The Path of the First Villain's Counterattack

Chapter 52 Chapter 1

Sure enough, before he woke up, the captain's cold voice came to everyone's ears: "Who did this?"

Ye Yuebai turned to face the captain, with an arrogant expression on his face: "I did it, I tell you, my elder brother doesn't want to stay here anymore, if you are sensible, let my elder brother out quickly, or else...huh!"

Ye Yuebai's words were full of threats.

Su Xing next to him was full of tiredness, and didn't want to make any more excuses.

The captain raised his eyebrows, looked at Ye Yuebai, and sneered: "Oh? So, you guys want to run out from here?"

Ye Yuebai nodded: "That's right, you don't shit in this place, my elder brother doesn't like to stay here!"

The team leader nodded with a half-smile: "Okay, you still have some backbone! Go back and reinforce this door, and see how you break it!"

Now, everyone was charged with attempted escape, and the detention time was extended by one month.

Calculated in this way, the time of squatting in the bureau became two months.

Woke up and counted on my fingers, two months...

There are more and more!
Oh shit!

This damned Ye Yuebai, he has had enough, he will crush him to death if he has the chance!
"Congratulations to the host for successfully waking up again. Add 100 luck points to the current total of 450 luck points. Come on, host!"

Due to the extended time, a group of people were transferred to a nearby prison for guarding and staying with other prisoners.

Su Xing is full of aggrieved, damn, I have never encountered such an outrageous thing in my life!

When arranging accommodation in the prison, Ye Yuebai and Su Xing were assigned to a dormitory.

When Su Xing learned about this, he immediately expressed strong opposition: "I don't want to live in the same dormitory with Ye Yuebai, I apply to transfer Ye Yuebai away!"

Ye Yuebai next to him grabbed Su Xing's hand with an expression of emotion on his face: "Brother, you have come to this point, yet you are still so willing to think about me, in order not to hurt me, you would rather separate from me who you love the most, brother, your I will never forget your great kindness!"

Su Xing almost didn't bring it up in one breath: "You damn bastard, don't talk! Shut your mouth!"

Ye Yuebai's face was touched, and he stopped talking immediately, he was so moved that he hugged Su Xing and let out a humming sound.

"You big man, what are you talking about?" Su Xing really couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't contain his anger anymore, and yelled at Ye Yuebai.

Ye Yuebai raised his head, his face moved: "Brother, you are really my good brother! Your kindness, I will never forget it in my life!"

Su Xing didn't want to listen to Ye Yuebai's nonsense at all, he repeated to the warden that he wanted to separate from Ye Yuebai.

However, the warden looked suspiciously at the two sticking together, Ye Yuebai hugged Su Xing tightly with both hands, it didn't look like the bad relationship Su Xing said at all!

Afterwards, the warden rejected Su Xing's appeal and asked Su Xing to stay in the same dormitory with Ye Yuebai.

It will be more convenient for these two people to take care of them together.

Su Xing saw that her appeal was in vain, and full of disappointment came to her heart in an instant.

Damn it, is he unable to get rid of Ye Yuebai in this life?

Full of resentment, Su Xing and Ye Yuebai returned to the same dormitory.

Four people live in the dormitory, besides Su Xing and Ye Yuebai, there are two other prisoners, who are also Su Xing Mazi.

In the dormitory, Su Xing sleeps on the upper bunk, while Ye Yuebai sleeps on Su Xing's lower bunk.

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