly. A player passed by and said a word on the current channel: “Secretly take off the equipment and take a picture with the Yichuan Hanxing gangster …” It made me happy for a long time.

The photo was taken without the equipment, because there is a probability that the equipment will be dropped if killed by the player. When Yichuan Hanxing had just reached the top of the northern boundary, many people were not convinced and fought openly with him in the wild. He took an unusual position, and often a magic blade extinct killed everyone in his eyes. At first, many life players had a shadow on this, but they became used to it over time. He was also killed by accident. Wait until Yichuan Hanxing and the enemy are killed here, and then resurrect silently to continue fishing and chopping firewood.

Therefore, the nickname of the devil is true.

I slept happily for one night, and the next day I got up, I was turning on my computer to log in to the game, and received a call from my uncle.

The uncle sounded anxious: “Pinacious, the detention center said that your father had hypertension in it, and asked us to send him medicine. Although it sounded like it was intentional, it forced us to take out the money, but I always Very flustered. Then, Shi Tian ’s people asked, is your mother still in the United States? ”Shi Tian is focused on my dad ’s company.

“Let them die this heart. My mother and my dad have been divorced for so many years, and she has a new family, it is impossible to pay a penny for her ex-husband.” I gritted my teeth and said, “Don’t go too Contact my mom and don’t disturb her life. “

“Oh, okay … you are living alone now, take good care of yourself.”

“Uncle, don’t worry, I’m fine, no problem. No one can beat me down.”

After hanging up, I held my head and took a deep breath in front of the keyboard many times. Dad had high blood pressure … What if it was true? He always has a quick temper, and I’m so afraid that he will suffer in it, and his body can’t stand it …

I shook my head, kept myself calm, made a phone call to my grandma, and shivered for a while. Grandma was a smart woman all her life, but she still couldn’t hold her breath about her father’s affairs: “Pina, why haven’t your father called me lately?”

“Grandma, Dad is fine.” I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes and tried not to expose my nasal sound. “He didn’t contact you because he was still working on the company’s affairs. You know, Dad’s doing things like this. If he is not sure, he will not dare to contact you. “

“I knew something was happening to your dad. He had the good news to report to me as soon as possible. In fact, what’s the matter, I’m his mother …”

“Don’t worry, he can handle it.”

“Pinacious, you must take good care of yourself, not to be affected by this incident. Like you said, mother is not around, you and your dad. We all believe he can do well.”

“Well, do you have to say that, Mr. Hao is my idol. Grandma, don’t worry about our father and daughter.”

I hung up the phone with a smile and curled up on the swivel chair.

In fact, rest assured.

The seriousness of this incident is completely beyond my ability. I can only give grandma verbal comfort.

My favorite season has always been summer. Because in this season everything is warm and everything will be illuminated by the golden sun. But now looking out the window, the sun is just like a false veil, burning all the dust, old dreams, and grief into a short golden color. When the gold dissipates, nothing remains ashes.

I opened Taobao and bought some health products for my grandma. I looked at the shopping cart when I checked out, and I remembered that I had n’t bought anything for a long time. Most of the items in it were checked last year. I cleaned up the unwanted products, and saw three linked products when I pulled down: five 5 kg of environmentally friendly carbon, sleeping pills and red wine. Suddenly my heart was hollowed.

Looking at the window again, I remember …

My apartment is on the 24th floor. During the whole year of last year, I opened the window several times and looked down, breathing heavily. I don’t know what it will be like when I fall down, whether it will be in the news, it will hurt, and the final look is ugly … So later, I went to Baidu to search for the least painful suicide method, which is to burn coal.

“Du Hanchuan, from now on, I will exercise for an hour a day, do you know why?” I said to my first love boyfriend in high school.


“Because I want to take care of my body and live to be a hundred years old. Do you know why?”

“Why are you so many and why, because you want to cultivate into an old demon.”

“No. Because if I paint a picture in three days, I can paint 11,000 paintings in the next 85 years. I pick the best 100 out of this 11,000 paintings. Zhang took it out and you said, would it be me who is Da Vinci now? Hahahaha! “

I don’t remember what Du Hanchuan said at that time, I remember he smiled with a petite smile, rubbed my hair into a mess, and rubbed off all my hairpins.

Looking at the Taobao shopping cart now, I can’t believe I have done such a thing.

I actually wanted to end my life early.

In fact, it was not so hopeless at first. At the end of the previous year, I vaguely knew that my company was in a debt crisis, but it didn’t matter too much. Because of the income from painting, I can already be completely economically independent, and even after graduation I can go abroad to study by myself, no longer relying on elders. But at the end of the year, I received a notice from the court and learned that I was added as an executor, and the situation was getting worse.

I was added because I was a shareholder of the company. Six years ago, the company injected 120 million projects, just to pay the company an account. I accounted for 49% of the investment shares. But in the end I did n’t really invest money, so it was the same as if I had made a false capital injection and needed to fulfill the obligation to repay all creditors 58.8 million yuan.

After calculating the time, I was only six years old six years ago. It is impossible to participate in this kind of capital injection.

When we found the file, we found that the handwriting was Dad’s. He was busy working at the time. The agreement was given to him by the company’s vice president, my uncle. He signed and asked his uncle to inject capital, just to pay the company a bill. My uncle felt that since it was just a posting, there was no need to transfer such a large amount, so he didn’t really do it.

As a result, such a distant document was found out by Dad ’s largest private creditor, and sued me against it, asking Dad to pay off their debt first.

Chinese private enterprises have creditors, and most of the creditors are the state. This is the government’s benefit to entrepreneurs in order to develop the economy. This company was once a state-owned enterprise, but in the past few years it has become a private company, and the capital chain has broken, so it’s crazy to use all your wrists to force people to pay their debts.

In the past few years, the situation of the home company has been bad, and only slightly improved in the past two years. However, before the seedlings grow, they can’t wait to harvest, of course, nothing can be harvested.

If I want to get rid of these 58.8 million debts, I will either sue the Administration for Industry and Commerce or sue my father.

Of course, I could not choose the latter, so I went to the family to sue the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. However, the indictment was invalid because the signature had been in place for more than five years.

When desperate, Dad thundered and yelled at the head of this creditor company: “My daughter is still in college! Her life has just begun, are you still not human ?!”

“General Manager Hao, we understand your feelings as a father. After fulfilling your obligations, this matter naturally has nothing to do with Ling Qianjin.”

“The problem is that I have to get my money! Now that you killed me and sold it, there wasn’t so much money! It takes time for the operation of the company and the realization of the product, and you don’t give time to relax, how can I pay it back!”

“It’s simple, just turn the company’s debt into a private one, and use your real estate, car production, and personal assets as a guarantee.”

At that time, I hadn’t been defeated. I insisted on reading and painting seriously and told myself that you are Hao Chen’s daughter, a wolf-like woman, and you can’t be defeated by this little thing. Because of the spirit of frustration and courage, I also began to prepare for the examination of English major four and quasi-actuary.

However, it took less than two months to prepare for the battle. The grandfather died of myocardial infarction. Our elderly have always lived healthy and long lives. It was the first time in my life that I attended a funeral of a loved one. I was so distressed that day that my memory was broken into pieces. I just remember that paper money was dancing with snowflakes in the winter, and the tears in the sound of suona were stabbed on the face by the wind, watching the grandfather who was growing up pushed into the cremator, and when he came out, there was only a small group of bones. I also knew for the first time that the ashes were not a mass of ashes, but fragments of Bai Sensen’s bones.

After returning home, my knees were extremely painful. I rolled up my trousers and looked at them, leaving a large dark purple bruise. After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered that before my grandfather entered the crematorium, my mother, my aunt, and my uncle’s family all knelt on the ground and kicked out with their knees. But the heart of the whole family was broken, and I didn’t feel any pain.

Grandpa is the mother who loves most. A few days after the funeral ended, my mother became even more concerned about the country and soon returned to the United States. In those days, Zheng Feiyang told me that he wanted to be separated from me for a while. Because I’m too negative, the negative is a mess, and I can’t help the wall. Now when the family needs me to cheer up most, he can’t stand me so immature.

I said, my grandfather died, do you want me to be happy?

He said that grandfather is your mother’s father, not your father. You should not focus on the funeral, you should pay more attention to your father.

I said, we don’t agree with each other, so we don’t need to be separated temporarily, but forever.

He thought about it and said, ok.

A month later, he asked me to regroup. At that time, I had already given up the research, playing games, drawing and practicing, and my state was a little bit floating. Somehow, they agreed indiscriminately.

At the beginning of April, I was shopping in the supermarket. I could n’t use my bank card. I called the bank and asked. It turned out that the lawsuit was frozen and there were 800,000 deposits. Because of me, my father signed a personal asset to guarantee the company’s debt. Unequal treaty, but the other party is inconsistent.

I quickly contacted my nanny sister who took care of me in middle school, and told her that she wanted to open an account by her name, and took all the six million deposits in her small vault into cash, and deposited a part of it on her bank card.

But that company doesn’t end there.

They asked the court to send a notice to the publishing house and university that published my album, and seized all my manuscript fees and scholarships.

Because of this notice, the first signing of my life was cancelled. The “Soul of the Brush Tip-Hao Pian Pian’s Five Year Anniversary Album” was cancelled. Hearing these news from the publishing agent, the game company that originally intended to sign me as the chief game cg graphics artist abandoned the cooperation. The third album that is currently being released has changed from the previous eight to one. It is still a small online channel and the ground distribution is cancelled.

For a long time, I slept in tears every night. Every morning, my eyes are swollen. I remember one morning, I looked at myself who was swollen in the mirror with tears in my head and couldn’t stop exuding. I only said one thing to myself: Hao Pian Pian, you remember how uncomfortable you are now. If you can get through this one day, You must cherish everything you have more than ever.

Hou Manxuan, a girlfriend who was a singer, came to see me and gave me 300,000 cash unconditionally, holding me crying and comforting me for one night.

“Dad is really hard. He insists on his business empire, I insist on my artistic path, we have had a lot of friction, but in the end, we respect each other. I know, I know he really is not easy … if Without him, I would not be what I am today. Without his and my mother’s support, I wouldn’t be able to live as I want, and I would have created without any financial burden. I gave them everything, even if I earn a few more Hundreds of millions of dollars, I ca n’t pay off their upbringing. So, I never blame my dad, and I still appreciate him so far … but … “I ca n’t help it anymore, Tears burst into tears, “But Manman, my heart hurts too. My efforts for more than ten years are gone, and my heart hurts too.”

Hou Manxuan’s eyes were also red. She hugged my head, patted my back lightly, choked with a nasal voice, and said, “This kind of thing happened to you. If your parents know it, it will be worse than you. You are their baby, they must Be strong. “

“Uh, uh.” After I said it, I grabbed her by the corner and burst into tears.

Before, I dared to speak to her like this. In front of my dad, I always look indifferent. Because I know that Dad looks stronger than his mother. It looks like the pillar of the house, but the pressure is the greatest. Once the mother was unhappy, she would say it, but the father would only show the most indestructible side to the family.

Now that he has lost the support of his wife, his spiritual will is also shaky.

“I’m sorry for your mother.” He once sighed, “I haven’t even fulfilled my husband’s responsibility, so don’t talk about doing a big business. It’s okay.”

From receiving the notice from the court, to receiving the execution letter from the court, to the bank card being blocked, to not even being able to take a plane or train … By June 17, last year, I found that 800,000 on my bank card had been I swept away and cleared in one breath, and I finally collapsed-it was all my hard-paid manuscript fees, and it had nothing to do with the company at home.

But this is not the lowest point.

Last September, my father was brought to a detention center for refusing to perform a contract, and he has not yet come out. Family members said that they were willing to cooperate with the repayment, as long as they were released. A person in charge of Shi Tian said that unless the 530 million debts were paid off in one breath, reconciliation outside the court would not be considered. After negotiations, they reduced their requirements to 420 million. Therefore, the family wants to help, and they can’t help it.

Mom was abroad, and father lost contact.

I am the only one left in this world.

Therefore, these things will be added to the shopping cart.

After going to the psychiatric department of the hospital and finding out that I had depression, I submitted a suspension request to the school, concentrated on squatting at home to play games, and gradually felt anesthesia.

However, I also gradually forget what the world looks like.

I don’t know who Hao Pina is.

Occasionally passing by the mirror, I don’t know who the girl is inside.

I don’t know who respects the parents and the daughter who is extremely self-disciplined.

I don’t know who the well-known artist is sought after by thousands of fans.

I did n’t know who was happy to discuss with my boyfriend when she was married and when she had children.

I have only one identity left, Fengwu fluttering–in this world, I can be a nirvana phoenix and fly high.

As for me in the real world, although alive, I am dead.

I went to the game with an empty heart, and I received a lot of private messages from the beauty burst. She was anxious and angry, but there was only one theme: I posted 818.

The title of that post was “Taoyuan Green Tea King Wang Zhongwang Angrily Embracing the First Leg of the World”. I found the post in the post bar, and posted a screenshot of the private chat at the beginning. It was the former owner and Wanwanjiao:

The beauty was fluttering: “Well, Mu Lu, this big bad guy! If he doesn’t love me or spoil me, I will green him!”

Wan Wan Sauce: “Master, don’t worry, Master must love you alone …”

The beautiful woman flirted: “I don’t want anyone! If it’s not for him, I’ll be with my brother (the landlord draws an arrow note here:” Tianyuan Taoyuan List Five “). What’s wrong with him? woo woo woo woo……”

The text is as follows:

Before the top of the North Boundary and the Heaven and Earth Taoyuan Hezuo District, we all thought that a ghost zone like Tiandi Taoyuan would be swallowed up by the North Boundary in a minute. Unexpectedly, although the ghost area is a ghost, it is full of strange people. The heroine is the king of green tea, one of various strangers. Let’s call it Wang Zhongwang for short.

Before Wang Zhongwang was a **** body, she posted the 818 post here, poking: “Farewell, you are already someone else’s husband …”.

After reading the above post, you will find that the heroine had already had an emotional drama.

But if the world ’s Taoyuan Ghost Alchemy list is such a combination, it will fall out of the top ten poor sour ghost alchemy, can it satisfy her desire for attention? Satisfaction is impossible.

Therefore, Wang Zhongwang and Feng Wu Pianran have a “Pina” in their names, but they are on the opposite line of Pian Shen.

The male giant is not her strategic goal, but her goal.

When this goal is said, she will laugh at the head of most people who eat melon. After all, she is only a poor sour green tea king, and she does not even have her own high battle number. But to be fair, although the photos are ps, although they are poor, although they were born in the countryside, although the clothes in the space are all 29 Taobao discounts. .

With these two things, she is only a few million grandpas away from Feng Wuling.

In fact, before Yichuan Hanxing, although Wang Zhongwang was anti-green because of the green man, he also won the favor of a little brother Leng by refining the map again and again.

Through her little brother’s network, she hooked up with Yu Linglong and Yu Don’t Forget, successfully achieved class crossing, entered the first group, and became the most dedicated free training agent in history.

Leng’s younger brother is as powerful as her. It stands to reason that two people should be a match made in heaven. Why are they two so late?

It turned out that she liked the first grandpa of Tiandi Taoyuan, the man on the list.

If there is no joint area, sister Yu may inevitably be moved: if you want to live a good life …

But hit the He District, the first grandma can not satisfy her. So here comes the subject.

This time the actor 818 is someone you never thought of.

Speaking will scare everyone silly.

You brew it.

I said that.

This person is.

Yichuan Han Xinghan boss.

Surprised, surprised?

This man who broke the myth of Fengwu for a year and opened the new era of Taohua Wanjie will always be the man who appears in the fight post. This time it is emotional 818, and the object of the scandal is not Pina, but this King of green tea.

As we said before, King Wang Zhong is an aspiring king. She has long been ambiguous in Taoyuan, Tiandi, and wants to be the first woman in the uniform.

This sentence also succeeded in joining the district, and gave her rivals a loudspeaker to announce the whole district. The strong enemy hated her teeth, but did not know that she had already made the wedding dress for Wang Zhongwang holding the first leg of Wanjie.

Big Devil: Woman, you successfully caught my attention.

Wang Zhongwang: Plan through.

This is only the first floor, and it is somewhat similar to the actual situation. The post from the landlord was all a mess of fiction like a novel.

In the earliest screenshot posted by the landlord, although the former owner has suspicion of the Virgin Narcissist, I think it is even more hateful.

In fact, there is a lot of “black history” in the chat history between the former owner and Wanwan sauce, but even if I am the former owner, I will not disclose it because I have never been able to explode one-on-one without the permission of the other Chat history behavior. People who often send screenshots of chat records will pass a message to the spectators: this is a person who will expose friends ** at any time, not suitable for caring, beware. In the same way, the same goes for people who say bad things about friends. People with very good relationships never do such things that harm 800 or hurt one thousand.

Checked it out, the landlord is a gangster in red clothing, posted 818 regulars, and a few gossip sisters in Fengmeng League have a good relationship. Under her leadership, many follow-up comments appeared in the comments, such as:

“It’s worthless for Fengwu, she’s the one who matches Yichuan Hanxing.”

“Not worth it, not worth it at all!”

“It turned out that Boss Han was stubborn and beat this set. I knew I would have been thicker.”

“The eyes of the big bosses are really quite mysterious … maybe beautiful and powerful women see more and more tired.”

“I miss Miss Feng Wuling.”

Looking at the game again, it turns out that the world has become a mess.

[Speaker] Summer is cool: ha ha ha ha ha, the king of green tea teased me and smiled! Alas!

[World] Ning Xiaobai: Cool, I think you still need to say a few words, lest someone on behalf of the trainer get the name of the rain brother, you want to look good.

[World] Refreshing sweetheart: Although Yu Linglong thinks she is a little bit, she doesn’t look like a p girl. vomit.

[World] Mu Wan’s favorite Wanwan sauce: You see 818 is one thing, seeing the facts is one thing. White told me that Brother Han couldn’t possibly look after a woman, and wishful thinking would be written like that, and she also favored her. The relationship between Jiao Yi Jiao and Ruo Rujian has always been very good. We still have to protect Han Han’s reputation.

I ordered the vendetta and followed it up. Xia, Ning and Qing actually stayed together.

Fine, save me from running around.

System announcement: What a shame! The lady used the vendetta order to knock the summer cold out of the capital and ordered her to make three noises on the spot!

System announcement: What a shame! The girl used a vendetta to kill Ning Xiaobai outside Beijing and ordered her to make three noises on the spot!

System announcement: What a shame! The lady used a vendetta to kill the refreshing sweetheart on the outskirts of Beijing, and ordered her to make three noises on the spot!

[World] 500 million inspectors: Eat melon and eat melon, who said that Tianyuan Taoyuan is a ghost district, I think it is very passionate.

[World] Scissor legs explode your head: I feel that these girls are a little wide, but in fact, we are not so good at helping out and teaching in red.

The three of them were lying on the ground without moving. I was about to chase Wanwan sauce, and suddenly a figure fell from the sky. The wind and the sound of the trees outside the capital, a tree like a smoke, a man in a purple suit flew over the ten-mile red building in the city, with a special poison blade effect, the red name on his head was: Mu.

He sprinted towards me, and struck me four times with a poisoned blade. His transparent body was dazzling. I jumped twice to dodge the attack, released the control and cut the pet, returned blood for myself, put on a buff, and flew down to hit him with a series of combos, causing minimal damage. There is still a gap between him and his number.

He fought back and was dodged by me. I jumped three more times, hid in the tree, and waited for cd to pass. 5,4,3,2,1. Going down and throwing three rounds at him again, he was controlled by his backhand, and a set of strokes blew my blood. I went into a red screen and heard the drowning heartbeat. Seeing to be dead, it was time to release the control buff. After I unlocked, I slammed the keyboard jump key, strove to fly up, landed precisely on the thin branches, and took a wave of blood medicine, and finally escaped.

Mu Yan also jumped a few times, but the branch was too thin, he couldn’t stand, and came up and fell twice. This is a bu □□, hit me with a dive skill, he can only hit the trunk.

Mu Yan: “Aren’t you awesome? Hide something?”

Mu Wan’s favorite Wanwan sauce: “It’s all right, husband, I can help you.”

Wan Wan also followed, helping Mu Yi to fill up the blood, using Foyue’s long-range skills to shake me off the tree. At this time, Xia, Ning, and Qing also came back from the resurrection team, but they were still in the red at the gate of Beijing and ran towards us at the fastest speed. Mu Yan’s skills did not hit me twice. Wanwan sauce helped him slow down, and he finally caught me.

He struck again, and my bloodline dropped to drowning seconds.

With just one more knife, I will return to the West.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over the mulberry trees on the outskirts of the city. Bixiyu stirred up the shocking waves, and the phantom red wave also fell in front of him, hitting Muyu, Muyu’s favorite Wanwan sauce, and the cool summer, fresh sweetness, and Ning Xiaobai who just arrived near us.

Several ink fonts appear in the center of the screen: gray blood rain, broken!

Mu Yi’s blood was still about 20%, and the other four people all fell to the ground.

The red wave trembled, turned into a blood sword, and stabbed Mu Yan again.

Robbery gray blood rain · strike!

Mu Yan also fell to the ground.

System announcement: What a shame! Yichuan Hanxing used a vendetta to kill Mu Yi on the outskirts of Beijing!

After the announcement appeared, the silver-haired man in black fell slowly from the sky and blocked in front of me. There were both the god’s immortal wind bones and a hint of evil spirit.

The one chased by Yichuan Hanxing was Mu Yan, and everyone else was a collateral that had been smashed and killed.

[World] Refers to deer as deer: lying down, boss Han.

[World] Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei: Idols are on TV! Boss Han, do you have a base? I can attack but can be easily overthrown by gentle meekness.

[World] Beauty Explosion: Hahaha Hanima is so angry!

However, those people didn’t even resurrect, they lay on the ground and launched a horn collectively, and their attitude was much weaker than before the joint area:

[Speaker] Ning Xiaobai: Brother Han, you don’t care about white lotus. What is the good thing about white lotus? I used to be confused with Muyao in Taoyuan, Tiandi.

[Speaker] Refreshing sweetheart: Boss Han looks here, don’t care about the white lotus and green man, don’t have too many beautiful girls in our alliance, how do you like me?

[Speaker] Mu Yan: Boss Han, why do you want to be the pick-up man. Ugh.

[Speaker] Summer is cool: licking dogs licks to the last nothing! Even if your own reputation is bad, you still drag a river of cold stars into the water. Please look in the mirror to see yourself, what face to play with!

[Speaker] Mu Wan’s favorite Wanwan sauce: Han brother, this beautiful girl is really not a good girl. Obviously have cp, at the same time ambiguous with another boy brother and sister, also carrying cp to open a trumpet and marry another boy. A good girl is not like her. Such a girl is not worth your insult for her …

I thought Yichuan Hanxing wouldn’t ignore them. After all, he used to talk very little. He was not scolded when he first slaughtered the city. He never participated in any scolding battle.

However, I guessed wrong.

Not only did he return, he used the golden horn. Less words, people will not collapse.

[Trumpet] Yichuan Hanxing: bbnmb. Let’s break up again.

The world is quiet.

These people are also quiet.

A few seconds later, they were resurrected and disappeared from the map.

I hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn’t help telling my true thoughts: “Boss Han, you are a super god, how can you make a foul mouth ==.”

The author has something to say: “Peach Blossom Begins Pleasantly” is on the first list of the month, thank you for your support, and today I will give you the big fat chapter!

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